Defining configuration templates

Defining a configuration template tells Change Management for Rational® DOORS® how to locate the change management server. It also defines how the installed change request process maps to the concepts used in the change management feature.

About this task

For help in defining your configuration templates, see the customization guide for your change management system.


  1. On the main menu, select Change Management > Define Configuration Templates > Create.
    The Configuration Template - DOORS window opens and displays the Step 1 Configure Rational Change Management Server tab.
  2. In the Template Name field, type the template name.
  3. Select the one of the following authentication methods:
    • Basic access authentication:
      • Requires no additional setup.
      • Is less secure. The username and password are transmitted over the network without encryption unless the change management system is configured to use SSL.
      • Does not support the display of information about linked change requests and requirements by hovering over the links.
      • Is not supported by Rational Team Concert.
    • Open Authorization (OAuth) authentication:
      • Requires additional setup.
      • Is very secure.
      • Supports the information about linked change requests and requirements by hovering over the links.
  4. Based on your authentication method, perform one of the following steps:
    • Basic access authentication
      1. In the URL for Change Management server field, type your server URL. For example: http://server:port/change/oslc. Another valid option is https.
      2. Click Connect.

        The change management login window opens. Log on to the system to return to the Configuration Template - DOORS window.

    • OAuth
      1. Before creating a configuration template, ensure that you added the correct Collaboration Link, using the Remote Services window. For more information, see Configuring Rational DOORS to use OSLC.
      2. Under Rational Change Management Server Configuration, select the applicable service provider, and then click Next.

        The change management service provider log opens.

      3. Log on to the change management service provider to return to the Configuration Template - DOORS window.
  5. Complete all applicable fields in the Configuration Template - DOORS window.
  6. Click Next to display the Step 2 Requirements Change Management tab.
  7. In the Values section, complete all fields to set the values for the various states that are applicable to your change management process.

    Ensure that you use the name for each state as defined in the process or schema rather than the state label, which is visible to the user. The following entries provide examples of states in the different change management systems:

    • If you use the Rational Change doors_oslc_10 process, which is included with the product, use the following values. To obtain the state names for a custom process, look at the name of the states using the Rational Change lifecycle editor.
      • Assigned State: rcr_assigned
      • Review State: rcr_review
      • Approved State: rcr_approved
      • Applied State: rcr_applied
    • If you use the Rational ClearQuest RequirementsChangeRequest process, which is included with the product, use the following values. To obtain the state names for a custom process, use the Rational ClearQuest schema editor.
      • Assigned State: Assigned
      • Review State: Review
      • Approved State: Approved
      • Applied State: Applied
    • If you use the Rational Team Concert Simple Team Process template, which is included with the product, use the following values. If you use this template, use the In Progress state in the Rational Team Concert process for Assigned, Review, and Approved states in the configuration template.
      • Assigned State: 2
      • Review State: 2
      • Approved State: 2
      • Applied State: 3

      To identify the state ID for your work item process in Rational Team Concert, right-click the project area in the Eclipse client and select Open. In the project area editor on the Process Configuration Source tab, find the following section in the XML: In this section, locate the workflow you want to use with the integration. Each state tag contains the definition for one state. The ID field contains the information that you must enter in the configuration template. If the ID is the letter 's' followed by a number, enter just the number in configuration template. If the ID is a longer string, such as, enter the entire ID in the template. As the example shows, it is possible to use the same work item state in Rational Team Concert to represent more than one state in Rational DOORS; however, the Applied state must be different from the other states in the configuration template.

  8. Based on the change management system that you are using, perform one of the steps:
    • If you use Rational Change, go to the next step.
    • If you use Rational ClearQuest:
      1. In Apply Action Attribute, check For ClearQuest.
      2. Type the name of the ClearQuest action that moves the record to the Applied state.
      3. Type the name of the ClearQuest action that moves the record to the Review state in Review Action Attribute.
      If you use Rational ClearQuest with the RequirementsChangeRequest process, use the following values:
      • Apply Action Attribute: Apply
      • Review Action Attribute: Review
    • If you use Rational Team Concert:
      1. Check For Rational Team Concert.
      2. Type the name of the Rational Team Concert action that moves the work item to the Applied state in your process in Apply Action Attribute.
      3. Type the name of the action that moves the work item to the Review state in Review Action Attribute.
      4. If you are using one of the delivered process templates, in the State Attribute field, typertc_cm:state. Or type the name of the attribute that contains the state if you created your own process.
      If you use Rational Team Concert with the Simple Team Process template, use the following values. When using another worfklow, use the technique described above for finding the state IDs to find the action tags in the XML for the actions you want to use. You need to identify two actions, one that moves the work item from the Assigned state to the Review state and the other that moves the workitem from the Approved state to the Applied state. In the example, the Review Action attribute is empty because in the Simple Team Process, the Assigned state and the Review state in Rational DOORS are actually the same In Progress state in Rational Team Concert.
      • Apply Action Attribute:
      • Review Action Attribute: <no value>
  9. In the RCR Submit Form field, select the applicable submit form in your change management process that is used for requirement change requests.
  10. In the Conflicting Proposal Behavior field, select one of the following options:
    • Take no action
    • Warn user of conflict: when users make changes that will cause a conflict, a warning message is displayed. The user can make or cancel the change.
    • Prevent modification: users cannot make changes that will cause conflicts.
    Note: Selecting any setting other than Take No Action causes a slight delay when you open the modules to edit them.
  11. Select the Show RCR Recording Report option to show the RCR Recording report.
  12. To enable the Reject button on the Rational DOORS Web Access Requirement Change Management page, in DWA, select Enable Reject button.
  13. Click Next to display the Step 3 Requirements Gathering tab.
  14. In the Default Query String field, type the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) style query string to be used during requirements gathering.
    Skip this step if you are not using the requirements gathering feature. These examples show valid query strings:
    • oslc_cm:status in ["Applied", "Approved"]
    • oslc_cm:status="Applied"
    For more information about defining query strings, see the oslc.where section of the OSLC Core Specification Version 2.0 Query Syntax.
  15. Click Next to display the Step 4 Finish tab.
  16. In Template Summary, review the selections you created, and then perform one of the following steps:
    • If the information is correct, click Finish to save your configuration template.
    • If you need to correct the information, click Back to return to the correct tab and make the necessary corrections.