Business Rules engine data source

This data source is used to access the FTM database. It has the configuration properties that are shown in the following table.

Table 1. Business Rules engine data source properties
Property Value Description
Scope Stand-alone server installation: Node

Cluster installation: Cluster

The level at which the resource definition is visible. Any valid scope can be selected.

For a stand-alone server installation, the JDBC data source is to be configured at the node scope. For example, Node=izhNode.

For a cluster installation, the JDBC data source is to be configured at the cluster scope. For example, Cluster=FTMCluster.

Data Source Name IZW Engine Data Source The name of the JDBC data source.
JNDI Name jdbc/izw/engine The Java™ Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name.
Note: The value for this entry must be exactly as shown.
Component-managed Authentication Alias IZW Engine JAAS Alias The name of the Business Rules engine JAAS alias.
JDBC Provider IZW Engine Db2® Provider The name of the Db2 JDBC provider that supports this data source.
Database Name Customer specified The name of the FTM database.
Driver Type 4 The Db2 driver type. The type 4 driver must be used.
Server Name Customer specified The name of the server that contains the database.
Port Number Customer specified The port number to use to access the database.
Container-managed Persistence (CMP) True Specifies whether this data source is used for container-managed persistence of enterprise beans.
Add the following custom properties for the data source.
Table 2. WebSphere custom properties for the data source
Name Value Description
currentSchema Customer specified The schema name of the FTM database.
currentFunctionPath Customer specified The value to use for the database current function path. Use the same value that you used for the currentSchema custom property.