Log files

z/OS® Explorer creates log files that can assist you and IBM® support center in identifying and solving problems. The following list is an overview of log files that can be created on your z/OS host system. Next to these product-specific logs, be sure to check the SYSLOG for any related messages.

MVS™ based logs can be located through the appropriate DD statement. z/OS UNIX based log files are located in the following directories:

  • userlog/$LOGNAME/

    User-specific log files are located in userlog/$LOGNAME/, where userlog is the combined value of the user.log and DSTORE_LOG_DIRECTORY directives in rse.env, and $LOGNAME is the logon user ID (uppercase). If the user.log directive is a null string, the home path of the user is used. The home path is defined in the OMVS security segment of the user ID.

    • .dstoreMemLogging - DataStore memory usage logging
    • .dstoreTrace - DataStore action logging
    • .dstoreHashmap.* - snapshot of the active DataStore hashmap
    • .dstoreStackTrace.* - snapshot of the active DataStore threads and where they were invoked
    • ffs.log - The log of the Foreign File System (FFS) server, that executes native MVS functions
    • ffsget.log - The log of the file reader, that reads a sequential data set or a PDS member
    • ffsput.log - The log of the file writer, that writes a sequential data set or a PDS member
    • ffslock.log - The log of the lock manager, that locks/unlocks a sequential data set or a PDS member
    • rsecomm.log - The log of the RSE server, that handles commands from the client and the communication logging of all services relying on RSE (may contain Java™ exception stack trace)
    • The .dstore* log files start with a dot (.), which makes them hidden. Use z/OS UNIX command ls –lA to list hidden files and directories. When using the z/OS Explorer client, select the Window > Preferences… > Remote Systems > Files preference page and enable “Show hidden files”.
  • daemon-home/server/

    The RSE daemon and RSE thread pool specific log files are located in daemon-home/server, where daemon-home is the value of the daemon.log directive in rse.env.

    • rsedaemon.log - The log of the RSE daemon
    • rseserver.log - The log of the RSE thread pools
    • audit.log - The RSE audit trail
    • serverlogs.count - Counter for logging RSE thread pool streams
    • stderr.*.log - RSE thread pool standard error stream
    • stdout.*.log - RSE thread pool standard output stream
  • /tmp

    IVP-specific log files (Installation Verification Program) are located in the directory referenced by TMPDIR, if this variable is defined in rse.env. If the variable is not defined, the files are created in /tmp. The MODIFY LOGS operator command for the RSED started task also creates its output in this directory.

    • fekfivpi.log - The log of the fekfivpi IVP test
    • feklogs.* - Output of the MODIFY LOGS operator command
Note: There are operator commands available to control the amount of data written to some of the mentioned log files. Refer to "Operator commands" in the Host Configuration Guide (SC27-8437) for more information.