Configuring universal connectors by using legacy mode

Use the legacy Configure Universal Connector page on a Managed Unit to configure universal connectors.

About this task


  1. On the Collector, go to Setup > Tools and Views > Configure Universal Connector page.
  2. Ensure that the Universal Connector is enabled.
  3. To add a new configuration, click the add new icon.
    1. In the Connector name field, enter a name for the new connector.
      Restriction: Ensure that the name does not contain special characters other than underscore( _ ) and hyphen ( - ).
    2. From the Connector template list, select a template, if applicable. If not leave it is as.
    3. Update the Input configuration and Filter Configuration fields as per the .conf file from the filter plug-in GitHub repository for the plug-in that you want to configure. For example, see the auroraMysqlCloudwatch.conf file if you are configuring the Aurora-MySQL-Guardium Logstash filter plug-in. Omitting the keyword "filter{" at the beginning and its corresponding "}" at the end.
      • You can see the .conf file in each filter plug-in folder in the GitHub repository.
      • If you want to configure Cloudwatch by using the role_arn parameter instead of access_key and secret_key , then see Configuring role_arn parameter topic.
    Important: If you are configuring more than one filebeat connector on a single Managed Unit, then ensure to update the tags parameter in the filter plugin configuration file with unique values for each configuration. Not using unique values may affect the system performance.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Download the plugin zip file from GitHub repository. The plug-in zip file is part of each plug-in folder.
  6. Click Upload File, browse the downloaded plug-in zip file and upload.
    You may also need to upload any supporting files for the plug-in. See the individual plug-in related topic for such information.


The Universal Connector is now configured and ready to receive new events from the data source.