IBM Host On-Demand Version 15.0 Readme

Read Me - Please!

First Edition

This document contains information supplementary to the online help and the publications, it includes newly added functions, hints, tips, restrictions, and corrections. See the IBM Host On-Demand Information Center for other considerations when using IBM Host On-Demand Version 15.0, and for complete product documentation.

For information on installing IBM Host On-Demand, refer to the Installation Guide. Refer to Quick Beginnings guide, for information about the new features added in this version.

Names and license terms for third-party components are referenced in license.txt, which is located in the IBM Host On-Demand installation directory or in the product installation image.

Thank you for choosing IBM Host On-Demand Version 15.0.

Table of Contents

Host On-Demand Information Center

Host On-Demand Version

Host On-Demand Version

Host On-Demand Version 15.0

Support Considerations

Other Considerations

Host On-Demand Information Center

For more information on IBM Host On-Demand refer to IBM Host On-Demand.

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What's New in Host On-Demand Version

Server JRE Update (HOD version

Server JRE has been updated to IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition (JRE) version

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JAR Signer Certificate Upgrade

The code signer certificate used to sign the previous versions of IBM Host On-Demand software will expire on April 20, 2024. In the current version, the IBM Host On-Demand software is signed with a new code signer certificate that is valid up to February 25, 2026.

This certificate is issued to "International Business Machines Corporation" by "DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1".

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Upgrade of Packaged JRE in IBM Managed HOD

The version of Java runtime packaged in IBM Managed Host On-Demand has been upgraded to IBM Java

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Web Application Archive Deployment in Custom Location for Embedded Server

From this release, the Web application Archive files can be deployed in a custom location, which provides flexibility for Embedded Server to extract the files in the available file systems.

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Subject Alternative Name (SAN) Based Authentication for SSL/TLS Certificates

With this release, SSL/TLS certificate identities are validated using SAN followed by common name (CN). The use of the SAN extension is standard practice for SSL certificates and offers flexibility by consolidating multiple hostnames under a single SSL/TLS certificate.

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Fixes for APARs and Internal Defects (HOD version

This release contains fixes for internal defects to improve productivity and quality.

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What's New in Host On-Demand Version

Server JRE Update (HOD version

Server JRE has been updated to IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition (JRE) version

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Upgrade of Packaged JRE in IBM Managed HOD

The version of Java runtime packaged in IBM Managed Host On-Demand has been upgraded to Java

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Deployment Wizard in Admin Console

With this release, Deployment wizard can also be accessed via Host On-Demand admin console.

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Multiple Instance and Upgrade Support

This build has support on more than one instance (v15.0 and v15.0.1.0) can install on same machine, it supports upgrade installation when user selects v15.0 in multiple instance panel.

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Node.js Distribution

Node.js server component added to server component of Host On-Demand

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Embedded Server Updates

Starting this release, changes are made to the deployment process of applications supported by the Embedded Server. Users are now provided with a file located under the config folder within the lib directory. This file lists the names of all supported applications along with their corresponding deployment values.

By default, License Manager application is not part of the deployment. For more information, refer to Technote.

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Fixes for APARs and Internal Defects (HOD version

Refresh pack contains fixes for APARs and internal defects.

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What's New in Host On-Demand Version

Server JRE Update (HOD version

Server JRE has been updated to IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition (JRE) version

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TLS 1.3 Support

With this release, support for TLS 1.3 has been enabled for IBM Host On-Demand. TLS 1.3 will be the default protocol version used for secure negotiations for all types of sessions. Users should be at the JRE level where TLS 1.3 protocol is supported.

For more information, refer TLS/SSL

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Host On-Demand Installer Upgrade

Previous versions of Host On-Demand were dependent on IBM Installation Manager for the product installation/update and uninstallation.

With the new release, the Host On-Demand packages have been created using InstallAnywhere. It provides a simple installation method to install Host On-Demand on all the supported platforms, without any external dependency.

For more information, refer Installing, upgrading, and uninstalling Host On-Demand

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FTP Performance Improvement

With this release, the Host On-Demand FTP client supports the parallel transfer of multiple files, thereby improving the overall file transfer performance significantly.

For more details, refer File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

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Removal of Standalone HOD

Standalone HOD support is removed from the current version.

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Telnet Keep Alive Enhancement

With this release, Host On-Demand supports Telnet Keep-Alive. A Keep-Alive packet is sent to the host at regular intervals to check if it is still reachable. Two keep alive mechanisms are supported: NOP, and TIMING-MARK.

For more information, refer Advanced connection properties

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Code Page Conversion

Code page conversion support has been extended to UTF8.

For more information, refer Codepage Converter

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Upgrade of Packaged JRE in IBM Managed HOD

The version of Java runtime packaged in IBM Managed Host On-Demand has been upgraded to Java

For more information, refer IBM Managed HOD.

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Usage of Specific Java Runtime for HOD Launcher

A new environment variable support is added to configure a specific version of Java to be used by HOD Launcher.

For more information, refer HOD Launcher.

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IBM License Manager Enhancement

With this release, IBM Host Integration License Manager is extended to support storing the data in Databases. Supported Database can be used to configure License Manager. The new user interface provides better accessibility, and ease of navigation to application pages. Detailed documents can be found

For more information, refer How to install and configure the License Manager Server for Host On-Demand and Personal Communications.

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Flexible Scratchpad

With this release, the Host On-Demand scratchpad can be resized. It helps end users keep the green screen (emulator) size to suit their requirement.

For more information, refer Scratchpad.

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Introducing New HTML Parameters

  • Optimize Wide Screen for all Sessions: This HTML parameter allows users to set Optimize for Widescreen property for all sessions.

  • Start session with Full screen.: A new HTML parameter is introduced to launch the session in full screen.

  • Tab delimiter support in FTP : A new HTML parameter is introduced to replace the TABS with a single space, for the file transferred through the FTP session.

  • For more information, refer HTML parameters.

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Fixes for APARs and Internal Defects (HOD version

Release contains fixes for APARs and internal defects.

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Support Considerations

Subscribing to Support News

To receive Host On-Demand support news flashes, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Host On-Demand support Web site, at the following address:

  2. Under Personal Support, click My Support. If you already have an IBM Registration ID, you can sign in. If not, you must register.
  3. After you sign in, select Networking from the product family list.
  4. Select the products for which you would like to receive news flashes. Click Save and Return. Your support profile is listed on the next screen.
  5. For your mail preference, you can choose to receive e-mail flashes, downloadable files, or both. Click Submit. You will receive a message indicating that your profile has been updated.
  6. Click Sign out to end the session.

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Support Assistant

The IBM Support Assistant enables you to easily resolve software questions. The Support Assistant provides the following components:

  • SearchEnable search of the software information database.

  • ServiceAssists customers who choose to submit a PMR by providing access to the Electronic Service Request Web site.

  • Support LinksA consolidated list of IBM web links, organized by brand and product.

Help desk personnel and Host On-Demand administrators might want to install Support Assistant in order to better support end users. The Support Assistant can be downloaded from the following address:

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Other Considerations

Installing or migrating Host On-Demand with Communications Server

If you have both Host On-Demand and IBM Communications Server for Windows installed on a system, you should not use automatic migration when installing a newer version of Host On-Demand. First, remove both Host On-Demand and Communications Server for Windows from the system. You should then reinstall Communications Server, before installing the new version of Host On-Demand.

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Displaying Arabic data in the VBHLLAPI sample program

For proper display of Arabic data in the VBHLLAPI sample program, you should do the following:

  1. Edit the VBHLLAPI sample program source code. For each form, change the default font property to a Windows True Type font that supports Arabic script (for example, Courier New).
  2. Recompile the VBHLLAPI sample program.

Refer to Emulator Programming for information about the API sample programs.

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Trademarks information

IBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at Copyright and trademark information at

Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.

Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.

Collected links

Relevant links to Host On-Demand Readme