CDP commands

After the CDP was started as described in Starting the CDP, you can use it to issue the following commands:
export [-desc] file_name
Exports the current customization definition to a CDD with the specified file name. Use this command if the current CDD for an instance (that is, the CDD for that instance that is marked as implemented) is lost or corrupted, or if you want to be certain that the CDD you plan to modify is identical to the CDD stored internally by the CDP. If the option -desc is specified, descriptions of the placeholders and service bundles are inserted into the CDD as comments.
explain msg_id
Displays an explanation of the CDP message with the specified message ID.
help [command]
Displays information about the specified command or, if no command is specified, all commands.
import file_name
Imports a new target customization definition from the CDD with the specified file name:
  • In customization mode, this CDD contains the changes needed for re-customization.
  • In migration mode, this CDD must be identical to the implemented CDD, unless the migration instructions in the PTF readme file advise you to change the CDD.
When the CDP runs in customization or migration mode, this command:
  • Overwrites the previous customization definition with what was, until now, the current customization definition
  • Overwrites the current customization definition with what was, until now, the target customization definition
When the CDP runs in migration mode, this command also:
  • Creates a backup copy of the previous customization definition data directories
  • Creates a backup copy of the deployment directory for administration modules
  • Overwrites the current customization definition data directories with the contents of the customization definition data directories contained in the FTM SWIFT installation directories

This ensures that the current customization definition stored within the CDP is synchronized with the current runtime systems. The previous version can be recovered (see the description of the recover command).

prepare -delta|-full [,] [-display]
Generates the deployment data and deployment instructions. The deployment instructions are stored in the file:
Generates only the data necessary to modify the current environment so that it corresponds to the target customization definition, taking into account all resources defined in previous customization steps. For example, if a target customization definition was created by deleting an OU from and adding a server to the current CDD, this step would generate the deployment needed to:
  • Delete the resources used by the deleted OU
  • Create the resources used by the new server
Generates all deployment data required to set up the complete target environment. This parameter is valid only if the CDP was started in customization mode, that is, by entering dnicdp.,
This causes the deployment vehicles not to be separated into separate vehicles for "create and commit", "approve", and "deploy" steps. If dual authorization is switched off, a single person can carry out all these steps at once, using a single vehicles. Use this parameter to reduce the number of files that are generated, and hence the number of deployment steps.
The deployment instructions are also sent to standard output.
Ends the CDP, and unlocks the instance so that other users can customize it.
Replaces the current customization definition with the most recent previous version (that is, with the customization definition that was current just before the implement command was last issued for this instance) and ends the CDP:
  • In customization mode, the recover command replaces the current customization definition with its predecessor.
  • In migration mode, the CDD has not changed, so the recover command returns the current customization definition to its state before migration.
After this command was issued, the CDP must be restarted.
show -delta|-current|-target [file_name]
Generates a customization definition report according to the specified option. For an example of a customization definition report, see Figure 9.
The following options determine the contents of the generated customization definition report:
The report contains information about all service bundles and placeholders that will be added to, changed in, or deleted from the current customization definition if the target customization definition is implemented.
The report contains information about all service bundles and placeholders for the current customization definition.
The report contains information about all service bundles and placeholders that would result from implementing the target customization definition.

If no file is specified, the report data is sent to standard output only; otherwise, it is also stored in a file with the name specified.

Displays information about the status of the current customization. Issue this command to check whether a customization operation is still pending.
supplement [-desc] input_file output_file
Reads the customization definition from the input file (an initial CDD) and:
  • Inserts any missing placeholder elements
  • Removes any unnecessary placeholder elements
  • Creates a broker list section in the CDD if there is not one already or, if there already is one, inserts or removes BAR files as needed. If you assign or remove an SVB from the assignment list, the supplement command adjusts the broker section accordingly. After a recustomization, it is recommended that you open the CDD and check the assignment of BAR files to execution groups.
  • Writes the supplemented customization definition to the output file (an intermediate CDD)
  • To make it easier to locate placeholders that were newly added, such placeholders are flagged with a <!–-NEW–-> comment.
If the option -desc is specified, descriptions of the placeholders and service bundles are inserted into the intermediate CDD.