Pruning audit entries

Use an audit disposition policy to automate the deletion of audit entries that you no longer need. Audit disposition policies are useful to control the size of the audit log if you enable auditing for prolonged periods or if you save copies of the original or modified objects to the audit log. Alternatively, you can manage the audit log manually.

About this task

Each event object created by auditing is stored as a row in the Event table in the object store database. For example, checking in a new version of a document uses one table row in the database. If that document class has all possible events audited, a single check-in can create up to three more entries in the database table. Therefore, to avoid running out of space, allocate database storage accordingly.

The following audit activities use a large amount of database space:

  • The GetObjectEvent event is the most frequent event during typical FileNet® P8 activity. As a result, configuring this particular event for audit logging can quickly use up database space.
  • Setting the object state recording level to record snapshots of the before or after object state saves one or two binary copies of the object. Event property values are also saved.