The QTRC Trace APIs provide support for writing application trace data. Using these APIs, you can do the following tasks:
- Retrieve the current active trace level for a component.
- Write component trace data as a string of text, hexadecimal dump, or call stack.
The QTRC Trace APIs provide support for application developers to enable their programs for tracing, on a component-by-component basis. Components operate independently of one another. Each component trace point is further categorized by a trace level, and can optionally define a subcomponent and function name.
For additional information about the QTRC Trace environment, see the following topics:
- QTRC Trace Definitions
- QTRC Trace Levels
- QTRC Trace Data Collected
- QTRC Trace Collecting a Component Trace
- QTRC Trace Tips
The QTRC Trace APIs include:
- Get Active Trace Level (QtrcGetActiveLevel()) retrieves the active trace level for the specified component.
- Write Call Stack Trace Data (QtrcWriteStack()) writes a component trace record as call stack data to an active trace collection if certain trace conditions are met.
- Write Hexadecimal Dump Formatted Trace Data (QtrcWriteHexDumpF()) writes a component trace record as hexadecimal dump data to an active trace collection if certain trace conditions are met. Format options can be used to indicate the desired formatting of the hexadecimal dump.
- Write Hexadecimal Dump Trace Data (QtrcWriteHexDump()) writes a component trace record as hexadecimal dump data to an active trace collection if certain trace conditions are met.
- Write Text Trace Data (QtrcWriteText()) writes a component trace record as text string data to an active trace collection if certain trace conditions are met.
- Write Text Trace Data Using Pointer-based Print Formatted (QtrcWriteTextPPrintF()) writes a component trace record as text string data, using a pointer-based print formatted layout, to an active trace collection if certain trace conditions are met.
- Write Text Trace Data Using Print Formatted (QtrcWriteTextPrintF()) writes a component trace record as text string data, using a print formatted layout, to an active trace collection if certain trace conditions are met.
- Write Text Trace Data Using Variable Argument List Print Formatted (QtrcWriteTextVPrintF()) writes a component trace record as text string data, using a variable argument list print formatted layout, to an active trace collection if certain trace conditions are met.
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