Starting on Linux

The OS service manager who is used on Linux is systemd, and the terminal command for controlling it is systemctl. You can load, unload, start, stop, or check the status of the faspio-gateway service by running systemctl subcommands. You can also use journalctl to check service logs.

systemctl subcommands

  • Start the service:
    sudo systemctl start faspio-gateway
  • Stop the service:
    sudo systemctl stop faspio-gateway
  • Enable the service (to restart after restart):
    sudo systemctl enable faspio-gateway
  • Check service status:
    sudo systemctl status faspio-gateway
  • See service logs:
    sudo journalctl --unit=faspio-gateway

Service not found error message

If you see the following error message when you run one of these commands, systemd might not be monitoring the folder for the faspio Gateway service:
Unit faspio-gateway.service not found.
If you get the error, the following command usually resolves the problem:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload