Resolved issues

Review the defects that are resolved with the release of version 7.0.3.

APAR ID ID Description
Internal 138084 [Documentation] Explanations of the keywords Link and LinkExisting are confusing for ExcelWordImporter in Wiki documentation.
Internal 172372 The user's preference to Select the last execution script in the execution record view could be confusing.
Internal 187101 A cloned test plan does not immediately show up - refresh issue - user has to refresh.
Internal 187692 Usability - large areas of useless whitespace when editing TCs.
Internal 187742 TCER deletion message is not retained for 5 secs unlike other artifact messages but flashes away.
Internal 187748 QM datagen tool doesn't support Jazz Authorization server.
Internal 187981 Re-arrange the Expected Result section in the excel for offline execution so that it would be near step description same as UI.
Internal 188027 UI looks distorted when more components are present and stream view is Tree view.
Internal 188195 White space or unused space for TER on Microsoft Chrome based, Edge Browser for initial opening of the artifact.
Internal 188232 CSPF : Inline filtering for Test Script Editor using custom attributes is failing intermittently due to UI and indentation Issues.
Internal 188312 DnD : All Information message improvements can be worked under this work item.
Internal 188364 CnP : In ETM, button (icon) Paste Artifact Link does not paste copied requirement in test script step.
Internal 188371 TVT - Need different string definition for execution state related labels.
Internal 188385 Wrong title shown for the dialog to hide lab resource.
Internal 188389 Remove button is enabled for mandatory section Summary.
Internal 188397 Script editor does not show related info panel after completing merge steps from test case results steps.
Internal 188400 Multiple test plans can be created while associating a new one to existing test case.
Internal 188405 All check-box does not get updated/deselected on deselecting few of Enum filter values.
Internal 188407 OK button on Available Test Data dialog remains disabled.
Internal 188409 No error message displayed while saving after linking the artifact to create test plan.
Internal 188420 Compare configuration summary lists those Test Cases and TCERs which are not changed.
Internal 188430 TER: Unable to view or edit other sections when informational popup is received -The defect was added to the execution result. (same behavior in remove defect)
Internal 188432 When there are discrepancies and after a manual rebase, the configuration-add healing events are not being published to TRS2 feed.
Internal 188437 Making changes in a Test Artifact (i.e. Test Plan, Test case) of the formal review section and canceling does not update information content.
Internal 188441 Permission Denied error when creating SGC sample.
Internal 188443 [Dojo 1.16] Build records and build definitions skipped resources removed from ignore.
Internal 188449 Shared queries do not show filtered TCERs when Test Case categories are added to table view along with GroupBy view as Test Case.
Internal 188452 Discrepancies found when adding/removing requirement/development links to test artifacts when user does not have Save Test Artifact Permission.
Internal 188465 Unable to use arrow keys while creating category and category value.
Internal 188473 Multi-Comp : Unable to copy test artifacts.
Internal 188474 Multi-Comp : Script step synchronizer fails.
Internal 188476 Unable to use arrow keys in drop down lists.
Internal 188497 Task work item with BOLD content is displayed in the Task viewlet as <b> tags.
Internal 188510 Hyperlinks in Summary section in Test Case Execution Record page are not working.
Internal 188528 With the Manage Export Job Queue table open, running a PDF job will not refresh the table.
Internal 188529 Run script less page does not have a re-run button.
Internal 188530 Print jobs table does not gets refreshed after switching back from the child jobs to the parent print jobs.
Internal 188533 Allows to create duplicate category by modifying global scope.
Internal 188536 Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P does not pass test script step. Ctrl+Shift+P needs to be removed from the tooltip.
Internal 188542 Preference Open attachments in test results directly, without prompting users to open or save them doesn't apply for a keyword step.
Internal 188559 Multi-Comp component choice does not work in new item creation dialogs.
Internal 188561 Multi-Component: Generate TCER wizard shows parent artifact's component instead of default selected component.
Internal 188609 ETM Advanced prop Rich Text Threshold to 0 doesn't suppress.
Internal 188614 ETM 7.0.2 datagen.jar is failing while generating extended MtM sample data in the ELM 7.0.3 Performance BLTs.
Internal 188634 CLA and Selenium adapters do not document ETM server version support.
Internal 188635 Adapter Library does not document ETM server version support.
Internal 188640 Defects added to the Test Case Result Defect section show slow display updates.
Internal 188642 Multi-Component: List of Configurations view: name and component do not match.
Internal 188664 ETM Excel and Word Importers version number is not correct.
Internal 188681 When performing Select all on all pages action in the multi-selection category dialog that has more than 512, only 512 items are selected.
Internal 188690 The role Configuration Lead does not have Export to PDF permission.
Internal 188691 Categories values are not set correctly via Keywords Table View.
Internal 188696 The Category Sort Icon for Multi values categories is misplaced for artifacts comparison between two configurations.
Internal 188698 Add URL icon is hidden in rich text editor page for test artifact
Internal 188700 Inline filter of Test Suite section table of Test Plan shows Save Query Icon
Internal 188704 Test case section of the test suite editor is showing Team Area column by default although project area is not enabled for team Area.
Internal 188708 TRSTest JUnits are failing.
Internal 188710 PDF print for test case result table shows double entries for test items.
Internal 188714 Compilation errors in build ETM7.0.3-I20201207_1539
Internal 188716 Copy and Paste fails on first use.
Internal 188719 Test Suite Result table PDF print does not show linked file.
Internal 188722 Error messages do not show for pasting links from EWM workitem (Ctrl +Shift + V) to Test Scripts and TCR when project areas are not connected.
Internal 188723 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (CM) : Failing with multiple errors : TestPlanTest:testCreateUpdateRemoveCategoriesInResource() java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<1> but was:<4>
Internal 188731 Search Icon and Clear Search option missing on Test Artifact's Category Value selection dialog.
Internal 188742 Actions option present for the test data row selection for the test script editor page with no actions to do.
Internal 188744 Table view context menu is not honoring the Artifact Export Preferences.
Internal 188745 Clarify documentation about what happens at the database level when test artifacts are permanently deleted.
Internal 188754 Include in CLA
Internal 188804 CLA output contains stack track when invalid password is used.
Internal 188834 Add the defaultValue to the category type property in the artifact shape.
Internal 188846 Update UA content for support copy-paste linking across Jazz® Team Servers.
Internal 188848 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits : Failing with multiple errors.
Internal 188849 RQM-CD-REST-API-JUnits (CM) : Failing with Assertion error : Unexpected status code (expected 200 but was 412)
Internal 188853 Why Permissions related with Export to PDF are not mentioned in QM documentation?
Internal 188856 ETM 7.0.3 datagen.jar is failing while generating sample data in the ELM 7.0.3 ETM-MU Performance BVT.
Internal 188861 Comprehensive logging for PDF job is needed.
Internal 188871 Purged suite entries do not display Deleted By field in Audit View.
Internal 188872 Validate button is enabled even linked RM server is not specified.
Internal 188874 Multi-selection category selection dialog panel has display issue when the category value strings are long.
Internal 188875 Search on skipped resources displays error : Unable to load the content. Override createTextPredicate
Internal 188882 Add Test Scripts dialog showing blank page.
Internal 188883 TCER section of test plan snapshot shows current version of TCERs
Internal 188886 Keyword Coverage section is not displayed properly on PDF report.
Internal 188889 May be rephrasing needed for single value return on category search.
Internal 188891 Child category selection dialog shows error, if parent category is unassigned.
Internal 188893 DnD - Dropping work item from EWM on to a step result shows Create Link dialog when Test Item link to step result is not permitted.
Internal 188895 Not able to delete a custom attribute value for type link.
Internal 188898 Text column filter in the list view is not consistent.
Internal 188901 ETM Word Excel Importer : Excel hangs on importing rqms file (only on non .Net 64 bit variant)
Internal 188902 TSER table view shows component column before name column.
Internal 188903 Test Case Results and Test Suite Results table do not show Component column in test plan PDF.
Internal 188907 Test script component name is not shown in the keyword PDF report.
Internal 188909 Result Details table do not show Component column in TSR summary PDF report.
Internal 188910 Unable to sort on Component column in Execution Console table
Internal 188911 Execution schedule table view PDF and CSV report do not contain Component column
Internal 188913 Copy project properties utility copied deleted custom attributes
Internal 188917 Move column icon are not properly positioned on change column display settings dialog for chrome browser
Internal 188918 Restored category message contains html tags.
Internal 188919 Offline import of multiple TCER's hangs if one of the TCER's contains a Reserved Character in the name.
Internal 188921 Reconcile requirement dialog is confusing for status: No actions are required
Internal 188922 Doc Topic: Linking test artifacts to requirements and development artifacts by using the copy-and-paste method - needs a correction to a procedure step
Internal 188933 Added Child Test Plan disappears if the Child Test Plan Section is removed and added again in the Test Plan.
Internal 188934 Run Test Case Dialog - when clicked on refresh icon Select a test case execution record to run message is displayed for fraction of seconds.
Internal 188935 Button color on Destructive Action confirmation pop up is Blue which is shown when removing a Test Case from Test Suite.
Internal 188936 Icons for lab resources attributes displays disabled.
Internal 188939 Page remains 'Importing' when tried to import an empty text file under Import Test Plan page.
Internal 188948 Pagination is displayed for no items found.
Internal 188954 Deselecting the component from dialog still retains the OK button enabled and non-functional.
Internal 188961 Implementations of IRepositoryItemService do not implement fetchAllStates2()
Internal 188970 [Documentation] Text You should be changed to your in the Introduction of Importing Word and Excel test artifacts into Quality Management
Internal 188973 DnD: Information on the pop up is incomplete on QM dashboard when WI is dropped
Internal 188976 Label of select drop-down for Estimate is not aligned properly
Internal 188980 Cursor changes to the circle with a slash through it momentarily when hovering over links in a TCER section
Internal 189000 Configurations are restored when restoring the component without the restore configuration permission
Internal 189001 Informational message is not clear when deleting the current component context.
Internal 189004 Reconcile Requirements fails to add test cases into test plan following a drag and drop from QM Plan to RM Module.
Internal 189006 Copy link for this page displays item UUIDs for test data artifacts.
Internal 189007 Alert message is invalid.
Internal 189009 Tabbed view does not allow closing the last tab.
Internal 189010 ETM Reportable REST API and OSLC QM V2 API contain different/incorrect error messages when the user does not have project read access.
Internal 189011 Progress Panel close time does not handle invalid input.
Internal 189012 Related Information preference contains an invalid icon.
Internal 189013 Manual test script import UI has layout issues.
Internal 189014 Button toolbar shifts after editing data records.
Internal 189015 Editing data records does not save changes.
Internal 189016 Copy the title of list pages as plain text is useless.
Internal 189017 Manage Artifact Attachments list view does not support saving filters or configuring columns.
Internal 189018 My Artifact Subscriptions list view has extra whitespace on the header end.
Internal 189038 Double Scroll bars appear in select build result dialog (production)
Internal 189058 Result Details Section is empty on NO CM project areas and working fine on CM Project area
Internal 189064 OSLC APIs define incorrect occurs for dcterms:creator/dcterms:contributor in resource shapes.
Internal 189067 OSLC QM V2 API defines incorrect occurs for rqm_qm:TestSuiteResult/rqm_qm:testExecutionSuiteElement/rdf:type in resource shapes.
Internal 189104 Rich hover is not working on the quick search (full text search) result on non default stream.
Internal 189106 PDF export is not showing error when test plan contains more artifacts than the maximum allowed number of associated artifacts.
Internal 189109 Browse Test Suite Bulk update action come up empty.
Internal 189110 Hierarchy category bulk update field doesn't show the selected value in proper order.
Internal 189133 When a user loads View Trash First ever time, it shows Component Column in table view.
Internal 189137 Multi-Component: Component field is still editable after creating the test data
Internal 189139 Save and Cancel Buttons are Blocked (Hidden) by the error message that is reporting that a Save Operation Cannot Be Completed due to insufficient permissions for a workflow action.
Internal 189140 Baseline view can be selected for Audit list in trash view Table.
Internal 189142 Execution Sequence Table PDF export fails when baseline loaded in project area.
Internal 189158 Test Environment editor does not have a Copy OSLC URL button
Internal 189164 Multiple issues found in test plan snapshot
Internal 189165 Open the selected test case editor option is missing on Associated Test Script with Test Case dialog.
Internal 189169 Export csv button is enabled even though there is nothing to export in the table view
Internal 189173 Merge dialog never finishes saving for Test Script and shows some error on console
Internal 189176 Composites missing contributions when created with multiple configurations of same component
Internal 189179 The latest ETM_Stable_Test 7.0.3 build supplier is referencing an ETM 7.0.3 build that has been deleted
Internal 189181 Custom link attribute is mistakenly annotated as different during a merge
Internal 189184 Manual step custom attributes are not seen in excel when rqms is imported
Internal 189185 CSV Export : Incorrect time stamp in generated CSV for modified TCR
Internal 189186 DnD : The link can not be created to Quality Task on Common Section of Test Script Editor
Internal 189187 DnD : Pressing Esc Key while dropping link on Drop Zone leaves drop zone dialog on screen
Internal 189198 DnD : No information is shown to user when duplicate link from EWM is attempted to add to ETM artifacts.
Internal 189199 Browse artifact list bulk update of integer custom attribute dialog doesn't show input validation info
Internal 189203 Trash view : switching between Trash and Audit view product incorrect column headers
Internal 189204 CSV export of Test Case Results list view produced wrong columns
Internal 189206 CSV export of Test Case Results list view produced different global category values
Internal 189207 Failed OSLC API Server Rename junit test
Internal 189208 There is a gap between test script steps
Internal 189209 Build Record is not listed under Manage Skipped Resources after unignoring.
Internal 189211 ETM Word/Excel Importer: Unable to export to Project area with special character to clustered environment
Internal 189212 Missing section message is not shown while pasting the artifacts
Internal 189216 Unable to link work item to Test Case Result using drag-and-drop
Internal 189219 New advance server property Maximum number of associated test artifacts for the PDF print job does not validate against minimum value
Internal 189234 Lab Management Requests are not auto deleted when reservation expires
Internal 189235 Not enough logging information for troubleshooting on ConfigurationManagementRawService class
Internal 189236 Saved query Execution By Owner does not load Iteration value - value shows loading - further actions the value changes to unknown then persists
Internal 189242 Dev demo feedback on error message: Update the error message in the dialog when test plan contains more artifacts than the maximum allowed number of associated artifacts
Internal 189253 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (CM) : TestPhaseTest:testCreationInConfigbyConfigHeader() java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected status code (expected 201 but was 400)
Internal 189254 Not able to delete a custom attribute value from list view when it is the only non-empty attribute for artifact
Internal 189255 Ignoring the updated requirements does not bring back the list of the modified Requirements on Reconciling again
Internal 189267 Duplicate item references are not allowed during repotools -import command
Internal 189269 Show Deleted Checkbox does not Render on Custom Attributes Page
Internal 189284 TCR / TCER / Test Suite table does not refresh if custom attribute value is set to empty
Internal 189299 Number of items per page drop down is not cleared on Test Environment table
Internal 189313 Requirement Reconciliation cannot handle single quotes
Internal 189319 Task created from test case in GC opens in <no configuration> context.
Internal 189321 PDF export - Test Cases list - blank columns
Internal 189326 Linking an existing requirement to a Test Case causes the attribute and inline Test Script to lose its value(s)
Internal 189351 Test Case is deleted even when TCER delete is not permitted.
Internal 189370 Statement that cannot repair back-links in CM enabled projects is misleading
Internal 189379 TRS change log includes duplicate patch events for selections when create test environments.
Internal 189393 DnD : Create OSLC link from RMM to QM display a message Project area of the copied links is not associated with this project area
Internal 189397 Cell.Select() for adding drop-down validation causes some issue when adding images to excel sheet
Internal 189425 Importance field tool tip in Administration Risk Profiles view is in smaller case instead of camel case
Internal 189426 In-Line filter is missing from Component and Execution Schedule views of View Trash Table .
Internal 189438 All columns of a table view can be removed via Add or Remove Column drop-down list.
Internal 189440 Test Case/Suite Results have inconsistent behavior for baselines.
Internal 189441 Test Script section table (under Test Case editor) shows empty Keywords and Test cases column.
Internal 189443 Disabled execution states can be assigned to test case result using REST API
Internal 189444 Duplicate artifact option is not available on table views for baselines.
Internal 189447 Delete obsolete reference in t_assoc_doors_tcs.dita.html
Internal 189450 Component delete does not happen when component restore permission is revoked.
Internal 189452 Components are created even when Stream creation is not permitted.
Internal 189456 ETM Reportable REST API does not include the suiteelements/suiteelement/executionscript property for the testsuite and testsuitelog elements
Internal 189457 ETM Reportable REST API does not deprecate the remotescript and testscript elements in the ETM XML schema
Internal 189458 [Offline Test] Test run time uploaded is not updated in the test result
Internal 189459 [Offline Test] Out of box sample excel sheet export throws errors
Internal 189462 Test script find whole word doesn't recognize a word separated by punctuations
Internal 189463 Maximize Steps Display will maximize the Manual Steps section for all manual test script editor instances
Internal 189464 Find step position get skipped when changing the find direction
Internal 189465 TrsTest is failing testArtifactCreationInOptInInTrs2 in opt in mode.
Internal 189468 While the Find and replace panel is opened, selecting another step and press Find again doesn't always force the find to start at the new step
Internal 189476 Fix doc that implies can link a requirement to a test plan
Internal 189477 The prefix Draft: should be removed from the linking RTC files help page
Internal 189479 The built-in Lab Resource type Machine is being displayed as Type in the GUI
Internal 189480 The Learn more about bi-directional links section needs to be updated to handle configuration-enabled project areas.
Internal 189486 Execution state for Step Result Skipped is not exported during process template export
Internal 189490 Create a keyword from a test script doesn't honor the selected component
Internal 189491 TCER list view - Export CSV menu is disabled
Internal 189492 Integration Test ( Planning ) are failing.
Internal 189497 Reconcile progress UI needs cleanup
Internal 189498 ETM Word Excel Importer: Offline execution - export button is not auto enabled after auto population when project is at the first index
Internal 189512 Pagination loads without the content when new category is added to artifacts
Internal 189514 Cannot navigate from DNG and EWM to ETM links in multi component project
Internal 189516 Artifacts with special chars cannot be searched in a project area
Internal 189517 ETMWordExcelImporter : Failed with Unauthorized error while exporting to clustered/JAS enabled server when used 'Link to Existing Requirements'
Internal 189530 ArchiveRestoreTest is failing when running the full OSLC JUnit bucket
Internal 189533 Investigate why the new module is not loaded.
Internal 189537 Copy Paste- Create Link (or DnD) If user gets a Save Conflict during link creation Merge does not work (doesn't respond)
Internal 189539 QualityManagerConfigurationService.getPreviousVersionOfItemInNonPleEnabledProjectArea() does not return the previous version of an IAuditable.
Internal 189540 REST API URL does not navigate to the LC even after oslc_config.context property is set
Internal 189560 Unable to connect command line adapter to a smart card ( SSL Cert) enabled server
Internal 189568 OK button should not be enabled when no file is selected while adding images under any Rich text sections of QM Artifacts
Internal 189575 Documentation update: Linking to collections in Engineering Requirements Management DOORS
Internal 189602 testGetResourceFeed() is failing for the ETM Reportable REST API JUnits
Internal 189607 Delete Review Confirmation dialog should have Yes and No buttons instead of OK and Cancelbutton.
Internal 189608 Test Artifact page while we are editing name : An error message is displayed saying We are Sorry, unable to retrieve the specified test case.
Internal 189616 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (NO CM) : TestResultTest:testRequiredProperties()
Internal 189644 [Pipeline]: Test case opens in local configuration from CCM page.
Internal 189651 Execution Sequence Result Steps details do not show correct type when execution is not completed.
Internal 189662 testCrossProjectGetResourceFeed() is failing for the ETM Reportable REST API JUnits
Internal 189664 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (CM) : with Exception when querying resources
Internal 189667 OSLC - Add/Set query string only if non empty
Internal 189672 Manual test script text find action failed to match a pattern
Internal 189675 Multi-Component - In Test Plan editor, creating TSER along with Test Environments throws error on editing test plan further without refresh.
Internal 189676 Execution Sequence Result Steps details do not show correct status on Cancellation.
Internal 189683 Unable to load the content. Override getQueryFieldMap : Error displayed while Restoring Scrubbed Component
Internal 189689 ETM mainline and personal builds are failing within 5 minutes after start of the build
Internal 189713 The Project area and Stream URI are not populated automatically in case of CM enabled project
Internal 189715 Adding new test artifact in section tables do not show component field
Internal 189719 TSER table on Test suite pdf summary shows extra component icon.
Internal 189723 Test Script Table on Keyword PDF summary report does not show Channel column.
Internal 189724 Component and Configuration Columns are displayed by default on Execution Schedule> Step table.
Internal 189726 Unable to save table column settings once the preference value limit is reached.
Internal 189727 PDF export of Execution Sequence Results table view fails.
Internal 189728 Execution Schedule Results Cancel button is enabled on Baselines.
Internal 189729 Unable to Restore all streams/baselines if we have more than 10 streams or baselines.
Internal 189738 Remove the package as it does not contain any file
Internal 189743 [Chrome] The manual test script find and replace panel input fields don't have focus highlight.
Internal 189746 TestResultTest.testWebUiRedirect() JUnit failure: Test case result redirect URL always contains the oslc_config.context request parameter
Internal 189748 Archived quality approval does not show type of approval for Test Case Result
Internal 189752 Manual test script Find/Replace doesn't scroll to the located match content in a step if the step content extends the entire browser page
Internal 189754 Manual test script find/replace should not scroll away from the currently found position if there is no match in the next find
Internal 189762 Build Failed: ETM 7.0.3 Integration ETM7.0.3-I20210324_0801 on rqm-server-repository-db
Internal 189776 Resource URN is not displayed properly once the command line test is executed using Shared Resources.
Internal 189778

Clicking around Scope Icon area is confusing. Clicking on the text works fine. But clicking on empty space next to texts makes Find button enabled and disabled without actually updating the check box. Mouse clicks on Scope icons area is confusing on Find Replace dialog.

Internal 189779 Incorrect error message from dragging from LC project area to GC project area.
Internal 189783 The Test environments are not shown in the test cases section of Test Suite.
Internal 189805 CM-Enabled TRS Test Junit is failing - testTrsBaseForLQE, and testArtifactCreationInOptInInTrs2.
Internal 189807 The archived and non-archived approval groups in PDF cannot be identified.
Internal 189808 LQE datasource refresh finishes with warning that says n failed patches after newly added advanced property is modified.
Internal 189809 Web UI of test suite snapshot does not show the name of the test case, test case id is missing snapshot name and the test script name missing snapshot revision
Internal 189812 Category Multi-selection dialog - the Next page button does not advance to show the content
Internal 189818 Archived configurations return active icons in compact rendering
Internal 189828 Update Deleting the default component configuration of a project causes major issues in ETM release note
Internal 189833 [self host] QM My Tasks viewlet: Contents disappear using maximize or using the refresh menu in viewlet (all browsers)
Internal 189836 Page Selection Test does not run.
Internal 189847 CHKPII warning - duplicated string definition
Internal 189885 Getting alert message when try to reassign same quality task in test case page
Internal 189901 IBM Engineering Test Management HP Quick Test Professional (QTP)/HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) Adapter are mentioned in the 7.0.2 documentation but is not supported anymore
Internal 189917 Created ETM Components are not listed when searched being in GC context, but same get listed in LC context
Internal 189919 Creating Requirement & Requirement Collection in QM displays Alert dialog instead of information dialog with OK button.
Internal 189931 Purged TCR page throws alert TypeError: this.result.state is undefined and never finishes loading the page with all sections
Internal 189932 Purged TSR page throws Error Sum of Pass, Fail, PermFailed, and Inconclusive weights exceed the available weight on opening the page from recent view
Internal 189970 Manual test script has issue when finding next from an information step.
Internal 189975 Incorrect RDF for ETM artifacts - dcterms:title is an xsd:dateTime value instead of an RDF XMLLiteral
Internal 189977 Iteration markers in result details steps of a test case result is not obvious
Internal 189987 RQMExcelImporter Importing remote scripts with Execution Variables
Internal 189998 Attachment field gets selected during Find operation even when the search string does no exist
Internal 190000 API Utility not able to update the default script for test suite step for non default configuration.
Internal 190007 Some configurations are skipped during OSLC migration after server restart.
Internal 190009 Version of copy project properties utility is 7.0.2 instead of 7.0.3
Internal 190022 QM BVT Failing as clicking on the Confirmation dialog is not doing anything after clicking on the Yes button.
Internal 190034 Filter is added to the wrong row when test suite result custom attribute are added to the test suite.
Internal 190037 OSLC test script step selection dialog do not show Component and Configuration fields
Internal 190061 Manual test script matched highlight could be position incorrectly when performing layout related actions.
Internal 190064 Not able to add requirement link to test case in the test case editor when PLE is enabled.
Internal 190067 Unable to edit the Custom Category for test plan if its single valued on the table view.
Internal 190071 Execution Sequence Editor PDF export fails in CM enabled project area.
Internal 190072 Changed Execution State name is not shown in the table view and CSV report
Internal 190073 When the manual script steps are not editable, and the replace options are not shown, the find panel shouldn't need to show the replace not supported in scope message.
Internal 190076 Browse TSER bulk update - Iteration field doesn't provide editor.
Internal 190083 The manual execution page selected step background color is different in different sections.
Internal 190088 RQM Reportable REST API Server Rename JUnits has test setup/tear-down exception
Internal 190092 Skipped Resources Search by Name is not working
Internal 190093 The long component name on New Item Dialog does not uses complete width.
Internal 190103 QM log has several errors and NPE LQE related
Internal 190113 Find/replace has issue with Replace All with empty replace with string
Internal 190123 The replace all action in Find/Replace panel doesn't replace all instances in the Actual Results section if the script has keyword steps
Internal 190137 Unable to add Related Test Artifact from EWM Defect
Internal 190165 Typo in PlanningMigrationHandler2012 at line number 96 => Script should be replaced by Script
Internal 190219 ETM JUnits failures
Internal 190396 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.wst.common.internal.emfworkbench.integration.ResourceSetWorkbenchEditSynchronizer in ETM IES 4.15 build
Internal 190474 Certificate of IBM Engineering Test Management Mobile Application will expire on June 15
Internal 190551 Merge configuration process freezes up
Internal 190637 Step execution short cuts are not supported with Firefox
Internal 190702 Test Data Variable Artifacts violate OSLC specification for DCTerms:subject
Internal 190718 Requirements are added to wrong steps when exporting more than 1 test script
Internal 190719 Investigate why script step requirement is not added to Test case when the project property is enabled
Internal 190781 The error messages is not displayed on progress UI for OSLC API calls
Internal 190828 Unable to index LQE, base page times out because it takes way too long to calculate etags
Internal 190932 History shows incorrect date time for custom attributes
Internal 190963 Related to Defect 190570 Forward porting : Fix is not working only in 703
Internal 191007 Checking and unchecking of the checkbox on the Run Offline Suite dialog makes the dialog shifts its focus and user has re adjust again
Internal 191008 Horizontal scroll bar on the Run Offline Suite dialog does not display unless test case is associated with a long named test script
Internal 191025 [Offline Test] offline test update give message: Error 400: Bad Request for scriptless test case
Internal 191046 Keyword script step getting saved without providing values for mandatory custom attribute
Internal 191062 Test case added to requirement is not displayed in reconcile dialog when the requirement name has <" & ">.
Internal 191081 Valid links icon is not shown correctly in PDF for Test Cases table view.
Internal 191083 Test Case Estimates and Test Case Estimates (Progress) does not show correct date-time values for estimates in Test Plan csv reports
Internal 191095 Update/clarify documentation for the Manual Steps editor (Manual Test Script)
Internal 191103 Links to Approved Test Cases from requirements of a collection seems successful via Coverage view of Requirement Collection Links section of a Test Plan
Internal 191109 Documentation doesn't say that Total Script Steps should show value 0 when you have multiple Test Scripts in the Test Case, in the browse Test Case view
Internal 191112 Tool tip not showing name handle in brackets for subscribed user in Test case rich hover
Internal 191122 Roll up button is enabled in base lined TCER
Internal 191124 Channel can be added and synchronized in base lined Test Environments
Internal 191160 TrsEventcleanUp has disappeared from advanced properties page
Internal 191161 Clicking on the Execution TAB, opens Select Configuration dialog
Internal 191169 Changes get saved while removing the Formal Review section
Internal 191185 Number of events is not displayed in summary page after running clean up events from trs console
Internal 191187 Create a Stream pop up keep on showing loading icon even after successful stream creation message is shown
Internal 191189 Can not clear the Query field after editing with different project.
Internal 191190 In the Test Script dialog, the tool boxes gets detached when scrolled.
Internal 191198 Saved Queries is not updated if you delete a Default Query
Internal 191199 Requirement can be reconciled from a test case snapshot
Internal 191201 [Usability] Password field is too big in the Add to provider dialog
Internal 191212 Personal build and mainline build failed due to Unsatisfied import package
Internal 191222 ETM Documentation Topic : Linking to requirements collections. - should have instructions for using Drag and Drop or Copy Paste (Keyboard shortcut)
Internal 191223 Doc Topic Keyboard Shortcuts is missing shortcuts for Copy and Paste
Internal 191226 ETM Resources data source shows 1 skipped resource in LQE
Internal 191238 ETM Word Excel Importer : single script less Test case offline execution fails to import with unicode characters (errors in Excel UI)
Internal 191242 Test Case Estimates(Progress) for Test Plan table view displays wrong time in PDF/CSV reports
Internal 191247 The description for Test Suite Element is incorrect in the Test Suite shape.
Internal 191248 Mobile App: Query key is shown for predefined queries
Internal 191249 Mobile App: Unable to filter TCERs on Test Environment column
Internal 191254 Modified By is shown without showing Tested By is on Test Case Result Step.
Internal 191257 Documentation updates to the Test Execution Results topic in the Online Help.
Internal 191259 Documentation updates for the HP QTP & UFT adapters.
Internal 191261 QM app install more info page text needs updating.
Internal 191266 Manual Steps shows misaligned columns with more number of custom attributes.
Internal 191267 Restore test case from baseline is not displaying proper error message when user is not having permission to restore associated TCER
Internal 191269 Horizontal Bar is displayed after saving test plan
Internal 191271 Custom attributes values are not restored to empty values via Accept Changes From Source on Manual Step Compare view.
Internal 191272 The message shown for hovering over the Suspect Result column icon should be changed to more intuitive one
Internal 191284 Application Security and Test Policy are shown as a Resource under Choose an artifact section for LQE based JRS reports
Internal 191537 Cleanup ETM Adapter SDK Ant script
Internal 191539 Improve messages for event cleanup option in TRS console
Internal 191540 Mobile App: Update display name to ETM Mobile App
Internal 191546 There are two Description attribute for the Test Policy and it shows a warning
Internal 191564 The createTCERsWithTSER project option value related to the EXECUTION_SYSTEM_CONSTRAINTS category is not working as expected for the first time
Internal 191565 Run On property for TCER artifact PDF export should displays the start time
Internal 191569 Change the blocking status from True to Blocked in PDF report for TCER table view
Internal 191588 [IES 4.15] Compilation errors after M11 merge
Internal 191590 Deleted test data content is still displayed on the TCER while execution and user doesn't get prompted too.
Internal 191649 An extra column is seen under Test Artifact viewlet for TCRs
Internal 191682 Cannot saving a manual test script with a keyword
Internal 191788 OSLC API JUnits are failing at testResourceShapes
Internal 191797 Related area sash doesn't span the entire page's height, leaving a gap
Internal 191811 Issues with the HP UFT adapter result log
Internal 191832 Unused imports
Internal 191840 Update the cloning artifacts topic in ETM Documentation to include the treatment of archived dependent artifacts
Internal 191865 Issues with the UFT Adapter zip file
Internal 191875 does not log stack trace when Throwable argument is provided.
Internal 191899 Update ETM UA snapshot topics content to accurately describe the snapshot behavior
Internal 191909 Failing Integration Test ( Planning ) test case - CopyEnhancementsTests403
Internal 191917 Required Approvals shows empty string if role's name is empty
Internal 191933 OSLC PUT manual script step content showed up in previous state of the test script
Internal 191952 Documentation about formal review needs to be updated for the flow in which formal review has been rejected previously.
Internal 191980 Incorrect label in ELM UA Reference topic title
Internal 191988 Children global categories can have different global scope from the parent category
Internal 191994 set to TRACE by default
Internal 192000 Update documentation to explain that information step cannot exist in a test script if that is the only step.
Internal 192025 Artifact template images does not get displayed if process template is imported from another server.
Internal 192029 Cannot create an artifact snapshot if its contained artifacts were purged
Internal 192034 ETM Word/Excel Importer builds are not working.
Internal 192036 Exception occurred while executing the task OslcMigrationAsyncTask: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create abstract items
Internal 192037 CM-Enabled TRS Test Junit is failing - testTrsBaseForLQE
Internal 192054 ETM Excel/Word Importer WIKI contains missing formatting
Internal 192057 ETM -Command Line Adapter does not create adapter.log
Internal 192058 Virtual Image is shown as Lab Resource icon in Trash View
Internal 192063 ETM Export dialog shows zero-based test artifact count
Internal 192066 New test script dialog - Content field's empty icon indicator is aligned incorrectly
Internal 192106 Test Plan Snapshot fails with a Null Pointer exception
Internal 192118 ETM Windows Mobile App files are labelled "RQM 6.0.5"
Internal 192151 QMI failing on 703
Internal 192160 Remove the Log4j 1.x packaged in the Apache Abdera dependency.
Internal 192173 Unable to download TRS Feed from TRS console
Internal 192174 Label of the filter button for manual test script steps table and manual step result details is "Run" instead of "Filter"
Internal 192178 OSLC Post Error message is misleading
Internal 192181 Documentation missing for using correct data of <state> in TCR Rest API.
Internal 192192 [GP Migration] (ETM) should be written in single line in js messages file
Internal 192209 Not meaningful error message : Failed with response code: 400 - QM Execution Tool by global configuration
Internal 192211 Unable to perform PDF print, seeing exception in log
Internal 192218 Stream Creation Status is not cleared on Stream table of Manage Components and Configurations
Internal 192238 AllConfigManagementServiceTests JUnit test are failing
Internal 192239 Copy Root is not displayed as link in test suite list view
Internal 192242 AppScan Test Edition is not configured properly error
Internal 192246 Documentation should clarify use of when condition in precondition (during a specific timeline or iteration)
Internal 192263 REST API JUnits failing with Snapshot URL X does not contain the revision query parameter.
Internal 192270 Precondition Disallow Saving of Test Cases with State Approved or Retired is working on groups and not with states.
Internal 192273 Unable to open a test plan in blues dev
Internal 192274 Lab Resource type Edit button is inconsistent when compared to its usual use across the application
Internal 192275 The sort by from the Manage Attributes window does not work with Chrome
Internal 192294 ETM 7.0.3 sprint 18 N&N issues
Internal 192296 7.0.3 QMI OSLC API NOCM : java.lang.AssertionError TRS validation failed : Intermittent Issue
Internal 192298 Update Excel/Word Wiki to included limitations related to auto linking requirements to Test Cases
Internal 192310 Update documentation to correct log file name qm-asyncMigration.log.txt to qm-asyncMigration.log
Internal 192320 ETM Mobile Application is available on the WIKI and download pages
Internal 192336 White spaces in New and Noteworthy M18 page
Internal 192338 Compilation errors after updating the development target
Internal 192353 Wrong RDF Type on Lab management enumeration values
Internal 192368 Reportable REST API unit test failure
Internal 192376 Test script step custom attribute validation icon is aligned to the right of the field
Internal 192378 Changes of TCER categories from the list view is not reflected in the list view
Internal 192381 Lab Management Browse Artifacts doesn't show Artifact Edited warning after restoring from Trash View
Internal 192383 Add Resource Location dialog splits Milestone to next line from Include Test
Internal 192386 Non-member can perform GET on OSLC API, but not on Reportable Rest API
Internal 192390 Build Records and build definitions are incorrectly reported in LQE/RS for CM enabled environments
Internal 192393 Shared resource locations editor in the Manage Project Properties page remains dirty after changes are reverted
Internal 192425 Preconditions for Quality Management (QM) KC documentation needs an ETM specific example for preconditions using during a specific timeline or iteration.
Internal 192427 Related area panel sash is leaving a gap
Internal 192432 Product documentation cited action label does not match the actual UI label
Internal 192437 Logs are not shown for TRS validator
Internal 192444 Validating ETM Artifact Resources shows 291 artifacts missing from the feed and 57 extra artifacts in the feed
Internal 192448 The Index of /rqm/ETM/7.0.2_Maintenance/I/offerings do not point to Latest 702 ifix target.
Internal 192453 Reportable Rest API QMIs failing on 7.0.3 pipeline : testBulkUpload() and testGetResourceFeed()
Internal 192466 Certificate for the ETM Mobile Application will expire on June 2022
Internal 192477 UI clean up for the Build Provider project property
Internal 192492 Renew certificate to a certificate authority (CA) or a Microsoft partner
Internal 192495 Documentation for manual test is incorrect
Internal 192504 Discrepancy coming in risk column, when list of Test plan is exported to CSV.
Internal 192510 XML from GET of OSLC Concept URL of a blocked TCR does not show the blocked status
Internal 192516 Creation of test case containing custom attribute using CopyUtility Fails.
Internal 192519 HTTP 404: Not Found - Method 'GET' not found on resource with matching pattern on path 'trsConsole'
Internal 192520 Risk Column is not visible in exported CSV of Test cases.
Internal 192524 Quality Management server cannot access the shared location while trying to test RTC Shared Location connection.
Internal 192531 Incorrect label is used in the wizard UI when generating test suite execution record
Internal 192549 All the invalid resource locations is in the confirmation dialog including the invalid ones which were saved earlier on saving invalid shared resource locations
Internal 192582 Validates Architecture Element cell shows null while loading the linked element label
Internal 192602 [GP Migration] (ETM)Duplicated key in the PII file
Internal 192604 ETM Offline builds are in pending state due to Engines are not running
Internal 192606 Javascript:{} page opens when user try to open new tab with mouse scroll wheel button on any of the ETM artifact which has sections in sde panel
Internal 192607 Error while duplicating 200 test cases - ETM was unable to complete the duplicate
Internal 192611 Extra triple in the Versioned Resource graph of a test case
Internal 192619 Error creating artifacts using Data Generation Tool
Internal 192623 Documentation inconsistencies in regards to TLS 1.2 support for the Excel/Word Utility
Internal 192633 Approvers are not added to approval descriptors using the OSLC API
Internal 192646 Changing Risk is marking the link validity as suspect
Internal 192654 TMWEx64 Mainline builds are in pending state due to Engines are not running
Internal 192655 TMWE Mainline builds are failing: CCB failed.
Internal 192658 [703] QMI : OSLC Tests failing - BuildDefinitionTest and BuildRecordTest
Internal 192661 [Bluesdev] The background QM task OslcMigrationAsyncTask fails with java.lang.NullPointerException: null
Internal 192668 Build definition and build record's copy link action still includes the state id.
Internal 192678 [GP Migration] (ETM) The NLS_ENCODING tag mismatch the content encoding in lots of properties file.
Internal 192680 Attachments are not copied between project areas on the same server
Internal 192681 OSLC Cleaner Utility fails with java.lang.NullPointerException
Internal 192682 Outdated REST API Documentation on Attachment Artifact Type.
Internal 192686 Unable to duplicate a manual test script - when duplicate debug logging is enabled.
Internal 192698 Sever Does Not Return or attachment properties.
Internal 192711 Deleting TRS Validator log from WebUI throws HTTP 404 : Not Found
Internal 192736 TRS Validator logs are growing too much
Internal 192746 [From defect verification] Build Records and build definitions are incorrectly reported in LQE/RS for CM enabled environments
Internal 192747 CHKPII error in latest 7.0.3 sprint 21 build
Internal 192763 Enable Test Artifacts Auto Lock Draft state functionality - UA update
Internal 192769 ETM adoption of Foundation changes for Adoption Item.
Internal 192777 OSLC Cleaner Utility fails with error 412 when running operation updateVersionedLinks
Internal 192788 log4j2.xml contains DEBUG logging levels, by default.
Internal 192794 LOST rich text support for offline execution
Internal 192797 Show details action appears disabled in Reconcile Requirement Collection Wizard.
Internal 192800 Double edit icons displayed in Lab Resource and Channel project properties
Internal 192811 Trash view's Virtual Image and Machine filters show both types of lab resources
Internal 192812 Deleting a stream deletes the root versions of Build records
Internal 192814 OSLC API JUnit failed - : testQueryFullText()
Internal 192815 ETM adoption of Foundation changes for task 555064
Internal 192829 Copying fails for resource types that support custom attributes (Test Script, Manual Step, TCER, TSER,TCR, TSR) using the ETM Copy Utility
Internal 192838 Copied Attachments are corrupted when attachments are copied using Copy Utility
Internal 192850 Update CLA for empty/whitespace -configFile parameter value
Internal 192865 Invalid Link header in /qm/trs2/base response; fails new TRS Validation
Internal 192873 Installing 703 based Excel Word Importer Plugin installs expired certificate.
Internal 192892 File name for Command Line Adapter configuration file is incorrect
Internal 192896 ETM Reportable REST API WIKI does not document test environment ID format
Internal 192923 Other menu button flows to next line on hover
Internal 192947 Merge Status changes to - 'undefined' on completion of Merge Configuration via Restore from baseline
Internal 192963 Pre-Condition and Post Condition data looks empty or displayed sliced in cells for offline execution.
Internal 193031 The bold property of the word/line (Rich Text Format) is not getting reflected in the Office Excel sheet when the offline execution is imported.
Internal 193076 Merge Configurations fails with require save/create permissions for users in a specific scenario.
Internal 193087 Change Project Component dialog show error when the user doesn't have access to a project area included in the GC
Internal 193093 oslc.searchTerms is not working as expected for OSLC POST
Internal 193095 Documentation of In Progress Execution Record while creating a new Stream.
Internal 193144 Server is Double URL Encoding % Character in Artifact IDs
Internal 193165 Attachment icon not visible properly in manual test script having>=3 lines of attachments in Stack Front to End view of test script
Internal 193240 It is possible to copy Test Case Execution Results when Duplicating artifacts to different project area
Internal 193244 IOException when reading all resources from a project area name with an umlaut character using the ETM API Utility
Internal 193278 IES 4.15 adoption - Unable to export PDF content due to: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.w3c.dom.ElementTraversal
Internal 193281 QMI CM Failed- testWebUiRedirect() : java.lang.AssertionError expected:<302> but was:<400>
Internal 193301 Unable to save snapshot for test plan
Internal 193324 Regarding the fixing procedure in the ETM 7.0.2 knowledge centre.
Internal 193373 Spanish text for Approved says Aprobados instead of Aprobado
Internal 193379 License Agreement for ETM is missing from ELM Setup
Internal 193384 Background Task Diagnostic Failed Error details: incompatible with
Internal 193403 Extra space in error message for not allowing save test case in approved state
Internal 193415 QMI CM Failed - OSLC API JUnits : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Internal 193416 QMI CM Failed - Reportable REST API JUnits : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Internal 193431 Null Pointer caused by incorrect uri for a keyword in XML of PUT Command
Internal 193436 Inaccurate Explanation of How Test Status Icon Decoration is Determined
Internal 193440 BVT failing on 7.0.3 Sprint 29 build elm.703 ELM703-I20230124-0706 : QM server diagnosis failed with exception
Internal 193467 Empty page for shortcut documentation for ETM
Internal 193469 Fix CSS syntax errors
Internal 193471 RQM Reportable REST-API not returning Component resource having Umlaut characters as proper UTF-8
Internal 193503 Java prerequisites for the Command Line Adapter is outdated
Internal 193504 Documentation of Java prerequisites is outdated for the Command Line Adapter
Internal 193517 When performing Restore from baseline merge, the UI client would call into the server to merge an artifact type even if there are no changes
Internal 193538 Issue with loading the class: com/google/common/collect/ImmutableSet when browsing for Shared Resources
Internal 193592 Failed AllRqmJunitTests in CommonUtils_UT
Internal 193593 All Test Cases imported from Word have the title of the first Test Case
Internal 193605 AllRqmUnitTests Failure
Internal 193616 Interactive Upgrade Guide for ETM - Update step Copy the IBM Engineering Test Management application custom adapters.
Internal 193619 ETM- Not able to open artifact from recently viewed widget. it shows users doesn't have access to that project repo.
Internal 193620 SCRIPTLESS TCERs offline Execution: Configuration and Component name are clickable BUT DOES NOT navigate to the respective page in web browser.
Internal 193655 Test suite History doesn’t get load due to removed Test case in History in CM PA.
Internal 193670 Test caseExecutionRecords (TCERs) are not getting copied for a test plan using RQMCopyUtility
Internal 193699 Customizing lab resource properties document is not found.
Internal 193700 Lab resources documentation lists incorrect lab resource types.
Internal 193714 Unable to purge a TCER in Web UI trash view if there are related purged TCRs
Internal 193737 Find and Replace unable to find some matching instances of consecutive repeated sub-strings.
Internal 193746 Script Type drop-down appears broken on web UI at Import Test Script page
Internal 193747 Paused result icon missing in TCR Result Details generated using command line adapter
Internal 193751 In the 7.0.3 UA topic for Copying test artifacts, it is missing the constraint note for attachments.
Internal 193798 ETM 701 maintenance builds are failing in authentication while fetching docker image from Artifactory
Internal 193804 UFT - Automatic client install asking for location of UFT Adapter instead of UFT Application
Internal 193824 IUG Generates incorrect commands for multiple steps.
Internal 193831 [Install] Missing qm.war when selecting 'Install into existing WAS Liberty Profile'
Internal 193838 The OSLC picker dialog (RMM selection dialog) is too small, making it impossible to search for RMM artifacts
Internal 193848 New icon of ETM App is displayed larger than default size in some applications
Internal 193850 Unable to connect Command Line Adapter to ETM
Internal 193854 CKEditor 4.19 does not load in 7.0.1
Internal 193934 Built In execution variable names are incorrect.
Internal 194018 QMI 46 Failures
Internal 194021 Incorrect oslc:valueType for Estimate and Time Spent properties in TestExecutionRecord resource shape
Internal 194071 Merge is not working with current config and previous baseline
Internal 194076 Adapter-sdk is not being built on 7.0.3 mainline builds
Internal 194081 Remove IBM ETM Mobile application from Google Play Store and Microsoft App Store
Internal 194114 TRS Validation progress stuck at 35% when ran from TRS Validation tool - ‘/qm/TRSValidator/’
Internal 194118 Validation of QM resources on SVT shared environment- SVTPerfihs shows Artifacts failed validation:
Internal 194124 [Bluesdev] Lab Management> Browse Lab Resources page does not render correctly on WebUI
Internal 194126 [Bluesdev] Unable to create snapshot of test plan
Internal 194128 ETM repotools repairQueryableTables UNIX syntax incorrect (incorrect slashes)
Internal 194130 [Bluesdev] Unable to connect ETM Utilties: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64.<init>(I)V
Internal 194164 After Java 11 adoption EDG reports no longer work in ETM
Internal 194185 TRS Validator log contains NullPointerException when the TRS feed is not parsed.
Internal 194187 OSLC/TRS JUnits periodically fail with ClassCastException
Internal 194204 Tested By field in TCR behaviour in manual/remote script is not documented.
Internal 194270 [Selfhost Jazzdev] Test Case Export details fails
Internal 194272 creation of test case(s) via reconcile requirement shows error in popup failing bvt
Internal 194288 ETM clustering overview topic should mention DCM
Internal 194289 ETM clustering overview topic should mention DCM
Internal 194291 ETM clustering overview topic not linked from ETM knowledge center
Internal 194293 ETM KC search for cluster or clustering doesn't find any results
Internal 194309 Package in the ETM Copy Utility
Internal 194345 The sorting functionality not working on the Test Scripts section table view under Keywords.
Internal 194351 Inspect ETM target definition for a potential issue faced by Mac users
Internal 194367 (Deselect all items on this page) and (Deselect all items on all pages) options getting enabled even if no items are selected.
Internal 194376 Application icons for the UX update from the designer is reverted
Internal 194378 Translation adoption cannot be properly tested and its causing missing translated texts
Internal 194396 UFT Build is missing installUFTAdapter.vbs, lanuchUFTAdapterConsole.bat &
Internal 194397 Remove ETM Mobile app from 7.0.1 and 7.0.2 jazz downloads page and update the corresponding Wiki.
Internal 194401 Adding links from RM to test case or test plan will now require permissions
Internal 194402 ETM Reportable REST API incorrectly inserts <div> tags around rich text with new lines on GET requests.
Internal 194406 QMIs NoClassDefFoundError and NullPointerException errors: 118 tests failed
Internal 194410 Details about the usage of Deployment and Build Verification section in Build Records is missing
Internal 194411 Exclude-specific filter query results are not displayed on the test case execution record widget of the project dashboard.
Internal 194444 Update documentation for copying an artifact with attachments
Internal 194447 UFT Adapter is not available on the ETM 7.0.3 download page.
Internal 194448 ETM mainline target contains old/missing THIRD-PARTY dependency
Internal 194471 ETM Excel/Word importer: How to add images to the execution results using Excel/Word importer utility for offline execution.
Internal 194495 Help and getting started links are broken
Internal 194497 ETM license is incorrect during install
Internal 194527 Update version numbers to 7.0.3
Internal 194528 Update licenses for 7.0.3
Internal 194530 Cannot find expected successful save text message on saving a Build Record
PH28702 187673 Skipped Resource created after inserting a string that includes unicode chars
PH30853 188382 Test Matrix widget has resize problems when number of x-axis points is more than 9
PH30879 188394 Sorting by Date in the Plan Details grid (Test Plan -> Test Schedule) does not order correctly
PH30885 188406 A trailing white-space in the repository URI causes the Excel/Word utility to not load any project areas
PH31052 188439 Error Too Many ICategoryType matches when restoring a Global Category
PH31065 188470 Unable to edit the Machine value more than once when executing an automated script
PH31155 188472 TSER Iteration value is not set properly in the UI (Stays at Unassigned)
PH31157 188481 Unable to Duplicate (Across Project Areas) a Test Plan with more than 2048 Test Cases:
PH31297 188500 Warning Message in a Test Suite Execution Record is incorrect/confusing
PH31325 188507 The Edit Test Scripts Inline section of a Test Case is inoperable after a REST API update
PH31353 188512 Not all machines in a cell are used when execution owner is set
PH31415 188526 A deleted TSR is retrieved back from trash if Test Suite execution is completed after deleting the TSER
PH31542 188537 Generate Test Case Execution Records does not reflect the choices made such as Add a prefix to generated test environment names
PH31825 188586 Suspect flag is not displayed after merging a new version of a Test Case
PH31828 188592 Roll-up result displays incorrect State value in a TCER
PH32166 188582 2 test case results created during suite execution using CLA adapter, one remains in In-progress
PH32193 188633 Unrelated Defect link is visible in test case result
PH32237 188658 Excel Utility installer (RQMExcelImporterSetupX64ForDotNET45.msi) does not install for all users
PH32334 188682 SQL Error Code 1205 or Error Code 3000 during reconcile process
PH32479 188725 Filtering on multiple column values in the TCER view produces incorrect results
PH33066 188862 repotools searchTSRsForDelete cannot delete Test Suite Results with Not Started Test Cases
PH33117 188904 Unable to Bulk update Test Cases with requirements; the save never completes
PH33198 188840 Manual Test Script steps are out of order when adding them at runtime
PH33253 188938 Excel/Word utility not honoring requirement.resourceShape type attribute for importing
PH33303 188971 CSV/PDF export of TCER list view does not use the TCER's default test script
PH33681 189081 PDF export does not format the data properly when the <colgroup> tag is present
PH33843 189147 Offline imports hangs (Never completes the import) for a bulk import
PH33942 188844 After saving, in addition to adding the link, the value for the execution variable was deleted for test case
PH33989 189205 Test Case and Test Scripts are not accessible using Offline Execution in a CM enabled environment
PH34097 189188 Test Case Suspect Status or locked status can not be updated via the REST API when approved
PH34110 189225 HTML tags are appear in the spreadsheet while performing a cut/paste action during an offline import
PH34789 189434 Potential OOM when OSLC Migration keeps failing
PH35046 189535 Manual Script Step context menu is missing icons
PH35054 189534 Condensed step layout is failing with test scripts that contain tables with higher than available rowspan values
PH35248 189612 REST call in a Global Configuration Context consisting of multiple QM configurations only returns artifacts for the first configuration in the list
PH35382 189671 Permissions Denied error when trying to access an image in a Test Script that has been copied from another Project Area
PH35489 189700 Unable to reassign adapter for an execution not started yet
PH35491 189641 Unable to filter Execution Results by Global Category value
PH35534 189708 Approval Descriptor Type - showing multiple results in different languages in JRS reports
PH35732 189735 Inconsistencies in the Manual Test Script UI column settings
PH35761 189773 Custom Attribute(s) sections are reset in a Manual Test Script Template
PH35804 189178 Test case view shows false bad back links to requirements depending on number of Test Cases displayed
PH36094 189910 Missing dcterms:title for Test Case Record Selection Criteria and Record Selection Criteria
PH36162 189701 Updating an artifact category returns an incorrect message using the REST API / Excel Utility
PH36270 189448 ETM Reportable REST API does not include command/arguments/fileSeperator properties for the remote script and executionscript/remote elements in the ETM XML schema
PH36276 189899 Unable to create a link from test script to requirement
PH36277 189939 Next button is disabled when running a Test Case with a required category for a TCER
PH36361 189938 The Select Lab Resource Description (Lab Resources) pop up window does not size correctly in Chrome
PH36388 190013 Unable to clear permissions based error message in a Test Script
PH36883 189794 PDF print of test suite snapshot show the current version of the test case
PH37338 189298 Test Case/Plan/Script Import screens keep on loading after importing the XML file
PH38616 189003 Test Environments are not reused when using prefix
PH39442 190836 Table View columns go into edit mode when selecting the sort order option
PH39518 190860 CLA/Selenium Adapter fails to connect on Kerberos without IWA
PH40178 191107 Spelling error in\resources\ui\internal\nls\messages.js
PH40249 191134 Architecture Element Links are not visible in Test Case Snapshots
PH40436 191213 HTML Tags are displayed in email notifications (Formal Review)
PH40599 191280 Inconsistent adapter assignment when running multiple Test Cases within a Test Suite
PH40915 191604 User Password is displayed in the Command Line adapter log if full root logging is enabled
PH41527 191715 ScheduledExecutionTask exits on a failing job and stop executing the next jobs in the list
PH41583 189433 Screen freezes on clicking Cancel in Generate Test Environment - Advanced Properties
PH41960 191698 Edit Section Header Permission Required to PUT and POST Artifacts with Rich Text Sections other than Test Case Design
PH41960 193320 Unable to edit test case design section header via PUT for a test case
PH42227 189489 Unable to export PDF in test script table view and in test script editor
PH42497 191784 Display and settings issues with the Test Plans Execution Status Widget
PH42995 191815 A user is able to create links from test case to a requirement without having create/modify permissions
PH43057 191873 div tags in rich text of imported test case with precondition in Excel export of JRS
PH43082 191818 Print PDF of a Test Script is failing due to Row Span format
PH43082 193098 Print PDF of a Test Script is failing due to Row Span format - 191818 follow-up
PH43101 191817 Inconsistent History in Test case execution record while Adding/Deleting Categories
PH43388 191852 Execution of Test Suite with multiple JUnit Selenium Adapter causing problem.
PH43597 191868 Registration of CLA adapter fails with error 400
PH43800 191902 Test script step expected results is not emptying if modified using Excel importer.
PH43857 191900 Test Cases appears multiple times when filter on Test Script is set to Any Test Script
PH43858 191913 PDF Print hangs due to Global Categories hierarchy - three levels
PH43980 191935 Test case icon in test case list view shows last run status and not the most severe one.
PH43983 191905 Sorting of artifacts is not honored when done from a saved query
PH44029 191914 Test script with only information step is getting created when creating a keyword from any information step of other test script.
PH44039 191937 Result Details in TSR shows result missing or doubled.
PH44173 191925 QM API displays artifact url on summary attribute for EWM artifacts
PH44398 192002 Status Code 400 (Bad Request) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError is returned when performing a GET an OSLC concept URL
PH44399 191999 Artifact editor sections do not honor an empty description as defined in the artifact template
PH44425 192013 Custom sections using the same name in a test artifact template cannot be differentiated in the qm.xsd schema
PH44436 191776 ExcelImport AddIn - .rqms imported to Excel does not have carriage return on Step Description attribute
PH44488 192020 ETM Test Plan snapshot fails due to NullPointerException on cloneTSERsForSnapshot() on Purged TCER
PH44585 192040 REST API update (PUT) for execution variables do not capture the correct history event
PH44607 192024 Artifact template images does not get displayed if process template is imported from another server.
PH44637 192048 REST API the executionscript resource does not return project level execution variable (while the remote script resource does)
PH44680 192053 The Test Case Description Field does not adjust in height to display multiple lines of content (Edge and Chrome)
PH44686 192059 Pasting URL with German signs into Rich Text section results in malformed pasted text.
PH44725 192076 Cannot link DOORS requirements to multiple Test cases from DOORS 9 Rich Client
PH44757 192047 Need an advanced server property for a non-responsive server warning threshold to display the alert message
PH44821 192105 Error in run execution offline if the user does not have save TCER permission
PH44898 192120 ETM Test Plan Exported PDF Included Artifacts from Other Test Plans
PH44929 192121 Autosave for setting a Test Area in Test Case from inside Test Case section in Test Suite not working.
PH45060 192100 Filter icon is not displayed on the compare configurations window
PH45269 192185 Merge Error: An exception is thrown while advising the operation: java.lang.NullPointerException
PH45283 192195 Executable column value is missing on build record
PH45302 192198 Test matrix widget not working properly with Test Case results/ Test Suite Result
PH45498 191562 Error Can't save when Changing in Column Setting for TableView
PH45498 192834 Error Can't save when Changing in Column Setting for TableView [follow-up]
PH45699 192169 Test plan snapshot operation can take a long time and the REST call doesn't response until the operation is completed.
PH45713 192306 Shared Location Resources displaying error at wrong selection of location while creating Test Script
PH45764 192317 Item Handle must not be null exception happens even if there is no default Test Script available for TCER in SuspectResultStatusMigratorForTCERs
PH45823 192340 No data validation is being performed when created a Test Data Artifact
PH45890 192341 ETM URL that contains oslc_config.context pointing to baseline opens the artifact in stream context instead of baseline context.
PH45980 190623 Add Linked Test Cases to Current Plan row-level action not displayed in the Reconcile dialog.
PH46033 192201 CopyJobNotFoundException when trying to duplicate an artifact to a different project area
PH46506 192428 Test Statistic Widget Bar Chart is not clickable
PH46693 192476 An uncaught error when attempting to PDF print of a Test Case
PH46814 192496 Enable Test Artifacts Auto Unlock Draft state functionality
PH46817 192506 User able to create link from test case to requirement without permission to modify/edit Test Case in an GC enabled project
PH46818 192507 Test Phase ID's for associated TCER's are incorrectly being assigned when copied via a Test Plan
PH46824 192508 ETM Excel Importer log has a 401 Unauthorized error while authentication is successful
PH46887 192532 Offline execution does not export images in the Pre-Condition section of a Test Case
PH46916 192527 Formatting inconsistencies when importing a Manual Test Script from an XML file
PH46940 192550 Doors Requirement(s) status in Test cases show broken icon however rich hover works and shows the requirement content.
PH46986 192573 Requirement link shows requirement information when hover over requirement in local configuration context
PH47031 192570 oslc.searchTerms is not working as expected
PH47080 192571 Inconsistent History entries when creating/updating a Test Case using the REST API with an empty Custom Attribute value
PH47155 192600 Test Plan which links to a completed task work item throws an error when we try to change test plan state to Under Review and save it.
PH47162 192612 Test case Requirements can't be added if user doesn't have ProjectArea Permission & has TeamArea permission.
PH47275 192637 Running Test case with Testscript & Testdata with 1 row data displays error of Record Missing
PH47298 192639 Test Case Custom Category values are displayed as Unassigned in a PDF report even the corresponding artifacts displays a values
PH47313 192638 TSER precondition not showing errors when it is not met
PH47426 192662 Unable to perform Copy Approval Group for an archived Approval Group; option is disabled
PH47426 192764 After an artifact is auto-unlocked by state transition, the artifact editor is missing the priority field
PH47444 192674 Copied from column not showing any information while duplicating across Project Areas
PH47462 192669 Preventing the creation a Manual Test Script with nested Keywords
PH47524 192692 ETM Widget Execution Status by Points displays the incorrect label(Category) when displayed as Stacked Bar chart
PH47539 192707 Unable to stop a Test Suite execution (automated scripts) if the adapter is terminated
PH47635 192719 Inconsistent Permissions error message when duplicating a Test Plan
PH47737 192740 Filtering Query on Test case with Hierarchical Category fails to respond in DB Database
PH47837 192729 The Team Area field, when generating a TCER for a single Test Case defaults to Unassigned even though the associated Test Case has a Team Area value
PH47840 192755 Performing a Custom Merge Results in Timeout from IHS Server.
PH47870 192625 Related Information under My preferences for Quality Management is lost.
PH47951 192775 Project alias based GET fails with HTTP 400 with Cluster Environment.
PH47965 192759 Unable to remove a file from the normative and informative documents section of a Test Plan
PH47999 191892 Unnecessary exception seen in the console/log when open a test case with the Edit Test Scripts Inline section
PH48058 192785 Unable to update a Build value for a TCR (automated test) when the Built-In Variable option is enabled
PH48204 192803 Custom date attribute value disappear in the Test Plan's Test Script Section.
PH48350 192841 Test Environment attribute order is not consistent in the Test Environment section of a Test Plan
PH48413 192857 Merge Configurations fails with require edit permissions for users in a specific scenario.
PH48506 192874 Loading Indicator is missing in Requirement Links of Test case Editor.
PH48541 192813 Improvements for selection resources queries for ExecutionElementResults
PH48571 192886 Removing global category from scope does not remove it from REST response.
PH48571 193062 Removing global category from scope for an artifact type, it is still shown in the artifact's compact rendering (rich hover)
PH48697 192879 Requirement IDs are not resolving correctly when link validity is enabled
PH48943 192945 Test case Generation after requirement reconcile operation stops if it gets ETM server is in heavy loads dialog box.
PH48967 192793 Data in the grid section of a test case causes skipped resource in LQE
PH49072 192950 Test Plan linked to a Test Suite is not displaying in the Report Result.
PH49072 193003 [703] TRS Validation Failed [Local Dev Env] - Missing + Extra in the feed
PH49203 192966 Mentioned characters when put into Large type custom attribute of TCER causes the artifact to be skipped
PH49262 192971 Keyword execution in a TCR PDF export is showing different numbering than TCR UI.
PH49321 192975 Not able to edit test script with keyword step which the associated test script is permanently deleted
PH49437 192987 Search filter for Associate Test Script with Test Case inconsistent with Browse Test Case with a larger number of test cases.
PH49441 192977 Deleted custom attribute in the Manual Steps section of an artifact template is not ignored
PH49446 192972 Discrepancies found in Test Artifact count shown in Merge Configuration when Keep Target Version option is used
PH49447 192986 Update documentation for discrepancies found in Artifact History after Keep Target Version option is used in Merge Configuration.
PH49485 192997 Delete button disabled for attachments that are added using REST API & URL Utility.
PH49517 192994 Test script update scrambles history of steps
PH49709 193023 When linking requirements to test cases from Coverage view in Test Plan, the link doesn't get reflected in Test case.
PH49763 193033 Restore from baseline fails due to precondition of saving approved or retired test cases
PH49862 193058 Snapshot getting failed with General Error while connection lost in between Snapshot Creation.
PH49863 193066 TCR of command Line result Reportable REST API PUT is failing with NullPointerException.
PH49868 193064 Test case Status doesn't gets modified for new options after changing status
PH49883 193001 Incorrect error message for user without permission to fetch attachment from exported PDF
PH49956 193068 Unable to see query results in dashboard widget
PH50080 193085 After creating a new stream, In Progress TSER is having currentTestSuiteResult in OSLC/Reportable REST call response which points to deleted TSR
PH50099 193097 TCR pdf attachment contains attachment of Testscripts & not TCRs
PH50165 193100

Line Tabulation in artifact name generates a skipped resource in LQE.

PH50199 193111 Associate artifact to existing parent artifacts will display parent artifacts that was just associated
PH50213 193114 Unable to Re-order Test Cases with different scripts in Test Suite> Test cases view.
PH50214 193115 Roll-up Test Results fails with NPE in the logs when build record is associated
PH50273 193112 Links in exported PDF is not honor permission for artifact from the web UI access
PH50327 193137 User can create Validated By links from RM using Add Link and Copy+Paste After without any permissions in QM
PH50435 187724 Incorrect warning message thrown while trying to link approved/ locked test case
PH50534 193151 Project area URL in the email invitation won't open on click in email if name include parenthesis
PH50680 193174 Execution Variable name shown in Information steps instead of the value in Information steps
PH50684 193172 Test case OSLC GET fails when Execution Variable value gets deleted.
PH50705 193177 Test case History doesn’t get load due to removed Test script in History in CM PA.
PH50714 193173 Default global Category values not set automatically for Test Suite Execution Records.
PH50714 193303 Unable to close the test execution page after using the Apply All to complete the script steps
PH50803 193188 Filter with Matches Operator Doesn't Handle Colon
PH50807 190894 Alert message displayed while linking to requirements from Test case Table view needs to be polished and user friendly
PH50910 193154 Test Execution State is showing default name in Test Suite Summary instead of current name.
PH50910 193461 Test Execution State is not showing Test cases in Test Suite Summary at the end of execution state name.
PH50941 193207 Linking multiple artifact using LinkExisting() fails in ExcelImporter.
PH50957 193180 Async copy jobs can be deleted before the grace period has expired
PH51033 193227 Not able to view TCER and TSER from a baseline created from a GC app
PH51038 193199 Keyword_Sample.xls export to ETM using Excel Importer adds additional step to test script.
PH51083 193235 PDF Export in languages other than English is showing data as ###
PH51083 193462 PDF Export in Chinese languages fails with NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.fontbox.cff.CFFType1Font.
PH51350 193277 Users getting Owner does not belong to Team Area even if they are part of it.
PH51373 193279 NullPointerException in test case execution with test environment set and some of the built-in Vertical Family deleted
PH51477 193294 TCER PDF overlaps Test case name with category.
PH51497 193293 Approval group for TC or TCR cannot be archived individually via API PUT with Disallow Modifications to Completed Approval Groups precondition
PH51500 193292 Requirement link is not updated to the Test Case from Test Script step when the second or subsequent Test Scripts is added
PH51504 193296 Test case PDF overlaps Test case Design section details.
PH51518 193315 Custom Attribute value of type Link comes with default prefix in Name.
PH51548 193307 Deploying RPE template in ETM reports has many issues in the UI
PH51576 193318 TCER generation of Retired test cases are allowed when created from Test Plan.
PH51601 193338 Can not remove requirement links in bulk from test script synchronized with a test case
PH51699 193366 Roll-up of TSRs fails with an error "IndexOutOfBoundsException" in a specific scenario.
PH51729 193369 ETM Merge Test Case fails with CRJAZ0215E record was not found in the database DatapoolVariableHandlelmpl.
PH51912 193395 Custom test plan test environment type for platform coverage is not working in the Report Builder
PH52028 193409 The Advanced property "Maximum Attachment Size" allows users to set a value higher than the permissible limit of 1 GB for attachments
PH52046 193424 Deselecting after using "Select all items from all pages" is not considered during the records changes of TCER.
PH52057 193422 Links to Requirements added to Test Steps are gone after Rolling Up
PH52078 193421 REST-API does not return the baselines for baseline-only project area
PH52567 193505 TCR PDF tested by field in step results is blank for archived users
PH52581 193464 Double Encoded URI collected from /resources/projects REST call fails to get ProjectArea.
PH52682 193527 Database query for getting the secondary items from rebase always uses the inLargeList predicate
PH52772 193539 Filter in the list view for the child category grays out if the parent category filter include unassigned or exclude
PH52942 193576 Broken validity link icon is not displaying in the test cases list view if requirement link is invalid
PH52949 193559 Test Script displays pending merges but pending merges show no action
PH53188 193629 UFT Adapter doesn’t return Result Details after running Test case.
PH53197 193618 Apply custom Oracle SQL for query in getExecutionResultHandleForStepResultAndProjectArea
PH53217 193609 Create tool to repair test suite TRS updates for test plan references.
PH53225 193630 Exit code for skipped & paused execution state is not working with command line adapter.
PH53305 193660 OSLC GET Response shows deleted Test cases.
PH53610 193701 Typo in test plan section title Software Test Environment Details in PDF export
PH53750 193739 Test Plans> TCERs are not being copied when it is duplicated from another Project Area.
PH53773 193753 ETM Adapters hang while execution when ERROR execution state is disabled AND invalid path to script/class is provided
PH53790 193763 Test Script section of Test Plan shows scripts from deleted Test Cases
PH53949 193786 Sorting of either Custom Attributes or Categories affects each other.
PH53974 193788 Incorrect entry in the history of the test case when added to a defect as Related Test Case
PH54038 193810 Creating TCR using REST API doesn’t link the test script that are not manual type.
PH54046 193817 Parallel Test suite executions in UFT adapter fails.
PH54059 193821 TCER can be resumed by non owner in execution console with owner only execution precondition enabled.
PH54101 193792 Chinese/Japanese attachment names gets grumbled up when downloaded through Reportable Rest API URL.
PH54111 193829 UFT Test Run Result attaching the Result of Previous Test run.
PH54142 193833 UFT execution Stop Run cancels current execution and blocks all subsequent executions to have attachments.
PH54421 193868 Default user preference for Related Test Suites for TCER causing performance degradation
PH54458 193799 Invalid language tag in RDF of ExecutionElementResult
PH54465 193930 While accessing artifacts from RM with User who has no permission to ETM creates unnecessary logs.
PH54474 192356 Suspect result flag getting set when not enabled
PH54521 193951 While Disabling the core execution states, it should provide warning.
PH54525 193613 UX - error message for not allowing modification of an approved test case is not user friendly
PH54539 194008 ETM baseline pointer/ label is in incorrect position if created post merge on a stream
PH54561 194014 [ETM] Excel/Word Importer: Application password authentication issue on RM Login while using ExcelWordImporter.
PH54639 193077 Dashboard widgets disappear one by one upon dashboard refresh.
PH54715 194030 Incorrect pre-condition error running TSER outside of a test plan
PH54790 194054 Case Default query runs after second click instead of first
PH54880 194078 Navigation to next pages in Baselines or Streams is showing only the first page even if there are more of them.
PH54970 194103 Permission related issues with UFT adapter
PH55009 194064 Performance: REST API is taking approximately 23 minutes for PUT call to complete
PH55106 194107 Links in Normative and Informative section (to be removed) sometimes are not actually the ones that are removed
PH55160 194134 Artifact's owner, team area and categories changed to unassigned when reopened from approved back to draft
PH55172 194132 Stopping Test case execution in one scenario stops the execution of other.
PH55327 194152 Bulk Update> Last Result creates a new TCR if TCER doesn’t have existing TCR to modify.
PH55406 194174 TCR not created when stopping automated run using UFT Adapter.
PH55460 194173 Logs contain scmlinkqueryservice errors when exporting from QM local stream
PH55527 194203 suspect status async task for TCER changes last modified even if the suspect result is not enabled
PH55614 193803 UFT - Automatic client install creating variable incorrectly in .vbs file
PH55779 194237 Users are not notified when a TCER is not generated due to the TCER not being unique.
PH55827 194244 TCER after changing test scripts doesn’t follow consistent behavior.
PH55920 194253 NPE caused when creating Test Case from REST API.
PH55936 194234 Removing execution variable deletes steps that should not be deleted.
PH56049 194282 REST call with custom attribute filter returns invalid date format error.
PH56141 194303 OSLC GET on TSR fails when test cell is permanently deleted.
PH56153 194019 Accessing local configuration artifacts in document builder [PUB] gives error
PH56317 194346 Broken reference to execution variable on other side of keyword steps if the execution variables are removed (deleted) from test script.
PH56330 194349 Using non-standard character in the test plan causes REST API to wrongly encode the URL
PH56344 194344 Tested by does not show up in the history of the Test Case Result.
PH56361 194368 Build Records show wrong execution details under Deployment and Build Verification section
PH56519 194437 Refreshing the browser creates duplicate execution request in Remote Execution.
PH56520 194340 Users without the permission to Edit a Formal Review are not able to approve or reject a review
PH56595 194450 TRS Feed Validation Summary is not clear and suggests that artifacts were not resolved
PH56620 194472 Test artifact link in the email notification fails to open in the correct GC context
PH56632 194481 No upload indication on choosing a data when deploying an RPE Template in ETM
PH56685 194486 Test case PUT/POST fails with Edit Section Header permission error if the xml has content in rich text section like Pre-condition
PH56893 194510 Requirement link does not get saved if added immediately after removing it from a test script step
PH58318 189250 The test plans links show as unresolved in Create new test case dialog - when creating a new TC (tested by test case link) from either EWM or DNG