Stored Search Extensions

The Stored Search Extensions add-on is created by Search Designer. This add-on feature contains a class and properties representing the information that is selected by the user by using Search Designer, such as the object stores and folders to search, object types and subclasses to query, the search criteria for each object type and the formats to use for the search results.

Display Name
Release Stored Search Extensions
XML Script Name
Installation Type
  • Base Content Engine Extensions
  • Process Engine Extensions
  • Base Application Extensions
Required By
  • Workplace Access Roles Extensions
  • Workplace Base Extensions
  • Workplace E-mail Extensions
  • Workplace Templates Extensions

Stored Search Extensions provides property templates and implements custom classes, objects, and properties in the following areas:

You can view property templates in the administration console object store navigation pane in the Data Design > Property Templates folder.

Important: Stored Search Extensions provides classes and properties that support ready-to-use behavior for searching, including those created and modified by Search Designer. Do not modify the values for properties on object instances created by FileNet® ready-to-use applications; changing these values can cause application behavior issues with FileNet applications and add-on features. In addition, do not use other software applications to extend the classes. The descriptions included in this section are provided for informational purposes only.

Property templates

The following property templates are added by Stored Search Extensions and implemented in the Stored Search class.

Property Template Type Implementations Description
Search Type Integer Stored Search class Specifies whether this is a stored search or a search template. A stored search contains a complete search ready for use and can include criteria based upon contents and property values of entities. A search template allows the user to modify the search criteria data and subclasses before the search is executed.
Searching Object Stores String Stored Search class Specifies the object stores to be queried during execution of the search.
Searching Object Type Integer Stored search class Specifies the types of objects to be searched for during execution of the search, including Document, Folder, Custom Object, or any combination of these types.

Custom Subclasses Added to the Document Class

The following subclasses are derived from the Document Class by Stored Search Extensions.

Subclass Modifiable Description
Stored Search No Contains the information selected by the user via the Search Designer, including the type of stored search to perform, the object types to search for and the object stores to query, as well as the name of the application associated with the search and a description.