- Provides a rule authoring language that is understandable to both business and IT users.
- Runs tightly coupled for high performance and reliability.
- Provides another choice to all IBM App Connect Enterprise flow developers that they can author business rules in ODM as an alternative to ESQL.
- IBM Decision Server is the runtime rule engine. It is tightly
coupled with IBM App Connect
Enterprise to run the business rules that are needed for the message flow.
- IT users can author, test, and deploy business rules by using an Eclipse-based tool that is called IBM Rule Designer (ILOG® Rule Studio in v7.1). It comes as part of IBM Decision Server (ILOG Rule Execution Server).
- IBM Decision Center is an optional Rule Governance and Business User component. It allows an enterprise to provide a controlled environment to improve collaboration between business and IT users, and enables business users to view, or to author and view business rules.

Adding the two products together in this tightly coupled J2SE configuration of ODM had some management limitations and restrictions in informing the rule engine when rules were being updated. The DecisionService node capability eliminates these issues because it adds rule management capability to the J2SE engine by using MBean events and the management facility from the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition engine. Both the management and authoring and business rules engines work on a shared rule persistence layer, which is implemented as a database, to have a centralized single view of the latest business rules.
- When the Decision Server Management Console changes a rule, the MBean Server throws an event. A rule set listener detects the event, which causes the cached rule in the decision server of IBM App Connect Enterprise to be updated. (Update rule process)
- If a request enters a decision node, a rule request is generated and the request is issued against the decision server (Call rule set process).
A rule set is an ODM artifact that contains one or more individual rules and has pre-defined inputs and outputs. These combined rules, inputs, and outputs provide the decisioning capability that the flow in IBM App Connect Enterprise requires at that point during the flow. Individual rules are not called directly.