IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2            

GetContent Operation

Client Declaration
  public ContentResponseType[] GetContent(GetContentRequest GetContentRequest)
Retrieves content data from a content-carrying Content Engine object.

GetContent allows you to retrieve a portion of the content data or to retrieve the content data at a specific offset. Although not as efficient as the Content pseudo-property (in conjunction with the GetObjects operation), GetContent is useful if you do not have enough contiguous memory available to hold the entire content data or if you only need a portion of the content data.


A GetContentRequest element, which specifies the following:

A typical structure of a GetContent request is as follows. Elements that are derived from their base element are in parenthesis:

GetContentRequest GetContentRequest
     ContentRequestType ContentRequest[0]
          ElementSpecificationType ElementSpecification
          (ObjectSpecification)ObjectReference SourceSpecification
     ContentRequestType ContentRequest[1]


An array of concrete subtypes of the abstract ContentResponseType element, each of which matches a corresponding ContentRequestType element in the GetContent response. Depending on the type of object returned, one of the following ContentResponseType subtypes is returned for each item in the array:
  • ContentElementResponse: Returns the streaming content data of a single content element belonging to a content-carrying object. This element specifies the following:
    • A class ID, object ID, and object store identifying the object.
    • The element sequence number and index of the content element.
    • The data stream of the content and its size.
  • ContentErrorResponse: Returns an error that has occurred while retrieving content data. This element specifies the following:
    • The error name.
    • A description of the error.
A typical structure of a GetContent response is as follows. Elements that are derived from their base element are in parenthesis:
GetContentResponse GetContentResponse

     (ContentElementResponse)ContentResponseType ContentResponseTypeArray[0]
          ElementSpecificationType ElementSpecification
          ObjectReference SourceSpecification
          (InlineContent)ContentType Content[0]
          (InlineContent)ContentType Content[1]

     (ContentErrorResponse)ContentResponseType ContentResponseTypeArray[1]
          ErrorStackType ErrorStack
               ErrorNameType ErrorName
               ErrorRecordType ErrorRecord[0]
                    DiagnosticType Diagnostic[0]
                    DiagnosticType Diagnostic[1]
               ErrorRecordType ErrorRecord[1]
                    DiagnosticType Diagnostic[0]
     (ContentElementResponse)ContentResponseType ContentResponseTypeArray[2]

XML Schema

<operation name="GetContent">
   <input message="tns:GetContentRequest"/>
   <output message="tns:GetContentResponse"/>
   <fault message="tns:FaultResponse" name="GeneralError"/>


Last updated: October 2013

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