Examples of the case=convert option

  1. The XML document contains names with alphabetic characters that are not valid characters for RPG subfields.
    The following data structures are used in the example
    D etudiant        ds                  qualified
    D  age                           3p 0
    D  nom                          25a   varying
    D  ecole                        50a   varying
    D student         ds                  likeds(etudiant)
    Assume that file info.xml contains the following lines:
    <Étudiant Nom="Élise" Âge="12">
       <École>Collège Saint-Merri</École>
    1. Options case=convert ccsid=ucs2 are specified. Option case=convert specifies that the names in the XML document will be converted using the *LANGIDSHR translation table for the job before matching to the RPG names in the path and in the list of subfields. The names Étudiant, Âge, and École will be converted to ETUDIANT, AGE, AND ECOLE. The XML data itself is not converted, so the subfield ecole will receive the value "Collège Saint-Merri" as it appears in the XML document.

      The path option is not necessary, because the default path is the name of the RPG variable ETUDIANT, which matches the converted form of the actual XML name, Étudiant.

         xml-into etudiant %xml('info.xml'
                              : 'doc=file case=convert '
                              + 'ccsid=ucs2');
         // etudiant.nom = 'Élise'
         // etudiant.age = 12
         // etudiant.ecole = 'Collège Saint-Merri'
    2. The RPG data structure is called student. The path option must be specified to indicate that the Étudiant XML element matches the student data structure. The path option is specified as path=etudiant, to match the XML name after conversion.
         xml-into student %xml('info.xml'
                             : 'doc=file case=convert '
                             + 'ccsid=ucs2 path=etudiant');
         // student.nom = 'Élise'
         // student.age = 12
         // student.ecole = 'Collège Saint-Merri'
  2. The XML document contains names with non-alphanumeric characters that XML supports but that cannot be used in RPG names.
    The following data structures are used in the examples
    D employee_info   ds                  qualified
    D  last_name                    25a   varying
    D  first_name                   25a   varying
    D  is_manager                    1a
    D emp             ds                  likeds(employee_info)
    Assume that file data.xml contains the following lines:
    <employee-info is-manager="y">
    1. Option case=convert is specified. After any conversion of the alphabetic characters using the *LANGIDSHR table for the job, the next step converts any remaining characters that are not A-Z or 0-9 to the underscore character. XML names employee-info, is-manager, last-name, and first-name are converted to EMPLOYEE_INFO, IS_MANAGER, LAST_NAME, AND FIRST_NAME.

      The RPG data structure name employee_info matches the converted form, EMPLOYEE_INFO, of the XML name employee-info, so the path option is not required.

         xml-into employee_info %xml('data.xml'
                              : 'doc=file case=convert ');
         // employee_info.last_name = 'Smith'
         // employee_info.first_name = 'John'
         // employee_info.is_manager = 'y'
    2. The RPG data structure is called emp. The path option must be specified to indicate that the employee-info XML element matches the emp data structure. The path option is specified as path=employee_info, to match the XML name after conversion.
         xml-into emp %xml('data.xml'
                         : 'doc=file case=convert '
                         + 'ccsid=ucs2 path=employee_info' );
         // emp.last_name = 'Smith'
         // emp.first_name = 'John'
         // emp.is_manager = 'y'
  3. The XML document contains names with double-byte data.
    The following definitions are used in the examples
    D employee_info_  ds                  qualified
    D  last_name_                   25a   varying
    D  first_name_                  25a   varying
    D  is_manager_                   1a
    Assume that file data.xml contains the following lines, where "DBCS" represents double-byte data:
    <employee_info_DBCS is_manager_DBCS="y">

    Option case=convert is specified. After any conversion of the alphabetic characters using the *LANGIDSHR table for the job, the next step converts any remaining characters that are not A-Z or 0-9 to the underscore character, including DBCS data and the associated shift-out and shift-in characters. After this step, the XML name last_name_DBCS would be converted to LAST_NAME_____. The next step merges any remaining underscores, including any underscores that appeared in the original name, to a single underscore. The resulting name is LAST_NAME_.

    xml-into employee_info_ %xml('data.xml'
                         : 'doc=file case=convert '
                         + 'ccsid=ucs2');
    // employee_info_.last_name_ = 'Smith'
    // employee_info_.first_name_ = 'John'
    // employee_info_.is_manager_ = 'y'
  4. The XML document contains names with double-byte data at the beginning of the name.
    The following definitions are used in the examples
    D employee_info   ds                  qualified
    D  last_name                    25a   varying
    D  first_name                   25a   varying
    D  is_manager                    1a
    Assume that file data.xml contains the following lines, where "DBCS" represents double-byte data:
    <DBCS_employee_info DBCS_is_manager="y">

    Option case=convert is specified. After the conversion of the non-alphanumeric characters to a single underscore, the name DBCS_last_name is converted to _LAST_NAME. Since RPG does not support names starting with an underscore, the initial underscore is removed. The final converted name is LAST_NAME.

    xml-into employee_info %xml('data.xml'
                             : 'doc=file case=convert '
                             + 'ccsid=ucs2');
    // employee_info.last_name = 'Smith'
    // employee_info.first_name = 'John'
    // employee_info.is_manager = 'y'