
This API stops a long-running process.

Use the list_running_processes API to find the process ID of the process you want to stop.

For more information about long running processes, see list_running_processes.

You can view or change the timeout duration from either the Running Query Timeout page in the UI or by using the show_maximum_query_duration and store_maximum_query_duration APIs.

This API is available in Guardium V11.1 and later.

REST API syntax

This API is available as a REST service with the POST method. Call this API as follows:
POST https://[Guardium hostname or IP address]:8443/restAPI/kill_running_process

GuardAPI syntax

kill_running_process parameter=value


Parameter Value type Description
processID Long Required. The ID of the process to stop.


The following examples both stop process 74 from running.

grdapi kill_running_process processID=74
curl \
-k --header "Authorization:Bearer 395fea0f-4cbf-487d-90ef-d2241c5843c6" \
-i -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-X POST ""