Installing the GIM client on a UNIX server

Use this command to install the GIM client on each database server.

About this task

You can install and use the GIM client in a Solaris slave zone or an AIX workload partition (WPAR). This enables you to use the GIM client to install an S-TAP in a slave zone or WPAR. When you install an S-TAP in a slave zone or WPAR, the K-TAP is disabled, regardless of the setting of the ktap_enabled parameter. You can also use the GIM client to install the Configuration Auditing System (CAS) agent in a slave zone or WPAR. You cannot install the discovery bundle in a slave zone or WPAR; the discovery agent running on the global zone can collect information from other zones. The process for installing the GIM client in a Solaris slave zone or an AIX workload partition is the same as the process for installing in the master zone. The installation can take a few seconds longer than installing in the master zone. If you install the GIM client on a Solaris system with master and slave zones, you must install the client in the same location on the master and slave zones. This location cannot be a shared directory.

On Solaris, the GIM client and supervisor in each slave zone are controlled by the GIM supervisor process that runs in the master zone. If the supervisor process on the master zone is shut down, all GIM processes on the slave zones are shut down as well.

Note: GIM requires 300 MB minimum of disk space, and 700 MB if FAM module is also being installed.


  1. Place the GIM client installer on the database server in any folder.
  2. Run the installer: ./<installer_name> [-- --dir <install_dir> <--sqlguardip> <g-machine ip> --tapip <db server ip address> --perl <perl dir> -q] The installer name has the syntax: guard-bundle-GIM-<release build>-<DB>-<OS>_<bit>, for example:
    • Omit the --sqlguardip parameter to install the client in GIM listener mode. Listener mode makes the GIM client available for remote registration from a Guardium system. For more information, see GIM Remote Activation and Create a GIM Auto-discovery Process.
    • When cloning database servers and establishing large deployments, use --auto_set_gim_tapip to allocate a random IP address from one of the valid IP addresses of a database server. Do not specify both auto_set_gim_tapip and tapip when installing the GIM client. Update the GIM_AUTO_SET_CLIENT_IP parameter after GIM client installation by using Manage > Module Installation > Set up by Client or Set up by Module.
  3. On Red Hat Linux, version 6 or later, run these commands to verify that the files have been added:
    ls -la /etc/init/gim*
    ls -la /etc/gsvr*
    On Solaris, version 10 or later, run this command:
    ls /lib/svc/method/guard_g*
    On all other platforms, run these commands to verify that the following new entries were added to /etc/inittab:
    gim:2345:respawn:<perl dir>/perl <modules install dir>/GIM/<ver>/
    gsvr:2345:respawn:<modules install dir>/perl <modules install dir>/SUPERVISOR/<ver>/guard_supervisor
    Where modules install dir is the directory where all GIM modules are installed, for example, /usr/local/guardium/modules.
  4. Enter this command to verify that the GIM client, SUPERVISOR process, and modules are running:
    ps -afe | grep modules
  5. Log in to the Guardium system and check the Process Monitoring status.