States of an SnF output channel

Figure 1. SnF output channel states and transitions
Figure showing SnF output channel states and transitions
An error occurred during an attempt to open the SnF output channel.
An error occurred during the SnF output-channel session.
Either an attempt to close the SnF output channel was successful or an error occurred during an attempt to close the SnF output channel.
Table 1. States of an SnF output channel
State Description
Initial The MSIF transfer service received a create or open command for the output channel for the first time. It creates a corresponding entry in the database.
Creating The MSIF transfer service received a create command for the output channel and passed a create channel request to SWIFT. It is waiting for the response.
Opening The MSIF transfer service received an open command for the output channel and passed an open channel request to SWIFT. It is waiting for the response.
Open The output channel is open and a channel session was established.
Unknown The MSIF transfer service is unable to determine the status of the output-channel session.
Closing The MSIF transfer service received a close command for the output channel. It passed this command to SWIFT and is waiting for the response.
Closed An output-channel session for the SnF queue is not active.
Deleting The MSIF transfer service received a delete command for the output channel and passed a delete channel request to SWIFT. It is waiting for the response. After it receives a response that indicates that SWIFT deleted the channel, it removes the corresponding entry from the database.