Examples of return statements

The following are examples of return statements:

return;            /* Returns no value            */
return result;     /* Returns the value of result */
return 1;          /* Returns the value 1         */
return (x * x);    /* Returns the value of x * x  */
The following function searches through an array of integers to determine if a match exists for the variable number. If a match exists, the function match returns the value of i. If a match does not exist, the function match returns the value -1 (negative one).
int match(int number, int array[ ], int n)
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      if (number == array[i])
         return (i);
A function can contain multiple return statements. For example:
void copy( int *a, int *b, int c)
   /* Copy array a into b, assuming both arrays are the same size */

   if (!a || !b)       /* if either pointer is 0, return */

   if (a == b)         /* if both parameters refer */
      return;          /*    to same array, return */

   if (c == 0)         /* nothing to copy */

   for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i;) /* do the copying */
      b[i] = a[1];
                       /* implicit return */
In this example, the return statement is used to cause a premature termination of the function, similar to a break statement.

An expression appearing in a return statement is converted to the return type of the function in which the statement appears. If no implicit conversion is possible, the return statement is invalid.