Class Job

  • java.lang.Object
  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Job
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents a job on the IBM i server. In order to access a job, the system and either the job name, user name, and job number or internal job identifier need to be set. A valid and sufficient combination of these must be set before getting or setting any of the job's attributes.

    Some of the attributes have associated 'get' and 'set' methods defined in this class. These are provided for backwards compatibility with previous versions of the IBM Toolbox for Java. The complete set of attribute values can be accessed using the public constants.

    Note: Most of the 'get' methods will either go to the system to retrieve the job attribute value, or will return a cached value if the attribute was previously retrieved or previously set by setValue() or one of the other 'set' methods. Use loadInformation() to refresh the attribute values from the system.
    For example:

      Job job = new Job(system, jobName, userName, jobNumber);
      while (job.getStatus().equals(Job.JOB_STATUS_ACTIVE))
          // Wait a while.
          // Refresh the attribute values.
      System.out.println("Job status is: " + job.getStatus());

    Note: Jobs created by SBMJOB tend to get cleaned-up immediately upon job completion (if no spooled files were created); whereupon getStatus(), getCompletionStatus(), and most other 'get' methods will throw an AS400Exception containing an AS400Message indicating "Internal job identifier no longer valid" (message ID CPF3C52). That exception should be interpreted as an indication that the job has completed.

    Note: To obtain information about the job in which a program or command runs, do something like the following:

      AS400 system = new AS400();
      ProgramCall pgm = new ProgramCall(system);
      pgm.setThreadSafe(true);  // Indicates that the program is to be run on-thread.
      String jobNumber = pgm.getServerJob().getNumber();
    (If the program or command is not to be run on-thread, omit the setThreadSafe() call.)
    See Also:
    JobList, CommandCall.getServerJob(), ProgramCall.getServerJob(), Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static int ACCOUNTING_CODE
      Job attribute representing an identifier assigned to the job by the system to collect resource use information for the job when job accounting is active.
      static java.lang.String ACCOUNTING_CODE_BLANK
      Constant indicating the accounting code is changed to all blanks.
      static int ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS
      Job attribute representing the active status of the initial thread of a job.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_DISCONNECTED
      Constant indicating that a job was disconnected from a work station display.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_ENDED
      Constant indicating that a job has been ended with the *IMMED option, or its delay time has ended with the *CNTRLD option.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_ENDING
      Constant indicating that a job is ending for a reason other than running the End Job (ENDJOB) or End Subsystem (ENDSBS) commands, such as a SIGNOFF command, an End Group Job (ENDGRPJOB) command, or an exception that is not handled.
      Job attribute representing the status of what the initial thread of a job is currently doing, when the active job status is ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_ENDED or ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_ENDING.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_HELD
      Constant indicating that a job is held.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_HELD_THREAD
      Constant indicating that a job is held due to a suspended thread.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_INELIGIBLE
      Constant indicating that a job is ineligible and not currently in a pool activity level.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_NONE
      Constant indicating that a job is in transition or is not active.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_RUNNING
      Constant indicating that a job is currently running in a pool activity level.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_STOPPED
      Constant indicating that a job has stopped as the result of a signal.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_SUSPENDED
      Constant indicating that a job is suspended by a Transfer Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) command.
      Constant indicating that a job is the suspended half of a system request job pair.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_BIN_SYNCH_DEVICE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a binary synchronous device.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to a binary synchronous device.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_CHECKPOINT
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of save-while-active checkpoint processing in another job.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_COMM_DEVICE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a communications device.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to a communications device.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_CONDITION
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting on a handle-based condition.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_CPI_COMM
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of a CPI communications call.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DATABASE_EOF
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting to try a read operation again on a database file after the end-of-file (EOF) has been reached.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level to try a read operation again on a database file after the end-of-file (EOF) has been reached.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DELAY
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a specified time interval to end, or for a specific delay end time, as specified on the Delay Job (DLYJOB) command.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DELAYED
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a specified time interval to end, or for a specific delay end time, as specified on the Delay Job (DLYJOB) command.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DEQUEUE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for completion of a dequeue operation.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in the pool activity level for completion of a dequeue operation.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DISKETTE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a diskette unit.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to a diskette unit.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DISPLAY
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for input from a work station display.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for input from a work station display.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_EVENT
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for an event.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_ICF_FILE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to an intersystem communications function (ICF) file.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_ICF_FILE_AND_ACTIVE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to an intersystem communications function (ICF) file.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_JAVA
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a Java program operation to complete.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_JAVA_AND_ACTIVE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for a Java program operation to complete.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_LOCK
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a lock.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_LOCK_SPACE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a lock space to be attached.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for for a lock space to be attached.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_MESSAGE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a message from a message queue.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_MIXED_DEVICE_FILE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a mixed device file.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_MULTIPLE_FILES
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to multiple files.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to multiple files.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_MUTEX
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a mutex.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_OPTICAL_DEVICE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to an optical device.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to an optical device.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_OSI
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an OSI Communications Subsystem operation.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_PRESTART
      Constant indicating that a prestart job is waiting for a program start request.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_PRINT
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for output to a printer to complete.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_PRINT_AND_ACTIVE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for output to a printer to complete.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_SAVE_FILE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of a save file operation.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of a save file operation.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_SELECTION
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a selection to complete.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_SEMAPHORE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a semaphore.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_SIGNAL
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a signal.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_TAPE_DEVICE
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a tape device.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to a tape device.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_THREAD
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for another thread to complete an operation.
      static java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_TIME_INTERVAL
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a time interval to end.
      Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for a time interval to end.
      Job attribute representing whether a job allows multiple user threads.
      static java.lang.String ALLOW_MULTIPLE_THREADS_NO
      Constant indicating that a job does not allow multiple user threads.
      static java.lang.String ALLOW_MULTIPLE_THREADS_YES
      Constant indicating that a job allows multiple user threads.
      static int AUXILIARY_IO_REQUESTS
      Job attribute representing the number of auxiliary I/O requests performed by the job across all routing steps.
      Job attribute representing the number of auxiliary I/O requests performed by the job across all routing steps.
      Job attribute representing how a job handles break messages.
      static java.lang.String BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_HOLD
      Constant indicating that the message queue holds break messages until a user or program requests them.
      static java.lang.String BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NORMAL
      Constant indicating that the message queue status determines break message handling.
      static java.lang.String BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NOTIFY
      Constant indicating that the system notifies the job's message queue when a message arrives.
      static int CCSID
      Job attribute representing the coded character set identifier used for this job.
      static int CCSID_INITIAL_USER
      Constant indicating that the CCSID specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
      static int CCSID_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating that the CCSID specified in the system value QCCSID is used.
      static int CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL
      Job attribute representing the character identifier control for a job.
      static java.lang.String CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL_DEVICE
      Constant indicating to perform the same function for *DEVD as on the CHRID command parameter for display files, printer files, and panel groups.
      static java.lang.String CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL_INITIAL_USER
      Constant indicating the CHRIDCTL specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running will be used.
      static java.lang.String CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL_JOB
      Constant indicating to perform the same function for *JOBCCSID as on the CHRID command parameter for display files, printer files, and panel groups.
      static java.lang.String CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the value in the QCHRIDCTL system value will be used.
      static int CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS
      Job attribute representing the IPv4 address of the client for which this system is doing work.
      static int COMPLETION_STATUS
      Job attribute representing the completion status for a job.
      Constant indicating that the job completed abnormally.
      Constant indicating that the job completed normally.
      static java.lang.String COMPLETION_STATUS_NOT_COMPLETED
      Constant indicating that the job has not completed.
      Job attribute representing whether or not the system issued a controlled cancellation.
      static int COUNTRY_ID
      Job attribute representing the country or region identifier associated with this job.
      static java.lang.String COUNTRY_ID_INITIAL_USER
      Constant indicating the country or region ID specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
      static java.lang.String COUNTRY_ID_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the system value QCNTRYID is used.
      static int CPU_TIME_USED
      Job attribute representing the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used.
      Job attribute representing the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used for processing data base requests across all routing steps.
      static int CPU_TIME_USED_LARGE
      Job attribute representing the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used across all routing steps.
      static int CURRENT_LIBRARY
      Job attribute representing the name of the current library for the initial thread of the job.
      Job attribute representing whether or not a current library exists for the job.
      static int CURRENT_SYSTEM_POOL_ID
      Job attribute representing the identifier of the system-related pool from which main storage is currently being allocated for the job's initial thread.
      static int CURRENT_USER
      Job attribute representing the user profile that the initial thread of the job for which information is being retrieved is currently running under.
      static int DATE_ENDED
      Job attribute representing the date and time when the job completed running on the system.
      static int DATE_ENTERED_SYSTEM
      Job attribute representing the date and time when the job was placed on the system.
      static int DATE_FORMAT
      Job attribute representing the format in which dates are presented.
      static java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT_DMY
      Constant indicating a date format of day, month, and year.
      static java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT_JULIAN
      Constant indicating a Julian date format (year and day).
      static java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT_MDY
      Constant indicating a date format of month, day, and year.
      static java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the system value QDATFMT is used.
      static java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT_YMD
      Constant indicating a date format of year, month, and day.
      static int DATE_SEPARATOR
      Job attribute representing the value used to separate days, months, and years when presenting a date.
      static java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_BLANK
      Constant indicating a blank is used for the date separator.
      static java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_COMMA
      Constant indicating a comma (,) is used for the date separator.
      static java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_DASH
      Constant indicating a dash (-) is used for the date separator.
      static java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD
      Constant indicating a period (.) is used for the date separator.
      static java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH
      Constant indicating a slash (/) is used for the date separator.
      static java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the system value QDATSEP is used for the date separator.
      static int DATE_STARTED
      Job attribute representing the date and time when the job began to run on the system.
      static int DBCS_CAPABLE
      Job attribute representing whether the job is DBCS-capable or not.
      static java.lang.String DBCS_CAPABLE_NO
      Constant indicating that the job is not DBCS-capable.
      static java.lang.String DBCS_CAPABLE_YES
      Constant indicating that the job is DBCS-capable.
      static int DECIMAL_FORMAT
      Job attribute representing the decimal format used for this job.
      static java.lang.String DECIMAL_FORMAT_COMMA_I
      Constant indicating a decimal format that uses a comma for a decimal point, a period for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero-suppresses to the left of the decimal point.
      static java.lang.String DECIMAL_FORMAT_COMMA_J
      Constant indicating a decimal format that uses a comma for a decimal point and a period for a 3-digit grouping character.
      static java.lang.String DECIMAL_FORMAT_PERIOD
      Constant indicating a decimal format that uses a period for a decimal point, a comma for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero-suppresses to the left of the decimal point.
      static java.lang.String DECIMAL_FORMAT_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the value in the system value QDECFMT is used as the decimal format for this job.
      static int DEFAULT_CCSID
      Job attribute representing the default coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for this job.
      static int DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME
      Job attribute representing the default maximum time (in seconds) that a thread in the job waits for a system instruction, such as a LOCK machine interface (MI) instruction, to acquire a resource.
      Job attribute representing the action taken for interactive jobs when an I/O error occurs for the job's requesting program device.
      Constant indicating a device recovery action that disconnects the job when an I/O error occurs.
      Constant indicating a device recovery action that disconnects the job when an I/O error occurs.
      static java.lang.String DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_END_JOB
      Constant indicating a device recovery action that ends the job when an I/O error occurs.
      static java.lang.String DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_END_JOB_NO_LIST
      Constant indicating a device recovery action that ends the job when an I/O error occurs.
      static java.lang.String DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_MESSAGE
      Constant indicating a device recovery action that signals the I/O error message to the application and lets the application program perform error recovery.
      static java.lang.String DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the value in the system value QDEVRCYACN is used as the device recovery action for this job.
      Job attribute representing the percentage of processing time used during the elapsed time.
      Job attribute representing the percentage of processing unit used for database processing during the elapsed time.
      static int ELAPSED_CPU_TIME_USED
      Job attribute representing the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) used during the elapsed time.
      Job attribute representing the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) used for database processing during the elapsed time.
      static int ELAPSED_DISK_IO
      Job attribute representing the number of disk I/O operations performed by the job during the elapsed time.
      static int ELAPSED_DISK_IO_ASYNCH
      Job attribute representing the number of asynchronous (physical) disk I/O operations performed by the job during the elapsed time.
      static int ELAPSED_DISK_IO_SYNCH
      Job attribute representing the number of synchronous (physical) disk I/O operations performed by the job during the elapsed time.
      Job attribute representing the total interactive response time for the initial thread (in hundredths of seconds) for the job during the elapsed time.
      Job attribute representing the number of user interactions, such as pressing the Enter key or a function key, for the job during the elapsed time for the initial thread.
      static int ELAPSED_LOCK_WAIT_TIME
      Job attribute representing the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the initial thread has to wait to obtain database, nondatabase, and internal machine locks during the elapsed time.
      static int ELAPSED_PAGE_FAULTS
      Job attribute representing the number of times an active program referenced an address that is not in main storage for the current routing step during the elapsed time.
      static int ELAPSED_TIME
      Job attribute representing the time (in milliseconds) that has elapsed between the measurement start time and the current system time.
      static int ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE
      Job attribute representing whether or not the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage at the end of a time slice or when entering a long wait (such as waiting for a work station user's response).
      static java.lang.String ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE_IGNORED
      Constant indicating that whether a job is eligible for purge or not is ignored because the job type is either *JOBQ or *OUTQ, or the job is not valid.
      static java.lang.String ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE_NO
      Constant indicating that a job is not eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage.
      static java.lang.String ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE_YES
      Constant indicating that the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage.
      static int END_SEVERITY
      Job attribute representing the message severity level of escape messages that can cause a batch job to end.
      static java.lang.String END_STATUS_CANCELLED
      Constant indicating that the system, the subsystem in which a job is running, or the job itself is cancelled.
      static java.lang.String END_STATUS_JOB_NOT_RUNNING
      Constant indicating that the job is not running.
      static java.lang.String END_STATUS_NOT_CANCELLED
      Constant indicating that the system, the subsystem in which a job is running, or the job itself is not cancelled.
      static int FUNCTION_NAME
      Job attribute representing additional information (as described by the FUNCTION_TYPE attribute) about the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread.
      static int FUNCTION_TYPE
      Job attribute representing the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_BLANK
      Constant indicating that the system is not performing a logged function.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_COMMAND
      Constant indicating that a command is running interactively, or it is in a batch input stream, or it was requested from a system menu.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_DELAY
      Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is processing a Delay Job (DLYJOB) command.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_GROUP
      Constant indicating that the Transfer Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) command suspended the job.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_INDEX
      Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is rebuilding an index (access path).
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_IO
      Constant indicating that the job is a subsystem monitor that is performing input/output (I/O) operations to a work station.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_JAVA
      Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is running a Java Vertual Machine (JVM).
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_LOG
      Constant indicating that the system logs history information in a database file.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_MENU
      Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is currently at a system menu.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_MRT
      Constant indicating that the job is a multiple requester terminal (MRT) job if the JOB_TYPE is JOB_TYPE_BATCH and the JOB_SUBTYPE is JOB_SUBTYPE_MRT, or it is an interactive job attached to an MRT job if the JOB_TYPE is JOB_TYPE_INTERACTIVE.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_PROCEDURE
      Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is running a procedure.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_PROGRAM
      Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is running a program.
      static java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_SPECIAL
      Constant indicating that the function type is a special function.
      static long INITIAL_THREAD
      Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job should be used when retrieving the call stack.
      static int INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY
      Job attribute representing how the job answers inquiry messages.
      static java.lang.String INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_DEFAULT
      Constant indicating that the system uses the default message reply to answer any inquiry messages issued while this job is running.
      static java.lang.String INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_REQUIRED
      Constant indicating that the job requires an answer for any inquiry messages that occur while this job is running.
      Constant indicating that the system reply list is checked to see if there is an entry for an inquiry message issued while this job is running.
      static int INSTANCE
      Job attribute representing the instance portion of the unit of work ID.
      Job attribute representing the count of operator interactions, such as pressing the Enter key or a function key.
      static int INTERNAL_JOB_ID
      Use INTERNAL_JOB_IDENTIFIER instead. The internal job identifier should be treated as a byte array of 16 bytes.
      Job attribute representing the value input to other APIs to increase the speed of locating the job on the system.
      static int JOB_DATE
      Job attribute representing the date used for the job.
      static int JOB_DESCRIPTION
      Job attribute representing a set of job-related attributes used for one or more jobs on the system.
      static int JOB_END_REASON
      Job attribute representing the most recent action that caused the job to end.
      static int JOB_LOG_OUTPUT
      Job attribute representing how a job log will be produced when the job completes.
      static java.lang.String JOB_LOG_OUTPUT_JOB_END
      Constant indicating that the job log will be produced by the job itself.
      static java.lang.String JOB_LOG_OUTPUT_JOB_LOG_SERVER
      Constant indicating that the job log will be produced by a job log server.
      static java.lang.String JOB_LOG_OUTPUT_PENDING
      Constant indicating that the job log will not be produced.
      static java.lang.String JOB_LOG_OUTPUT_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating that the value is specifed by the QLOGOUTPUT system value.
      static int JOB_LOG_PENDING
      Job attribute representing whether a job's log has been written or not.
      static java.lang.String JOB_LOG_PENDING_NO
      Constant indicating that the job log is not pending.
      static java.lang.String JOB_LOG_PENDING_YES
      Constant indicating that the job log is pending and waiting to be written.
      static int JOB_NAME
      Job attribute representing the name of the job as identified to the system.
      static java.lang.String JOB_NAME_CURRENT
      Constant indicating the job that this program is running in.
      static java.lang.String JOB_NAME_INTERNAL
      Constant indicating that the INTERNAL_JOB_ID locates the job.
      static int JOB_NUMBER
      Job attribute representing the system-generated job number.
      static java.lang.String JOB_NUMBER_BLANK
      Constant indicating a blank job number.
      static int JOB_QUEUE
      Job attribute representing the name of the job queue that the job is currently on, or that the job was on if it is currently active.
      static int JOB_QUEUE_DATE
      Job attribute representing the date and time this job was put on this job queue.
      static int JOB_QUEUE_PRIORITY
      Job attribute representing the scheduling priority of the job compared to other jobs on the same job queue.
      static int JOB_QUEUE_STATUS
      Job attribute representing the status of this job on the job queue.
      static java.lang.String JOB_QUEUE_STATUS_BLANK
      Constant indicating that this job was not on a job queue.
      static java.lang.String JOB_QUEUE_STATUS_HELD
      Constant indicating that this job is being held on the job queue.
      static java.lang.String JOB_QUEUE_STATUS_READY
      Constant indicating that this job is ready to be selected.
      static java.lang.String JOB_QUEUE_STATUS_SCHEDULED
      Constant indicating that this job will run as scheduled.
      static int JOB_STATUS
      Job attribute representing the status of this job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_STATUS_ACTIVE
      Constant indicating this job is an active job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_STATUS_JOBQ
      Constant indicating this job is currently on a job queue.
      static java.lang.String JOB_STATUS_OUTQ
      Constant indicating this job has completed running, but still has output on an output queue.
      static int JOB_SUBTYPE
      Job attribute representing additional information about the job type (if any exists).
      static java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_ALTERNATE_SPOOL_USER
      Constant indicating that the job is an alternate spool user job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_BLANK
      Constant indicating that the job has no special subtype or is not a valid job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_IMMEDIATE
      Constant indicating that the job is an immediate job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_MACHINE_SERVER_JOB
      Constant indicating that the job is an AS/400 Advanced 36 machine server job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_MRT
      Constant indicating that the job is a System/36 multiple requester terminal (MRT) job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_PRESTART
      Constant indicating that the job is a prestart job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_PRINT_DRIVER
      Constant indicating that the job is a print driver job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_PROCEDURE_START_REQUEST
      Constant indicating that the job started with a procedure start request.
      static int JOB_SWITCHES
      Job attribute representing the current setting of the job switches used by this job.
      static int JOB_TYPE
      Job attribute representing the type of job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_AUTOSTART
      Constant indicating that the job is an autostart job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_BATCH
      Constant indicating that the job is a batch job.
      static int JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED
      Job attribute representing the type of job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_AUTOSTART
      Constant indicating that the job is an autostart job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_BATCH
      Constant indicating that the job is a batch job.
      Constant indicating that the job is a batch alternate spool user job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_BATCH_IMMEDIATE
      Constant indicating that the job is a batch immediate job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_BATCH_MRT
      Constant indicating that the job is a batch System/36 multiple requester terminal (MRT) job.
      Constant indicating that the job is a communications procedure start request job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_INTERACTIVE
      Constant indicating that the job is an interactive job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_INTERACTIVE_GROUP
      Constant indicating that the job is an interactive job that is part of a group.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_INTERACTIVE_SYSREQ
      Constant indicating that the job is an interactive job that is part of a system request pair.
      Constant indicating that the job is an interactive job that is part of a system request pair and part of a group.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_PRESTART
      Constant indicating that the job is a prestart job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_PRESTART_BATCH
      Constant indicating that the job is a prestart batch job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_PRESTART_COMM
      Constant indicating that the job is a prestart communications job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_READER
      Constant indicating that the job is a reader job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_SUBSYSTEM
      Constant indicating that the job is a subsystem job.
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_SYSTEM
      Constant indicating that the job is a system job (all system jobs including SCPF).
      static java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_WRITER
      Constant indicating that the job is a writer job (including both spool writers and print drivers).
      static java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_INTERACTIVE
      Constant indicating that the job is an interactive job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_NOT_VALID
      Constant indicating that the job is not a valid job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_SCPF_SYSTEM
      Constant indicating that the job is the SCPF system job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_SPOOLED_READER
      Constant indicating that the job is a spooled reader job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_SPOOLED_WRITER
      Constant indicating that the job is a spooled writer job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_SUBSYSTEM_MONITOR
      Constant indicating that the job is a subsystem monitor job.
      static java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_SYSTEM
      Constant indicating that the job is a system job.
      static int JOB_USER_IDENTITY
      Job attribute representing the user profile name by which the job is known to other jobs on the system.
      Job attribute representing the method by which the job user identity was set.
      Constant indicating that the job user identity was explicitly set by an application using one of the Set Job User Identity APIs, QWTSJUID or QwtSetJuid().
      static java.lang.String JOB_USER_IDENTITY_SETTING_DEFAULT
      Constant indicating that the job is currently running single threaded and the job user identity is the name of the user profile under which the job is currently running.
      static java.lang.String JOB_USER_IDENTITY_SETTING_SYSTEM
      Constant indicating that the job is currently running multithreaded and the job user identity was implicitly set by the system when the job became multithreaded.
      Job attribute representing whether connections using distributed data management (DDM) protocols remain active when they are not being used.
      static java.lang.String KEEP_DDM_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE_DROP
      Constant indicating that the system ends a DDM connection when there are no users.
      static java.lang.String KEEP_DDM_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE_KEEP
      Constant indicating that the system keeps DDM connections active when there are no users, except for the following: The routing step ends on the source system.
      static int LANGUAGE_ID
      Job attribute representing the language identifier associated with this job.
      static java.lang.String LANGUAGE_ID_INITIAL_USER
      Constant indicating the language ID specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
      static java.lang.String LANGUAGE_ID_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the system value QLANGID is used.
      static int LOCATION_NAME
      Job attribute representing the location name portion of the unit of work ID.
      static int LOG_CL_PROGRAMS
      Job attribute representing whether or not commands are logged for CL programs that are run.
      static java.lang.String LOG_CL_PROGRAMS_NO
      Constant indicating that commands are not logged for CL programs that are run.
      static java.lang.String LOG_CL_PROGRAMS_YES
      Constant indicating that commands are logged for CL programs that are run.
      static int LOGGING_LEVEL
      Job attribute representing what type of information is logged.
      Constant indicating that the following information is logged: Logging level 1 and 2 information is logged.
      Constant indicating that the following information is logged: All request messages and all messages with a severity greater than or equal to the message logging severity, including trace messages.
      static java.lang.String LOGGING_LEVEL_MESSAGES_BY_SEVERITY
      Constant indicating that all messages sent to the job's external message queue with a severity greater than or equal to the message logging severity are logged.
      static java.lang.String LOGGING_LEVEL_NONE
      Constant indicating that no messages are logged.
      Constant indicating that the following information is logged: Logging level 1 information.
      static int LOGGING_SEVERITY
      Job attribute representing the severity level that is used in conjunction with the logging level to determine which error messages are logged in the job log.
      static int LOGGING_TEXT
      Job attribute representing the level of message text that is written in the job log when a message is logged according to the LOGGING_LEVEL and LOGGING_SEVERITY.
      static java.lang.String LOGGING_TEXT_MESSAGE
      Constant indicating that only the message text is written to the job log.
      static java.lang.String LOGGING_TEXT_NO_LIST
      Constant indicating that if the job ends normally, no job log is produced.
      static java.lang.String LOGGING_TEXT_SECLVL
      Constant indicating that both the message text and the message help (cause and recovery) of the error message are written to the job log.
      static int MAX_CPU_TIME
      Job attribute representing the maximum processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job can use.
      static int MAX_TEMP_STORAGE
      Job attribute representing the maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) that the job can use.
      static int MAX_TEMP_STORAGE_LARGE
      Job attribute representing the maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in megabytes) that the job can use.
      static int MAX_THREADS
      Job attribute representing the maximum number of threads that a job can run with at any time.
      static int MEMORY_POOL
      Job attribute representing the name of the memory pool in which the job started running.
      static java.lang.String MEMORY_POOL_BASE
      Constant indicating that this job is running in the base system pool, which can be shared with other subsystems.
      static java.lang.String MEMORY_POOL_INTERACTIVE
      Constant indicating that this job is running in the shared pool used for interactive work.
      static java.lang.String MEMORY_POOL_MACHINE
      Constant indicating that this job is running in the machine pool.
      static java.lang.String MEMORY_POOL_SPOOL
      Constant indicating that this job is running in the shared pool for spooled writers.
      static int MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION
      Job attribute representing the action to take when the message queue is full.
      static java.lang.String MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION_NO_WRAP
      Constant indicating that when the job message queue is full, do not wrap.
      static java.lang.String MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION_PRINT_WRAP
      Constant indicating that when the job message queue is full, wrap the message queue and print the messages that are being overlaid because of the wrapping.
      static java.lang.String MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the value specified for the QJOBMSGQFL system value is used.
      static java.lang.String MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION_WRAP
      Constant indicating that when the job message queue is full, wrap to the beginning and start filling again.
      static int MESSAGE_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE
      Job attribute representing the maximum size (in megabytes) that the job message queue can become.
      static int MESSAGE_REPLY
      Job attribute representing whether the job is waiting for a reply to a specific message.
      static java.lang.String MESSAGE_REPLY_NOT_IN_MESSAGE_WAIT
      Constant indicating that the job currently is not in message wait status.
      static java.lang.String MESSAGE_REPLY_NOT_WAITING
      Constant indicating that the job is not waiting for a reply to a message.
      static java.lang.String MESSAGE_REPLY_WAITING
      Constant indicating that the job is waiting for a reply to a message.
      static int MODE
      Job attribute representing the mode name of the advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) device that started the job.
      static int NETWORK_ID
      Job attribute representing the network ID portion of the unit of work ID.
      static int OUTPUT_QUEUE
      Job attribute representing the name of the default output queue that is used for spooled output produced by this job.
      static java.lang.String OUTPUT_QUEUE_DEVICE
      Constant indicating the device specified on the Create Printer File (CRTPRTF), Change Printer File (CHGPRTF), or Override with Printer File (OVRPRTF) commands is used.
      static java.lang.String OUTPUT_QUEUE_INITIAL_USER
      Constant indicating the output queue name specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
      static int OUTPUT_QUEUE_PRIORITY
      Job attribute representing the output priority for spooled output files that this job produces.
      static java.lang.String OUTPUT_QUEUE_WORK_STATION
      Constant indicating the default output queue that is used with this job is the output queue that is assigned to the work station associated with the job at the time the job is started.
      static int PRINT_KEY_FORMAT
      Job attribute representing whether border and header information is provided when the Print key is pressed.
      static java.lang.String PRINT_KEY_FORMAT_ALL
      Constant indicating that the border and header information is included with output from the Print key.
      static java.lang.String PRINT_KEY_FORMAT_BORDER
      Constant indicating that the border information is included with output from the Print key.
      static java.lang.String PRINT_KEY_FORMAT_HEADER
      Constant indicating that the header information is included with output from the Print key.
      static java.lang.String PRINT_KEY_FORMAT_NONE
      Constant indicating that the border and header information is not included with output from the Print key.
      static java.lang.String PRINT_KEY_FORMAT_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating that the value specified on the system value QPRTKEYFMT determines whether header or border information is printed.
      static int PRINT_TEXT
      Job attribute representing the line of text (if any) that is printed at the bottom of each page of printed output for the job.
      static java.lang.String PRINT_TEXT_BLANK
      Constant indicating that no text is printed on printed output.
      static java.lang.String PRINT_TEXT_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the system value QPRTTXT is used.
      static int PRINTER_DEVICE_NAME
      Job attribute representing the printer device used for printing output from this job.
      static java.lang.String PRINTER_DEVICE_NAME_INITIAL_USER
      Constant indicating that the printer device name specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
      static java.lang.String PRINTER_DEVICE_NAME_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the value in the system value QPRTDEV is used as the printer device.
      static java.lang.String PRINTER_DEVICE_NAME_WORK_STATION
      Constant indicating that the default printer device used with this job is the printer device assigned to the work station that is associated with the job.
      static int PRODUCT_LIBRARIES
      Job attribute representing the libraries that contain product information for the initial thread of the job.
      static int PRODUCT_RETURN_CODE
      Job attribute representing the return code set by the compiler for Integrated Language Environment (ILE) languages.
      static int PROGRAM_RETURN_CODE
      Job attribute representing the completion status of the last program that has finished running, if the job contains any RPG, COBOL, data file utility (DFU), or sort utility programs.
      static int ROUTING_DATA
      Job attribute representing the routing data that is used to determine the routing entry that identifies the program to start for the routing step.
      static int RUN_PRIORITY
      Job attribute representing the priority at which the job is currently running, relative to other jobs on the system.
      static int SCHEDULE_DATE
      Job attribute representing the date on which the submitted job becomes eligible to run.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_CURRENT
      Constant indicating the submitted job becomes eligible to run on the current date.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_FRIDAY
      Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Friday.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_MONDAY
      Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Monday.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_MONTH_END
      Constant indicating the submitted job becomes eligible to run on the last day of the month.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_MONTH_START
      Constant indicating the submitted job becomes eligible to run on the first day of the month.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_SATURDAY
      Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Saturday.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_SUNDAY
      Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Sunday.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_THURSDAY
      Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Thursday.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_TUESDAY
      Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Tuesday.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_WEDNESDAY
      Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Wednesday.
      static int SCHEDULE_TIME
      Job attribute representing the time on the scheduled date at which the job becomes eligible to run.
      static java.lang.String SCHEDULE_TIME_CURRENT
      Constant indicating the job is submitted on the current time.
      static int SEQUENCE_NUMBER
      Job attribute representing the sequence number portion of the unit of work ID.
      static int SERVER_TYPE
      Job attribute representing the type of server represented by the job.
      static int SIGNED_ON_JOB
      Job attribute representing whether the job is to be treated like a signed-on user on the system.
      static java.lang.String SIGNED_ON_JOB_FALSE
      Constant indicating that the job should not be treated like a signed-on user.
      static java.lang.String SIGNED_ON_JOB_TRUE
      Constant indicating that the job should be treated like a signed-on user.
      static int SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE
      Job attribute representing the sort sequence table associated with this job.
      static java.lang.String SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_INITIAL_USER
      Constant indicating the sort sequence table specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
      Constant indicating that the sort sequence table used can contain the same weight for multiple characters, and it is the shared weight sort table associated with the language specified in the LANGUAGE_ID attribute.
      Constant indicating that the sort sequence table used must contain a unique weight for each character in the code page, and it is the unique weight sort table associated with the language specified in the LANGUAGE_ID parameter.
      static java.lang.String SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_NONE
      Constant indicating that no sort sequence table is used.
      static java.lang.String SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the system value QSRTSEQ is used.
      static int SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT
      Job attribute representing whether a job is running in a particular environment.
      static java.lang.String SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT_NONE
      Constant indicating that the job is not running in any special environment.
      static java.lang.String SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT_NOT_ACTIVE
      Constant indicating that the special environment is ignored because the job is not currently active.
      static java.lang.String SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT_SYSTEM_36
      Constant indicating that the job is running in the System/36 environment.
      static int SPOOLED_FILE_ACTION
      Job attribute representing whether spooled files can be accessed through job interfaces once a job has completed its normal activity.
      static java.lang.String SPOOLED_FILE_ACTION_DETACH
      Constant indicating that spooled files are detached from the job when the job completes its activity.
      static java.lang.String SPOOLED_FILE_ACTION_KEEP
      Constant indicating that when the job completes its activity, as long as at least one spooled file for the job exists in the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP 1) or in a basic user ASP (ASPs 2-32), the spooled files are kept with the job and the status of the job is updated to indicate that the job has completed.
      static java.lang.String SPOOLED_FILE_ACTION_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the job will take the spooled file action specified by the QSPLFACN system value.
      Job attribute representing whether status messages are displayed for this job.
      static java.lang.String STATUS_MESSAGE_HANDLING_INITIAL_USER
      Constant indicating the status message handling that is specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
      static java.lang.String STATUS_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NONE
      Constant indicating that this job does not display status messages.
      static java.lang.String STATUS_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NORMAL
      Constant indicating that this job displays status messages.
      static java.lang.String STATUS_MESSAGE_HANDLING_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the system value QSTSMSG is used.
      static int SUBMITTED_BY_JOB_NAME
      Job attribute representing the job name of the submitter's job.
      static int SUBMITTED_BY_JOB_NUMBER
      Job attribute representing the job number of the submitter's job.
      static int SUBMITTED_BY_USER
      Job attribute representing the user name of the submitter.
      static int SUBSYSTEM
      Job attribute representing the subsystem description in which an active job is running.
      static int SYSTEM_LIBRARY_LIST
      Job attribute representing the system portion of the library list of the initial thread of the job.
      static int SYSTEM_POOL_ID
      Job attribute representing the identifier of the system-related pool from which the job's main storage is allocated.
      static int TEMP_STORAGE_USED
      Job attribute representing the amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) that is currently allocated to this job.
      static int TEMP_STORAGE_USED_LARGE
      Job attribute representing the amount of auxiliary storage (in megabytes) that is currently allocated to this job.
      static int THREAD_COUNT
      Job attribute representing the count of the current number of active threads in the process at the time of the materialization.
      static int TIME_SEPARATOR
      Job attribute representing the value used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds when presenting a time.
      static java.lang.String TIME_SEPARATOR_BLANK
      Constant indicating a blank is used for the time separator.
      static java.lang.String TIME_SEPARATOR_COLON
      Constant indicating a colon (:) is used for the time separator.
      static java.lang.String TIME_SEPARATOR_COMMA
      Constant indicating a comma (,) is used for the time separator.
      static java.lang.String TIME_SEPARATOR_PERIOD
      Constant indicating a period (.) is used for the time separator.
      static java.lang.String TIME_SEPARATOR_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the time separator specified in the system value QTIMSEP is used.
      static int TIME_SLICE
      Job attribute representing the maximum amount of processor time (in milliseconds) given to each thread in this job before other threads in this job and in other jobs are given the opportunity to run.
      static int TIME_SLICE_END_POOL
      Job attribute representing whether a thread in an interactive job moves to another main storage pool at the end of its time slice.
      static java.lang.String TIME_SLICE_END_POOL_BASE
      Constant indicating that a thread in the job moves to the base pool when it reaches the end of its time slice.
      static java.lang.String TIME_SLICE_END_POOL_NONE
      Constant indicating that a thread in the job does not move to another main storage pool when it reaches the end of its time slice.
      static java.lang.String TIME_SLICE_END_POOL_SYSTEM_VALUE
      Constant indicating the value in the system value QTSEPPOOL is used.
      static int TOTAL_RESPONSE_TIME
      Job attribute representing the total amount of response time for the initial thread, in milliseconds.
      static int UNIT_OF_WORK_ID
      Job attribute representing the unit of work ID used to track jobs across multiple systems.
      static int USER_LIBRARY_LIST
      Job attribute representing the user portion of the library list for the initial thread of the job.
      static int USER_NAME
      Job attribute representing the user name of the job, which is the same as the name of the user profile under which the job was started.
      static java.lang.String USER_NAME_BLANK
      Constant indicating a blank user name.
      static int USER_RETURN_CODE
      Job attribute representing the user-defined return code set by ILE high-level language constructs.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Constructs a Job object.
      Job(AS400 system)
      Constructs a Job object.
      Job(AS400 system, byte[] internalJobID)
      Constructs a Job object.
      Job(AS400 system, java.lang.String internalJobID)
      Use Job(AS400,byte[]) instead. The internal job ID should be treated as a byte array of 16 bytes.
      Job(AS400 system, java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String jobNumber)
      Constructs a Job object.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
      Adds a PropertyChangeListener.
      void addVetoableChangeListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener listener)
      Adds a VetoableChangeListener.
      void commitChanges()
      Commits all uncommitted attribute changes.
      void commitChanges(boolean callOnThread)
      Commits all uncommitted attribute changes.
      void end(int delay)
      Ends this job.
      int getAuxiliaryIORequests()
      Returns the number of auxiliary I/O requests performed by the job across all routing steps.
      java.lang.String getBreakMessageHandling()
      Returns a value which represents how this job handles break messages.
      boolean getCacheChanges()
      Indicates if the attribute value changes are cached.
      CallStackEntry[] getCallStack(long threadID)
      Returns the call stack for the specified thread in this job.
      int getCodedCharacterSetID()
      Returns the coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for this job.
      java.lang.String getCompletionStatus()
      Returns the completion status of the job.
      java.lang.String getCountryID()
      Returns the country or region identifier associated with this job.
      int getCPUUsed()
      Returns the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used.
      java.lang.String getCurrentLibrary()
      Returns the name of the current library for the initial thread of the job.
      boolean getCurrentLibraryExistence()
      Indicates if a current library exists.
      java.util.Date getDate()
      Returns the date and time when the job was placed on the system.
      java.lang.String getDateFormat()
      Returns the format in which dates are presented.
      java.lang.String getDateSeparator()
      Returns the value used to separate days, months, and years when presenting a date.
      java.lang.String getDDMConversationHandling()
      Returns whether connections using distributed data management (DDM) protocols remain active when they are not being used.
      java.lang.String getDecimalFormat()
      Returns the decimal format used for this job.
      int getDefaultCodedCharacterSetIdentifier()
      Returns the default coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for this job.
      int getDefaultWait()
      Returns the default maximum time (in seconds) that a thread in the job waits for a system instruction, such as a LOCK machine interface (MI) instruction, to acquire a resource.
      java.lang.String getDeviceRecoveryAction()
      Returns the action taken for interactive jobs when an I/O error occurs for the job's requesting program device.
      int getEndSeverity()
      Returns the message severity level of escape messages that can cause a batch job to end.
      java.lang.String getFunctionName()
      Returns additional information (as described by the FUNCTION_TYPE attribute) about the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread.
      java.lang.String getFunctionType()
      Returns the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread.
      java.lang.String getInquiryMessageReply()
      Returns how the job answers inquiry messages.
      int getInteractiveTransactions()
      Returns the count of operator interactions, such as pressing the Enter key or a function key.
      java.lang.String getInternalJobID()
      Use getInternalJobIdentifier() instead. The internal job identifier should be treated as a byte array of 16 bytes.
      byte[] getInternalJobIdentifier()
      Returns the internal job identifier.
      java.lang.String getJobAccountingCode()
      Returns an identifier assigned to the job by the system to collect resource use information for the job when job accounting is active.
      java.util.Date getJobActiveDate()
      Returns the date and time when the job began to run on the system.
      java.util.Date getJobDate()
      Returns the date to be used for the job.
      java.lang.String getJobDescription()
      Returns the fully qualified integrated file system path name for the job description.
      java.util.Date getJobEndedDate()
      Returns the date and time when the job completed running on the system.
      java.util.Date getJobEnterSystemDate()
      Returns the date and time when the job was placed on the system.
      JobLog getJobLog()
      Returns the job log.
      java.lang.String getJobMessageQueueFullAction()
      Returns the action to take when the message queue is full.
      int getJobMessageQueueMaximumSize()
      Returns the maximum size (in megabytes) that the job message queue can become.
      java.util.Date getJobPutOnJobQueueDate()
      Returns the date and time this job was put on this job queue.
      java.lang.String getJobStatusInJobQueue()
      Returns the status of this job on the job queue.
      java.lang.String getJobSwitches()
      Returns the current setting of the job switches used by this job.
      java.lang.String getLanguageID()
      Returns the language identifier associated with this job.
      java.lang.String getLoggingCLPrograms()
      Returns a value indicating whether or not commands are logged for CL programs that are run.
      int getLoggingLevel()
      Returns what type of information is logged.
      int getLoggingSeverity()
      Returns the severity level that is used in conjunction with the logging level to determine which error messages are logged in the job log.
      java.lang.String getLoggingText()
      Returns the level of message text that is written in the job log when a message is logged according to the LOGGING_LEVEL and LOGGING_SEVERITY.
      java.lang.String getModeName()
      Returns the mode name of the advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) device that started the job.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Returns the job name.
      java.lang.String getNumber()
      Returns the job number.
      int getNumberOfLibrariesInSYSLIBL()
      Returns the number of libraries in the system portion of the library list of the initial thread of the job.
      int getNumberOfLibrariesInUSRLIBL()
      Returns the number of libraries in the user portion of the library list for the initial thread of the job.
      int getNumberOfProductLibraries()
      Returns the number of libraries that contain product information for the initial thread of the job.
      java.lang.String getOutputQueue()
      Returns the fully qualified integrated file system path name of the default output queue that is used for spooled output produced by this job.
      int getOutputQueuePriority()
      Returns the output priority for spooled output files that this job produces.
      int getPoolIdentifier()
      Returns the identifier of the system-related pool from which the job's main storage is allocated.
      java.lang.String getPrinterDeviceName()
      Returns the printer device used for printing output from this job.
      java.lang.String getPrintKeyFormat()
      Returns a value indicating whether border and header information is provided when the Print key is pressed.
      java.lang.String getPrintText()
      Returns the line of text (if any) that is printed at the bottom of each page of printed output for the job.
      java.lang.String[] getProductLibraries()
      Returns the libraries that contain product information for the initial thread of the job.
      boolean getPurge()
      Indicates whether or not the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage at the end of a time slice or when entering a long wait (such as waiting for a work station user's response).
      java.lang.String getQueue()
      Returns the fully qualified integrated file system path name of the job queue that the job is currently on, or that the job was on if it is currently active.
      int getQueuePriority()
      Returns the scheduling priority of the job compared to other jobs on the same job queue.
      java.lang.String getRoutingData()
      Returns the routing data that is used to determine the routing entry that identifies the program to start for the routing step.
      int getRunPriority()
      Returns the priority at which the job is currently running, relative to other jobs on the system.
      java.util.Date getScheduleDate()
      Returns the date and time the job is scheduled to become active.
      boolean getSignedOnJob()
      Indicates whether the job is to be treated like a signed-on user on the system.
      java.lang.String getSortSequenceTable()
      Returns the name of the sort sequence table associated with this job.
      java.lang.String getStatus()
      Returns the status of this job.
      java.lang.String getStatusMessageHandling()
      Returns whether status messages are displayed for this job.
      java.lang.String getStringValue(int attribute)
      Returns the value for the specified job attribute, as a String.
      java.lang.String getSubsystem()
      Returns the fully qualified integrated file system path name of the subsystem description for the subsystem in which the job is running.
      java.lang.String getSubtype()
      Returns additional information about the job type (if any exists).
      AS400 getSystem()
      Returns the system.
      java.lang.String[] getSystemLibraryList()
      Returns the system portion of the library list of the initial thread of the job.
      java.lang.String getTimeSeparator()
      Returns the value used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds when presenting a time.
      int getTimeSlice()
      Returns the maximum amount of processor time (in milliseconds) given to each thread in this job before other threads in this job and in other jobs are given the opportunity to run.
      java.lang.String getTimeSliceEndPool()
      Returns a value indicating whether a thread in an interactive job moves to another main storage pool at the end of its time slice.
      int getTotalResponseTime()
      Returns the total amount of response time for the initial thread, in milliseconds.
      java.lang.String getType()
      Returns the type of job.
      java.lang.String getUser()
      Returns the user name.
      java.lang.String[] getUserLibraryList()
      Returns the user portion of the library list for the initial thread of the job.
      java.lang.Object getValue(int attribute)
      Returns the value for the specified job attribute.
      java.lang.String getWorkIDUnit()
      Returns the unit of work identifier.
      void hold(boolean holdSpooledFiles)
      Holds this job.
      void loadInformation()
      Refreshes the values for all attributes.
      void loadInformation(int[] attributes)
      Refreshes the values for specific attributes.
      void loadStatistics()
      Refreshes just the values for the elapsed statistics.
      void release()
      Releases this job.
      void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
      Removes a PropertyChangeListener.
      void removeVetoableChangeListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener listener)
      Removes a VetoableChangeListener.
      void resetStatistics()
      Resets the measurement start time used for computing elapsed statistics.
      void setBreakMessageHandling(java.lang.String breakMessageHandling)
      Sets how this job handles break messages.
      void setCacheChanges(boolean cacheChanges)
      Sets the value indicating whether attribute value changes are committed immediately.
      void setCodedCharacterSetID(int codedCharacterSetID)
      Sets the coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for this job.
      void setCountryID(java.lang.String countryID)
      Sets the country or region identifier associated with this job.
      void setDateFormat(java.lang.String dateFormat)
      Sets the format in which dates are presented.
      void setDateSeparator(java.lang.String dateSeparator)
      Sets the value used to separate days, months, and years when presenting a date.
      void setDDMConversationHandling(java.lang.String ddmConversationHandling)
      Sets whether connections using distributed data management (DDM) protocols remain active when they are not being used.
      void setDecimalFormat(java.lang.String decimalFormat)
      Sets the decimal format used for this job.
      void setDefaultWait(int defaultWait)
      Sets the default maximum time (in seconds) that a thread in the job waits for a system instruction, such as a LOCK machine interface (MI) instruction, to acquire a resource.
      void setDeviceRecoveryAction(java.lang.String deviceRecoveryAction)
      Sets the action taken for interactive jobs when an I/O error occurs for the job's requesting program device.
      void setInquiryMessageReply(java.lang.String inquiryMessageReply)
      Sets how the job answers inquiry messages.
      void setInternalJobID(java.lang.String internalJobID)
      Use setInternalJobIdentifier(byte[]) instead. The internal job identifier should be treated as a byte array of 16 bytes.
      void setInternalJobIdentifier(byte[] internalJobID)
      Sets the internal job identifier.
      void setJobAccountingCode(java.lang.String jobAccountingCode)
      Sets an identifier assigned to the job by the system to collect resource use information for the job when job accounting is active.
      void setJobDate(java.util.Date jobDate)
      Sets the date that is assigned to the job.
      void setJobMessageQueueFullAction(java.lang.String jobMessageQueueFullAction)
      Sets the action to take when the message queue is full.
      void setJobSwitches(java.lang.String jobSwitches)
      Sets the current setting of the job switches that are used by this job.
      void setLanguageID(java.lang.String languageID)
      Sets the language identifier associated with this job.
      void setLoggingCLPrograms(java.lang.String loggingCLPrograms)
      Sets whether or not commands are logged for CL programs that are run.
      void setLoggingLevel(int loggingLevel)
      Sets what type of information is logged.
      void setLoggingSeverity(int loggingSeverity)
      Sets the severity level that is used in conjunction with the logging level to determine which error messages are logged in the job log.
      void setLoggingText(java.lang.String loggingText)
      Sets the level of message text that is written in the job log when a message is logged according to the LOGGING_LEVEL and LOGGING_SEVERITY.
      void setName(java.lang.String name)
      Sets the job name.
      void setNumber(java.lang.String number)
      Sets the job number.
      void setOutputQueue(java.lang.String outputQueue)
      Sets the fully qualified integrated file system path name of the default output queue that is used for spooled output produced by this job.
      void setOutputQueuePriority(int outputQueuePriority)
      Sets the output priority for spooled output files that this job produces.
      void setPrinterDeviceName(java.lang.String printerDeviceName)
      Sets the printer device used for printing output from this job.
      void setPrintKeyFormat(java.lang.String printKeyFormat)
      Sets whether border and header information is provided when the Print key is pressed.
      void setPrintText(java.lang.String printText)
      Sets the line of text (if any) that is printed at the bottom of each page of printed output for the job.
      void setPurge(boolean purge)
      Sets the value indicating whether or not the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage at the end of a time slice or when entering a long wait (such as waiting for a work station user's response).
      void setQueue(java.lang.String jobQueue)
      Sets the fully qualified integrated file system path name of the job queue that the job is to be on.
      void setQueuePriority(int queuePriority)
      Sets the scheduling priority of the job compared to other jobs on the same job queue.
      void setRunPriority(int runPriority)
      Sets the priority at which the job competes for the processing unit relative to the other jobs that are active at the same time.
      void setScheduleDate(java.util.Date scheduleDate)
      Sets the date and time the job is scheduled to become active.
      void setScheduleDate(java.lang.String scheduleDate)
      Sets the date the job is scheduled to become active.
      void setScheduleTime(java.util.Date scheduleTime)
      Sets the date and time the job is scheduled to become active.
      void setScheduleTime(java.lang.String scheduleTime)
      Sets the time the job is scheduled to become active.
      void setSortSequenceTable(java.lang.String sortSequenceTable)
      Sets the name of the sort sequence table associated with this job..
      void setStatusMessageHandling(java.lang.String statusMessageHandling)
      Sets the value which indicates whether status messages are displayed for this job.
      void setSystem(AS400 system)
      Sets the system.
      void setTimeSeparator(java.lang.String timeSeparator)
      Sets the value used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds when presenting a time.
      void setTimeSlice(int timeSlice)
      Sets the maximum amount of processor time (in milliseconds) given to each thread in this job before other threads in this job and in other jobs are given the opportunity to run.
      void setTimeSliceEndPool(java.lang.String timeSliceEndPool)
      Sets the value which indicates whether a thread in an interactive job moves to another main storage pool at the end of its time slice.
      void setUser(java.lang.String user)
      Sets the user name.
      void setValue(int attribute, java.lang.Object value)
      Sets a value for a job attribute.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns the string representation of this Job in the format "number/user/name", or "" if any of these attributes is null.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final int ACCOUNTING_CODE
        Job attribute representing an identifier assigned to the job by the system to collect resource use information for the job when job accounting is active. The user who is changing this field must have authority to the CHGACGCDE CL command. If the user does not have the proper authority, this field is ignored and processing continues. Possible values are:
        • An accounting code - The 15 character accounting code used for the next accounting segment. The accounting code may contain alphabetic or numeric characters.

        Type: String

        See Also:
        getJobAccountingCode(), setJobAccountingCode(java.lang.String), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACCOUNTING_CODE_BLANK
        Constant indicating the accounting code is changed to all blanks.
        See Also:
        ACCOUNTING_CODE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_NONE
        Constant indicating that a job is in transition or is not active.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_BIN_SYNCH_DEVICE_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to a binary synchronous device.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_BIN_SYNCH_DEVICE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a binary synchronous device.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_COMM_DEVICE_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to a communications device.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_COMM_DEVICE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a communications device.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_CHECKPOINT
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of save-while-active checkpoint processing in another job.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_CONDITION
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting on a handle-based condition.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_CPI_COMM
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of a CPI communications call.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DEQUEUE_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in the pool activity level for completion of a dequeue operation.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DEQUEUE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for completion of a dequeue operation. For example, QSYSARB and subsystem monitors generally wait for work by waiting for a dequeue operation.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DISKETTE_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to a diskette unit.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DISKETTE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a diskette unit.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DELAYED
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a specified time interval to end, or for a specific delay end time, as specified on the Delay Job (DLYJOB) command. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute shows either the number of seconds the job is to delay (999999), or the specific time when the job is to resume running.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DELAY
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a specified time interval to end, or for a specific delay end time, as specified on the Delay Job (DLYJOB) command. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute shows either the number of seconds the job is to delay (999999), or the specific time when the job is to resume running.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_DISCONNECTED
        Constant indicating that a job was disconnected from a work station display.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DISPLAY_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for input from a work station display.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DISPLAY
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for input from a work station display.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_ENDED
        Constant indicating that a job has been ended with the *IMMED option, or its delay time has ended with the *CNTRLD option.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DATABASE_EOF_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level to try a read operation again on a database file after the end-of-file (EOF) has been reached.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_DATABASE_EOF
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting to try a read operation again on a database file after the end-of-file (EOF) has been reached.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_ENDING
        Constant indicating that a job is ending for a reason other than running the End Job (ENDJOB) or End Subsystem (ENDSBS) commands, such as a SIGNOFF command, an End Group Job (ENDGRPJOB) command, or an exception that is not handled.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_EVENT
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for an event. For example, QLUS and SCPF generally wait for work by waiting for an event.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_SUSPENDED
        Constant indicating that a job is suspended by a Transfer Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) command.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_HELD_THREAD
        Constant indicating that a job is held due to a suspended thread.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_ICF_FILE_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to an intersystem communications function (ICF) file.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_ICF_FILE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to an intersystem communications function (ICF) file.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_INELIGIBLE
        Constant indicating that a job is ineligible and not currently in a pool activity level.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_JAVA_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for a Java program operation to complete.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_JAVA
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a Java program operation to complete.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_LOCK
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a lock.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_LOCK_SPACE_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for for a lock space to be attached.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_LOCK_SPACE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a lock space to be attached.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_MULTIPLE_FILES_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to multiple files.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_MULTIPLE_FILES
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to multiple files.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_MESSAGE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a message from a message queue.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_MUTEX
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a mutex. A mutex is a synchronization function that is used to allow multiple jobs or threads to serialize their access to shared data.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_MIXED_DEVICE_FILE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a mixed device file.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_OPTICAL_DEVICE_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to an optical device.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_OPTICAL_DEVICE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to an optical device.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_OSI
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an OSI Communications Subsystem operation.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_PRINT_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for output to a printer to complete.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_PRINT
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for output to a printer to complete.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_PRESTART
        Constant indicating that a prestart job is waiting for a program start request.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_RUNNING
        Constant indicating that a job is currently running in a pool activity level.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_SELECTION
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a selection to complete.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_SEMAPHORE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a semaphore. A semaphore is a synchronization function that is used to allow multiple jobs or threads to serialize their access to shared data.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_STOPPED
        Constant indicating that a job has stopped as the result of a signal.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_SIGNAL
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a signal.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_SUSPENDED_SYSTEM_REQUEST
        Constant indicating that a job is the suspended half of a system request job pair.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_SAVE_FILE_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of a save file operation.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_SAVE_FILE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of a save file operation.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_TAPE_DEVICE_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for the completion of an I/O operation to a tape device.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_TAPE_DEVICE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a tape device.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_THREAD
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for another thread to complete an operation.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_TIME_INTERVAL_AND_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting in a pool activity level for a time interval to end.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_TIME_INTERVAL
        Constant indicating that a job is waiting for a time interval to end.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final int ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_FOR_JOBS_ENDING
        Job attribute representing the status of what the initial thread of a job is currently doing, when the active job status is ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_ENDED or ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_ENDING. This field is blank if the job is not ending currently. See ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS for a list of the possible values. For example, the active job status would be ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_ENDING, but the job could be waiting on a lock that could keep the job from ending. This field would then be ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS_WAIT_LOCK.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        Only valid on V5R1 systems and higher.

        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final int ALLOW_MULTIPLE_THREADS
        Job attribute representing whether a job allows multiple user threads. This attribute does not prevent the operating system from creating system threads in the job. Possible values are:

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        Only valid on V5R1 systems and higher.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ALLOW_MULTIPLE_THREADS_NO
        Constant indicating that a job does not allow multiple user threads.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ALLOW_MULTIPLE_THREADS_YES
        Constant indicating that a job allows multiple user threads.
        See Also:
        ACTIVE_JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final int AUXILIARY_IO_REQUESTS
        Job attribute representing the number of auxiliary I/O requests performed by the job across all routing steps. This includes both database and nondatabase paging. If the number of auxiliary I/O requests is greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647, a value of -1 is returned. Use the AUXILIARY_IO_REQUESTS_LARGE attribute to retrieve values that are greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getAuxiliaryIORequests(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int AUXILIARY_IO_REQUESTS_LARGE
        Job attribute representing the number of auxiliary I/O requests performed by the job across all routing steps. This includes both database and nondatabase paging.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        Only valid on V5R1 systems and higher.

        See Also:
        getAuxiliaryIORequests(), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NORMAL
        Constant indicating that the message queue status determines break message handling.
        See Also:
        BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_HOLD
        Constant indicating that the message queue holds break messages until a user or program requests them. The work station user uses the Display Message (DPSMSG) command to display the messages; a program must issue a Receive Message (RCVMSG) command to receive a message and handle it.
        See Also:
        BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NOTIFY
        Constant indicating that the system notifies the job's message queue when a message arrives. For interactive jobs, the audible alarm sounds if there is one, and the message-waiting light comes on.
        See Also:
        BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING, Constant Field Values

        public static final int CCSID_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating that the CCSID specified in the system value QCCSID is used.
        See Also:
        CCSID, Constant Field Values

        public static final int CCSID_INITIAL_USER
        Constant indicating that the CCSID specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
        See Also:
        CCSID, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL_DEVICE
        Constant indicating to perform the same function for *DEVD as on the CHRID command parameter for display files, printer files, and panel groups.
        See Also:
        CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL_JOB
        Constant indicating to perform the same function for *JOBCCSID as on the CHRID command parameter for display files, printer files, and panel groups.
        See Also:
        CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the value in the QCHRIDCTL system value will be used.
        See Also:
        CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL_INITIAL_USER
        Constant indicating the CHRIDCTL specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running will be used.
        See Also:
        CHARACTER_ID_CONTROL, Constant Field Values

        public static final int CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS
        Job attribute representing the IPv4 address of the client for which this system is doing work. An address is expressed in standard IPv4 dotted-decimal form (for example, This field is not guaranteed to be an IP address. This field will be blank if the address is not explicitly set to a value by the Change Job (QWTCHGJB) API.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String COMPLETION_STATUS_NOT_COMPLETED
        Constant indicating that the job has not completed.
        See Also:
        COMPLETION_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String COMPLETION_STATUS_COMPLETED_NORMALLY
        Constant indicating that the job completed normally.
        See Also:
        COMPLETION_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String COMPLETION_STATUS_COMPLETED_ABNORMALLY
        Constant indicating that the job completed abnormally.
        See Also:
        COMPLETION_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String END_STATUS_CANCELLED
        Constant indicating that the system, the subsystem in which a job is running, or the job itself is cancelled.
        See Also:
        CONTROLLED_END_REQUESTED, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String END_STATUS_NOT_CANCELLED
        Constant indicating that the system, the subsystem in which a job is running, or the job itself is not cancelled.
        See Also:
        CONTROLLED_END_REQUESTED, Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_CPU_PERCENT_USED
        Job attribute representing the percentage of processing time used during the elapsed time. For multiple-processor systems, this is the average across processors.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_CPU_PERCENT_USED_FOR_DATABASE
        Job attribute representing the percentage of processing unit used for database processing during the elapsed time. For multiple-processor systems, this is the average across processors.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_CPU_TIME_USED
        Job attribute representing the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) used during the elapsed time.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_CPU_TIME_USED_FOR_DATABASE
        Job attribute representing the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) used for database processing during the elapsed time.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_DISK_IO_ASYNCH
        Job attribute representing the number of asynchronous (physical) disk I/O operations performed by the job during the elapsed time. This is the sum of the asynchronous database and nondatabase reads and writes.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_DISK_IO_SYNCH
        Job attribute representing the number of synchronous (physical) disk I/O operations performed by the job during the elapsed time. This is the sum of the synchronous database and nondatabase reads and writes.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_INTERACTIVE_RESPONSE_TIME
        Job attribute representing the total interactive response time for the initial thread (in hundredths of seconds) for the job during the elapsed time. This does not include the time used by the machine, by the attached input/output (I/O) hardware, and by the transmission lines for sending and receiving data. This field is 0 for noninteractive jobs.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_INTERACTIVE_TRANSACTIONS
        Job attribute representing the number of user interactions, such as pressing the Enter key or a function key, for the job during the elapsed time for the initial thread. This field is 0 for noninteractive jobs.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_LOCK_WAIT_TIME
        Job attribute representing the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the initial thread has to wait to obtain database, nondatabase, and internal machine locks during the elapsed time.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        Can be loaded by JobList: false

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_PAGE_FAULTS
        Job attribute representing the number of times an active program referenced an address that is not in main storage for the current routing step during the elapsed time.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELAPSED_TIME
        Job attribute representing the time (in milliseconds) that has elapsed between the measurement start time and the current system time. The measurement start time is reset when the resetStatistics() method is called.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        Can be loaded by JobList: false

        See Also:
        resetStatistics(), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String COUNTRY_ID_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the system value QCNTRYID is used.
        See Also:
        COUNTRY_ID, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String COUNTRY_ID_INITIAL_USER
        Constant indicating the country or region ID specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
        See Also:
        COUNTRY_ID, Constant Field Values

        public static final int CPU_TIME_USED
        Job attribute representing the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used. If the processing unit time used is greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647 milliseconds, a value of -1 is returned. Use the CPU_TIME_USED_LARGE attribute to retrieve values that are greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getCPUUsed(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int CPU_TIME_USED_LARGE
        Job attribute representing the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used across all routing steps.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        See Also:
        getCPUUsed(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int CPU_TIME_USED_FOR_DATABASE
        Job attribute representing the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used for processing data base requests across all routing steps.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        Only valid on V5R1 systems and higher.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CURRENT_LIBRARY
        Job attribute representing the name of the current library for the initial thread of the job. If no current library exists, the CURRENT_LIBRARY_EXISTENCE attribute returns 0 and this attribute returns an empty string ("").

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        Can be loaded by JobList: false

        See Also:
        getCurrentLibrary(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int CURRENT_LIBRARY_EXISTENCE
        Job attribute representing whether or not a current library exists for the job. Returns 0 if no current library exists; 1 if a current library exists.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        Can be loaded by JobList: false

        See Also:
        getCurrentLibraryExistence(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int CURRENT_SYSTEM_POOL_ID
        Job attribute representing the identifier of the system-related pool from which main storage is currently being allocated for the job's initial thread. These identifiers are not the same as those specified in the subsystem description, but are the same as the system pool identifiers shown on the system status display. If a thread reaches its time-slice end, the pool the thread is running in can be swiched based on the job's time-slice end pool value. The current system pool identifier returned will be the actual pool in which the initial thread of the job is running.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CURRENT_USER
        Job attribute representing the user profile that the initial thread of the job for which information is being retrieved is currently running under. This name may differ from the user portion of the job name.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DATE_ENDED

        public static final int DATE_ENDED
        Job attribute representing the date and time when the job completed running on the system.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String in the format CYYMMDDHHMMSS

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DATE_ENTERED_SYSTEM
        Job attribute representing the date and time when the job was placed on the system.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String in the format CYYMMDDHHMMSS

        See Also:
        getDate(), getJobEnterSystemDate(), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the system value QDATFMT is used.
        See Also:
        DATE_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT_YMD
        Constant indicating a date format of year, month, and day.
        See Also:
        DATE_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT_MDY
        Constant indicating a date format of month, day, and year.
        See Also:
        DATE_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT_DMY
        Constant indicating a date format of day, month, and year.
        See Also:
        DATE_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT_JULIAN
        Constant indicating a Julian date format (year and day).
        See Also:
        DATE_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the system value QDATSEP is used for the date separator.
        See Also:
        DATE_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH
        Constant indicating a slash (/) is used for the date separator.
        See Also:
        DATE_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_DASH
        Constant indicating a dash (-) is used for the date separator.
        See Also:
        DATE_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD
        Constant indicating a period (.) is used for the date separator.
        See Also:
        DATE_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_BLANK
        Constant indicating a blank is used for the date separator.
        See Also:
        DATE_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DATE_SEPARATOR_COMMA
        Constant indicating a comma (,) is used for the date separator.
        See Also:
        DATE_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values

        public static final int DATE_STARTED
        Job attribute representing the date and time when the job began to run on the system. This is blank if the job did not become active.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String in the format CYYMMDDHHMMSS

        See Also:
        getJobActiveDate(), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DBCS_CAPABLE_NO
        Constant indicating that the job is not DBCS-capable.
        See Also:
        DBCS_CAPABLE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DBCS_CAPABLE_YES
        Constant indicating that the job is DBCS-capable.
        See Also:
        DBCS_CAPABLE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DECIMAL_FORMAT_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the value in the system value QDECFMT is used as the decimal format for this job.
        See Also:
        DECIMAL_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DECIMAL_FORMAT_PERIOD
        Constant indicating a decimal format that uses a period for a decimal point, a comma for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero-suppresses to the left of the decimal point.
        See Also:
        DECIMAL_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DECIMAL_FORMAT_COMMA_J
        Constant indicating a decimal format that uses a comma for a decimal point and a period for a 3-digit grouping character. The zero-suppression character is in the second position (rather than the first) to the left of the decimal notation. Balances with zero values to the left of the comma are written with one leading zero (0,04). This constant also overrides any edit codes that might suppress the leading zero.
        See Also:
        DECIMAL_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DECIMAL_FORMAT_COMMA_I
        Constant indicating a decimal format that uses a comma for a decimal point, a period for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero-suppresses to the left of the decimal point.
        See Also:
        DECIMAL_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_CCSID
        Job attribute representing the default coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for this job. This attribute returns zero if the job is not an active job.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getDefaultCodedCharacterSetIdentifier(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME
        Job attribute representing the default maximum time (in seconds) that a thread in the job waits for a system instruction, such as a LOCK machine interface (MI) instruction, to acquire a resource. This default wait time is used when a wait time is not otherwise specified for a given situation. Normally, this is the amount of time the user is willing to wait for the system before the request is ended. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, a change to this attribute during a routing step does not appy to subsequent routing steps. The valid range is 1 through 9999999. A value of -1 represents no maximum wait time (*NOMAX).

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getDefaultWait(), setDefaultWait(int), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the value in the system value QDEVRCYACN is used as the device recovery action for this job.
        See Also:
        DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_MESSAGE
        Constant indicating a device recovery action that signals the I/O error message to the application and lets the application program perform error recovery.
        See Also:
        DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_DISCONNECT_MESSAGE
        Constant indicating a device recovery action that disconnects the job when an I/O error occurs. When the job reconnects, the system sends an error message to the application program, indicating the job has reconnected and that the work station device has recovered.
        See Also:
        DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_DISCONNECT_END_REQUEST
        Constant indicating a device recovery action that disconnects the job when an I/O error occurs. When the job reconnects, the system sends the End Request (ENDRQS) command to return control to the previous request level.
        See Also:
        DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_END_JOB
        Constant indicating a device recovery action that ends the job when an I/O error occurs. A message is sent to the job's log and to the history log (QHST) indicating the job ended because of a device error.
        See Also:
        DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_END_JOB_NO_LIST
        Constant indicating a device recovery action that ends the job when an I/O error occurs. There is no job log produced for the job. The system sends a message to the QHST log indicating the job ended because of a device error.
        See Also:
        DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final int ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE
        Job attribute representing whether or not the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage at the end of a time slice or when entering a long wait (such as waiting for a work station user's response). This attribute is ignored when more than one thread is active within the job. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, a change to this attribute during a routing step does not apply to subsequent routing steps. Possible values are:

        Type: String

        See Also:
        getPurge(), setPurge(boolean), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE_YES
        Constant indicating that the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage. A job with multiple threads, however, is never purged from main storage.
        See Also:
        ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE_NO
        Constant indicating that a job is not eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage. When main storage is needed, however, pages belonging to a thread in the job may be moved to auxiliary storage. Then, when a thread in the job runs again, its pages are returned to main storage as they are needed.
        See Also:
        ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE_IGNORED
        Constant indicating that whether a job is eligible for purge or not is ignored because the job type is either *JOBQ or *OUTQ, or the job is not valid.
        See Also:
        ELIGIBLE_FOR_PURGE, Constant Field Values

        public static final int END_SEVERITY
        Job attribute representing the message severity level of escape messages that can cause a batch job to end. The batch job ends when a request in the batch input stream sends an escape message, whose severity is equal to or greater than this value, to the request processing program.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getEndSeverity(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int FUNCTION_NAME
        Job attribute representing additional information (as described by the FUNCTION_TYPE attribute) about the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        getFunctionName(), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_BLANK
        Constant indicating that the system is not performing a logged function.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_COMMAND
        Constant indicating that a command is running interactively, or it is in a batch input stream, or it was requested from a system menu. Commands in CL programs or REXX procedures are not logged. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the command and is only updated when a command is processed.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_DELAY
        Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is processing a Delay Job (DLYJOB) command. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the number of seconds the job is delayed (up to 999999 seconds), or the time when the job is to resume processing (HH:MM:SS), depending on how you specified the command.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_GROUP
        Constant indicating that the Transfer Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) command suspended the job. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the group job name for that job.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_INDEX
        Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is rebuilding an index (access path). The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the logical file whose index is rebuilt.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_JAVA
        Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is running a Java Vertual Machine (JVM). The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the java class.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_LOG
        Constant indicating that the system logs history information in a database file. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the log (QHST is the only log currently supported).
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_MRT
        Constant indicating that the job is a multiple requester terminal (MRT) job if the JOB_TYPE is JOB_TYPE_BATCH and the JOB_SUBTYPE is JOB_SUBTYPE_MRT, or it is an interactive job attached to an MRT job if the JOB_TYPE is JOB_TYPE_INTERACTIVE.

        For MRT jobs, the FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains information in the following format:

        • CHAR(2): The number of requesters currently attached to the MRT job.
        • CHAR(1): The field is reserved for a / (slash).
        • CHAR(2): The maximum number (MRTMAX) of requesters.
        • CHAR(1): Reserved.
        • CHAR(3): The never-ending program (NEP) indicator. If an MRT is also an NEP, the MRT stays active even if there are no requesters of the MRT. A value of NEP indicates a never-ending program. A value of blanks indicates that it is not a never-ending program.
        • CHAR(1): Reserved.

        For interactive jobs attached to an MRT, the FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the MRT procedure.

        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_MENU
        Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is currently at a system menu. The FUNCTION_NAME field contains the name of the menu.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_IO
        Constant indicating that the job is a subsystem monitor that is performing input/output (I/O) operations to a work station. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the work station device to which the subsystem is performing an input/output operation.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_PROCEDURE
        Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is running a procedure. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the procedure.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_PROGRAM
        Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job is running a program. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the program.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FUNCTION_TYPE_SPECIAL
        Constant indicating that the function type is a special function. For this value, the FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains one of the following values:
        • ADLACTJOB: Auxiliary storage is being allocated for the number of active jobs specified in the QADLACTJ system value. This may indicate that the system value for the initial number of active jobs is too low.
        • ADLTOTJOB: Auxiliary storage is being allocated for the number of jobs specified in the QADLTOTJ system value.
        • CMDENT: The Command Entry display is being used.
        • COMMIT: A commit operation is being performed.
        • DIRSHD: Directory shadowing.
        • DLTSPLF: The system is deleting a spooled file.
        • DUMP: A dump is in process.
        • JOBIDXRCY: A damaged job index is being recovered.
        • JOBLOG: The system is producing a job log.
        • PASSTHRU: The job is a pass-through job.
        • RCLSPLSTG: Empty spooled database members are being deleted.
        • ROLLBACK: A rollback operation is being performed.
        • SPLCLNUP: Spool cleanup is in process.
        See Also:
        FUNCTION_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final long INITIAL_THREAD
        Constant indicating that the initial thread of the job should be used when retrieving the call stack.
        See Also:
        getCallStack(long), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_REQUIRED
        Constant indicating that the job requires an answer for any inquiry messages that occur while this job is running.
        See Also:
        INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_DEFAULT
        Constant indicating that the system uses the default message reply to answer any inquiry messages issued while this job is running. The default reply is either defined in the message description or is the default system reply.
        See Also:
        INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_SYSTEM_REPLY_LIST
        Constant indicating that the system reply list is checked to see if there is an entry for an inquiry message issued while this job is running. If a match occurs, the system uses the reply value for that entry. If no entry exists for that message, the system uses an inquiry message.
        See Also:
        INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY, Constant Field Values

        public static final int INTERACTIVE_TRANSACTIONS
        Job attribute representing the count of operator interactions, such as pressing the Enter key or a function key. This field is zero for jobs that have no interactions.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getInteractiveTransactions(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int INTERNAL_JOB_ID
        Deprecated. Use INTERNAL_JOB_IDENTIFIER instead. The internal job identifier should be treated as a byte array of 16 bytes.
        Job attribute representing the value input to other APIs to increase the speed of locating the job on the system. The identifier is not valid following an initial program load (IPL). If you attempt to use it after an IPL, an exception occurs.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        Can be loaded by JobList: false

        See Also:
        getInternalJobID(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int INTERNAL_JOB_IDENTIFIER
        Job attribute representing the value input to other APIs to increase the speed of locating the job on the system. The identifier is not valid following an initial program load (IPL). If you attempt to use it after an IPL, an exception occurs.

        Read-only: true

        Type: byte array

        Can be loaded by JobList: false

        See Also:
        getInternalJobIdentifier(), Constant Field Values
      • JOB_DATE

        public static final int JOB_DATE
        Job attribute representing the date used for the job. This value is for jobs whose status is *JOBQ or *ACTIVE. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ, the value for this field is blank.

        Type: String in the format CYYMMDD

        See Also:
        getJobDate(), setJobDate(java.util.Date), Constant Field Values

        public static final int JOB_DESCRIPTION
        Job attribute representing a set of job-related attributes used for one or more jobs on the system. These attributes determine how the job is run on the system. Multiple jobs can also use the same job description.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        getJobDescription(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int JOB_END_REASON
        Job attribute representing the most recent action that caused the job to end. Possible values are:
        • 0: Job not ending.
        • 1: Job ending in a normal manner.
        • 2: Job ended while it was still on a job queue.
        • 3: System ended abnormally.
        • 4: Job ending normally after a controlled end was requested.
        • 5: Job ending immediately.
        • 6: Job ending abnormally.
        • 7: Job ended due to the CPU limit being exceeded.
        • 8: Job ended due to the storage limit being exceeded.
        • 9: Job ended due to the message severity level bein exceeded.
        • 10: Job ended due to the disconnect time interval being exceeded.
        • 11: Job ended due to the inactivity time interval being exceeded.
        • 12: Job ended due to a device error.
        • 13: Job ended due to a signal.
        • 14: Job ended due to an unhandled error.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        Only valid on V5R1 systems and higher.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int JOB_LOG_OUTPUT
        Job attribute representing how a job log will be produced when the job completes. This does not affect job logs produced when the message queue is full and the job message queue full action specifies *PRTWRAP. Messages in the job messages queue are written to a spooled file, from which the job log can be printed, unless the Control Job Log Output (QMHCTLJL) API was used in the job to specify that the messages in the job log are to be written to a database file.

        The job log output value can be changed at any time until the job log has been produced or removed. To change the job log output value for a job, use the Change Job (QWTCHGJB) API or the Change Job (CHGJOB) command.

        The job log can be displayed at any time until the job log has been produced or removed. To display a job's job log, use the Display Job Log (DSPJOBLOG) command.

        The job log can be removed when the job has completed and the job log has not yet been produced or removed. To remove the job log, use the Remove Pending Job Log (QWTRMVJL) API or the End Job (ENDJOB) command.

        Possible values are:

        Type: String

        Only valid on V5R4 systems and higher.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_LOG_OUTPUT_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating that the value is specifed by the QLOGOUTPUT system value.
        See Also:
        JOB_LOG_OUTPUT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_LOG_OUTPUT_JOB_LOG_SERVER
        Constant indicating that the job log will be produced by a job log server. For more information about job log servers, refer to the Start Job Log Server (STRLOGSVR) command.
        See Also:
        JOB_LOG_OUTPUT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_LOG_OUTPUT_JOB_END
        Constant indicating that the job log will be produced by the job itself. If the job cannot produce its own job log, the job log will be produced by a job log server. For example, a job does not produce its own job log when the system is processing a Power Down System (PWRDWNSYS) command.
        See Also:
        JOB_LOG_OUTPUT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_LOG_OUTPUT_PENDING
        Constant indicating that the job log will not be produced. The job log remains pending until removed.
        See Also:
        JOB_LOG_OUTPUT, Constant Field Values

        public static final int JOB_LOG_PENDING
        Job attribute representing whether a job's log has been written or not. If the system fails while the job was active or the job ends abnormally, the job log may not be written yet. This flag remains on until the job log has been written. Possible values are:

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        Only valid on V5R1 systems and higher.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_LOG_PENDING_YES
        Constant indicating that the job log is pending and waiting to be written.
        See Also:
        JOB_LOG_PENDING, Constant Field Values
      • JOB_NAME

        public static final int JOB_NAME
        Job attribute representing the name of the job as identified to the system. For an interactive job, the system assigns the job name of the work station where the job started; for a batch job, you specify the name in the command when you submit the job. Possible values are:

        Type: String

        See Also:
        getName(), setName(java.lang.String), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_NAME_INTERNAL
        Constant indicating that the INTERNAL_JOB_ID locates the job. The user name and job number must be blank.
        See Also:
        JOB_NAME, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_NAME_CURRENT
        Constant indicating the job that this program is running in. The user name and job number must be blank.
        See Also:
        JOB_NAME, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_NUMBER_BLANK
        Constant indicating a blank job number. This must be used if JOB_NAME_INTERNAL or JOB_NAME_CURRENT is specified for the JOB_NAME.
        See Also:
        JOB_NUMBER, Constant Field Values
      • JOB_QUEUE

        public static final int JOB_QUEUE
        Job attribute representing the name of the job queue that the job is currently on, or that the job was on if it is currently active. This attribute is valid to be set for jobs whose status is *JOBQ. Attempting to set this attribute for jobs with a status of *OUTQ or *ACTIVE will cause an error to be signaled. This attribute is valid to be retrieved for jobs whose status is *JOBQ or *ACTIVE. Retrieving this attribute for jobs with a status of *OUTQ will return a value of blanks.

        Type: String

        See Also:
        getQueue(), setQueue(java.lang.String), Constant Field Values

        public static final int JOB_QUEUE_DATE
        Job attribute representing the date and time this job was put on this job queue. This field will contain blanks if the job was not on a job queue.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String in the system timestamp format

        See Also:
        getJobPutOnJobQueueDate(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int JOB_QUEUE_PRIORITY
        Job attribute representing the scheduling priority of the job compared to other jobs on the same job queue. The highest priority is 0 and the lowest is 9. This value is valid for jobs whose status is *JOBQ or *ACTIVE. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ, attempting to set this attribute will cause an error to be signaled and Retrieving this attribute will return a value of blanks.

        Type: String

        See Also:
        getQueuePriority(), setQueuePriority(int), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_QUEUE_STATUS_BLANK
        Constant indicating that this job was not on a job queue.
        See Also:
        JOB_QUEUE_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_QUEUE_STATUS_SCHEDULED
        Constant indicating that this job will run as scheduled.
        See Also:
        JOB_QUEUE_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_QUEUE_STATUS_HELD
        Constant indicating that this job is being held on the job queue.
        See Also:
        JOB_QUEUE_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_QUEUE_STATUS_READY
        Constant indicating that this job is ready to be selected.
        See Also:
        JOB_QUEUE_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_STATUS_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating this job is an active job. This includes group jobs, system request jobs, and disconnected jobs.
        See Also:
        JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_STATUS_JOBQ
        Constant indicating this job is currently on a job queue.
        See Also:
        JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_STATUS_OUTQ
        Constant indicating this job has completed running, but still has output on an output queue.
        See Also:
        JOB_STATUS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_BLANK
        Constant indicating that the job has no special subtype or is not a valid job.
        See Also:
        JOB_SUBTYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_IMMEDIATE
        Constant indicating that the job is an immediate job.
        See Also:
        JOB_SUBTYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_PROCEDURE_START_REQUEST
        Constant indicating that the job started with a procedure start request.
        See Also:
        JOB_SUBTYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_MACHINE_SERVER_JOB
        Constant indicating that the job is an AS/400 Advanced 36 machine server job.
        See Also:
        JOB_SUBTYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_PRESTART
        Constant indicating that the job is a prestart job.
        See Also:
        JOB_SUBTYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_PRINT_DRIVER
        Constant indicating that the job is a print driver job.
        See Also:
        JOB_SUBTYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_MRT
        Constant indicating that the job is a System/36 multiple requester terminal (MRT) job.
        See Also:
        JOB_SUBTYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_SUBTYPE_ALTERNATE_SPOOL_USER
        Constant indicating that the job is an alternate spool user job.
        See Also:
        JOB_SUBTYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_NOT_VALID
        Constant indicating that the job is not a valid job.
        See Also:
        JOB_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_AUTOSTART
        Constant indicating that the job is an autostart job.
        See Also:
        JOB_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_BATCH
        Constant indicating that the job is a batch job.
        See Also:
        JOB_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_INTERACTIVE
        Constant indicating that the job is an interactive job.
        See Also:
        JOB_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_SUBSYSTEM_MONITOR
        Constant indicating that the job is a subsystem monitor job.
        See Also:
        JOB_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_SPOOLED_READER
        Constant indicating that the job is a spooled reader job.
        See Also:
        JOB_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_SYSTEM
        Constant indicating that the job is a system job.
        See Also:
        JOB_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_SPOOLED_WRITER
        Constant indicating that the job is a spooled writer job.
        See Also:
        JOB_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_TYPE_SCPF_SYSTEM
        Constant indicating that the job is the SCPF system job.
        See Also:
        JOB_TYPE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_AUTOSTART
        Constant indicating that the job is an autostart job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_BATCH
        Constant indicating that the job is a batch job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_BATCH_IMMEDIATE
        Constant indicating that the job is a batch immediate job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_BATCH_MRT
        Constant indicating that the job is a batch System/36 multiple requester terminal (MRT) job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_BATCH_ALTERNATE_SPOOL_USER
        Constant indicating that the job is a batch alternate spool user job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_COMM_PROCEDURE_START_REQUEST
        Constant indicating that the job is a communications procedure start request job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_INTERACTIVE
        Constant indicating that the job is an interactive job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_INTERACTIVE_GROUP
        Constant indicating that the job is an interactive job that is part of a group.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_INTERACTIVE_SYSREQ
        Constant indicating that the job is an interactive job that is part of a system request pair.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_INTERACTIVE_SYSREQ_AND_GROUP
        Constant indicating that the job is an interactive job that is part of a system request pair and part of a group.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_PRESTART
        Constant indicating that the job is a prestart job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_PRESTART_BATCH
        Constant indicating that the job is a prestart batch job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_PRESTART_COMM
        Constant indicating that the job is a prestart communications job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_READER
        Constant indicating that the job is a reader job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_SUBSYSTEM
        Constant indicating that the job is a subsystem job.
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_SYSTEM
        Constant indicating that the job is a system job (all system jobs including SCPF).
        See Also:

        public static final java.lang.Integer JOB_TYPE_ENHANCED_WRITER
        Constant indicating that the job is a writer job (including both spool writers and print drivers).
        See Also:

        public static final int JOB_USER_IDENTITY
        Job attribute representing the user profile name by which the job is known to other jobs on the system. The job user identity is used for authorization checks when other jobs on the system attempt to operate against the job. For more detail on how the job user identity is set and used, refer to the Set Job User Identity (QWTSJUID) API. For jobs that are on a job queue or have completed running, the job user identity is same as the user name from the qualified job name. This attribute will return blanks for these jobs. A value of *N is returned if the job user identity is set, but the user profile to which it is set no longer exists.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_USER_IDENTITY_SETTING_DEFAULT
        Constant indicating that the job is currently running single threaded and the job user identity is the name of the user profile under which the job is currently running. This value is also returned for jobs that are on a job queue or have completed running. This has the same meaning as a value of *DEFAULT on the Display Job Status Attributes display.
        See Also:
        JOB_USER_IDENTITY_SETTING, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_USER_IDENTITY_SETTING_APPLICATION
        Constant indicating that the job user identity was explicitly set by an application using one of the Set Job User Identity APIs, QWTSJUID or QwtSetJuid(). The job may be running either single threaded or multithreaded. This has the same meaning as a value of *APPLICATION on the Display Job Status Attributes display.
        See Also:
        JOB_USER_IDENTITY_SETTING, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String JOB_USER_IDENTITY_SETTING_SYSTEM
        Constant indicating that the job is currently running multithreaded and the job user identity was implicitly set by the system when the job became multithreaded. It was set to the name of the user profile that the job was running under when it became multithreaded. This has the same meaning as a value of *SYSTEM on the Display Job Status Attributes display.
        See Also:
        JOB_USER_IDENTITY_SETTING, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String KEEP_DDM_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE_KEEP
        Constant indicating that the system keeps DDM connections active when there are no users, except for the following:
        • The routing step ends on the source system. The routing step ends when the job ends or when the job is rerouted to another routing step.
        • The Reclaim Distributed Data Management Conversation (RCLDDMCNV) command or the Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) command runs.
        • A communications failure or an internal failure occurs.
        • A DRDA connection to an application server not running on an IBM i system ends.
        See Also:
        KEEP_DDM_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String KEEP_DDM_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE_DROP
        Constant indicating that the system ends a DDM connection when there are no users. Examples include when an application closes a DDM file, or when a DRDA application runs an SQL DISCONNECT statement.
        See Also:
        KEEP_DDM_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LANGUAGE_ID_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the system value QLANGID is used.
        See Also:
        LANGUAGE_ID, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LANGUAGE_ID_INITIAL_USER
        Constant indicating the language ID specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
        See Also:
        LANGUAGE_ID, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOG_CL_PROGRAMS_YES
        Constant indicating that commands are logged for CL programs that are run.
        See Also:
        LOG_CL_PROGRAMS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOG_CL_PROGRAMS_NO
        Constant indicating that commands are not logged for CL programs that are run.
        See Also:
        LOG_CL_PROGRAMS, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOGGING_LEVEL_NONE
        Constant indicating that no messages are logged.
        See Also:
        LOGGING_LEVEL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOGGING_LEVEL_MESSAGES_BY_SEVERITY
        Constant indicating that all messages sent to the job's external message queue with a severity greater than or equal to the message logging severity are logged. This includes the indication of job start, job end, and job completion status.
        See Also:
        LOGGING_LEVEL, Constant Field Values

        Constant indicating that the following information is logged:
        • Logging level 1 information.
        • Request messages that result in a high-level message with a severity code greater than or equal to the logging severity cause the request message and all associated messages to be logged. A high-level message is one that is sent to the program message queue of the program that receives the request message. For example, QCMD is an IBM-supplied request processing program that receives request messages.
        See Also:
        LOGGING_LEVEL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOGGING_LEVEL_ALL_REQUESTS_AND_ASSOCIATED_MESSAGES
        Constant indicating that the following information is logged:
        • Logging level 1 and 2 information is logged.
        • All request messages are logged.
        • Commands run by a CL program are logged if it is allowed by the LOG_CL_PROGRAMS attribute and the log attribute of the CL program.
        See Also:
        LOGGING_LEVEL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOGGING_LEVEL_ALL_REQUESTS_AND_MESSAGES
        Constant indicating that the following information is logged:
        • All request messages and all messages with a severity greater than or equal to the message logging severity, including trace messages.
        • Commands run by a CL program are logged if it is allowed by the LOG_CL_PROGRAMS attribute and the log attribute of the CL program.
        See Also:
        LOGGING_LEVEL, Constant Field Values

        public static final int LOGGING_SEVERITY
        Job attribute representing the severity level that is used in conjunction with the logging level to determine which error messages are logged in the job log. The values range from 00 through 99.

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getLoggingSeverity(), setLoggingSeverity(int), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOGGING_TEXT_MESSAGE
        Constant indicating that only the message text is written to the job log.
        See Also:
        LOGGING_TEXT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOGGING_TEXT_SECLVL
        Constant indicating that both the message text and the message help (cause and recovery) of the error message are written to the job log.
        See Also:
        LOGGING_TEXT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOGGING_TEXT_NO_LIST
        Constant indicating that if the job ends normally, no job log is produced. If the job ends abnormally (the job end code is 20 or higher), a job log is produced. The messages that appear in the job log contain both the message text and the message. help.
        See Also:
        LOGGING_TEXT, Constant Field Values
      • MAX_CPU_TIME

        public static final int MAX_CPU_TIME
        Job attribute representing the maximum processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job can use. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, this is the maximum processing unit time that the current routing step can use. If the maximum time is exceeded, the job is ended. A value of -1 is returned if there is no maximum (*NOMAX). A value of zero is returned if the job is not active.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MAX_TEMP_STORAGE
        Job attribute representing the maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) that the job can use. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, this is the maximum temporary storage that the routing step can use. This temporary storage is used for storage required by the program itself and by implicitly created internal system objects used to support the routing step. (It does not include storage in the QTEMP library.) If the maximum temporary storage is exceeded, the job is ended. This does not apply to the use of permanent storage, which is controlled through the user profile. A value of -1 is returned if there is no maximum (*NOMAX).

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MAX_TEMP_STORAGE_LARGE
        Job attribute representing the maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in megabytes) that the job can use. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, this is the maximum temporary storage that the routing step can use. This temporary storage is used for storage required by the program itself and by implicitly created internal system objects used to support the routing step. (It does not include storage in the QTEMP library.) If the maximum temporary storage is exceeded, the job is ended. This does not apply to the use of permanent storage, which is controlled through the user profile. A value of -1 is returned if there is no maximum (*NOMAX).

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MAX_THREADS
        Job attribute representing the maximum number of threads that a job can run with at any time. If multiple threads are initiated simultaneously, this value may be exceeded. If this maximum value is exceeded, the excess threads will be allowed to run to their normal completion. Initiation of additional threads will be inhibited until the maximum number of threads in the job drops below this maximum value. A value of -1 is returned if there is no maximum (*NOMAX). Depending upon the resources used by the threads and the resources available to the system, the initiation of additional threads may be inhibited before this maximum value is reached.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MEMORY_POOL
        Job attribute representing the name of the memory pool in which the job started running. The name may be a number, in which case it is a private pool associated with a subsystem. Possible values are:

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        Only valid on V5R1 systems and higher.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MEMORY_POOL_MACHINE
        Constant indicating that this job is running in the machine pool.
        See Also:
        MEMORY_POOL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MEMORY_POOL_BASE
        Constant indicating that this job is running in the base system pool, which can be shared with other subsystems.
        See Also:
        MEMORY_POOL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MEMORY_POOL_INTERACTIVE
        Constant indicating that this job is running in the shared pool used for interactive work.
        See Also:
        MEMORY_POOL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MEMORY_POOL_SPOOL
        Constant indicating that this job is running in the shared pool for spooled writers.
        See Also:
        MEMORY_POOL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_REPLY_NOT_IN_MESSAGE_WAIT
        Constant indicating that the job currently is not in message wait status.
        See Also:
        MESSAGE_REPLY, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_REPLY_WAITING
        Constant indicating that the job is waiting for a reply to a message.
        See Also:
        MESSAGE_REPLY, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_REPLY_NOT_WAITING
        Constant indicating that the job is not waiting for a reply to a message.
        See Also:
        MESSAGE_REPLY, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the value specified for the QJOBMSGQFL system value is used.
        See Also:
        MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION_NO_WRAP
        Constant indicating that when the job message queue is full, do not wrap. This action causes the job to end.
        See Also:
        MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION_WRAP
        Constant indicating that when the job message queue is full, wrap to the beginning and start filling again.
        See Also:
        MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION_PRINT_WRAP
        Constant indicating that when the job message queue is full, wrap the message queue and print the messages that are being overlaid because of the wrapping.
        See Also:
        MESSAGE_QUEUE_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final int MESSAGE_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE
        Job attribute representing the maximum size (in megabytes) that the job message queue can become. The range is 2 to 64.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getJobMessageQueueMaximumSize(), Constant Field Values
      • MODE

        public static final int MODE
        Job attribute representing the mode name of the advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) device that started the job. Possible values are:
        • The mode name is *BLANK.
        • The mode name is blanks.
        • The name of the mode.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String OUTPUT_QUEUE_DEVICE
        Constant indicating the device specified on the Create Printer File (CRTPRTF), Change Printer File (CHGPRTF), or Override with Printer File (OVRPRTF) commands is used.
        See Also:
        OUTPUT_QUEUE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String OUTPUT_QUEUE_WORK_STATION
        Constant indicating the default output queue that is used with this job is the output queue that is assigned to the work station associated with the job at the time the job is started.
        See Also:
        OUTPUT_QUEUE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String OUTPUT_QUEUE_INITIAL_USER
        Constant indicating the output queue name specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
        See Also:
        OUTPUT_QUEUE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINT_KEY_FORMAT_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating that the value specified on the system value QPRTKEYFMT determines whether header or border information is printed.
        See Also:
        PRINT_KEY_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINT_KEY_FORMAT_NONE
        Constant indicating that the border and header information is not included with output from the Print key.
        See Also:
        PRINT_KEY_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINT_KEY_FORMAT_BORDER
        Constant indicating that the border information is included with output from the Print key.
        See Also:
        PRINT_KEY_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINT_KEY_FORMAT_HEADER
        Constant indicating that the header information is included with output from the Print key.
        See Also:
        PRINT_KEY_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINT_KEY_FORMAT_ALL
        Constant indicating that the border and header information is included with output from the Print key.
        See Also:
        PRINT_KEY_FORMAT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINT_TEXT_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the system value QPRTTXT is used.
        See Also:
        PRINT_TEXT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINT_TEXT_BLANK
        Constant indicating that no text is printed on printed output.
        See Also:
        PRINT_TEXT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINTER_DEVICE_NAME_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the value in the system value QPRTDEV is used as the printer device.
        See Also:
        PRINTER_DEVICE_NAME, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINTER_DEVICE_NAME_WORK_STATION
        Constant indicating that the default printer device used with this job is the printer device assigned to the work station that is associated with the job.
        See Also:
        PRINTER_DEVICE_NAME, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRINTER_DEVICE_NAME_INITIAL_USER
        Constant indicating that the printer device name specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
        See Also:
        PRINTER_DEVICE_NAME, Constant Field Values

        public static final int PRODUCT_RETURN_CODE
        Job attribute representing the return code set by the compiler for Integrated Language Environment (ILE) languages. Refer to the appropriate ILE-conforming language manual for possible values. This attribute is scoped to the job and represents the most recent return code set by any thread within the job.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PROGRAM_RETURN_CODE
        Job attribute representing the completion status of the last program that has finished running, if the job contains any RPG, COBOL, data file utility (DFU), or sort utility programs. If not, a value of 0 is returned.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ROUTING_DATA
        Job attribute representing the routing data that is used to determine the routing entry that identifies the program to start for the routing step.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        getRoutingData(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int RUN_PRIORITY
        Job attribute representing the priority at which the job is currently running, relative to other jobs on the system. The run priority ranges from 0 (highest priority) to 99 (lowest priority).

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getRunPriority(), setRunPriority(int), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_CURRENT
        Constant indicating the submitted job becomes eligible to run on the current date.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_DATE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_MONTH_START
        Constant indicating the submitted job becomes eligible to run on the first day of the month. If you specify this value and if today is the first day of the month and the time you specify on the SCHEDULE_TIME attribute has not passed, the job becomes eligible to run today. Otherwise, the job becomes eligible on the first day of the next month.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_DATE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_MONTH_END
        Constant indicating the submitted job becomes eligible to run on the last day of the month. If you specify this value and if today is the last day of the month and the time you specify on the SCHEDULE_TIME attribute has not passed, the job becomes eligible to run today. Otherwise, the job becomes eligible on the last day of the next month.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_DATE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_MONDAY
        Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Monday.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_DATE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_TUESDAY
        Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Tuesday.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_DATE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_WEDNESDAY
        Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Wednesday.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_DATE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_THURSDAY
        Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Thursday.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_DATE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_FRIDAY
        Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Friday.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_DATE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_SATURDAY
        Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Saturday.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_DATE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_DATE_SUNDAY
        Constant indicating the job becomes eligible to run on Sunday.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_DATE, Constant Field Values

        public static final int SCHEDULE_TIME
        Job attribute representing the time on the scheduled date at which the job becomes eligible to run. Although the time can be specified to the second, the load on the system may affect the exact time at which the job becomes eligible to run. Possible values that can be used on setValue() are:
        • A time you want to start the job, specified in a 24-hour format String as HHMMSS.

        Type: String on setValue(); java.util.Date on getValue().

        See Also:
        getScheduleDate(), setScheduleTime(java.util.Date), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SCHEDULE_TIME_CURRENT
        Constant indicating the job is submitted on the current time.
        See Also:
        SCHEDULE_TIME, Constant Field Values

        public static final int SERVER_TYPE
        Job attribute representing the type of server represented by the job. A value of blanks indicates that the job is not part of a server.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SIGNED_ON_JOB_TRUE
        Constant indicating that the job should be treated like a signed-on user.
        See Also:
        SIGNED_ON_JOB, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SIGNED_ON_JOB_FALSE
        Constant indicating that the job should not be treated like a signed-on user.
        See Also:
        SIGNED_ON_JOB, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the system value QSRTSEQ is used.
        See Also:
        SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_INITIAL_USER
        Constant indicating the sort sequence table specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
        See Also:
        SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_NONE
        Constant indicating that no sort sequence table is used. The hexadecimal values of the characters are used to determine the sort sequence.
        See Also:
        SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_LANGUAGE_SHARED_WEIGHT
        Constant indicating that the sort sequence table used can contain the same weight for multiple characters, and it is the shared weight sort table associated with the language specified in the LANGUAGE_ID attribute.
        See Also:
        SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_LANGUAGE_UNIQUE_WEIGHT
        Constant indicating that the sort sequence table used must contain a unique weight for each character in the code page, and it is the unique weight sort table associated with the language specified in the LANGUAGE_ID parameter.
        See Also:
        SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT_NONE
        Constant indicating that the job is not running in any special environment.
        See Also:
        SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT_SYSTEM_36
        Constant indicating that the job is running in the System/36 environment.
        See Also:
        SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT_NOT_ACTIVE
        Constant indicating that the special environment is ignored because the job is not currently active.
        See Also:
        SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SPOOLED_FILE_ACTION_KEEP
        Constant indicating that when the job completes its activity, as long as at least one spooled file for the job exists in the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP 1) or in a basic user ASP (ASPs 2-32), the spooled files are kept with the job and the status of the job is updated to indicate that the job has completed. If all remaining spooled files for the job are in independent ASPs (ASPs 33-255), the spooled files will be detached from the job and the job will be removed from the system.
        See Also:
        SPOOLED_FILE_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SPOOLED_FILE_ACTION_DETACH
        Constant indicating that spooled files are detached from the job when the job completes its activity.
        See Also:
        SPOOLED_FILE_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SPOOLED_FILE_ACTION_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the job will take the spooled file action specified by the QSPLFACN system value.
        See Also:
        SPOOLED_FILE_ACTION, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String STATUS_MESSAGE_HANDLING_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the system value QSTSMSG is used.
        See Also:
        STATUS_MESSAGE_HANDLING, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String STATUS_MESSAGE_HANDLING_INITIAL_USER
        Constant indicating the status message handling that is specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
        See Also:
        STATUS_MESSAGE_HANDLING, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String STATUS_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NONE
        Constant indicating that this job does not display status messages.
        See Also:
        STATUS_MESSAGE_HANDLING, Constant Field Values

        public static final int SUBMITTED_BY_JOB_NAME
        Job attribute representing the job name of the submitter's job. If the job has no submitter, this value is blank.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SUBMITTED_BY_USER
        Job attribute representing the user name of the submitter. If the job has no submitter, this value is blank.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        Can be loaded by JobList: false

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SUBMITTED_BY_JOB_NUMBER
        Job attribute representing the job number of the submitter's job. If the job has no submitter, this value is blank.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        Can be loaded by JobList: false

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SUBSYSTEM
        Job attribute representing the subsystem description in which an active job is running. This value is only for jobs whose status is *ACTIVE. For jobs with status of *OUTQ or *JOBQ, this value is blank.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        getSubsystem(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int SYSTEM_POOL_ID
        Job attribute representing the identifier of the system-related pool from which the job's main storage is allocated. These identifiers are not the same as those specified in the subsystem description, but are the same as the system pool identifiers shown on the system status display. This is the pool that the threads in the job start in. Also see the CURRENT_SYSTEM_POOL_ID for more information.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        CURRENT_SYSTEM_POOL_ID, getPoolIdentifier(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int TEMP_STORAGE_USED
        Job attribute representing the amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) that is currently allocated to this job. This value will reach a maximum of 2,147,483,647 kilobytes. If the actual temporary storage used is larger than that value, this attribute will return 2,147,483,647 kilobytes. It is recomended that the TEMP_STORAGE_USED_LARGE attribute be used to get over the limit.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TEMP_STORAGE_USED_LARGE
        Job attribute representing the amount of auxiliary storage (in megabytes) that is currently allocated to this job.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Long

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int THREAD_COUNT
        Job attribute representing the count of the current number of active threads in the process at the time of the materialization. An active thread may be either actively running, suspended, or waiting for a resource.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String TIME_SEPARATOR_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the time separator specified in the system value QTIMSEP is used.
        See Also:
        TIME_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String TIME_SEPARATOR_COLON
        Constant indicating a colon (:) is used for the time separator.
        See Also:
        TIME_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String TIME_SEPARATOR_PERIOD
        Constant indicating a period (.) is used for the time separator.
        See Also:
        TIME_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String TIME_SEPARATOR_BLANK
        Constant indicating a blank is used for the time separator.
        See Also:
        TIME_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String TIME_SEPARATOR_COMMA
        Constant indicating a comma (,) is used for the time separator.
        See Also:
        TIME_SEPARATOR, Constant Field Values
      • TIME_SLICE

        public static final int TIME_SLICE
        Job attribute representing the maximum amount of processor time (in milliseconds) given to each thread in this job before other threads in this job and in other jobs are given the opportunity to run. The time slice establishes the amount of time needed by a thread in this job to accomplish a meaningful amount of processing. At the end of the time slice, the thread might be put in an inactive state so that other threads can become active in the storage pool. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, a change to this attribute during a routing step does not apply to subsequent routing steps. Values retrieved range from 8 through 9,999,999 milliseconds (that is, 9999.999 seconds). Although you can specify a value of less than 8, the system takes a minimum of 8 milliseconds to run a process.

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getTimeSlice(), setTimeSlice(int), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String TIME_SLICE_END_POOL_SYSTEM_VALUE
        Constant indicating the value in the system value QTSEPPOOL is used.
        See Also:
        TIME_SLICE_END_POOL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String TIME_SLICE_END_POOL_NONE
        Constant indicating that a thread in the job does not move to another main storage pool when it reaches the end of its time slice.
        See Also:
        TIME_SLICE_END_POOL, Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String TIME_SLICE_END_POOL_BASE
        Constant indicating that a thread in the job moves to the base pool when it reaches the end of its time slice.
        See Also:
        TIME_SLICE_END_POOL, Constant Field Values

        public static final int TOTAL_RESPONSE_TIME
        Job attribute representing the total amount of response time for the initial thread, in milliseconds. This value does not include the time used by the machine, by the attached input/output (I/O) hardware, and by the transmission lines for sending and receiving data. This value is zero for jobs that have no interactions. A value of -1 is returned if this field is not large enough to hold the actual result.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        getTotalResponseTime(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int UNIT_OF_WORK_ID
        Job attribute representing the unit of work ID used to track jobs across multiple systems. If a job is not associated with a source or target system using advanced program-to-program communications (APPC), this information is not used. Every job on the system is assigned a unit of work ID. The unit-of-work identifier is made up of:
        1. LOCATION_NAME
        2. NETWORK_ID
        3. INSTANCE

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        getWorkIDUnit(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int LOCATION_NAME
        Job attribute representing the location name portion of the unit of work ID. This portion of the unit-of-work identifier is the name of the source system that originated the APPC job.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        UNIT_OF_WORK_ID, getWorkIDUnit(), Constant Field Values
      • NETWORK_ID

        public static final int NETWORK_ID
        Job attribute representing the network ID portion of the unit of work ID. This portion of the unit-of-work identifier is the network name associated with the unit of work.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        UNIT_OF_WORK_ID, getWorkIDUnit(), Constant Field Values
      • INSTANCE

        public static final int INSTANCE
        Job attribute representing the instance portion of the unit of work ID. This portion of the unit-of-work identifier is the value that further identifies the source of the job. This is shown as hexadecimal data.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        UNIT_OF_WORK_ID, getWorkIDUnit(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int SEQUENCE_NUMBER
        Job attribute representing the sequence number portion of the unit of work ID. This portion of the unit-of-work identifier is a value that identifies a checkpoint within the application program.

        Read-only: true

        Type: String

        See Also:
        UNIT_OF_WORK_ID, getWorkIDUnit(), Constant Field Values
      • USER_NAME

        public static final int USER_NAME
        Job attribute representing the user name of the job, which is the same as the name of the user profile under which the job was started. It can come from several different sources, depending on the type of job. This may be different than the user profile under which the job is currently running. See the CURRENT_USER attribute for more information. Possible values are:

        Type: String

        See Also:
        CURRENT_USER, getUser(), setUser(java.lang.String), Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String USER_NAME_BLANK
        Constant indicating a blank user name. This must be used when JOB_NAME_INTERNAL or JOB_NAME_CURRENT is specified for the JOB_NAME.
        See Also:
        USER_NAME, Constant Field Values

        public static final int USER_RETURN_CODE
        Job attribute representing the user-defined return code set by ILE high-level language constructs. An example is the program return code in the C language. This field is scoped to the job and represents the most recent return code set by any thread within the job.

        Read-only: true

        Type: Integer

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Job

        public Job(AS400 system)
        Constructs a Job object. The job name, user name, and job number of the job that this program is running in will be used. Typically, that will be the job information for the remote command host server job associated with the specified system object.
        system - The system object representing the system on which the job exists.
        See Also:
        setName(java.lang.String), setNumber(java.lang.String), setUser(java.lang.String)
      • Job

        public Job(AS400 system,
           java.lang.String jobName,
           java.lang.String userName,
           java.lang.String jobNumber)
        Constructs a Job object.
        system - The system object representing the system on which the job exists.
        jobName - The job name. Specify JOB_NAME_CURRENT to indicate the job that this program is running in.
        userName - The user name. This must be USER_NAME_BLANK if the job name is JOB_NAME_CURRENT.
        jobNumber - The job number. This must be JOB_NUMBER_BLANK if job name is JOB_NAME_CURRENT.
      • Job

        public Job(AS400 system,
           java.lang.String internalJobID)
        Deprecated. Use Job(AS400,byte[]) instead. The internal job ID should be treated as a byte array of 16 bytes.
        Constructs a Job object. This sets the job name to JOB_NAME_INTERNAL, the user name to USER_NAME_BLANK, and the job number to JOB_NUMBER_BLANK.
        system - The system object representing the system on which the job exists.
        internalJobID - The internal job identifier.
      • Job

        public Job(AS400 system,
           byte[] internalJobID)
        Constructs a Job object. This sets the job name to JOB_NAME_INTERNAL, the user name to USER_NAME_BLANK, and the job number to JOB_NUMBER_BLANK.
        system - The system.
        internalJobID - The 16-byte internal job identifier.
    • Method Detail

      • addPropertyChangeListener

        public void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
        Adds a PropertyChangeListener. The specified PropertyChangeListener's propertyChange() method will be called each time the value of any bound property is changed.
        listener - The listener.
        See Also:
      • addVetoableChangeListener

        public void addVetoableChangeListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener listener)
        Adds a VetoableChangeListener. The specified VetoableChangeListener's vetoableChange() method will be called each time the value of any constrained property is changed.
        listener - The listener.
        See Also:
      • commitChanges

        public void commitChanges(boolean callOnThread)
                           throws AS400SecurityException,
        Commits all uncommitted attribute changes. Calling this method will set all uncommitted attribute changes to the job on the system.
        When running on an IBM i system: If callOnThread is true, then the system API (QWTCHGJB) will be called on-thread, that is, in the same thread as the JVM. If callOnThread is false, then the system API will be called off-thread, that is, in the thread of the Remote Command Host Server job.
        Caution: The QWTCHGJB API is specified as "conditionally threadsafe". Please refer to the IBM i Programmer's Guide for details on the threadsafety of specific attribute changes. Note that this method specifies format name JOBC0100 when calling QWTCHGJB.
        Note: This method behaves identically to commitChanges() if the Java application is running remotely, that is, is not running "natively" on an IBM i system. When running remotely, the Toolbox submits all program calls through the Remote Command Host Server.
        callOnThread - Whether to call the system API on-thread or off-thread.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      • getAuxiliaryIORequests

        public int getAuxiliaryIORequests()
                                   throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the number of auxiliary I/O requests performed by the job across all routing steps. This includes both database and nondatabase paging. If the number of auxiliary I/O requests is greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647, a value of -1 is returned. Use the AUXILIARY_IO_REQUESTS_LARGE attribute to retrieve values that are greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647.
        The number of auxiliary I/O requests performed by the job across all routing steps.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getBreakMessageHandling

        public java.lang.String getBreakMessageHandling()
                                                 throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns a value which represents how this job handles break messages.
        How this job handles break messages. Possible values are:
        • BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NORMAL - The message queue status determines break message handling.
        • BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_HOLD - The message queue holds break messages until a user or program requests them. The work station user uses the Display Message (DPSMSG) command to display the messages; a program must issue a Receive Message (RCVMSG) command to receive a message and handle it.
        • BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NOTIFY - The system notifies the job's message queue when a message arrives. For interactive jobs, the audible alarm sounds if there is one, and the message-waiting light comes on.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getCallStack

        public CallStackEntry[] getCallStack(long threadID)
                                      throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the call stack for the specified thread in this job. This method does not cache any information and always retrieves its data from the system every time it is called.
        threadID - The thread identifier, or Job.INITIAL_THREAD for the initial thread of this job.
        The array of call stack entries in this job's call stack. The element at index 0 is the oldest entry in the stack, and the last element in the array is the newest, or highest, entry in the stack.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      • getCPUUsed

        public int getCPUUsed()
                       throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used. If the processing unit time used is greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647 milliseconds, a value of -1 is returned. Use the CPU_TIME_USED_LARGE attribute to retrieve values that are greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647.
        The amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getCurrentLibrary

        public java.lang.String getCurrentLibrary()
                                           throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the name of the current library for the initial thread of the job. If no current library exists, the CURRENT_LIBRARY_EXISTENCE attribute returns 0 and this attribute returns an empty string ("").
        The name of the current library for the initial thread of the job.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getDDMConversationHandling

        public java.lang.String getDDMConversationHandling()
                                                    throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns whether connections using distributed data management (DDM) protocols remain active when they are not being used. The connections include APPC conversations, active TCP/IP connections, or Opti-Connect connections. The DDM protocols are used in Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) applications, DDM applications, or DB2 Multisystem applications.
        Whether connections using distributed data management (DDM) protocols remain active when they are not being used. Possible values are:
        • KEEP_DDM_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE_KEEP - The system keeps DDM connections active when there are no users, except for the following:
          • The routing step ends on the source system. The routing step ends when the job ends or when the job is rerouted to another routing step.
          • The Reclaim Distributed Data Management Conversation (RCLDDMCNV) command or the Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) command runs.
          • A communications failure or an internal failure occurs.
          • A DRDA connection to an application server not running on an IBM i system ends.
        • KEEP_DDM_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE_DROP - The system ends a DDM connection when there are no users. Examples include when an application closes a DDM file, or when a DRDA application runs an SQL DISCONNECT statement.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getDecimalFormat

        public java.lang.String getDecimalFormat()
                                          throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the decimal format used for this job.
        The decimal format used for this job. Possible values are:
        • DECIMAL_FORMAT_PERIOD - Uses a period for a decimal point, a comma for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero-suppresses to the left of the decimal point.
        • DECIMAL_FORMAT_COMMA_J - Uses a comma for a decimal point, a period for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero-suppresses to the left of the decimal point.
        • DECIMAL_FORMAT_COMMA_I - Uses a comma for a decimal point and a period for a 3-digit grouping character. The zero-suppression character is in the second position (rather than the first) to the left of the decimal notation. Balances with zero values to the left of the comma are written with one leading zero (0,04). This constant also overrides any edit codes that might suppress the leading zero.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getDefaultWait

        public int getDefaultWait()
                           throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the default maximum time (in seconds) that a thread in the job waits for a system instruction, such as a LOCK machine interface (MI) instruction, to acquire a resource. This default wait time is used when a wait time is not otherwise specified for a given situation. Normally, this is the amount of time the user is willing to wait for the system before the request is ended. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, a change to this attribute during a routing step does not appy to subsequent routing steps. The valid range is 1 through 9999999. A value of -1 represents no maximum wait time (*NOMAX).
        The default maximum time (in seconds) that a thread in the job waits for a system instruction to acquire a resource. The value -1 means there is no maximum (*NOMAX).
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getDeviceRecoveryAction

        public java.lang.String getDeviceRecoveryAction()
                                                 throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the action taken for interactive jobs when an I/O error occurs for the job's requesting program device.
        The action taken for interactive jobs when an I/O error occurs for the job's requesting program device. Possible values are:
        • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_MESSAGE - Signals the I/O error message to the application and lets the application program perform error recovery.
        • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_DISCONNECT_MESSAGE - Disconnects the job when an I/O error occurs. When the job reconnects, the system sends an error message to the application program, indicating the job has reconnected and that the work station device has recovered.
        • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_DISCONNECT_END_REQUEST - Disconnects the job when an I/O error occurs. When the job reconnects, the system sends the End Request (ENDRQS) command to return control to the previous request level.
        • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_END_JOB - Ends the job when an I/O error occurs. A message is sent to the job's log and to the history log (QHST) indicating the job ended because of a device error.
        • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_END_JOB_NO_LIST - Ends the job when an I/O error occurs. There is no job log produced for the job. The system sends a message to the QHST log indicating the job ended because of a device error.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getEndSeverity

        public int getEndSeverity()
                           throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the message severity level of escape messages that can cause a batch job to end. The batch job ends when a request in the batch input stream sends an escape message, whose severity is equal to or greater than this value, to the request processing program.
        The message severity level of escape messages that can cause a batch job to end.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getFunctionName

        public java.lang.String getFunctionName()
                                         throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns additional information (as described by the FUNCTION_TYPE attribute) about the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread.
        The additional information (as described by the FUNCTION_TYPE attribute) about the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getFunctionType

        public java.lang.String getFunctionType()
                                         throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread. This field may not be cleared when a function is completed.
        The last high-level function initiated by the initial thread. Possible values are:
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_BLANK - The system is not performing a logged function.
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_COMMAND - A command is running interactively, or it is in a batch input stream, or it was requested from a system menu. Commands in CL programs or REXX procedures are not logged. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the command and is only updated when a command is processed.
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_DELAY - The initial thread of the job is processing a Delay Job (DLYJOB) command. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the number of seconds the job is delayed (up to 999999 seconds), or the time when the job is to resume processing (HH:MM:SS), depending on how you specified the command.
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_GROUP - The Transfer Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) command suspended the job. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the group job name for that job.
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_INDEX - The initial thread of the job is rebuilding an index (access path). The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the logical file whose index is rebuilt.
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_JAVA - The initial thread of the job is running a Java Vertual Machine (JVM). The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the java class.
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_LOG - The system logs history information in a database file. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the log (QHST is the only log currently supported).
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_MRT - The job is a multiple requester terminal (MRT) job if the JOB_TYPE is JOB_TYPE_BATCH and the JOB_SUBTYPE is JOB_SUBTYPE_MRT, or it is an interactive job attached to an MRT job if the JOB_TYPE is JOB_TYPE_INTERACTIVE.

          For MRT jobs, the FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains information in the following format:

          • CHAR(2): The number of requesters currently attached to the MRT job.
          • CHAR(1): The field is reserved for a / (slash).
          • CHAR(2): The maximum number (MRTMAX) of requesters.
          • CHAR(1): Reserved.
          • CHAR(3): The never-ending program (NEP) indicator. If an MRT is also an NEP, the MRT stays active even if there are no requesters of the MRT. A value of NEP indicates a never-ending program. A value of blanks indicates that it is not a never-ending program.
          • CHAR(1): Reserved.

          For interactive jobs attached to an MRT, the FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the MRT procedure.

        • FUNCTION_TYPE_MENU - The initial thread of the job is currently at a system menu. The FUNCTION_NAME field contains the name of the menu.
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_IO - The job is a subsystem monitor that is performing input/output (I/O) operations to a work station. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the work station device to which the subsystem is performing an input/output operation.
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_PROCEDURE - The initial thread of the job is running a procedure. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the procedure.
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_PROGRAM - The initial thread of the job is running a program. The FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains the name of the program.
        • FUNCTION_TYPE_SPECIAL - The function type is a special function. For this value, the FUNCTION_NAME attribute contains one of the following values:
          • ADLACTJOB: Auxiliary storage is being allocated for the number of active jobs specified in the QADLACTJ system value. This may indicate that the system value for the initial number of active jobs is too low.
          • ADLTOTJOB: Auxiliary storage is being allocated for the number of jobs specified in the QADLTOTJ system value.
          • CMDENT: The Command Entry display is being used.
          • COMMIT: A commit operation is being performed.
          • DIRSHD: Directory shadowing.
          • DLTSPLF: The system is deleting a spooled file.
          • DUMP: A dump is in process.
          • JOBIDXRCY: A damaged job index is being recovered.
          • JOBLOG: The system is producing a job log.
          • PASSTHRU: The job is a pass-through job.
          • RCLSPLSTG: Empty spooled database members are being deleted.
          • ROLLBACK: A rollback operation is being performed.
          • SPLCLNUP: Spool cleanup is in process.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getInquiryMessageReply

        public java.lang.String getInquiryMessageReply()
                                                throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns how the job answers inquiry messages.
        How the job answers inquiry messages. Possible values are:
        • INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_REQUIRED - The job requires an answer for any inquiry messages that occur while this job is running.
        • INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_DEFAULT - The system uses the default message reply to answer any inquiry messages issued while this job is running. The default reply is either defined in the message description or is the default system reply.
        • INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_SYSTEM_REPLY_LIST - The system reply list is checked to see if there is an entry for an inquiry message issued while this job is running. If a match occurs, the system uses the reply value for that entry. If no entry exists for that message, the system uses an inquiry message.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getInteractiveTransactions

        public int getInteractiveTransactions()
                                       throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the count of operator interactions, such as pressing the Enter key or a function key. This field is zero for jobs that have no interactions.
        The count of operator interactions, such as pressing the Enter key or a function key. This field is zero for jobs that have no interactions.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getInternalJobID

        public java.lang.String getInternalJobID()
        Deprecated. Use getInternalJobIdentifier() instead. The internal job identifier should be treated as a byte array of 16 bytes.
        Returns the internal job identifier. The internal job identifier is a value input to other APIs to increase the speed of locating the job on the system. The identifier is not valid following an initial program load (IPL). If you attempt to use it after an IPL, an exception occurs.
        The internal job identifier.
      • getInternalJobIdentifier

        public byte[] getInternalJobIdentifier()
        Returns the internal job identifier. The internal job identifier is a value input to other APIs to increase the speed of locating the job on the system. The identifier is not valid following an initial program load (IPL). If you attempt to use it after an IPL, an exception occurs.
        The 16-byte internal job identifier, or null if one has not been set or retrieved from the system.
        See Also:
      • getJobAccountingCode

        public java.lang.String getJobAccountingCode()
                                              throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns an identifier assigned to the job by the system to collect resource use information for the job when job accounting is active.
        An identifier assigned to the job by the system to collect resource use information for the job when job accounting is active.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getJobDescription

        public java.lang.String getJobDescription()
                                           throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the fully qualified integrated file system path name for the job description. The job description is a set of job-related attributes used for one or more jobs on the system. These attributes determine how the job is run on the system. Multiple jobs can also use the same job description.
        The fully qualified integrated file system path name for the job description.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
        JOB_DESCRIPTION, QSYSObjectPathName
      • getJobLog

        public JobLog getJobLog()
        Returns the job log.
        The job log.
      • getLanguageID

        public java.lang.String getLanguageID()
                                       throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the language identifier associated with this job. The language identifier is used when *LANGIDUNQ or *LANGIDSHR is specified on the sort sequence parameter. If the job CCSID is 65535, this parameter is also used to determine the value of the job default CCSID.
        The language identifier associated with this job.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getLoggingLevel

        public int getLoggingLevel()
                            throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns what type of information is logged.
        A value indicating what type of information is logged. Possible values are:
        • 0 - No messages are logged.
        • 1 - All messages sent to the job's external message queue with a severity greater than or equal to the message logging severity are logged. This includes the indication of job start, job end, and job completion status.
        • 2 - The following information is logged:
          • Logging level 1 information.
          • Request messages that result in a high-level message with a severity code greater than or equal to the logging severity cause the request message and all associated messages to be logged. A high-level message is one that is sent to the program message queue of the program that receives the request message. For example, QCMD is an IBM-supplied request processing program that receives request messages.
        • 3 - The following information is logged:
          • Logging level 1 and 2 information is logged.
          • All request messages are logged.
          • Commands run by a CL program are logged if it is allowed by the LOG_CL_PROGRAMS attribute and the log attribute of the CL program.
        • 4 - The following information is logged:
          • All request messages and all messages with a severity greater than or equal to the message logging severity, including trace messages.
          • Commands run by a CL program are logged if it is allowed by the LOG_CL_PROGRAMS attribute and the log attribute of the CL program.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getLoggingSeverity

        public int getLoggingSeverity()
                               throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the severity level that is used in conjunction with the logging level to determine which error messages are logged in the job log. The values range from 00 through 99.
        The severity level that is used in conjunction with the logging level to determine which error messages are logged in the job log.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getLoggingText

        public java.lang.String getLoggingText()
                                        throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the level of message text that is written in the job log when a message is logged according to the LOGGING_LEVEL and LOGGING_SEVERITY.
        The level of message text that is written in the job log when a message is logged according to the LOGGING_LEVEL and LOGGING_SEVERITY. Possible values are:
        • LOGGING_TEXT_MESSAGE - Only the message text is written to the job log.
        • LOGGING_TEXT_SECLVL - Both the message text and the message help (cause and recovery) of the error message are written to the job log.
        • LOGGING_TEXT_NO_LIST - If the job ends normally, no job log is produced. If the job ends abnormally (the job end code is 20 or higher), a job log is produced. The messages that appear in the job log contain both the message text and the message.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getModeName

        public java.lang.String getModeName()
                                     throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the mode name of the advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) device that started the job.
        The mode name of the advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) device that started the job. Possible values are:
        • The mode name is *BLANK.
        • The mode name is blanks.
        • The name of the mode.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the job name.
        The job name.
      • getNumber

        public java.lang.String getNumber()
        Returns the job number.
        The job number.
      • getOutputQueue

        public java.lang.String getOutputQueue()
                                        throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the fully qualified integrated file system path name of the default output queue that is used for spooled output produced by this job. The default output queue is only for spooled printer files that specify *JOB for the output queue.
        The fully qualified integrated file system path name of the default output queue that is used for spooled output produced by this job.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
        OUTPUT_QUEUE, QSYSObjectPathName
      • getPoolIdentifier

        public int getPoolIdentifier()
                              throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the identifier of the system-related pool from which the job's main storage is allocated. These identifiers are not the same as those specified in the subsystem description, but are the same as the system pool identifiers shown on the system status display. This is the pool that the threads in the job start in. Also see the CURRENT_SYSTEM_POOL_ID for more information.
        The identifier of the system-related pool from which the job's main storage is allocated.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getPurge

        public boolean getPurge()
                         throws AS400SecurityException,
        Indicates whether or not the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage at the end of a time slice or when entering a long wait (such as waiting for a work station user's response). This attribute is ignored when more than one thread is active within the job. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, a change to this attribute during a routing step does not apply to subsequent routing steps.
        true if the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage at the end of a time slice or when entering a long wait; false otherwise.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getQueue

        public java.lang.String getQueue()
                                  throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the fully qualified integrated file system path name of the job queue that the job is currently on, or that the job was on if it is currently active. This value is for jobs whose status is *JOBQ or *ACTIVE. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ, the value for this field is blank.
        The fully qualified integrated file system path name of the job queue that the job is currently on, or that the job was on if it is currently active.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
        JOB_QUEUE, QSYSObjectPathName
      • getQueuePriority

        public int getQueuePriority()
                             throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the scheduling priority of the job compared to other jobs on the same job queue. The highest priority is 0 and the lowest is 9. This value is valid for jobs whose status is *JOBQ or *ACTIVE. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ, then the priority returned is -1.
        The scheduling priority of the job compared to other jobs on the same job queue.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getSortSequenceTable

        public java.lang.String getSortSequenceTable()
                                              throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the name of the sort sequence table associated with this job.
        The name of the sort sequence table associated with this job. Possible values are:
        • SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_NONE - No sort sequence table is used. The hexadecimal values of the characters are used to determine the sort sequence.
        • SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_LANGUAGE_SHARED_WEIGHT - The sort sequence table used can contain the same weight for multiple characters, and it is the shared weight sort table associated with the language specified in the LANGUAGE_ID attribute.
        • SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_LANGUAGE_UNIQUE_WEIGHT - The sort sequence table used must contain a unique weight for each character in the code page, and it is the unique weight sort table associated with the language specified in the LANGUAGE_ID parameter.
        • The fully qualified integrated file system path name of the sort sequence table associated with this job.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getStringValue

        public java.lang.String getStringValue(int attribute)
                                        throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the value for the specified job attribute, as a String. This is a generic way of retrieving string-valued job attributes, rather than using the specific getter methods. This method will either go to the system to retrieve the job attribute, or it will return a cached value if the attribute was previously retrieved or previously set by setValue() or one of the other setter methods. Use loadInformation() to refresh the attributes from the system.
        attribute - The job attribute.
        The current value of the attribute, as a blank-trimmed String. This method may return null in the rare case that the specified attribute could not be retrieved using the QUSRJOBI system API. If the attribute value is not of type String, then the result of toString() on the value object is returned.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
        loadInformation(), getValue(int), setValue(int, java.lang.Object)
      • getSystem

        public AS400 getSystem()
        Returns the system.
        The system.
      • getTimeSlice

        public int getTimeSlice()
                         throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the maximum amount of processor time (in milliseconds) given to each thread in this job before other threads in this job and in other jobs are given the opportunity to run. The time slice establishes the amount of time needed by a thread in this job to accomplish a meaningful amount of processing. At the end of the time slice, the thread might be put in an inactive state so that other threads can become active in the storage pool. Values retrieved range from 8 through 9,999,999 milliseconds (that is, 9999.999 seconds). Although you can specify a value of less than 8, the system takes a minimum of 8 milliseconds to run a process.
        The maximum amount of processor time (in milliseconds) given to each thread in this job before other threads in this job and in other jobs are given the opportunity to run.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getTimeSliceEndPool

        public java.lang.String getTimeSliceEndPool()
                                             throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns a value indicating whether a thread in an interactive job moves to another main storage pool at the end of its time slice.
        The value indicating whether a thread in an interactive job moves to another main storage pool at the end of its time slice. Possible values are:
        • TIME_SLICE_END_POOL_NONE - A thread in the job does not move to another main storage pool when it reaches the end of its time slice.
        • TIME_SLICE_END_POOL_BASE - A thread in the job moves to the base pool when it reaches the end of its time slice.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getTotalResponseTime

        public int getTotalResponseTime()
                                 throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the total amount of response time for the initial thread, in milliseconds. This value does not include the time used by the machine, by the attached input/output (I/O) hardware, and by the transmission lines for sending and receiving data. This value is zero for jobs that have no interactions. A value of -1 is returned if this field is not large enough to hold the actual result.
        The total amount of response time for the initial thread, in milliseconds.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • getUser

        public java.lang.String getUser()
        Returns the user name. This method will either return a cached value if the USER_NAME attribute was previously retrieved; or if attributes values have not yet been retrieved, the value previously by either a constructor, setUser(), or one of the other setter methods.

        Note: To get the actual current user name for this job (for example, after swapping profiles), call getStringValue(CURRENT_USER)

        The user name.
        See Also:
      • getValue

        public java.lang.Object getValue(int attribute)
                                  throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the value for the specified job attribute. This is a generic way of retrieving job attributes, rather than using the specific getter methods. This method will either go to the system to retrieve the job attribute, or it will return a cached value if the attribute was previously retrieved or previously set by setValue() or one of the other setter methods. Use loadInformation() to refresh the attributes from the system.
        attribute - The job attribute.
        The current value of the attribute. This method may return null in the rare case that the specified attribute could not be retrieved using the QUSRJOBI system API. String values are not trimmed.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
        loadInformation(), getStringValue(int), setValue(int, java.lang.Object)
      • getWorkIDUnit

        public java.lang.String getWorkIDUnit()
                                       throws AS400SecurityException,
        Returns the unit of work identifier. The unit of work identifier is used to track jobs across multiple systems. If a job is not associated with a source or target system using advanced program-to-program communications (APPC), this information is not used. Every job on the system is assigned a unit of work identifier.
        The unit of work identifier, which is made up of:
        • Location name - 8 Characters. The name of the source system that originated the APPC job.
        • Network ID - 8 Characters. The network name associated with the unit of work.
        • Instance - 6 Characters. The value that further identifies the source of the job. This is shown as hexadecimal data.
        • Sequence Number - 2 Character. A value that identifies a check-point within the application program.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • loadInformation

        public void loadInformation(int[] attributes)
        Refreshes the values for specific attributes. This does not cancel uncommitted changes.
        Note: The specified attributes will be refreshed, along with other attributes in their "format group". For more information about attribute format groups, refer to the specification of the QUSRJOBI API.
        attributes - The attributes to refresh.
        See Also:
        loadInformation(), commitChanges(), loadStatistics()
      • setBreakMessageHandling

        public void setBreakMessageHandling(java.lang.String breakMessageHandling)
                                     throws AS400SecurityException,
        Sets how this job handles break messages.
        breakMessageHandling - How this job handles break messages. Possible values are:
        • BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NORMAL - The message queue status determines break message handling.
        • BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_HOLD - The message queue holds break messages until a user or program requests them. The work station user uses the Display Message (DPSMSG) command to display the messages; a program must issue a Receive Message (RCVMSG) command to receive a message and handle it.
        • BREAK_MESSAGE_HANDLING_NOTIFY - The system notifies the job's message queue when a message arrives. For interactive jobs, the audible alarm sounds if there is one, and the message-waiting light comes on.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • setCacheChanges

        public void setCacheChanges(boolean cacheChanges)
        Sets the value indicating whether attribute value changes are committed immediately. The default is true. If any cached changes are not committed before this method is called with a value of false, those changes are lost.
        cacheChanges - true to cache attribute value changes, false to commit all attribute value changes immediately.
        See Also:
        commitChanges(), getCacheChanges(), getValue(int), setValue(int, java.lang.Object)
      • setCodedCharacterSetID

        public void setCodedCharacterSetID(int codedCharacterSetID)
                                    throws AS400SecurityException,
        Sets the coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for this job.
        codedCharacterSetID - The coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for this job. Possible values are:
        • CCSID_SYSTEM_VALUE - The CCSID specified in the system value QCCSID is used.
        • CCSID_INITIAL_USER - The CCSID specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
        • A coded character set identifier.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • setDDMConversationHandling

        public void setDDMConversationHandling(java.lang.String ddmConversationHandling)
                                        throws AS400SecurityException,
        Sets whether connections using distributed data management (DDM) protocols remain active when they are not being used. The connections include APPC conversations, active TCP/IP connections, or Opti-Connect connections. The DDM protocols are used in Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) applications, DDM applications, or DB2 Multisystem applications.
        ddmConversationHandling - Whether connections using distributed data management (DDM) protocols remain active when they are not being used. Possible values are:
        • KEEP_DDM_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE_KEEP - The system keeps DDM connections active when there are no users, except for the following:
          • The routing step ends on the source system. The routing step ends when the job ends or when the job is rerouted to another routing step.
          • The Reclaim Distributed Data Management Conversation (RCLDDMCNV) command or the Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) command runs.
          • A communications failure or an internal failure occurs.
          • A DRDA connection to an application server not running on an IBM i system ends.
        • KEEP_DDM_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE_DROP - The system ends a DDM connection when there are no users. Examples include when an application closes a DDM file, or when a DRDA application runs an SQL DISCONNECT statement.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • setDecimalFormat

        public void setDecimalFormat(java.lang.String decimalFormat)
                              throws AS400SecurityException,
        Sets the decimal format used for this job.
        decimalFormat - The decimal format used for this job. Possible values are:
        • DECIMAL_FORMAT_SYSTEM_VALUE - The system value QDECFMT is used as the decimal format for this job.
        • DECIMAL_FORMAT_PERIOD - Uses a period for a decimal point, a comma for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero-suppresses to the left of the decimal point.
        • DECIMAL_FORMAT_COMMA_J - Uses a comma for a decimal point, a period for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero-suppresses to the left of the decimal point.
        • DECIMAL_FORMAT_COMMA_I - Uses a comma for a decimal point and a period for a 3-digit grouping character. The zero-suppression character is in the second position (rather than the first) to the left of the decimal notation. Balances with zero values to the left of the comma are written with one leading zero (0,04). This constant also overrides any edit codes that might suppress the leading zero.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • setDefaultWait

        public void setDefaultWait(int defaultWait)
                            throws AS400SecurityException,
        Sets the default maximum time (in seconds) that a thread in the job waits for a system instruction, such as a LOCK machine interface (MI) instruction, to acquire a resource. This default wait time is used when a wait time is not otherwise specified for a given situation. Normally, this is the amount of time the user is willing to wait for the system before the request is ended. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, a change to this attribute during a routing step does not appy to subsequent routing steps. The valid range is 1 through 9999999. A value of -1 represents no maximum wait time (*NOMAX).
        defaultWait - The default maximum time (in seconds) that a thread in the job waits for a system instruction to acquire a resource. The value -1 means there is no maximum (*NOMAX). The valid range is 1 through 9999999. The value 0 is not valid.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
        See Also:
      • setDeviceRecoveryAction

        public void setDeviceRecoveryAction(java.lang.String deviceRecoveryAction)
                                     throws AS400SecurityException,
        Sets the action taken for interactive jobs when an I/O error occurs for the job's requesting program device.
        deviceRecoveryAction - The action taken for interactive jobs when an I/O error occurs for the job's requesting program device. Possible values are:
      • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_SYSTEM_VALUE - The value in the system value QDEVRCYACN is used as the device recovery action for this job.
      • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_MESSAGE - Signals the I/O error message to the application and lets the application program perform error recovery.
      • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_DISCONNECT_MESSAGE - Disconnects the job when an I/O error occurs. When the job reconnects, the system sends an error message to the application program, indicating the job has reconnected and that the work station device has recovered.
      • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_DISCONNECT_END_REQUEST - Disconnects the job when an I/O error occurs. When the job reconnects, the system sends the End Request (ENDRQS) command to return control to the previous request level.
      • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_END_JOB - Ends the job when an I/O error occurs. A message is sent to the job's log and to the history log (QHST) indicating the job ended because of a device error.
      • DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION_END_JOB_NO_LIST - Ends the job when an I/O error occurs. There is no job log produced for the job. The system sends a message to the QHST log indicating the job ended because of a device error.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setInquiryMessageReply

      public void setInquiryMessageReply(java.lang.String inquiryMessageReply)
                                  throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets how the job answers inquiry messages.
      inquiryMessageReply - How the job answers inquiry messages. Possible values are:
      • INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_REQUIRED - The job requires an answer for any inquiry messages that occur while this job is running.
      • INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_DEFAULT - The system uses the default message reply to answer any inquiry messages issued while this job is running. The default reply is either defined in the message description or is the default system reply.
      • INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_SYSTEM_REPLY_LIST - The system reply list is checked to see if there is an entry for an inquiry message issued while this job is running. If a match occurs, the system uses the reply value for that entry. If no entry exists for that message, the system uses an inquiry message.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setInternalJobID

      public void setInternalJobID(java.lang.String internalJobID)
                            throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException
      Deprecated. Use setInternalJobIdentifier(byte[]) instead. The internal job identifier should be treated as a byte array of 16 bytes.
      Sets the internal job identifier. This does not change the job on the system. Instead, it changes the job this Job object references. The job name must be set to "*INT" for this to be recognized. This cannot be changed if the object has established a connection to the system.
      internalJobID - The internal job identifier.
      java.beans.PropertyVetoException - If the property change is vetoed.
    • setInternalJobIdentifier

      public void setInternalJobIdentifier(byte[] internalJobID)
      Sets the internal job identifier. This does not change the job on the system. Instead, it changes the job this Job object references. The job name must be set to "*INT" for this to be recognized. This cannot be changed if the object has established a connection to the system.
      internalJobID - The 16-byte internal job identifier.
    • setJobAccountingCode

      public void setJobAccountingCode(java.lang.String jobAccountingCode)
                                throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets an identifier assigned to the job by the system to collect resource use information for the job when job accounting is active. The user who is changing this field must have authority to the CHGACGCDE CL command. If the user does not have the proper authority, this field is ignored and processing continues.
      jobAccountingCode - An identifier assigned to the job by the system to collect resource use information for the job when job accounting is active. Possible values are:
      • ACCOUNTING_CODE_BLANK - The accounting code is changed to all blanks.
      • Accounting code - The 15 character accounting code used for the next accounting segment. The accounting code may contain alphabetic or numeric characters.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setJobSwitches

      public void setJobSwitches(java.lang.String jobSwitches)
                          throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the current setting of the job switches that are used by this job. Specify any combination of eight 0's, 1's, or X's to change the job switch settings. If a switch is not being changed, enter an X in the position that represents that switch.
      jobSwitches - The current setting of the job switches that are used by this job.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setLanguageID

      public void setLanguageID(java.lang.String languageID)
                         throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the language identifier associated with this job. The language identifier is used when *LANGIDUNQ or *LANGIDSHR is specified on the sort sequence parameter. If the job CCSID is 65535, this parameter is also used to determine the value of the job default CCSID.
      languageID - The language identifier associated with this job. Possible values are:
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setLoggingLevel

      public void setLoggingLevel(int loggingLevel)
                           throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets what type of information is logged.
      loggingLevel - A value indicating what type of information is logged. Possible values are:
      • 0 - No messages are logged.
      • 1 - All messages sent to the job's external message queue with a severity greater than or equal to the message logging severity are logged. This includes the indication of job start, job end, and job completion status.
      • 2 - The following information is logged:
        • Logging level 1 information.
        • Request messages that result in a high-level message with a severity code greater than or equal to the logging severity cause the request message and all associated messages to be logged. A high-level message is one that is sent to the program message queue of the program that receives the request message. For example, QCMD is an IBM-supplied request processing program that receives request messages.
      • 3 - The following information is logged:
        • Logging level 1 and 2 information is logged.
        • All request messages are logged.
        • Commands run by a CL program are logged if it is allowed by the LOG_CL_PROGRAMS attribute and the log attribute of the CL program.
      • 4 - The following information is logged:
        • All request messages and all messages with a severity greater than or equal to the message logging severity, including trace messages.
        • Commands run by a CL program are logged if it is allowed by the LOG_CL_PROGRAMS attribute and the log attribute of the CL program.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setLoggingSeverity

      public void setLoggingSeverity(int loggingSeverity)
                              throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the severity level that is used in conjunction with the logging level to determine which error messages are logged in the job log. The values range from 00 through 99.
      loggingSeverity - The severity level that is used in conjunction with the logging level to determine which error messages are logged in the job log.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setLoggingText

      public void setLoggingText(java.lang.String loggingText)
                          throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the level of message text that is written in the job log when a message is logged according to the LOGGING_LEVEL and LOGGING_SEVERITY.
      loggingText - The level of message text that is written in the job log when a message is logged according to the LOGGING_LEVEL and LOGGING_SEVERITY. Possible values are:
      • LOGGING_TEXT_MESSAGE - Only the message text is written to the job log.
      • LOGGING_TEXT_SECLVL - Both the message text and the message help (cause and recovery) of the error message are written to the job log.
      • LOGGING_TEXT_NO_LIST - If the job ends normally, no job log is produced. If the job ends abnormally (the job end code is 20 or higher), a job log is produced. The messages that appear in the job log contain both the message text and the message.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setName

      public void setName(java.lang.String name)
                   throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException
      Sets the job name. This does not change the name of the actual server job. Instead, it changes the job this Job object references. This cannot be changed if the object has already established a connection to the system.
      name - The job name. Specify JOB_NAME_CURRENT to indicate the job this program running in, or JOB_NAME_INTERNAL to indicate that the job is specified using the internal job identifier.
      java.beans.PropertyVetoException - If the property change is vetoed.
    • setNumber

      public void setNumber(java.lang.String number)
                     throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException
      Sets the job number. This does not change the name of the actual server job. Instead, it changes the job this Job object references. This cannot be changed if the object has already established a connection to the system.
      number - The job number. This must be JOB_NUMBER_BLANK if the job name is JOB_NAME_CURRENT.
      java.beans.PropertyVetoException - If the property change is vetoed.
    • setOutputQueue

      public void setOutputQueue(java.lang.String outputQueue)
                          throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the fully qualified integrated file system path name of the default output queue that is used for spooled output produced by this job. The default output queue is only for spooled printer files that specify *JOB for the output queue.
      outputQueue - The fully qualified integrated file system path name of the default output queue that is used for spooled output produced by this job. Possible values are:
      • OUTPUT_QUEUE_DEVICE - The device specified on the Create Printer File (CRTPRTF), Change Printer File (CHGPRTF), or Override with Printer File (OVRPRTF) commands is used.
      • OUTPUT_QUEUE_WORK_STATION - The default output queue that is used with this job is the output queue that is assigned to the work station associated with the job at the time the job is started.
      • OUTPUT_QUEUE_INITIAL_USER - The output queue name specified in the user profile under which this thread was initially running is used.
      • The fully qualified integrated file system path name of the output queue.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
      OUTPUT_QUEUE, QSYSObjectPathName
    • setOutputQueuePriority

      public void setOutputQueuePriority(int outputQueuePriority)
                                  throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the output priority for spooled output files that this job produces. The highest priority is 0, and the lowest is 9.
      outputQueuePriority - The output priority for spooled output files that this job produces. The valid values are a range from 1 to 9. The output priority specified cannot be higher than the priority specified in the user profile under which the job is running.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setPrintText

      public void setPrintText(java.lang.String printText)
                        throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the line of text (if any) that is printed at the bottom of each page of printed output for the job.
      printText - The line of text (if any) that is printed at the bottom of each page of printed output for the job. Possible values are:
      • PRINT_TEXT_SYSTEM_VALUE - The system value QPRTTXT is used.
      • PRINT_TEXT_BLANK - No text is printed on printed output.
      • The character string that is printed at the bottom of each page. A maximum of 30 characters can be entered.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setPurge

      public void setPurge(boolean purge)
                    throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the value indicating whether or not the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage at the end of a time slice or when entering a long wait (such as waiting for a work station user's response). This attribute is ignored when more than one thread is active within the job. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, a change to this attribute during a routing step does not apply to subsequent routing steps.
      purge - true to indicate that the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage at the end of a time slice or when entering a long wait; false otherwise.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setQueue

      public void setQueue(java.lang.String jobQueue)
                    throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the fully qualified integrated file system path name of the job queue that the job is to be on. This value is valid for jobs whose status is *JOBQ. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ or *ACTIVE, an error will be signaled.
      jobQueue - The fully qualified integrated file system path name of the job queue that the job is to be on.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
      JOB_QUEUE, QSYSObjectPathName
    • setQueuePriority

      public void setQueuePriority(int queuePriority)
                            throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the scheduling priority of the job compared to other jobs on the same job queue. The highest priority is 0 and the lowest is 9. This value is valid for jobs whose status is *JOBQ or *ACTIVE. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ, an error will be signaled.
      queuePriority - The scheduling priority of the job compared to other jobs on the same job queue.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setRunPriority

      public void setRunPriority(int runPriority)
                          throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the priority at which the job competes for the processing unit relative to the other jobs that are active at the same time. The run priority ranges from 1 (highest priority) to 99 (lowest priority). This value represents the relative (not absolute) importance of the job or thread. For example, a run priority of 25 is not twice as important as a run priority of 50. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, a change to this attribute during a routing step does not apply to subsequent routing steps.
      runPriority - The run priority of the job is changed. The range of values is 1 (highest priority) to 99 (lowest priority). The value may never be higher than the run priority for the job in which the thread is running. If a priority higher than the job's is entered, an error is returned. Changing the run priority of the job affects the run priorities of all threads within the job. For example, the job is running at priority 10, thread A within the job is running at priority 10, and thread B within the job is running at priority 15. The priority of the job is changed to 20. The priority of thread A would then be adjusted to 20 and the priority of thread B would be adjusted to 25.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setScheduleDate

      public void setScheduleDate(java.lang.String scheduleDate)
                           throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the date the job is scheduled to become active.
      scheduleDate - The date the job is scheduled to become active, in the format CYYMMDD, where C is the century, YY is the year, MM is the month, and DD is the day. A 0 for the century flag indicates years 19xx and a 1 indicates years 20xx.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setSystem

      public void setSystem(AS400 system)
                     throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException
      Sets the system. This cannot be changed if the object has established a connection to the system.
      system - The system.
      java.beans.PropertyVetoException - If the property change is vetoed.
    • setTimeSlice

      public void setTimeSlice(int timeSlice)
                        throws AS400SecurityException,
      Sets the maximum amount of processor time (in milliseconds) given to each thread in this job before other threads in this job and in other jobs are given the opportunity to run. The time slice establishes the amount of time needed by a thread in this job to accomplish a meaningful amount of processing. At the end of the time slice, the thread might be put in an inactive state so that other threads can become active in the storage pool. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, a change to this attribute during a routing step does not apply to subsequent routing steps. Valid values range from 1 through 9,999,999 milliseconds (that is, 9999.999 seconds). Although you can specify a value of less than 8, the system takes a minimum of 8 milliseconds to run a process. If you display a job's run attributes, the time slice value is never less than 8.
      timeSlice - The maximum amount of processor time (in milliseconds) given to each thread in this job before other threads in this job and in other jobs are given the opportunity to run.
      AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
      ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed.
      java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
      ObjectDoesNotExistException - If the object does not exist on the system.
      See Also:
    • setUser

      public void setUser(java.lang.String user)
                   throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException
      Sets the user name. This does not change the name of the actual server job. Instead, it changes the job this Job object references. This cannot be changed if the object has already established a connection to the system.
      user - The user name. This must be USER_NAME_BLANK if the job name is JOB_NAME_CURRENT.
      java.beans.PropertyVetoException - If the property change is vetoed.
      See Also:
    • toString

      public java.lang.String toString()
      Returns the string representation of this Job in the format "number/user/name", or "" if any of these attributes is null.
      toString in class java.lang.Object
      The string representation.