SUPPRESS attribute

You can use the SUPPRESS attribute to instruct the compiler not to issue various messages.

The following syntax diagram applies to the SUPPRESS attribute on a variable:
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSUPPRESS( ,UNINITUNREFNOGLOBALNOPADDINGNOLAXENTRY )
The following syntax diagram applies to the SUPPRESS attribute on procedure statements:
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSUPPRESS( ,UNREFLAXNESTED )
Specifying SUPPRESS(UNINIT) as an attribute in the declaration of a variable causes the compiler not to flag any use of the variable where it might be uninitialized.
Specifying SUPPRESS(UNREF) as an attribute in the declaration of a variable causes the compiler not to flag the variable as unused when the compilation unit contains no references to that variable.

Specifying SUPPRESS(UNREF) on the PROCEDURE statement causes the compiler not to flag the procedure as unused when the compilation unit contains no references to that procedure.

Specifying SUPPRESS(NOGLOBAL) as an attribute in the declaration of a variable causes the compiler not to flag any use of the variable in nested procedures.

If the SUPPRESS(NOGLOBAL) attribute has been specified on a structure or a substructure, it will be propagated to all its children.

Specifying SUPPRESS(NOPADDING) on a level-1 structure name causes the RULES(NOPADDING) compiler option to be ignored for that structure.

SUPPRESS(NOPADDING) has no effect if it is specified on a member within a structure.

Specifying SUPPRESS(NOLEXENTRY) as an attribute in the declaration of a variable causes the compiler not to flag any violations by that variable of RULES(NOLAXENTRY).
Specifying SUPPRESS(LAXNESTED) on a procedure causes the compiler not to flag the procedure if executable statements follow it.

If the SUPPRESS attribute is specified on a structure or union, it also applies to all the elements of that structure (or union).