Messaging Services for SWIFTNet InterAct and FileAct (MSIF)

Applications that exchange business messages other than FIN messages via the SWIFT Secure IP Network (SIPN) use SWIFTNet InterAct. The format of a business message depends on the service that the application participates in, and is defined by the service provider that registered the service at SWIFT. The business message is independent from any network protocol.

Applications that need to transfer files rather than exchange messages use SWIFTNet FileAct. They can transfer files using one of two ways:
Sending a file directly
An application at one site sends the file directly to an application at another side that receives it.
Downloading a file
An application at one site provides a file for downloading, and one or more applications at other sites download it.

The services provided by the Messaging Services for SWIFTNet InterAct and FileAct (MSIF) feature provide the means to do all these things, as well as the control of any store-and-forward (SnF) sessions, input channels or output channels that might be used.

The MSIF feature provides the following services:
MSIF transfer services (DNF_O_FTx)
These services conduct each message or file transfer scenario. If required, they can convert the character sets of file content and compress and decompress files before or after files are passed to or from an SAG. They retry transfers when errors occur, and handle duplicate transmissions. See MSIF transfer services (DNF_O_FTx).
MSIF command service (DNF_O_CMD)
Users with different roles use this service to control different aspects of file and message transfers. Also, the MSIF command service automatically detects scenario timeouts and expired scenarios. It can automatically cleanup information pertaining to completed transfers. See MSIF command service (DNF_O_CMD).
Each of these services:
  • Checks the syntax of the request or command messages that it processes
  • Determines whether the user has sufficient permissions to carry out the requested action
  • Records audit data for the request or command
  • Records audit data for the response to the request or command
Figure 1. MSIF services
Figure showing MSIF services