Casting Pointers

In the C language, casting is a construct to view a data object temporarily as another data type.

When you cast pointers, especially for non-data object pointers, consider the following characteristics and constraints:
  • You can cast a pointer to another pointer of the same IBM® i pointer type.
    Note: If the ILE C compiler detects a type mismatch in an expression, a compile time error occurs.
  • An open (void) pointer can hold a pointer of any type. Casting an open pointer to other pointer types and casting other pointer types to an open pointer does not result in a compile time error.
    Note: You might receive a runtime exception if the pointer contains a value unsuitable for the context.
  • When you convert a valid data object pointer to a signed or unsigned integer type, the return value is the offset of the pointer. If the pointer is NULL, the conversion returns a value of zero (0).
    Note: It is not possible to determine whether the conversion originated from a NULL pointer or a valid pointer with an offset 0.
  • When you convert a valid function (procedure) pointer, system pointer, invocation pointer, label pointer, or suspend pointer to a signed or unsigned integer type, the result is always zero.
  • When you convert an open pointer that contains a valid space address, the return value is the offset that is contained in the address.
  • You can convert an integer to pointer, but the resulting pointer value cannot be dereferenced. The right four bytes of such a pointer will contain the original integer value, and this value can be recovered by converting the pointer back to an integer.
    Note: This marks a change from behavior exhibited in earlier versions of ILE C, where integer to pointer conversions always resulted in a NULL pointer value.


Figure 1 shows IBM i pointer casting:
Figure 1. ILE C Source to Show IBM i pointer casting
#include <pointer.h>
#pragma datamodel(p128)
#pragma linkage(TESTPTR, OS)
#pragma datamodel(pop)
void TESTPTR(void);      /* System pointer to this program      */
_SYSPTR sysp;            /* System pointer                      */
_OPENPTR opnp;           /* open pointer                        */
void (*fp)(void);        /* function pointer                    */
int i = 1;               /* integer                             */
int *ip = &i;            /* Space pointer                       */
void main (void) {                                                
  fp = &main;            /* initialize function pointer         */
  sysp = &TESTPTR;       /* initialize system pointer           */
  i = (int) ip;          /* segment offset stored in i          */
  ip = (int *) i;        /* address stored is invalid           */
  i = (int) fp;          /* zero is stored in i                 */
  i = 2;                                                          
  fp = (void (*)()) i;   /* address stored is invalid           */
  i = 3;                                                          
  sysp = (_SYSPTR) i;    /* address stored is invalid           */
  opnp = &i;             /* address of i stored in open pointer */
  i = (int) opnp;        /* offset of space pointer contained   */
                         /* in open pointer is stored in i      */
  i = 4;                                                          
  opnp = (_OPENPTR) i;   /* address stored is invalid           */
  i = (int) opnp;        /* i is set to integer value stored (4)*/