GPFS configuration parameters for protocol nodes

For protocol nodes in a cluster containing ESS, the following values are recommended for a few GPFS configuration parameters. For GPFS configuration parameters that are not listed, default values are used.

Note: Each cluster, network environment, and planned workload is different and therefore these values might need to be altered to best fit the respective environment.
Use the mmchconfig command to change these parameters after a cluster is created. For example, to change the maxFilesToCache parameter to 2M on all protocol nodes in the cluster, issue the following command:
mmchconfig -N cesNodes maxFilesToCache=2M
cesNodes is the node class that includes all protocol nodes in the cluster.

For changing some of these parameters, GPFS needs to be stopped and restarted before the new values can take effect. For more information, see Changing the GPFS cluster configuration data.

For protocol nodes in a cluster containing ESS, these values are recommended for cluster parameters.
Cluster configuration parameter Recommended value
autoload yes
maxblocksize 16M
numaMemoryInterleave yes
enforceFilesetQuotaOnRoot yes
ignorePrefetchLUNCount yes
workerThreads 1024
maxFilesToCache 2M
pagepool 32G
Note: Assuming that modern servers such as 5148-22L have greater than or equal to 128G of memory, set pagepool to at least 25% of that value.
nsdClientCksumTypeLocal ck64
nsdClientCksumTypeRemote ck64
maxMBpS 10000
Note: This value can be adjusted to match the bandwidth between the protocol node and ESS.
For protocol nodes with Infiniband connectivity in a cluster containing ESS, these values are recommended.
Configuration parameter for protocol nodes with Infiniband Recommended value
verbsRdma enable
verbsRdmaSend yes
verbsPorts Active_Infiniband_ports
File systems being accessed by protocol nodes are recommended to have the following parameter. This parameter can be set at file system creation using GUI, mmcrfs, or gssgenvdisks. The parameter can be changed for existing file systems using mmchfs.
File system related configuration parameter Recommended value
ACLSemantics nfs4
Note: This is mandatory for SMB access to a file system.