Lesson 3: Review and reject the test plan

In the previous lesson, you logged in as the product owner and managed requirements in a requirements collection. In this lesson, you login as Tammy to review and then reject the test plan because it does not include a test case to cover requirements that were added by Ursula in a previous lesson.


Log in as the test manager by typing tammy for both the user ID and password. If you are prompted with a project login window, select the JKE Banking (Engineering Test Management) project. The quality dashboard opens.

Monitor review tasks

During the planning and construction process, you will be assigned work items to create, update, and review artifacts. You can use the My Reviews widget to monitor the assignment of review requests.To add the My Reviews widget, complete the following steps.


  1. Access Tammy's personal dashboard. On the menu bar, click the Home icon.
  2. Click Add Widget.
  3. In the Select Catalog list, select Quality Management.
  4. Locate the My Reviews widget. In Search, type My Reviews.
  5. Under the widget name, click Add Widget; then close the Add Widget section.
  6. In the new My Reviews widget, click the preferences link.
  7. Next to Project, click Select, select JKE Banking (Engineering Test Management), and then click OK.
  8. Save the dashboard.


Notice that you have a new task in the My Reviews widget to review the Development Test test plan. You were assigned this task when Tanuj added you as a reviewer.

Review the test plan

You can select the review item to open the test plan and begin your review.


  1. In the My Reviews widget, open the Development Test test plan by clicking Development Test.
    The test plan opens in the test plan editor.
  2. Review the sections of the test plan.
    If they are not already open, you can select Show All Sections at the end of the table of contents to open all sections.
  3. Open the Quality Objectives section. Suppose that there is an existing objective for 100% requirements coverage.
    Note: To learn how to add and work with quality objectives, see Lesson 5: Define quality objectives and set entry and exit criteria in the Develop a test plan tutorial.
    Considering this quality objective, you decide to check the overall status of requirements coverage for the test plan:
    1. Click Reports > Shared Reports.
    2. Expand the Requirements reports; then click Plan Requirements Coverage by Test Case.
    3. In the Test Plan section of the report, select Development Test, and click Run.

    The results show that several requirements are uncovered by test cases, similarly to the following graphic.

    Plan Requirements Coverage by Test Case
  4. You can run more detailed reports by clicking the green section (Plan Requirements Coverage Detail report) or the pink section (Plan Requirements Not Covered Detail report). Click the pink section, and then click OK to open the report. A list of the requirements that are not covered by test cases is displayed.

    You can see that one of the requirements not covered is the new one that you added in the previous lesson, called Add new functionality to allow users to allocate funds across multiple organizations.

    Tip: You can create a new work item to track the creation of the test cases.
  5. Because the test plan does not meet all quality objectives (there is no test case to cover the new requirements), you reject it:
    1. Return to the test plan by clicking Planning> Recently Viewed> Development Test.
    2. Click the Formal Review section.
    3. Next to Tammy's name, in the Status column, Pending is listed. In the list, change the status of your review to Rejected.
    4. Click New Comment; then type this comment: Not all requirements are covered by test cases.
    5. Save the test plan.


The responses of each reviewer and approver are displayed in the Formal Review section.

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you learned the following:
  • Add the My Reviews widget to your quality dashboard.
  • Begin review of a test artifact.
  • Run reports to assess requirements coverage in a test plan.
  • Record the result of a test artifact review.