Installing HATS

With the information in this chapter you can:


IBM® Installation Manager Version 1.8.3, or later, is required to install HATS Toolkit.

For more about IBM Installation Manager, see

When you install HATS V9.7 using the IBM Installation Manager, the installation process checks that prerequisite packages and features are already installed. If not, a message is displayed, and the install does not proceed. The following sections list the prerequisite packages and features that must already be installed.



If none of the required Rational SDP packages are installed, HATS will not install. If this occurs, use the Install function of the IBM Installation Manager to install one of the required packages along with the required features. Then start the HATS install again.

If one of the required Rational SDP packages is installed without the required features, HATS will not install. If this occurs, use the Modify function of IBM Installation Manager to add the required features. Then start the HATS install again.

IBM WebFacing Tool for IBM i feature

For the IBM WebFacing Tool for IBM i feature (WebFacing):

The Rational SDP packages must be installed in the same package group.

If the prerequisites are not satisfied, the WebFacing feature cannot be selected for installation. If this occurs, use the Install or Modify function, as appropriate, of the IBM Installation Manager to install the prerequisites. Then use the Modify function to install WebFacing.

Other prerequisites

There are other hardware and software prerequisites for the system where you install HATS Toolkit, the systems where you deploy HATS applications, WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Portal, or rich client platform systems, and the browsers with which your users will interact with HATS Web applications. See "System Requirements for Rational Host Access Transformation Services" at for the current list of supported hardware and software prerequisites.

Installing HATS Toolkit

To install HATS Toolkit:

  1. Verify that your system meets all the prerequisites. For more information see Prerequisites.
  2. HATS is structured as an Eclipse offering that is installed to a Rational SDP system using IBM Installation Manager.
  3. If you are installing from a CD and autorun is enabled, then the launchpad starts automatically when you insert the installation disk into your CD drive. If autorun is not enabled, or if you are installing from an electronic image, run the launchpad.exe program located in the root directory of the CD or located in the root directory of the extracted electronic image of the installation disk.
  4. Select the language for the launchpad. Click OK.
  5. The IBM HATS V9.7 window appears. From this window you can install the product and view release information. Be sure to click Release Notes to review last-minute information.
  6. When you are ready to install HATS Toolkit, click Install IBM HATS V9.7 which launches the IBM Installation Manager.
    If IBM Installation Manager is not installed an error message is displayed.
  7. The IBM Installation Manager window appears.
  8. On the Install Packages panel, the box for IBM HATS is selected for you. Click Next.
    An error message is displayed if the required level of IBM Installation Manager is not installed.
  9. On the Licenses panel, read and accept the terms in the license agreement, and click Next.
  10. On the Location panel, under Package Group Name, select the package group where you want to install HATS, for example IBM Software Delivery Platform, and click Next.
    You must select an existing package group where you have installed the prerequisite software delivery products.
  11. On the Features panel, in addition to HATS, you can select for installation the following HATS features. Click Next.
    1. You can install these features at a later time by using the Modify function of IBM Installation Manager. For more information see Modifying the HATS Toolkit installation.
    2. For prerequisite information see Prerequisites.
  12. On the Summary panel, click Install.
  13. You will see a progress bar as the installation proceeds and Start menu items are created.
  14. On the Install Packages panel, you are informed if the installation was completed successfully. If necessary, you can click View Log File to view the installation log. Click Finish to close the installation panel.
  1. All languages supported by HATS and the HATS features are installed during the installation process.
  2. HATS cannot be installed at the same time you install the prerequisite level of Rational SDP and features. You must complete the installation of the prerequisite level of Rational SDP and features before installing HATS.

Updating the HATS Toolkit installation

You can install HATS V9.7 fix packs using the update function of the IBM Installation Manager. By default, Internet access is required unless your repository preferences point to a local update site.

Earlier versions of HATS cannot be updated to HATS V9.7. To coexist, earlier versions and HATS V9.7 can be installed in separate package groups.

To update the HATS Toolkit:

  1. Start IBM Installation Manager from the Windows Start menu. By default this is under Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager.
  2. From the menu bar, select File > Preferences.
  3. Ensure that the Search service repositories during installation and updates option is selected to allow updates from the IBM Update Server. Click OK to return to the IBM Installation Manager screen.
  4. On the initial IBM Installation Manager panel, click Update.
    Do not click Install.
  5. Select the package group in which you installed IBM HATS V9.7. The default is IBM Software Delivery Platform. The Installed Packages and Fixes list at the bottom of the panel should show IBM HATS 9.7.0.x as one of the entries. Click Next.
  6. Select IBM HATS 9.7.0.x and any other required or optional updates from the list of available updates. Any updates you already have installed will be displayed in grey and will not be selectable. Click Next.
  7. Read and accept the license agreements for the selected updates, and then follow the remaining installation dialogs to install the selected updates.
    Depending on the speed of your computer processor, the amount of RAM, and the speed of your Internet connection, the update(s) could take an extended period of time to download and install.
  8. Review your selections on the Summary panel. If you want to make any changes to your selections, click Back and make your changes. When you are ready to install the update, click Update.
  9. When the updates are complete, a message will be displayed by IBM Installation Manager informing you that updates were successfully installed. You can click View Log File to view the log file for the current Installation Manager session. When you are finished, click Finish.
  10. Exit IBM Installation Manager and start Host Access Transformation Services from the Windows Start menu to begin using the product. By default this is under Start > All Programs > IBM Software Delivery Platform > Host Access Transformation Services.
For more about fix pack contents and install instructions, see the appropriate release notes on the HATS Knowledge Center at

Modifying the HATS Toolkit installation

You can use the IBM Installation Manager to modify an already installed HATS Toolkit. For example, you can add, or remove, any of the HATS features. To add any of the HATS features, follow these steps:

  1. With the HATS CD in the CD-ROM drive or the extracted electronic image of the HATS installation disk accessible, start IBM Installation Manager.
    If the HATS CD or electronic image is not already defined as an installation repository, see Adding the HATS installation repository to IBM Installation Manager.
  2. On the initial IBM Installation Manager panel, click Modify.
  3. On the Modify Packages panel, select the package group where you have installed HATS and click Next.
  4. On the Features panel that list languages, click Next.
    All languages supported by HATS and the HATS features are installed during the installation process.
  5. On the Features panel that lists the features to add or remove and click Next.
    For prerequisite information see Prerequisites.
  6. On the Summary panel, click Modify.
  7. You will see a progress bar as the installation proceeds.
  8. On the Modify Packages panel, you are informed if the installation was completed successfully. If necessary, you can click View Log File to view the installation log. Click Finish to close the Modify Packages panel.

Use similar steps to remove any of the HATS features.

Adding the HATS installation repository to IBM Installation Manager

The HATS installation program automatically adds the HATS installation directory as a repository in IBM Installation Manager. If for any reason you need to manually add the HATS installation directory as a repository, follow these steps:

  1. From the IBM Installation Manager menu bar, select File > Preferences.
  2. On the Preferences panel, click the Add Repository button.
  3. On the Add a Repository panel, click the Browse button.
  4. On the Select a Repository panel, browse to the HATS CD or the extracted electronic image of the HATS installation disk, in the root directory select the diskTag.inf file, and click OPEN.
    If adding a repository for a local installation of a HATS fix pack, browse to the directory where you extracted the fix pack installation files. Inside the directory you will see a hats\updates directory. Change to that directory, select repository.config, and click Open.
  5. On the Add a Repository panel, click OK.
  6. On the Preferences panel, click OK.

Uninstalling HATS Toolkit

When you uninstall the HATS package, the HATS Toolkit and all installed features are uninstalled.

When you uninstall HATS Toolkit, the files for your HATS projects and their resources are not deleted. If you re-install HATS Toolkit you are able to work with projects you have previously created. To delete your HATS project files, delete each project before you uninstall HATS. If you want to delete HATS project files after uninstalling HATS, go to the workspace directory on the file system and delete the HATS project files.

To uninstall HATS Toolkit:

  1. You must be logged on with Administrator privileges.
  2. Close the HATS and WebFacing perspectives and exit from Rational SDP.
    When you start Rational SDP, it always tries to reopen the last perspective that was open. To avoid error messages, before you uninstall HATS, close the HATS and WebFacing perspectives before you exit Rational SDP. If HATS or WebFacing were the last perspective open when you uninstall HATS, Rational SDP will issue error messages because it cannot find the files necessary to reopen the perspective. If this occurs, change the perspective, the errors do not harm anything.
  3. Start the IBM Installation Manager from the Start menu.
  4. On the IBM Installation Manager panel, click Uninstall.
  5. On the Uninstall Packages panel, select the IBM HATS package and click Next.
  6. On the Summary panel, click Uninstall.
  7. You will see a progress bar as the installation program uninstalls HATS and the Start menu items.
  8. On the Uninstall Packages panel, you are informed if the uninstallation was completed successfully. If necessary, you can click View Log File to view the uninstall log. Click Finish to close the Uninstall Packages panel.

Using silent install and uninstall

You can install or uninstall a product package silently using Installation Manager in silent installation mode. When you run Installation Manager in silent mode, the user interface is not available; instead, a response file inputs the commands that are required to install or uninstall the product package. For more information about how to generate the response files and use them see the section, Installing Silently, on IBM Knowledge Center at

Log files

The install, update, modify, and uninstall processes create log files that you can examine if an error occurs.

By default, the log files are stored in the c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager\logs\ directory.