Commands in IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers

Learn about the hpvs commands that you can run to manage your IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers. You can use the --json flag when you want the output to be displayed in json format. You can also redirect this output to a file that you specify.


hpvs crypto

List crypto domains.


hpvs crypto --help
List crypto

  hpvs crypto [command]

Available Commands:
  list        List crypto

  -h, --help      Help for crypto
  --host string   Host LPAR name
  --json       if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs crypto [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs crypto list

List the crypto card information.


hpvs crypto list --help
List crypto card information

  hpvs crypto list [flags]

  -h, --help   Help for list

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs deploy

Deploy a Hyper Protect Virtual Server instance.

hpvs deploy --help
Deploy virtual servers

  hpvs deploy [flags]

      --config string         YAML configuration file for the virtual server deployment
      --exclude strings       Virtual servers e.g vs1,vs2; to be excluded from deploying, other vs will be included for deployment, by default all vs will be deployed
  -h, --help                  Help for deploy
      --include strings       Virtual servers e.g vs1,vs2; to be included for deploying, other vs will be excluded from deployment by default all vs will be deployed
      --templatefile string   YAML resource template file for the virtual server deployment
       -u, --update           If -u is passed virtual server deployment setup is updated

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs help

Display the help information.


hpvs --help
IBM® Hyper Protect Virtual Servers, the evolution of the
  IBM® Secure Service Container for IBM® Cloud Private offering,
  protects Linux workloads on IBM Z and LinuxONE throughout their
  lifecycle build management and deployment.
  This solution delivers the security needed to protect
  mission critical applications in hybrid multi-cloud deployments.

  hpvs [command]

Available Commands:
  crypto      Crypto command
  deploy      Deploy command
  help        Help about any command
  host        Host command
  image       Image Command
  network     Network command
  quotagroup  Quotagroup command
  regfile     Generate encrypted repository registration file. If you have already image build on s390x arch
  registry    Registry command
  repository  Repository command
  sb          SecureBuild command
  snapshot    Snapshot command
  version     Print hpvs version
  vs          Virtual Server command

      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
  -h, --help                    Help for hpvs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs host

Add, delete, update, list, unset, or set the Secure Service Container partition information in the hosts file.


hpvs host --help
add, delete, update, list, unset, show, set Host

  hpvs host [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add host
  delete      Delete host
  list        List host
  set         Set host
  show        Show host
  unset       Unset host
  update      Update host

  -h, --help   Help for host

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs host [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs host add

Add the connection information to a Secure Service Container partition into the hosts file.


hpvs host add --help
Add host

  hpvs host add [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for add
      --ip string     IP address of the secure service container host(LPAR)
      --name string   Name of the secure service container host(LPAR)
      --user string   REST user name of the secure service container host(LPAR)

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Note: For more information about specifications for the username, and host(LPAR) name validation, see Chapter 3 - Configuring a Secure Service Container partition on a standard mode system in Secure Service Container User's Guide.

hpvs host delete

Delete an entry from the host file. If there is only one host in the list, it is taken as the default host


hpvs host delete --help
Delete host

  hpvs host delete [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for delete
      --name string   Name of the secure service container host(LPAR)

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs host list

List the entries in the hosts file.


hpvs host list --help
List host

  hpvs host list [flags]

  -h, --help   Help for list

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs host set

Set the Secure Service Container partition to work on.


hpvs host set --help
Set host

  hpvs host set [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for set
      --name string   Name of the secure service container host(LPAR)

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs host show

Show the host details


hpvs host show --help
Show host

  hpvs host show [flags]
  -h, --help          Help for show
      --json          if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --name string   Name of the secure service container host(LPAR)

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs host unset

Unset host


hpvs host unset --help
Unset host

  hpvs host unset [flags]
  -h, --help          Help for unset
      --json          if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --name string   Name of the secure service container host(LPAR)
Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs host update

Update the password for an entry in the hosts file.


hpvs host update --help
Update host

  hpvs host update [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for update
      --name string   Name of the secure service container host(LPAR)

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs image

List, delete, show, load, or pull Images


hpvs image --help
list, delete, show, load, pull Image

  hpvs image [command]

Available Commands:
  delete      Delete image
  list        List image
  load        Upload image
  pull        Pull image
  show        Show image

  -h, --help          Help for image
      --host string   Host LPAR name
      --json          if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs image [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs image delete

Delete an image from the Secure Service Container partition.


hpvs image delete --help
Delete image

  hpvs image delete [flags]

  -h, --help        Help for delete
      --id string   Image id

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs image list

List images on the Secure Service Container partition.


hpvs image list --help
List image

  hpvs image list [flags]

  -h, --help   Help for list

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs image load

Load an image into the Secure Service Container partition.


hpvs image load --help
Upload image using tar bundle

  hpvs image load [flags]

      --file string   Image file path. Eg: --file=/home/user/img.tar.gz
  -h, --help          Help for load

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs image pull

Pull an image from a repository defined in the registry file.

hpvs image pull --help
Pull image from docker hub

  hpvs image pull [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for pull
      --repo string   Repository id
      --tag string    Image tag

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs image show

Show the details information of all images on a Secure Service Container partition.


hpvs image show --help
Show image details

  hpvs image show [flags]

  -h, --help        Help for show
      --id string   Image id

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs network

List, create, delete, or display the network information in the IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.


hpvs network --help
list, create, delete, show Network

  hpvs network [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create network
  delete      Delete network
  list        List network
  show        Show network

  -h, --help      Help for network
  --host string   Host LPAR name  
  --json          if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs network [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs network create

Create a network in the IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.


hpvs network create --help
Create network

  hpvs network create [flags]

      --driver string    Network driver name. bridge or macvlan. (default "bridge")
      --gateway string   Gateway IP
  -h, --help             Help for create
      --name string      Network name
      --parent string    Parent network interface name
      --range string     IP address range for DHCP vs assignment. ex-
      --subnet string    Subnet address. ex-

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs network delete

Delete a network from IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.


hpvs network delete --help
Delete network

  hpvs network delete [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for delete
      --name string   Network name

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs network list

List all the networks in IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.


hpvs network list --help
List network

  hpvs network list [flags]

  -h, --help   Help for list

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs network show

Show the network details in IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.


hpvs network show --help
Show network

  hpvs network show [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for show
      --name string   Network name

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs network update

Update a network from IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers. This command updates the default docker network or bridge network


hpvs network update --help
Update network

  hpvs network update [flags]

  -h, --help            Help for update
      --name string     Network name, current feature only supports default docker network update. (default "bridge")
      --subnet string   Network subnet, complete default docker network subnet address e.g

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed , the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Note: The hpvs network update command is disruptive, and all running virtual servers will be restarted when you run this command.

hpvs quotagroup

create, delete, list, show, or update quotagroups in IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.


hpvs quotagroup --help
create, delete, list, show, update Quotagroup

  hpvs quotagroup [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create quotagroup
  delete      Delete quotagroup
  list        List quotagroup
  show        Show quotagroup
  update      Update quotagroup

  -h, --help      Help for quotagroup
  --host string   Host LPAR name
  --json          if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs quotagroup [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs quotagroup create

Create a quotagroup in IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.


hpvs quotagroup create --help
CCreate quotagroup

  hpvs quotagroup create [flags]

      --filesystem string   Quotagroup file system. supported - btrfs, ext4, xfs, none.
  -h, --help                Help for create
      --name string         Quotagroup name
      --passthrough         If --passthrough flag is passed, passthrough quotagroup will be created. By default non passthrough quotagroup is created.
      --size string         Quotagroup size in GB or MB e.g. 30GB or 300MB

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs quotagroup delete

Delete a quotagroup in IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.


hpvs quotagroup delete --help
Delete quotagroup

  hpvs quotagroup delete [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for delete
      --name string   Quotagroup name

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs quotagroup list

List all quotagroups in the IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.


hpvs quotagroup list --help
List quotagroup

  hpvs quotagroup list [flags]

  -h, --help   Help for list

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs quotagroup show

Show the detail information of a quotagroup.


hpvs quotagroup show --help
Show quotagroup

  hpvs quotagroup show [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for show
      --name string   Quotagroup name

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs quotagroup update

Update a quotagroup with new configuration.


hpvs quotagroup update --help
Update quotagroup

  hpvs quotagroup update [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for update
      --name string   Quotagroup name
      --size string   Quotagroup size in GB or MB e.g. 30GB or 40MB

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs regfile

Administer the repository registration files.


hpvs regfile --help
Generate encrypted repository registration file. If you have already image build on s390x arch

  hpvs regfile [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create encrypted repository registration file

  -h, --help   Help for regfile

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs regfile [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs regfile create

Create an encrypted repository registration file.


hpvs regfile create --help
Create encrypted repository registration file

  hpvs regfile create [flags]

      --config string   Config file path
  -h, --help            Help for create
      --isvsecret       If --isvsecret flag is true, isv secrets will be set to registration file. By default flag is false so no isv secrets will be set. (This flag is applicable for IBM Hyper Protect Servers version 1.2.7, or later)
      --out string      Output path for encrypted regfile. Default will be generated in current directory

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs registry

Add, delete, update, list, or show registry configurations.


hpvs registry --help
add, delete, update, list, show Registry

  hpvs registry [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add registry
  delete      Delete registry
  list        List registry
  show        Show registry
  update      Update registry

  -h, --help   Help for registry
  --json       if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs registry [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs registry add

Add a registry configuration. When you add a registry, refer the following topics for more information about password rules:


hpvs registry add --help
Add registry

  hpvs registry add [flags]

      --dct string    Docker content-trust-server server url (default "")
  -h, --help          Help for add
      --name string   Name of registry. use any name e.g - docker_pull or docker_push etc
      --url string    Docker server url (default "")
      --user string   User ID of docker registry

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Note: When you are configuring the IBM Cloud Container Registry, the dct parameter is required. You must set the following parameters as shown below:

hpvs registry delete

Delete a registry configuration.


hpvs registry delete --help
Delete registry

  hpvs registry delete [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for delete
      --name string   Name of registry

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs registry list

List all registry configurations.


hpvs registry list --help
List registry

  hpvs registry list [flags]

  -h, --help   Help for list

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs registry show

Show the detail information of a registry.


hpvs registry show --help
Show registry

  hpvs registry show [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for show
      --name string   Name of registry

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs registry update

Update a registry configuration.


hpvs registry update --help
Update registry

  hpvs registry update [flags]

      --dct string    Docker content-trust-server server url Ex:
  -h, --help          Help for update
      --name string   Name of registry
      --url string    Docker server url Ex:
      --user string   User ID of docker registry

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs repository

list, register, delete, show, or update the repository configuration.


hpvs repository --help
list, register, delete, show, update Repository

  hpvs repository [command]

Available Commands:
  delete      Delete repository
  list        List repository
  register    Register repository
  show        Show repository
  update      Update repository

  -h, --help   Help for repository

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs repository [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs repository delete

Delete a repository configuration.


hpvs repository delete --help
Delete repository

  hpvs repository delete [flags]

      --force       If --force flag is passed, will delete repository along with associated images and virtual servers. This operation is irreversible.
  -h, --help        Help for delete
      --id string   Repository id

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs repository list

List all repository configurations.


hpvs repository list --help
List repository

  hpvs repository list [flags]

  -h, --help   Help for list

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs repository register

Register a repository configuration.


hpvs repository register --help
Register repository

  hpvs repository register [flags]

  -h, --help         Help for register
      --id string    Repository id
      --pgp string   PGP file path

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs repository show

Show the repository configuration.


hpvs repository show --help
Show repository

  hpvs repository show [flags]

  -h, --help        Help for show
      --id string   Repository id

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs repository update

Update the repository configuration.


hpvs repository update --help
Update repository

  hpvs repository update [flags]

  -h, --help         Help for update
      --id string    Repository id
      --pgp string   PGP file path

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs sb

Administer Secure Build Virtual Servers.


hpvs sb --help
SecureBuild command

  hpvs sb [command]

Available Commands:
  build       Securely build your image
  clean       Secure build clean. It will clean vs data eg - logs
  init        Initialize secure build configuration
  log         Get logs
  manifest    Get manifest file
  pubkey      Get manifest public key
  regfile     Get encrypted repository registration file
  status      Get secure build status
  update      Update secure build environment

  -h, --help   Help for sb

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs sb [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs sb build

Securely build your image.


hpvs sb build --help
Securely build your image

  hpvs sb build [flags]

      --config string   Config file path
  -h, --help            Help for build
      --timeout int     Build timeout in minutes (default 10)

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs sb clean

Clean up the data on the Secure Build Virtual Server.


hpvs sb clean --help
Secure build clean. It will clean vs data eg - logs

  hpvs sb clean [flags]

      --config string   Config file path
  -h, --help            Help for clean

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs sb init

Initialize the Secure Build Virtual Server, Securely build your image, and generate the encrypted repository registration file.


hpvs sb init --help
Initialize secure build environment, securely build the image and get the encrypted repository registration file

  hpvs sb init [flags]

      --build           If --build is passed, it will init and build
      --config string   Config file path
  -h, --help            Help for init
      --out string      Output path for encrypted regfile. Default will be generated in current directory
      --timeout int     Build timeout in minutes (default 10)

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs sb log

View the audit, build, or system output log information of the Secure Build server. The default log is the build log.


hpvs sb log --help
Get secure build logs

  hpvs sb log [flags]

      --config string   Config file path
  -h, --help            Help for log
      --type string     There are three type ex:- audit, build, syslog (default "build")

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs sb manifest

Retrieve the manifest file from the Secure Build server.


hpvs sb manifest --help
Get manifest file

  hpvs sb manifest [flags]

      --config string   Config file path
  -h, --help            Help for manifest
      --name string     Build name. you can get build name using <hpvs sb status> after build

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs sb pubkey

Retrieve the public key to encrypt the manifest file.


hpvs sb pubkey --help
Get manifest public key

  hpvs sb pubkey [flags]

      --config string   Config file path
  -h, --help            Help for pubkey
      --name string     Build name. you can get build name using <hpvs sb status> after build

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs sb regfile

Retrieve the encrypted repository registration file based on the Secure Build configuration file.


hpvs sb regfile --help
Get encrypted repository registration file

  hpvs sb regfile [flags]

      --config string   Config file path
  -h, --help            Help for regfile
      --isvsecret      If --isvsecret flag is true, isv secrets will be set to registration file. By default flag is false so no isv secrets will be set.
      --out string      Output path for encrypted regfile. Default will be generated in current directory

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs sb status

Show the status of the Secure Build servers based on the Secure Build configuration file.


hpvs sb status --help
Get secure build status

  hpvs sb status [flags]

      --config string   Config file path
  -h, --help            Help for status

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs sb update

Update the Secure Build servers based on the Secure Build configuration file.


hpvs sb update --help
Update secure build environment

  hpvs sb update [flags]

      --config string   Config file path
  -h, --help            Help for update

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs snapshot

List, create, delete, or restore a snapshot for a Hyper Protect Virtual Server instance.


hpvs snapshot --help
list, create, delete, restore Snapshot

  hpvs snapshot [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create snapshot
  delete      Delete snapshot
  list        List snapshots
  restore     Restore snapshot

  -h, --help   Help for snapshot

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs snapshot [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs snapshot create

Create a snapshot for a Hyper Protect Virtual Server instance.


hpvs snapshot create --help
Create snapshot of a given vs

Usage:{: #hpvs-snapshot-delete}
  hpvs snapshot create [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for create
      --name string   Snapshot name
      --vs string     VS name

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs snaptshot delete

Delete a snapshot.


hpvs snapshot delete --help
Delete snapshot of a given vs

  hpvs snapshot delete [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for delete
      --name string   Snapshot name
      --vs string     VS name

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs snapshot list

List all the snapshots.


hpvs snapshot list --help
List snapshots of a given vs

  hpvs snapshot list [flags]

  -h, --help        Help for list
      --vs string   VS name

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs snapshot restore

Restore a snapshot to a Virtual Server instance.


hpvs snapshot restore--help
Restore snapshot of a given vs

  hpvs snapshot restore [flags]

  -h, --help                Help for restore
      --name string         Snapshot name
      --quotagroup string   Quotagroup name
      --vs string           VS name

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs undeploy

Undeploy virtual servers


hpvs undeploy --help

  hpvs undeploy [flags]

      --config string      YAML configuration file used for the virtual server deployment                                                                             
      --exclude strings    Virtual servers e.g vs1,vs2; to be excluded from undeploying, other vs will be included for undeployment, by default all vs will be undeployed
  -h, --help               Help for undeploy
      --include strings    Virtual servers e.g vs1,vs2; to be included for undeploying, other vs will be excluded from undeployment, by default all vs will be undeployed

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed , the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs vs

Administer Virtual Serer instances.


hpvs vs --help
create, delete, list, log, restart, show, start, stop VS

  hpvs vs [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create virtual server
  delete      Delete virtual server
  list        List virtual servers
  log         Get virtual server log
  restart     Restart virtual server
  show        Show virtual server
  start       Start virtual server
  stop        Stop virtual server
  update      Update virtual server

  -h, --help      Help for vs
  --host string   Host LPAR name
  --json          if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

Use "hpvs vs [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hpvs vs create

Create a Virtual Server instance.


hpvs vs create --help
Create virtual server

  hpvs vs create [flags]

      --cpu string                  Number of cpu (default "1")
      --crypto_control              If --crypto_control flag is passed, domain is of control type default is usage type.
      --crypto_matrix stringArray   List of crypto domain E.g --crypto_matrix=9.0001,9.0002 , if --crypto_control is not passed then usage type with one crypto domain. E.g --crypto_matrix=9.0001
      --domainName string           Domain name. Ex-
      --env stringToString          Environment variable of virtual server. E.g --env={key1=value1,key2=value2} (default [])
      --envjsonpath string          JSON environment variable path
      --extraHosts stringArray      Extra hosts. eg:- {"",""}
  -h, --help                        Help for create
      --hostname string             Hostname
      --labels stringArray          Labels
      --name string                 Name of virtual server
      --network stringArray         List of networks. E.g --network "{name=example_network, ip=}"
      --ports stringArray           List of ports. E.g --ports "{containerport = 443, protocol = tcp, hostport = 21443}"
      --quotagroup stringArray      List of quotagroup configurations. E.g --quotagroup "{quotagroup = volume-name, mountid = new, mount = /newroot, filesystem = ext4, size = 4GB}"
      --ram string                  RAM in MB (default "1024")
      --repo string                 Repository id
      --tag string                  Image tag

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs vs delete

Delete a Virtual Server instance.


hpvs vs delete --help
Delete virtual server

  hpvs vs delete [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for delete
      --name string   Name of virtual server

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs vs list

List all the Virtual Server instances on the Secure Service Container partition.


hpvs vs list --help
List virtual servers

  hpvs vs list [flags]

  -h, --help   Help for list

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs vs log

Retrieve the log information of a Virtual Server instance.


hpvs vs log --help
Get virtual server log

  hpvs vs log [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for log
      --name string   Name of virtual server

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs vs restart

Restart a Virtual Server instance.


hpvs vs restart --help
Restart virtual server

  hpvs vs restart [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for restart
      --name string   Name of virtual server

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs vs show

Show the configuration of a Virtual Server instance.


hpvs vs show --help
Show virtual server

  hpvs vs show [flags]

  -h, --help      Help for show
      --name string   Name of virtual server

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name  
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs vs start

Start a Virtual Server instance.


hpvs vs start --help
Start virtual server

  hpvs vs start [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for start
      --name string   Name of virtual server

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs vs stop

Stop a running Virtual Server instance.


hpvs vs stop --help
Stop virtual server

  hpvs vs stop [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for stop
      --name string   Name of virtual server

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory

hpvs vs update

Update a Virtual Server instance.


hpvs vs update --help
Update virtual server

  hpvs vs update [flags]

      --cpu string               Number of cpu
      --domainName string        Domain name. Ex-
      --env stringToString       Environment variable of virtual server. E.g --env={key1=value1,key2=value2} (default [])
      --envjsonpath string       JSON environment variable path
      --extraHosts stringArray   Extra hosts. eg:- {"",""}
  -h, --help                     Help for update
      --hostname string          Hostname
      --labels stringArray       Labels
      --name string              Name of virtual server
      --network stringArray      List of networks. E.g --network "{name=example_network, ip=}"
      --ports stringArray        List of ports. E.g --ports "{containerport = 443, protocol = tcp, hostport = 21443}"
      --quotagroup stringArray   List of quotagroup configurations. E.g --quotagroup "{quotagroup = volume-name, mountid = new, mount = /newroot, filesystem = ext4, size = 4GB}"
      --ram string               RAM in MB
      --repo string              Repository id
      --tag string               Image tag

Global Flags:
      --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
      --host string             Host LPAR name
      --json                    if --json flag is passed, the output will be in json format
      --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory