Updating Db2 password on a Windows system
On Windows systems, the Db2® Administrator user ID and password are subject to the security policy that is active on the system. If a password expiration restriction is in effect, you must change the login password and Db2 password for the Administrator user ID before the expiration period ends.
In addition, the login password for the Db2 Administrator user ID and the Db2 data source password that is used by WebSphere® Application Server Liberty must be the same. When you change one, you must change the other. For information about the supported special characters in a password, see https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/supported-special-characters-ibm-security-key-lifecycle-manager-passwords.
Run the following steps to change the Db2 database password:
- Open the Windows user management tool by opening the Control Panel and clicking .
- Change the password for the IBM® Security Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager database owner.
- Open the Windows Services console by opening the Control Panel and clicking Administrative Tools > Computer Management.
- Change the password for the following services from the
Logon tab of the Properties dialog box.
DB2 - klmdb42 - sklminstance
For example, the service name might be:DB2 - klmdb42 - KLMDB42
Important: After changing the password, do not restart theGKLM42Server
service even though you are prompted to do so.
- Stop and restart the following services:
DB2 Governor (klmdb42)
DB2 License Server (klmdb42)
DB2 Management Service (klmdb42)
DB2 Remote Command Server (klmdb42)
The Db2 password is updated on the system.