How to create a security assessment

Run security assessments against selected datasources to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities, improve configurations, and harden infrastructures.

About this task

The basic steps for creating a security assessment are:
  1. Create the assessment
  2. Add datasources to the assessment
  3. Add tests to the assessment


  1. Create or modify an assessment by opening the Assessment Builder. Open the Assessment Builder by clicking Harden > Vulnerability Assessment > Assessment Builder.
    Security Assessment Finder
  2. Create a new security assessment by clicking New.
    Security Assessment Builder, New button
  3. Enter a unique name for the assessment in Description and click Apply to save the assessment.
    Security Assessment Builder, Unique name
  4. Add a datasource to the assessment by clicking Add Datasource. Select a datasource from the Datasource Finder and click Add. Add a new datasource by clicking add new icon, filling in the information in the Database Definition window, and clicking Apply. See Datasources for assistance.
    Datasource Finder

    After clicking the Add button, the datasource will appear in the Datasources section of the Security Assessment Builder.

    Security Assessment Builder, Datasources
  5. Click Apply to save the assessment.
    Security Assessment Builder, Apply button
  6. Click Configure Tests to add tests to the assessment. In the Tests available for addition panel, click the tab for the appropriate datasource you created, select the tests you want to add to the assessment, and click Add Selections. Use the radio buttons to filter the tests to be added. See Predefined Tests, Query Based Tests, CVE Tests, or APAR Tests for assistance.
    Assessment Test Selections, Screen 01
    Assessment Test Selections, Screen 02
    Assessment Test Selections, Screen 03
  7. Click Back to return to the Security Assessment Builder, and click Roles to add roles to the assessment.
    Note: You cannot assign roles to the assessment until you have assigned roles to the datasources the assessment is based on.
  8. Save your assessment by clicking Apply. The assessment can now be run against the selected datasources.