
Enclosures are rack-mounted hardware that contain several components of the system. Enclosures can be used to extend the capacity of the system. The term enclosure is also used to describe the hardware and other parts that are plugged into the enclosure.

When enclosures are cabled together to form the system, each enclosure is assigned a unique enclosure ID. However, you can change an enclosure ID at a later time.

The system has two different types of enclosures: control enclosures and expansion enclosures. A control enclosure manages your storage systems, communicates with the host, and manages interfaces. In addition, a control enclosure can have multiple attached expansion enclosures, which expand the available capacity of the existing control enclosure. The system supports up to four control enclosures and up to two chains of SAS expansion enclosures per control enclosure. For FlashSystem 9500, the system supports up to two control enclosures and up to two chains of SAS expansion enclosures per control enclosure. On each SAS chain, the systems can support up to a SAS chain weight of 10. Each 5U expansion enclosure adds a value of 2.5 to the SAS chain weight. Each 2U expansion enclosure adds a value of 1 to the SAS chain weight. For example, each of the following expansion enclosure configurations has a total SAS weight of 10:
  • Four 5U enclosures per SAS chain
  • Ten 2U expansion enclosures per SAS chain
  • Two 5U expansion enclosures and five 2U expansion enclosures per SAS chain

To access information about the enclosure in the management GUI, select Monitoring > System. On the System - Overview page, click the directional arrow next the enclosure that you want to display. From the Enclosure Details page, select Enclosure Actions to complete tasks for that enclosure. To display information about the canister in the command-line interface, use the lsenclosure command.