Troubleshooting printing

If your printer is not printing, check this list of common reasons.

  • The spooled files in the output queue are not in a ready status. For information about how to display a list of spooled files, including the status of the spooled files, see Displaying a list of spooled files.
  • The printer might be varied off or might need you to reply to a message. For information about how to display a list of printers, including the status of the printers, see Checking the status of a printer.
  • The printer writer is not started, has been held, or has ended. For information about how to display the status of the printer writer, see Checking the status of a printer writer.

For help in troubleshooting the IBM® IPP Server, see Troubleshooting the IPP server.

For help in troubleshooting the image print transform, see Troubleshooting the image print transform.

For additional help in troubleshooting printing problems, see InfoPrint Solutions Company Link outside Information Center ( and Support for IBM System i® Link outside Information Center ( websites.