Planning physical security for system documentation and storage media

The importance of securing important system documentation and storage media cannot be underemphasized. When the time comes that you need to rebuild your system, the duplicates of your system documentation and backup media will make rebuilding your system possible.

System documentation includes information that IBM sends with the system, password information, your planning forms, and any reports that the system generates. Depending on your system, backup media can include tapes, CD-ROMs, diskettes, or DVD storage. You should store both system documentation and backup media at your business location as well as at another remote location. In case of a disaster, you will need this information to recover your system.

Storing system documentation securely

Service tools and security officer passwords are critical to the operation of your system. You should write these passwords down and store them in a safe, confidential location. In addition, keep a copy of these passwords at an offsite location to help you recover from a disaster.

Consider storing other important system documentation, such configuration settings and your main application libraries, away from your business location to help you recover from a disaster.

Storing your storage media securely

When you install your system, make plans for regularly saving all the information on the system to tape or other storage media. These backups allow you to recover your system if necessary. You should keep these backups in a secure location offsite as well.

Risks related to backup media and password information

What to do to keep your storage media and passwords secure

The following information suggests ways to store your system documentation and storage media. After you have decided on your method, record your choices on the Backup Media and Documentation section of the Physical Security Planning worksheet:

Example: Physical security planning form—backup media and documentation

Table 1. Physical Security Planning Form: Backup Media and Documentation
Backup Media and Documentation
Where are backup tapes stored at your business location? In a fireproof safe.
Where are backup tapes stored away from your business location? In a fireproof safe at the office of our company's accountant.
Where are the security officer, service, and DST passwords kept? In the manager's office.
Where is important system documentation, such as the serial number and the configuration, kept? In a fireproof safe at the office of our company's accountant.

After you plan your storage and documentation security, you can plan physical security for your workstations.