File Transfer Protocol client subcommands

You use File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client subcommands to establish a connection with a remote FTP server, navigate libraries and directories, create and delete files, and transfer files.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) subcommands instruct the FTP client to transfer files from one computer to another.

You can access descriptions about client subcommands and their syntax from the following topics.

The IBM® i FTP client uses these subcommands. The following table identifies client subcommands, the abbreviations, and a description of each subcommand.

Subcommand What It Does
? Describes How to Use FTP
ACCT Sends a User's Account Information to a Remote System
APPEND Adds a Local File Member to File on a Remote System
ASCII Sets the File Transfer Type to ASCII Format
BINARY Sets the File Transfer Type to BINARY format
CCC (Clear Command Channel) Changes the transmission mode in a control connection from the encrypted mode to the clear text mode
CD Changes the Working Directory on Remote System
CDUP Changes to the Parent Directory on Remote System
CLOSE Ends a Session with the Remote System
DEBUG Turns Debugging On or Off
DEBUG Changes Client Time-out Values
DELETE Deletes a File on the Remote System
DIR Displays Directories and Files on the Remote System
EBCDIC Sets the File Transfer Type to EBCDIC Format
GET Copies a File from the Remote to a Local System
HELP Gets Information about FTP Client Subcommands
LCD Changes the Working Directory on Local System
LOCSITE Specifies Local Site Information
LOCSTAT Displays Local Status Information
LPWD Displays the Working Directory on Local System
LS Lists the Names of Files in a File Set on Remote System
LTYPE Specifies the File Transfer Type on the Local System
MDELETE Deletes Multiple Files on the Server System
MGET Copies File or Files from the Remote System
MKDIR Creates a Directory or Subdirectory
MODE Specifies a Data Format for File Transfer
MPUT Sends Local File or Files to the Remote System
NAMEFMT Specifies a File Naming Format to Use
NOOP Checks for a Response
NULLFLDS Allows for NULL Fields
OPEN Connects to an FTP Server
PASS Sends a User's Password
PUT Copies a Local File Member to Remote System
PWD Displays the Current Directory of Remote System
QUIT Ends an FTP Session
QUOTE Sends a Subcommand to an FTP Server
REINITIALIZE Re-starts a Session on a Remote System
RENAME Renames a File on a Remote System
RESET Clears the Server Reply Queue
RMDIR Removes a Directory on the Remote System
SECDATA Specifies the protection level used for the data connection when there is a secure connection established with an FTP server.
SECOPEN Opens a secure control connection to an FTP server using the specified security protocol.
SENDEPRT Specifies Whether an EPRT Subcommand is Sent
SENDEPSV Specifies Whether an EPSV Subcommand is Sent
SENDPASV Specifies Whether a PASV Subcommand is Sent
SENDPORT Specifies Whether a PORT Subcommand is Sent
SENDSITE Specifies Whether a SITE Subcommand is Sent
SITE Sends Information for Use by a Remote System
STATUS Gets Status Information from a Remote System
STRUCT Specifies the File Structure of Data Being Sent
SUNIQUE Controls File Replacement
SYSCMD Runs a CL Command on a Local System Without Quitting FTP
SYSTEM Displays the OS on the Remote System
TYPE Specifies the File Transfer Type
USER Sends a User ID to a Remote System
VERBOSE Controls the Display of FTP Server Replies