CmCustomSweepPolicy Properties

This topic alphabetically lists the properties that apply to the CmCustomSweepPolicy class.

AuditedEvents Property

An EventSet collection of the Event objects containing the audited events that have occurred for the object.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: ENUM
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: NONE
IsHidden: true
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
ReflectiveProperty: null
RequiredClass: Event
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

ClassDescription Property

Specifies a ClassDescription object containing the fixed description (immutable metadata) of the class from which this object is instantiated.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: NONE
IsHidden: true
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: NOT_PERSISTENT
ReflectiveProperty: null
RequiredClass: ClassDescription
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

CompletedIterations Property

The number of sweep iterations that have occurred for a policy-controlled sweep.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: LONG
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
PropertyDefaultInteger32: 0
PropertyMaximumInteger32: null
PropertyMinimumInteger32: null
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

Creator Property

Indicates the name of the user assigned as the creator of the object.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is settable only on create. After initial object creation, this property is read-only for all users.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
MaximumLengthString: 80
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
TargetAccessRequired: READ

CurrentExaminedObjectCount Property

The number of objects that were examined during the current sweep iteration of an ongoing sweep.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DOUBLE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

CurrentFailedObjectCount Property

The number of objects for which the processing failed during the current sweep iteration of an ongoing sweep.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DOUBLE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

CurrentProcessedObjectCount Property

The number of objects that were processed during the current sweep iteration of an ongoing sweep.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DOUBLE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

DateCreated Property

Indicates the date and time the object was created. The Content Engine server stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is settable only on create. After initial object creation, this property is read-only for all users.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DATE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
TargetAccessRequired: READ

DateLastModified Property

Indicates the date and time the object was last modified. The Content Engine server stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is read/write. (The read/write access for those users can only change if a change is made to the ACL on the object store that controls who has privileged write access to objects in that object store).


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DATE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

DescriptiveText Property

User-readable text that describes an object.

The text is not locale-specific to the retrieving user except for the following classes:


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
MaximumLengthString: 255
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

DisplayName Property

The user-readable, provider-specific name of an object. This property is usually the designated Name property of the object's class.

For CmAuditProcessingBookmark and AuditDefinition objects, this property is intended to identify client applications that process the audit log. For CmAuditProcessingBookmark objects, this property, in support of the audit disposition feature, identifies the client that created the object. For AuditDefinition objects, this property identifies a set of audit definitions for a given client or client functionality.

For CmAuditProcessingBookmark and AuditDefinition objects, it is recommended that you set this property. Specify a unique value to distinguish one client application from another. Note, however, that the server does not prevent identical display names across multiple CmAuditProcessingBookmark or AuditDefinition objects. Therefore, the client application is responsible for enforcing uniqueness.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: true
MaximumLengthString: 64
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

EffectiveEndDate Property

The date and time after which this sweep rule becomes no longer eligible to run. If this property is not set on a sweep policy, the policy runs continuously.

If you set this property on a sweep job, which runs one time only, be careful to allow sufficient time for the the job to process the entire table, especially if the table is very large. If the effective end date does not allow the necessary time, then the job will end before it completely processes the table.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DATE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

EffectiveStartDate Property

The date and time that this sweep rule becomes effective and eligible to run. If this property is not set, then the sweep is eligible to start immediately. (It will not start immediately if, for example, the sweep is disabled, or if timeslots are set to times in the future.)


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DATE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

ExaminedObjectCount Property

For a sweep job, which runs only once, the number of objects that were examined in the iteration. For an ongoing sweep, the cumulative number of objects that were examined in the current iteration plus in all of the previous iterations.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DOUBLE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

ExternalReplicaIdentities Property

Specifies an ExternalIdentityList collection of the read-only ExternalIdentity objects that represent the identities of replicas of this object in external repositories.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: LIST
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: NONE
IsHidden: true
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
ReflectiveProperty: null
RequiredClass: ExternalIdentity
RequiresUniqueElements: true
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

FailedObjectCount Property

For a sweep job, which runs only once, the number of objects that failed when applying the sweep action. For an ongoing sweep, the cumulative number of objects that failed in the current iteration plus in all of the previous iterations.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DOUBLE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

FilterExpression Property

The text of a filter expression that, when evaluated, determines the action to be taken on the source object. This property applies to StoragePolicy, Subscription, AuditDefinition CmSweepPolicy, and CmSweepJob objects.

For StoragePolicy, FilterExpression is used as the selection criteria for determining into which storage area the content for a document or annotation should be stored. The expression is evaluated against all storage areas to determine which ones are deemed "equivalent" in terms of this storage policy. For more information, see Storage policies.

For Subscription, FilterExpression is used to determine whether the event action should be launched. For AuditDefinition, FilterExpression is used to determine whether an event should be audited. The filter is applied to either the source object, or, optionally, to the object specified in the FilteredPropertyId property of Subscription or AuditDefinition. Note that for version series subscriptions, the filter is applied to the document version in the transaction and not to the version series.

For Subscription, the Content Engine server evaluates the filter expression, as follows:

For a sweep job or sweep policy, FilterExpression is used to evaluate each instance of the sweep-target class. If the value of the expression evaluates to true, an operation is applied to the instance. The operation performed depends on the type of sweep.

For AuditDefinition objects, FilterExpression is only applicable to GetContentEvent and events of type ObjectChangeEvent. If the value of the expression evaluates to true, the event is audited; otherwise, it is not audited.

The syntax of this property must be a fragment of a SQL where-clause expression (for example, VersionStatus = 1) and use supported operators. See SQL Syntax Reference.

Note that some operators that are valid in an ad hoc SQL query are not supported in FilterExpression. The following operators are not supported.

Note that a filter expression can include conditions expressed against non-queryable and non-persistent properties. For example, the following is a valid expression: Owner='jsmith'

For Subscription and AuditDefinition objects only, you can use the IsModified predicate, for filtering events based on modified properties of the source object.

A filter expression using the IsModified predicate must be constructed as follows: IsModified(property), where property can be in any form supported elsewhere in the query, for example, table_alias.property_alias.

Note that the IsModified predicate can only be used in a filter expression. It cannot be used in an ad hoc SQL query.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
MaximumLengthString: null
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

Id Property

A representation of the Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), a unique 128-bit number, that is assigned to this Content Engine object when the object is created. When converted to a string, the Id property is typically depicted as 32 hexadecimal characters enclosed by brackets in the following format: {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}. For example, {3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301}.

For User and Group classes, the Id property takes the value of the Security Identifier (SID) rather than the 128-bit GUID. The string representation of the SID is in this example format: S-1-5-21-1559522492-2815155736-3711640725-55269. When Active Directory is used as the directory service for IBM FileNet P8, calls to User.get_Id() and Group.get_Id() always return the current SID for the principal, even if this user or group has only historical SIDs populating the Active Directory server.

For a given property representation, the Id property has the following characteristics:

For a newly created document object, you can override the Id property of its associated VersionSeries object before you save or check in the document for the first time.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: GUID
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

IncludeSubclassesRequested Property

Indicates whether the operation should apply to the subclasses of the class. For a ClassSubscription object, this property indicates whether the subscription should also apply to the subclasses of the target class. For an AuditDefinition object, this property indicates whether auditing should also apply to the subclasses of the class configured for auditing.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
PropertyDefaultBoolean: true
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

IsEnabled Property

Indicates whether a given object is enabled or disabled. For example, you can globally disable or enable active events by setting an EventAction object's IsEnabled property to false (off) or true (on). Likewise, you can enable or disable a subscription, a security template, an audit definition, an audit disposition policy, a change preprocessor definition, a change preprocessor action, and a sweep. The property defaults to true.

Enabling a security template indicates that it can be applied to an object. A disabled security template remains part of its security policy container, but cannot be applied to an object. Disabling a security template is useful when you are testing or developing the security templates that make up a security policy.

Disabling a subscription prevents the code handler associated with the event from being loaded and executed. You might want to disable a subscription that is undergoing modifications due to a change in business processes, or when you do not want code procedures to execute against federated documents. Note that when you disable an EventAction, all of its associated subscriptions are also disabled. However, when you disable one particular Subscription, you only disable events that are in its subscribed event list.

Disabling a change preprocessor action has system scope, that is, it prevents code handler execution for all class definitions that reference the change preprocessor action. On the other hand, disabling a change preprocessor definition has class scope; it prevents code handler execution for only that class definition, and for any subclass definitions to which the changed property value is propagated.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
PropertyDefaultBoolean: true
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

LastModifier Property

Indicates the name of the user who last modified this object.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is read/write. (The read/write access for those users could only change if a change is made to the ACL on the object store that controls who has privileged write access to objects in that object store).


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
MaximumLengthString: 80
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

Owner Property

Manages the security owner assigned to the object.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: true
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: false
MaximumLengthString: null
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE_OWNER
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

Permissions Property

Manages the discretionary permissions assigned to the object.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: LIST
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: NONE
IsHidden: true
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE_ACL
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
ReflectiveProperty: null
RequiredClass: DiscretionaryPermission
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

ProcessedObjectCount Property

For a sweep job, which runs only once, the number of objects processed during the sweep. For an ongoing sweep, the cumulative number of objects processed in the current iteration plus in all of the previous iterations.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DOUBLE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

ReplicationGroup Property

Specifies a ReplicationGroup object representing the replication group to which this replicable object belongs. For ReplicationJournalEntry objects only, this property represents the replication group to which the source object of the replication operation generating this journal entry belongs.


AllowsDefaultChange: true
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: NONE
IsHidden: true
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE_ACL
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
ReflectiveProperty: null
RequiredClass: ReplicationGroup
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

SweepAction Property

Specifies the instance of CmSweepAction that contains the user-implemented behavior for a custom sweep.

This property is not supported for this release.


AllowsDefaultChange: true
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: NONE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
ReflectiveProperty: null
RequiredClass: CmSweepAction
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: LINK

SweepMode Property

The mode under which a sweep job or policy will execute. In normal mode, selected candidate objects are processed. In preview mode, selected candidate objects are identified but not actually processed.

The property takes a value of type SweepMode.


AllowsDefaultChange: true
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: LONG
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
PropertyDefaultInteger32: 0
PropertyMaximumInteger32: 2
PropertyMinimumInteger32: 0
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

SweepResultIterationKeepCount Property

The number of policy sweep iterations for which a sweep result record is preserved before it is automatically deleted. A sweep result record generated by a policy sweep is represented by a CmPolicySweepResult object.

This property takes the following values:


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: LONG
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
PropertyDefaultInteger32: 1
PropertyMaximumInteger32: 0x7FFFFFFF
PropertyMinimumInteger32: -1
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

SweepResults Property

An enumeration of sweep result records related to a sweep policy or sweep job. A sweep result record is represented by a CmSweepResult object.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: ENUM
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: CASCADE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
ReflectiveProperty: ControllingObject
RequiredClass: CmPolicySweepResult
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

SweepSubscriptions Property

An enumeration of sweep relationships that identify the policy controlled sweeps related to this sweep policy. A sweep relationship is represented by a CmSweepPolicyRelationship object.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: ENUM
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: CASCADE
IsHidden: true
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
ReflectiveProperty: SweepSubscriber
RequiredClass: CmSweepRelationship
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

SweepTarget Property

Specifies the class for which instances will be swept. Set this property to a class that is valid for the type of sweep to be run.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: NONE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
ReflectiveProperty: null
RequiredClass: ClassDefinition
RequiresUniqueElements: false
TargetAccessRequired: READ

This Property

The current object. The primary purpose of this property is to enable the expression of relationships among objects in a Content Engine query and to select candidate objects in the query results.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: NONE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
ReflectiveProperty: null
RequiredClass: CmDisposalPolicy
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ