Password Rules (QPWDRULES)

The Password Rules (QPWDRULES) system value specifies the rules used to check whether a password is formed correctly. You can specify more than one value for the QPWDRULES system value, unless you specify *PWDSYSVAL.

Changes made to this system value take effect the next time a password is changed.

Note: This system value is a restricted value. Refer to the Security System Values topic for details on how to restrict changes to security system values and a complete list of the restricted system values.
Table 1. Possible values for the QPWDRULES system value:

This value specifies that the QPWDRULES system value is ignored and the other password system values are used to check whether a password is formed correctly. These other password system values include QPWDLMTAJC, QPWDLMTCHR, QPWDLMTREP, QPWDMAXLEN, QPWDMINLEN, QPWDPOSDIF, and QPWDQDDGT.

Note: If any value other than *PWDSYSVAL is specified for QPWDRULES, the QPWDLMTAJC, QPWDLMTCHR, QPWDLMTREP, QPWDMAXLEN, QPWDMINLEN, QPWDPOSDIF, and QPWDRQDDGT system values are ignored when a new password is checked to see if it is formed correctly. In addition, any attempt to change these system values will be rejected as long as the QPWDRULES system value contains a value other than *PWDSYSVAL.

The value specifies that a password cannot contain 2 or more occurrences of the same character that are positioned adjacent to each other. This value performs the same function as specifying a value of 2 for the QPWDLMTREP system value. If the *CHRLMTREP value was specified, this value cannot be specified.

Better.test        not valid - tt
fix11bugs          not valid - 11
@12/A78            valid
A1234A1234         valid

The value specifies that a password cannot contain 2 or more occurrences of the same character. This value performs the same function as specifying a value of 1 for the QPWDLMTREP system value. If the *CHRLMTAJC value was specified, this value cannot be specified.

John.Jones        not valid - J o n
THISONEOK         not valid - O
@12/A78           valid
AaCcEeFfGg        valid

The value specifies that a password cannot contain 2 or more adjacent digit characters.

@12/A78           not valid
!@#$%a1234.       not valid
THISONEOK         valid
A1B2C3DE5         valid

The value specifies that the first character of a password cannot be a digit character. If *LTRLMTFST and *SPCCHRLMTFST values were specified, this value cannot be specified. If the system is operating at password level 0 or 1, the system functions like the *DGTLMTFST value is specified.

16ST-SW-Roch      not valid - 1
99BottlesOfBeer   not valid - 9
@12/A78           valid
Allow-this.1      valid

The value specifies that the last character of the password cannot be a digit character. If *LTRLMTLST and *SPCCHRLMTLFST values were specified, this value cannot be specified.

John.doe12        not valid - 2
@12/A78           not valid - 8
THISONEOK         valid
A1234b123.        valid

The value specifies the maximum number of digit characters that can occur in the password. The n is a number from 0 to 9.

Only one *DGTMAXn value can be specified. If a *DGTMINn value is also specified, the n value specified for *DGTMAXn must be greater than or equal to the n value specified for *DGTMINn.

Examples: for *DGTMAX2
Q12345678        not valid - 6 digits too many
3-2-1->Go        not valid - 1 digit too many
Rick1            valid
Ed1-Jeff3        valid

The value specifies the minimum number of digit characters that must occur in the password. The n is a number from 0 to 9.

Only one *DGTMINn value can be specified. If a *DGTMAXn value is also specified, the n value specified for *DGTMAXn must be greater than or equal to the n value specified for *DGTMINn.

Examples: for *DGTMIN3
Rick1            not valid - only 1 digit
Ed1-Jeff3        not valid - only 2 digits
3-2-1->Go        valid
Q12345678        valid

The same character cannot be used in a position corresponding to the same position in the previous password. This value performs the same function as the QPWDPOSDIF system value.

When the password is set by the Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) or Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) command, this password rule cannot be checked because the previous password value is not supplied.

Examples: for *LMTSAMPOS when Vote4Me was previous password:
Victory1        not valid - V in position 1
Mine2love       not valid - e in position 4
vOTE-mE         valid (case is different)
Allisgood       valid

The uppercase password value cannot contain the complete user profile name in consecutive positions.

Examples: for *LMTPRFNAME with profile name is JOHNB:
bigJOHNB9       not valid - positions 4-8
JohnB78         not valid - positions 1-5
J_ohn_B234      valid
john_b          valid

The value specifies a password cannot contain 2 or more adjacent letter characters.

John.Smith      not valid
THISONEOK       not valid
@12/A78         valid
A1234b1234      valid

The value specifies the first character of the password cannot be a letter character. If *DGTLMTFST and *SPCCHRLMTFST values were specified, this value cannot be specified. If the system is operating with a QPWDLVL value of 0 or 1, *LTRLMTFST and *SPCCHRLMTFST cannot both be specified.

John.Smith       not valid - J
THISONEOK        not valid - T
@12/A78          valid
16ST-SW-Roch     valid 

The value specifies the last character of the password cannot be a letter character. If *DGTLMTLST and *SPCCHRLMTLST values were specified, this value cannot be specified

John.Smith       not valid - h
1Allow.It        not valid - t
@12/A78          valid
(pay*rate)       valid 

The value specifies the maximum number of letter characters that can occur in the password. The n is a number from 0 to 9.

Only one *LTRMAXn value can be specified. If a *LTRMINn value is also specified, the n value specified for *LTRMAXn must be greater than or equal to the n value specified for *LTRMINn.

If a *MIXCASEn value is also specified, the n value specified for *LTRMAXn must be greater than or equal to 2 times the n value specified for *MIXCASEn.

Examples: for *LTRMAX4
THISONEOK        not valid - 5 letters too many
John.Smith1      not valid - 5 letters too many
John1423         valid 
A1b2.#456        valid 

The value specifies the minimum number of letter characters that must occur in the password. The n is a number from 0 to 9.

Only one *LTRMINn value can be specified. If a *LTRMAXn value was specified, the n value specified for *LTRMAXn must be greater than or equal to the n value specified for *LTRMINn.

Examples: for *LTRMIN2
@12/A78        not valid - only 1 letter
!@#$%a1234     not valid - only 1 letter
THISONEOK      valid
A1234b1234     valid

The value specifies the maximum number of characters in a password. The nnn is a number from 1 to 128 (without leading zeros). This value performs the same function as the QPWDMAXLEN system value.

If the system is operating at QPWDLVL 0 or 1, the valid range is from 1 to 10. If the system is operating at QPWDLVL 2 or 3, the valid range is from 1 to 128.

The nnn value specified must be large enough to accommodate all *MIXCASEn, *DGTMAXn, *LTRMAXn, *SPCCHRMAXn, first and last character restrictions, and non-adjacent character requirements.

If *MINLENnnn is also specified, the nnn value specified for *MAXLENnnn must be greater than or equal to the nnn value specified for *MINLENnnn.

If no *MAXLENnnn value is specified, a value of *MAXLEN10 is assumed if the system is operating with a QPWDLVL value of 0 or 1 or a value of *MAXLEN128 is assumed if the system is operating with a QPWDLVL value of 2 or 3.


The value specifies the minimum number of characters in a password. The nnn is a number from 1 to 128 (without leading zeros).

If the system is operating at QPWDLVL 0 or 1, the valid range is from 1 to 10. If the system is operating at QPWDLVL 2 or 3, the valid range is from 1 to 128.

If *MAXLENnnn is also specified, the nnn value specified for *MAXLENnnn must be greater than or equal to the nnn value specified for *MINLENnnn.

If no *MINLENnnn value is specified, a value of *MINLEN1 is assumed.


The value specifies a password must contain at least n uppercase and n lowercase letters. The n is a number from 0 to 9. This value is rejected if the system is operating with a QPWDLVL value of 0 or 1 because passwords are required to be uppercase.

Only one *MIXCASEn value can be specified.

If a *LTRMAXn value was specified, the n value specified for *LTRMAXn must be greater than or equal to two times the n value specified for *MIXCASEn.

Examples: for *MIXCASE2
@12/A78bC      not valid - missing 1 lowercase
THISONEOK      not valid - missing 2 lowercase
ThisIsOkay     valid
Allow-It       valid
The value specifies a password must contain characters from at least three of the following four types of characters.
  • Uppercase letters
  • Lowercase letters
  • Digits
  • Special characters

When the system is operating with a QPWDLVL of 0 or 1, *REQANY3 has the same effect as if *DGTMIN1, *LTRMIN1, and *SPCCHRMIN1 were all specified.

THISONEOK      not valid - only 1 type
@12/-78        not valid - only 2 types
A1234b1234     valid - upper, lower, digit
John.Smith     valid - upper, lower, special
peter(21)      valid - lower, special, digit

The value specifies a password cannot contain 2 or more adjacent (consecutive) special characters. A character is considered as a special character if its equivalent unicode character has the property of not being a letter nor a digit.

Big//Box       not valid
this->way      not valid
@12/A78        valid
John.Smith     valid

The value specifies the first character of the password cannot be a special character. A character is considered as a special character if its equivalent unicode character has the property of not being a letter nor a digit.

If *DGTLMTFST and *LTRLMTFST values were specified, this value cannot be specified. If the system is operating with a QPWDLVL value of 0 or 1, *LTRLMTFST and *SPCCHRLMTFST cannot both be specified.

(2+2equals4)   not valid - (
#fred/#charlie not valid - #
1Good->one12   valid
A1234b1234     valid

The value specifies the last character of the password cannot be a special character. A character is considered as a special character if its equivalent unicode character has the property of not being a letter nor a digit.

If *DGTLMTLST and *LTRLMTLST values were specified, this value cannot be specified.

A1234b123.     not valid - .
>John.Doe<     not valid - <
THISONEOK      valid
@12/A78        valid

The value specifies the maximum number of special characters that may occur in the password. The n is a number from 0 to 9. A character is considered as a special character if its equivalent unicode character has the property of not being a letter nor a digit.

Only one *SPCCHRMAXn value can be specified. If a *SPCCHRMINn value was specified, the n value specified for *SPCCHRMAXn must be greater than or equal to the n value specified for *SPCCHRMINn.

Examples: for *SPCCHRMAX3
@12/A78.b#     not valid - 1 too many
!@#$%a1234     not valid - 2 too many
THISONEOK      valid
A1234b-234     valid

The value specifies the minimum number of special characters that must occur in the password. The n is a number from 0 to 9. A character is considered as a special character if its equivalent unicode character has the property of not being a letter nor a digit.

Only one *SPCCHRMINn value can be specified. If a *SPCCHRMAXn value was specified, the n value specified for *SPCCHRMAXn must be greater than or equal to the n value specified for *SPCCHRMINn.

Examples: for *SPCCHRMIN4  not valid - 1 too few
123+45=168     not valid - 2 too few valid
(24/8=3)       valid