ESS known issues

Known issues in ESS

For information about ESS 5.3.7.x known issues, see Known issues in ESS 5.3.7.x Quick Deployment Guide.

The following table describes the known issues in IBM Elastic Storage® System (ESS) and how to resolve these issues.
Issue Resolution or action

The POWER8 firmware level that is included in the container does not match to the level that is verified in essinstallcheck. essinstallcheck verifies whether the POWER8 firmware is updated to the latest recommended level. The following error was found:

ERROR] System Firmware: found FW860.B0 (SV860_240) expected min FW860.B3 (SV860_245)

The .img file that is included in the container does not bring systems to this level. The level in the container is: 01SV860_243_165.

  • ESS legacy
Start of changeAll MD devices do not stop when the utility node is rebooted to stop them.
  • IBM® Storage Scale System Utility Node
End of change
Start of changePower cycle the node by using the ipmitool command.End of change
Start of change

In the Hardware panel of a system using a utility-node EMS, a node might show up as Unknown.

  • IBM Storage Scale System Utility Node
End of change
Start of changeIf this is detected, do the following:
  1. Run the mmsysmoncontrol restart command on the nodes showing up as Unknown.
  2. Run the mmhealth node show --refresh command on all nodes.
  3. Check hardware states in the GUI.
End of change

In a utility node by using Infiniband (IB) high-speed networking, the typical use of essgennetworks to create the network bond will fail.

  • IBM Storage Scale System Utility Node

For IB systems you must use other means to create the network bonds on the Utility-Node EMS. The following tools will work: nmtui, nmcli.

After updating to, essinstallcheck may show an error saying that mmvdisk settings do not match to best practices.

The following configuration parameters are set at the cluster level:
  • nsdRAIDDiskPerformanceMinLimitPct
  • nsdRAIDDiskPerformanceUpdateInterval
  • nsdRAIDEventLogToConsole
  • nsdRAIDSSDPerformanceMinLimitPct
  • ESS 5000
  1. To resolve this issue, you need issue following command to remove these 4 configuration:
  2. Issue server configure --update again:
    mmvdisk server configure --update --node-class <mmvdisknode class> --recycle one
Updating storage enclosure firmware on a daisy-chain system might fail by using the following command:
mmchfirmware --type storage-enclosure
  • ESS 3500
  • ESS 5147-102 daisy-chain

When updating enclosure firmware on a daisy-chained ESS 3500 with 5 or more 4U102 enclosures, you must update each enclosure individually by using the serial number instead of the normal parallel method.

For example:
  1. Gather the enclosure serial numbers by using the following command:
    # mmlsenclosure all -N ess3500rw6a-hs
    A sample output is as follows:
    serial number     product id firmware level service nodes
     -------------     ---------- -------------- ------- ------
     78E400Q           5141-FN2   E11Q           yes
     78T2468           5147-102   4E29,4E29      no
     78T246A           5147-102   4E2A,4E29      no
     78T246C           5147-102   4E29,4E29      no
     78T246E           5147-102   4E29,4E29      no
     78T254a           5147-102   4E29,4E29      no
  2. By using this serial number list, update each enclosure individually.
    # mmchfirmware --type storage-enclosure --serial-number <serial number>
Start of changeAn error occurs during the precheck portion of an upgrade, if the ESS 3500 canister contains a mix of Micron 7300 and 7450 boot drives.
[ERROR] Expected quantity of NVME model: Micron_7450_MTFDKBA960TFR is 2, but only found: 1
[ERROR] Expected quantity of NVME model: Micron_7300_MTFDHBA960TDF is 2, but only found: 1
  • ESS 3500
  • ESS 5147-102
End of change
Start of changeThis is an acceptable configuration and the error can be ignored.End of change
In a Bring Your Own EMS (BYOE) environment, when you enter the container EMS value, contradictory statements are shown.
  • ESS 3500

You will be asked to enter a ‘resolvable’ container short name in the BYOE environment. However, this fails if it is resolvable in the /etc/hosts file. In the BYOE environment, you must remove the resolvable name from the /etc/hosts file or use a different name that is not resolvable for the command to complete successfully.

An example of failure:

EMS hostname must be the Management network (also called Xcat). Other networks can be aliases (A) or canonical names (CNAME) on DNS and/or on hosts file. 
Is the current EMS FQDN correct? (y/n):y 
Remember NOT to add the domain name to the input Please type the desired and resolvable container short hostname [changeme] : cemsbyo
2023-06-14 21:23:20,845 ERROR: The container short name cemsbyo resolves to IP address 
2023-06-14 21:23:20,845 ERROR: The container long name resolves to IP address 2023-06-14 21:23:20,845 ERROR: Container name can be resolved. This is not supported in this EMS. Do not add the container to /etc/hosts nor DNS, and try again. Or use a different container name that cannot be resolved.
Start of changeBecause of certain conditions such as after a cable failure or a storage firmware update, the ESS 3500 4U102 enclosures might show a queue_depth other than the expected queue_depth of 1.
  • ESS 3500
  • ESS 5147-102
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No action is required if the queue_depth is 2 or less. However, if queue_depth is > 2, the following script can be used to update the parameter properly from each I/O node that exhibits the issue:
#! /bin/bash
# fix_queue_depth for ess4u102
lsscsi -g | awk '/5147-102/{print substr($7,6)}'| while read line
   echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_generic/${line}/device/queue_depth
Run essstoragequickcheck from each I/O node to verify the results.
End of change

Enablement of IPv6 for RoCE by using Service Network includes problematic entry in /etc/sysconfig/networkscripts/ifcfg-bond-bond0.

  • ESS 3200
  • ESS 3500
  • ESS 5147-102
  • ESS 5000
  1. Create a bond by using essgennetworks utility.
  2. Remove the ‘comment out’ line from the /etc/sysconf/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond-bond0 file of the node.
  3. Run nmcli con reload.
  4. Run nmcli con down bond-bond0; nmcli con up bond-bond0.
  5. Run all other essgennetworks commands to enable RoCE as per procedure.
    Note: With this workaround the last RoCE enablement command should work as designed.
    essgennetworks -N essio51 --suffix=-ce --interface
    enP48p1s0f0,enP48p1s0f1 --bond bond0 --enableRoCE --mtu
    [INFO] Starting network generation...
    [INFO] nodelist: essio51
    [INFO] suffix used for network hostname:-ce
    [INFO] Interface(s) available on node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Considered interface(s) of node essio51-ce are
    ['enP48p1s0f0', 'enP48p1s0f1', 'bond0'] with RDMA Port
    ['mlx5_2', 'mlx5_3', 'mlx5_bond_0'] for this operation
    [INFO] Supported Mellanox RoCE card found at node
    [INFO] Supported version of Mellanox OFED found at node
    [INFO] Bond validation passed and found bonds bond0 has
    been created using same physical network adapter at node
    [INFO] Bond MTU validation passed and found bonds MTU
    set to 9000 at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface bond0 have the IPv4 Address assigned at
    node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface bond0 have the IPv6 Address assigned at
    node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface MTU also set to 9000 at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface enP48p1s0f0 have the IPv4 Address
    assigned at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface enP48p1s0f1 have the IPv4 Address
    Page 2 of 9
    assigned at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface enP48p1s0f0 have the IPv6 Address
    assigned at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface enP48p1s0f1 have the IPv6 Address
    assigned at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Enabling RDMA for Ports ['mlx5_bond_0', 'mlx5_2',
    [INFO] Enabled RDMA i.e. RoCE using bond bond0
    [INFO] Enabled RDMA i.e. RoCE using interfaces
    [INFO] Please recycle the GPFS daemon on those nodes
    where RoCE has been enabled.
During the GUI setup in a dual-EMS environment, the backup EMS is shown twice on location specification.
  • ESS 3200
  • ESS 3500
  • ESS 5147-102
  • ESS 5000
  • During GUI wizard setup or during GUI edit components, you will be prompted twice for specifying rack location of the backup EMS. Do the following steps to resolve this issue:
    1. During the first prompt for the rack location of the management servers, leave the location as black for the backup EMS.
    2. Click Next to go to the panel specifying the location for other nodes and choose the rack location for the backup EMS in this panel.
  • During the GUI wizard setup or during GUI edit components, when actions are run via the GUI after users specify the rack locations, the GUI action could fail due to the backup EMS being added twice into the component database. Do the following steps to resolve this issue:
    1. Ignore the error and select click Close button to close the window.
    2. Click Finish to continue.

The mmhealth command does not report failed cable (cable missing) between ESS 3500 HBA and 5147-102 IOM.
  • ESS 3500
  • ESS 5147-102
If SAS cable is pulled between HBA adapter and IOM of enclosure, the mmhealth node show command will not flag any error. Do the following steps to resolve this issue:
  1. Monitor the mmfs.log.latest file.
  2. If any suspicious errors are printed to indicating disk paths and/or IOM are missed, then run mmgetpdisktopology and pass the output to topsummary to find out which path(s) are missed.
During Dual EMS GUI setup, the backup EMS is no longer shown in the hardware panel.
  • ESS 3200
  • ESS 3500
  • ESS 5147-102
  • ESS 5000
  1. Run the mmlscomp command from EMS to find the component ID for the backup EMS.
  2. Run the mmdelcomp <componend_id> command (component_id is the component ID obtained from above step 1.)
  3. Return to the GUI Hardware panel and click Edit Rack Components, which is on left-top of the server list on the right side.
  4. Choose Yes, discover new servers and enclosures first. This takes many minutes.

  5. Click Next to follow the screen prompt to complete Hardware Components setup.

Call home deployment will fail if gpfsadmin username is created/exists as part of SUDO enablement before the call home deployment.
  • ESS 5000
  • If SUDO is already configured before deploying esscallhomeconf, then the workaround is to:
    1. Disable SUDO (in relevant nodes where it is enabled).
    2. Deploy configuration of Callhome (in a default root mode).
  • If SUDO is not enabled yet, then the recommendation is to:
    1. Deploy Callhome first (Can be achieved through GUI setup or manually via esscallhomeconf. For more information, see ESS documentation.
    2. Enable SUDO on the cluster node(s).
For RoCE enablement, the bond interface creation may have problematic entry in /etc/sysconf/networkscripts/ifcfg-bond-bond0. The identified parameter is: IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE.
  • ESS 5000
  1. Create bond using essgennetworks utility.
  2. Remove the ‘comment out’ line in the /etc/sysconf/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond-bond0 file of the spcific node.
  3. Run nmcli con reload.
  4. Run nmcli con down bond-bond0; nmcli con up bondbond0.
  5. Run all other essgennetworks commands to enable RoCE as per procedure.
    Note: With this workaround the last RoCE enablement command should work as designed.
    essgennetworks -N essio51 --suffix=-ce --interface
    enP48p1s0f0,enP48p1s0f1 --bond bond0 --enableRoCE
    --mtu 9000
    [INFO] Starting network generation...
    [INFO] nodelist: essio51
    [INFO] suffix used for network hostname:-ce
    [INFO] Interface(s) available on node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Considered interface(s) of node essio51-ce are
    ['enP48p1s0f0', 'enP48p1s0f1', 'bond0'] with RDMA Port
    ['mlx5_2', 'mlx5_3', 'mlx5_bond_0'] for this operation
    [INFO] Supported Mellanox RoCE card found at node
    [INFO] Supported version of Mellanox OFED found at
    node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Bond validation passed and found bonds bond0
    has been created using same physical network adapter
    at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Bond MTU validation passed and found bonds
    MTU set to 9000 at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface bond0 have the IPv4 Address
    assigned at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface bond0 have the IPv6 Address
    assigned at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface MTU also set to 9000 at node essio51-
    [INFO] Interface enP48p1s0f0 have the IPv4 Address
    assigned at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface enP48p1s0f1 have the IPv4 Address
    assigned at node essio51-ce
    Page 5 of 9
    [INFO] Interface enP48p1s0f0 have the IPv6 Address
    assigned at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Interface enP48p1s0f1 have the IPv6 Address
    assigned at node essio51-ce
    [INFO] Enabling RDMA for Ports ['mlx5_bond_0',
    [INFO] Enabled RDMA i.e. RoCE using bond bond0
    [INFO] Enabled RDMA i.e. RoCE using interfaces
    [INFO] Please recycle the GPFS daemon on those
    nodes where RoCE has been enabled.
Start of changeThe mmvdisk sed enroll command might proceed when it is issued after creating user vdisk sets instead of blocking it.
  • ESS 3500
End of change
Start of change
  • Issue the mmvdisk sed enroll command after creating a recovery group and before creating user vdisk sets.
  • Contact IBM Support, if you issued the mmvdisk sed enroll command after creating user vdisk sets.
End of change
Start of changeOccasionally, some drive paths on a few drives in an ESS 3500 enclosure were found missing, when the essfindmissingdisks command was issued.
# essfindmissingdisks
[INFO]  Start find missing disk paths
[INFO]  nodelist: localhost
[INFO]  May take long time to complete search of all drive paths
[INFO]  Checking node:  localhost
[INFO]  Checking missing disk paths from node localhost
[INFO]  GNR server: name arch x86_64 model ESS3500-5141-FN2 serial 78E400XA
[INFO]  Enclosure 78E40XA sees 22 disks (22 SSDs, 0 HDDs)
[INFO]  Enclosure 78T254A sees 102 disks (0 SSDs, 102 HDDs)
[INFO]  Enclosure 78T246A sees 102 disks (0 SSDs, 102 HDDs)
[ERROR] GNR server disk topology: ESS 3500 H2 (2 HBA 24 NVMe 2 Full 4U102) (match: 96/100)
[INFO]  GNR configuration: 3 enclosures, 22 SSDs, 2 empty slots, 220 disks total, 0 NVRAM partitions
[ERROR] Location 78E40XA-1 appears empty but should have an SSD
[ERROR] Location 78E40XA-2 appears empty but should have an SSD
[[ERROR] essfindmissingdisks detected error in system. Please review output carefully.
[root@ess3500a ~]#

This error indicates that one path to the drive might be in a ‘stuck-state’ condition whereas other path is healthy.

  • ESS 3200
  • ESS 3500
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Start of change
Run the following script from the primary canister:
root@ess3500a ~]# /opt/ibm/ess/tools/samples/
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Start of change

The ESS system reboots unexpected because mpt3sas messages fill logs.

The following error appears:
System crashed with 'swiotlb buffer is full' then 'scsi_dma_map failed' errors
  • ESS 3500
End of change
Start of changeTo resolve this error, go to the Red Hat known issues.

.44 mpt3sas driver will be available in ESS 6.1.8.

End of change

Customer may encounter false positive intermittent fan module failures in /var/log/messages. It is also possible that a call home will be generated for each fan module.

Errors typically seen:
mmsysmon[7819]: [W] Event raised: Fan
fan_module1_id4 has a fault.
mmsysmon[7819]: [W] Event raised: Fan
fan_module1_id4 state is FAILED.
  • ESS 3500

If this is seen contact IBM support to verify false positive condition.

Start of changeRunning essrun ONLINE update might fail on the mmchfirmware -N localhost --type drive section.
  • ESS 5000
End of change
Start of changeManually issue the mmchfirmware after the deployment.End of change
Start of change

In ESS 5000, if using Y-Type cables (used in HDR switches), for running high-speed network, the mmhealth node show -N ioNode1-ib,ioNode2-ib NETWORK might show ib_rdma_port_width_low(mlx5_0/1, mlx5_1/1, mlx5_4/1).

  • ESS 5000
End of change
Start of change
  1. Check existing anomaly in HDR-Y cables.
  2. Contact IBM Support for help to update /usr/lpp/mmfs /lib/mmsysmon/ and /usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/mmsysmon/network.json with appropriate code.
  3. After patching, restart mmsysmon to apply changes. Example: systemctl restart mmsysmon.
  4. Issue the mmhealth command to verify whether the condition is alleviated.

End of change
Start of change
When EMS is updated from previous releases to ESS, setting up SELlinux on EMS by issuing the essrun selinux enable command in a container fails. The following error appears:
Failed to resolve typeattributeset statement at /var/lib/selinux/targeted/tmp/modules/400/pcpupstream/cil:42 The issue may be related to a bug in Red Hat kernel 8.6
  • ESS legacy
  • ESS 3000
  • ESS 5000
  • ESS 3200
  • ESS 3500
  • ESS 3500 (4u102)
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Start of change
  1. Reboot EMS.
  2. Restart the container.
  3. Ensure that selinux-policy is up-to-date by issuing the yum update selinux-policy command.
  4. Reinstall pcp-selinux by issuing the yum reinstall pcp-selinux command.
End of change
Start of changeWhen creating additional file systems in a tiered storage environment you might encounter a MIGRATION callback error.
mmaddcallback: Callback identifier "MIGRATION" already exists or was specified multiple times.
If a callback exists, file system creation will fail.
  • ESS 3000
  • ESS 3200
  • ESS 5000
  • ESS 3500
  • ESS 3500 (4u102)
End of change
Start of change

Delete the callback and create the file system again.

End of change