What is WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition?

WebSphere® MQ File Transfer Edition is a system that transfers files in a managed and auditable way, regardless of file size or operating systems used. Message transfers are monitored, logged, and tracked for auditing purposes. Users can view the transfer progress and see where failures occurred during a transfer.

This diagram shows a document transfer from an agent and agent queue manager on the left side of the WebSphere MQ network to an agent queue manager and agent on the right side of the diagram.
This diagram shows the layout of a simple WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition setup and transfer. There are two agents. Each agent communicates with its own agent queue manager in a WebSphere MQ network. A file is transferred from the agent on the left side of the diagram, through the WebSphere MQ network, to the agent on the right side of the diagram. Also in the WebSphere MQ network are the coordination queue manager and a command queue manager. Applications and tools connect to these queue managers to configure, administer, operate, and log WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition activity in the WebSphere MQ network.

WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Features

You can use WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition to perform the following tasks:

  • Create managed file transfers
    • Create new file transfers from WebSphere MQ Explorer on Linux or Windows platforms.
    • Create new file transfers from the command line on all supported platforms.
    • Schedule file transfers to take place at a later time. You can also trigger scheduled file transfers based on a range of file system events, for example a new file being created.
    • Transfer files to and from FTP servers.
    • Transfer files to and from Sterling Connect:Direct® nodes.
    • Transfer both text and binary files. Text files are automatically converted between the code pages and end-of-line conventions of the source and destination systems.
  • View transfers in progress and log information about all transfers in your network
    • View the status of transfers in progress from WebSphere MQ Explorer on Linux or Windows platforms.
    • Check the status of completed transfers by using the WebSphere MQ Explorer on Linux or Windows platforms.

WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition transfers

WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition are distinct from other file transfers, for example copying files or FTP-ing files, in two ways:
Transfers are handled by agents
When a transfer is requested, the request is given to an agent on the source system that tries to deliver the file to an agent on the destination system. For example, if the destination system is not available, the agent on the source system keeps trying to complete the transfer, waiting for the agent on the destination system to become available. Messages in the queues track the agents' status in the network. This provides an auditable trail for each transfer.
Transfers are asynchronous
When a transfer is requested, the file is not immediately sent. The request is given to an agent that actually performs the transfer. The agent on the source system and the agent on the destination system must both be running and able to communicate with each other for the transfer to complete successfully. If one or both agents are not available, a variable amount of time can pass between when the transfer is requested and when the transfer actually occurs.

About WebSphere MQ Explorer

The WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition plug-in to WebSphere MQ lets you remotely configure your entire messaging backbone from a single WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition messaging console, called WebSphere MQ Explorer. This graphical tool is what you use to explore and configure all WebSphere MQ objects and resources, including Java Message Service (JMS), and publish and subscribe. You can view queue managers and agents as well as track the file transfers.

If you have both WebSphere MQ Explorer and the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition plug-in installed, you can use WebSphere MQ Explorer to monitor transfers in the WebSphere MQ network.

You do not need to install WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition on Sterling B2B Integrator unless you want to create agents outside of Sterling B2B Integrator. However, WebSphere MQ Explorer is a useful tool for monitoring and troubleshooting transfers, so you may want to install it and the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition plug-in to WebSphere MQ. You must install WebSphere MQ Explorer before you install the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition plug-in.