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Base64 Encoding
[APR Utility Functions]


int apr_base64_encode_len (int len)
int apr_base64_encode (char *coded_dst, const char *plain_src, int len_plain_src)
int apr_base64_encode_binary (char *coded_dst, const unsigned char *plain_src, int len_plain_src)
int apr_base64_decode_len (const char *coded_src)
int apr_base64_decode (char *plain_dst, const char *coded_src)
int apr_base64_decode_binary (unsigned char *plain_dst, const char *coded_src)

Function Documentation

int apr_base64_decode char *  plain_dst,
const char *  coded_src

Decode a string to plain text

plain_dst The destination string for the plain text
coded_src The encoded string
the length of the plain text string

int apr_base64_decode_binary unsigned char *  plain_dst,
const char *  coded_src

Decode an EBCDIC string to plain text

plain_dst The destination string for the plain text
coded_src The encoded string
the length of the plain text string

int apr_base64_decode_len const char *  coded_src  ) 

Determine the length of a plain text string given the encoded version

coded_src The encoded string
the length of the plain text string

int apr_base64_encode char *  coded_dst,
const char *  plain_src,
int  len_plain_src

Encode a text string using base64encoding.

coded_dst The destination string for the encoded string.
plain_src The original string in plain text
len_plain_src The length of the plain text string
the length of the encoded string

int apr_base64_encode_binary char *  coded_dst,
const unsigned char *  plain_src,
int  len_plain_src

Encode an EBCDIC string using base64encoding.

coded_dst The destination string for the encoded string.
plain_src The original string in plain text
len_plain_src The length of the plain text string
the length of the encoded string

int apr_base64_encode_len int  len  ) 

Given the length of an un-encrypted string, get the length of the encrypted string.

len the length of an unencrypted string.
the length of the string after it is encrypted

Generated on Thu Sep 8 10:15:38 2005 for [Apache Portable Runtime APIs] - by  doxygen 1.4.4