Resolved issues

Review the defects that are resolved with the release of version 7.0.2.

APAR ID ID Description
Internal 193189 Filters in list views generate extreme slow SQL - TFR
PH35534 192772 Approval Descriptor Type - showing multiple results in different languages in JRS reports
PH47275 192738 Running Testcase with Testscript & Testdata with 1 row data displays error of Record Missing
PH46817 192730 User able to create link from test case to requirement without permission to modify/edit Test Case in an GC enabled project
PH46986 192727 Requirement link shows requirement information when hover over requirement in local configuration context
PH44680 192722 The Test Case Description Field does not adjust in in height to display multiple lines of content (Edge and Chrome)
PH47313 192710 TSER precondition not showing errors when it is not met
PH46706 192488 Test Plan Snapshot error An unexpected exception was caught while trying to activate this copy job
N/A 192487 Test Plan Snapshot error An unexpected exception was caught while trying to activate this copy job
PH44686 192474 Pasting URL with German signs into Rich Text section results in malformed pasted text
PH43980 192461 Test case icon in test case list view shows last run status and not the most severe one.
PH43388 192408 Execution of Testsuite with multiple JUnit Selenium Adapter causing problem.
PH45269 192377 Merge Error: An exception is thrown while advising the operation: java.lang.NullPointerException
PH43858 192314 Children global categories can have different global scope from the parent category
PH43858 192313 PDF Print hangs due to Global Categories hierarchy - three levels
PH44173 192292 QM API displays artifact url on summary attribute for EWM artifacts
PH44757 192287 Need an advanced server property for a non-responsive server warning threshold to display the alert message
PH44637 192286 REST API the "executionscript" resource does not return project level execution variable (while the 'remotescript' resource does)
PH44585 192271 REST API update (PUT) for execution variables do not capture the correct history event
PH42995 192269 A user is able to create links from test case to a requirement without having create/modify permissions
PH41260 192221 Sort order for a shared query is not being honored when execution from a widget
PH43995 192090 TCER list view is not working in the viewlet without specifying any sort column
PH43856 192086 Test Matrix Widget is not working in TCER queries.
PH32216 192050 Users need a mechanism to enable/disable OSLC Migration task
PH32216 192046 Cannot create an artifact snapshot if its contained artifacts were purged
PH44398 192004 Status Code 400 (Bad Request) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError is returned when performing a GET an OSLC concept URL
PH41452 191965 History entries for Test Script steps are omitting tags
PH43652 191921 ETM Test Plan snapshot fails due to NullPointerException on cloneTSERsForSnapshot()
PH43501 191864 The test cases for missing links show up as skipped resources in LDX with error code 400.
PH41512 191795 Manual Script Step number value is out of order when associating Test Data
PH41495 191789 Unable to remove content from the Result Details section of a Test Case Result
PH31633 191787 Error when executing a TSER with a precondition "To run, the test suite execution record must be associated with these attributes: test plan."
PH32216 191629 ETM Word Excel Importer : single scriptless testcase offline execution fails to import with unicode characters (errors in Excel UI)
PH40599 191625 Inconsistent adapter assignment when running multiple Test Cases within a Test Suite
PH39442 191283 Table View columns go into edit mode when selecting the sort order option
PH40265 191225 Duplicate Build Records after executing a command line script
PH35367 191214 A Snapshot can modified/updated using the Concept URL
PH31052 191147 Error Too Many ICategoryType matches when restoring a Global Category
PH40184 191127 ETM displays "The server is not responding, make sure the ETM server is up and running" while performing a time consuming process
PH39844 191073 Error duplicating test case with test script using test data and test data filter
PH39370 191004 PDF export does not include tables in the pre and post condition sections
PH39388 190934 404 status code when clicking a link to requirement artifact on PDF file exported from a project in which only baseline is enabled in ETM.
PH38681 190921 CSV export fails with a large amount of test cases (16k+)
PH38616 190744 Test Environments are not reused when using prefix
PH38857 190716 The list of available columns does not show the Global TCER column in TCR list view
PH32216 190714 We should remove extension point for
PH37348 190669 Execution variable values are not updated in a Test Suite Result
PH36033 190578 Configuration Management is being enabled by default after updating the OSLC Link/Attribute Mapping section of the project area
PH37871 190566 SQL Error Code 1205 or Error Code 3000 during reconcile process - while linking test artifact with requirements
PH32216 190520 Add the "defaultValue" to the category type property in the artifact shape
PH35382 190479 Permissions Denied error when trying to access an image in a Test Script that has been copied from another Project Area
PH35248 190469 REST call in a Global Configuration Context consisting of multiple QM configurations only returns artifacts for the first configuration in the list
PH36276 190452 Unable to create a link from test script to requirement
PH32216 190419 Update to OSLC API to use default values for categories when creating test artifacts
PH36883 190289 PDF print of test suite snapshot show the current version of the test case
PH37299 190288 Excel Import Test Case Should Use Default Value for Required Categories
PH37338 190264 Test Case/Plan/Script Import screens keep on loading after importing the XML file
PH36361 190237 The "Select Lab Resource Description" (Lab Resources) pop up window does not size correctly in Chrome
PH35491 190150 Unable to filter Execution Results by Global Category value
PH36094 190146 Missing dcterms:title for Test Case Record Selection Criteria and Record Selection Criteria
PH36388 190140 Unable to clear permissions based error message in a Test Script
PH35761 190112 Custom Attribute(s) sections are reset in a Manual Test Script Template
PH35804 190087 Test case view shows false bad backlinks to requirements depending on number of Test Cases displayed
PH00373 190058 Repotools command to find ghost links
PH35732 190040 Inconsistencies in the Manual Test Script UI column settings
PH35489 189889 Unable to reassign adapter for an execution not started yet
PH35054 189883 Condensed step layout is failing with test scripts that contain tables with higher than available rowspan values
PH34789 189740 Potential OOM when OSLC Migration keeps failing
PH33198 189678 Manual Test Script steps are out of order when adding them at runtime
PH33117 189659 Unable to Bulk update Test Cases with requirements; the save never completes
PH33843 189657 Offline imports hangs (Never completes the import) for a bulk import
PH33989 189652 Test Case and Test Scripts are not accessible using Offline Execution in a CM enabled environment
PH35046 189615 Manual Script Step context menu is missing icons
PH34097 189557 Test Case Suspect Status or locked status can not be updated via the REST API when approved
PH31542 189421 Generate Test Case Execution Records does not reflect the choices made such as "Add a prefix to generated test environment names"
PH32216 189371 New advance server property "Maximum number of associated test artifacts for the PDF print job" does not validate against minimum value
PH32216 189341 Dev demo feedback on error message: Update the error message in the dialog when test plan contains more artifacts than the maximum allowed number of associated artifacts
PH32216 189302 RQM web UI should give a warning when a comprehensive PDF job is going to spawn a very large number of child jobs
PH32334 189300 SQL Error Code 1205 or Error Code 3000 during reconcile process
PH31825 189247 Suspect flag is not displayed after merging a new version of a Test Case
PH33303 189229 CSV/PDF export of TCER list view does not use the TCER's default test script
PH33681 189192 PDF export does not format the data properly when the <colgroup> tag is present
PH33942 189190 After saving, in addition to adding the link, the value for the execution variable was deleted for test case
PH32193 189087 Unrelated Defect link is visible in test case result
PH31353 188791 Not all machines in a cell are used when execution owner is set
PH31828 188775 Roll-up result displays incorrect State value in a TCER
PH32216 188765 [Dojo 1.16] Unable to use arrow keys in drop down lists
PH32216 188764 Multi-Comp : Script step synchronizer fails
PH32216 188763 [Dojo 1.16] Unable to use arrow keys while creating category and category value
PH30853 188758 TestMatrix widget has resize problems when number of x-axis points is more than 9
PH32216 188757 CnP : In ETM, button (icon) 'Paste Artifact Link" does not paste copied requirement in test script step
PH28702 188733 Skipped Resource created after inserting a string that includes unicode chars
PH32166 188718 2 test case results created during suite execution using CLA adapter, one left "in-progress"
PH31157 188717 Unable to Duplicate (Across Project Areas) a Test Plan with more than 2048 Test Cases:
PH32216 188685 [Dojo 1.16] Build records and build definitions skipped resources removed from unignore
PH31325 188684 The "Edit Test Scripts Inline" section of a Test Case is inoperable after a REST API update
PH32216 188683 Multi-Component: Generate TCER wizard shows parent artifact's component instead of default selected component
PH32237 188675 Excel Utility installer (RQMExcelImporterSetupX64ForDotNET45.msi) does not install for all users
PH35534 192772 Approval Descriptor Type - showing multiple results in different languages in JRS reports
PH47275 192738 Running Testcase with Testscript & Testdata with 1 row data displays error of Record Missing
PH46817 192730 User able to create link from test case to requirement without permission to modify/edit Test Case in an GC enabled project
PH46986 192727 Requirement link shows requirement information when hover over requirement in local configuration context
PH44680 192722 The Test Case Description Field does not adjust in in height to display multiple lines of content (Edge and Chrome)
PH47313 192710 TSER precondition not showing errors when it is not met
PH46506 192574 "Test Statistic" Widget Bar Chart is not clickable
PH45302 192557 Test matrix widget not working properly with Test Case results/ Test Suite Result
Internal 193760 [7.0.2] QMI Failures: Reportable REST API Junits: testBulkUpload(), testHtml(), testGetResourceFeed()
Internal 193256 PDF export fails for test artifacts on enabling the project property - "Display the names of files that are attached to manual test script steps"
Internal 192890 RQMOffline-release.apk is missing from ETM Mobile Application Package for Android available on 702 download page.
Internal 192147 QMI Failing on 702 Maintenance - testSnapshot() - Snapshot URL does not contain the revision query parameter
Internal 191637 Editor header message overlaps the action icons and buttons
Internal 191622 Quality objective names are different from the expected labels
Internal 191621 Command Line Script fails even though the pre-condition "Disallow Execution until Build Specified" has been met
Internal 191209 QMI OSLC API : AssertionError: Models are different
Internal 191163 Testcase feed URL filtered by testplan/@href in GC context returns only the test cases which doesn't have Link Validity status.
Internal 191142 Error Code: 1205, Transaction (Process ID 76) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim
Internal 191121 Baselined TCER shows Available Test Environments and Iteration as editable in Summary
Internal 191085 JUnit : Integration Test ( Execution ) : Assertion error <Remote exception was of type 'junit.framework.ComparisonFailure'> expected:<...e artifact is locked[ by TestJazzAdmin1].> but was:<...e artifact is locked[].>
Internal 191043 ETM 702M and 702Plus docker images have the same registries.
Internal 191036 Quality Objectives are not getting evaluated for NOCM Project areas
Internal 191026 Observed ETM showing alert 'Unable to load resources from the server. Make sure the ETM server is up and running'
Internal 191022 Evaluate Quality Objectives button shouldn't be enabled for baselines in sections Quality Objective, Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria of a Test Plan
Internal 191009 Error message is displayed if user tries to run a offline suite with a remote script, but there is no clean exit from this error
Internal 191006 ETM wiki is missing documentation about requirement/linkvalidity
Internal 191003 Test script OSLC compact rendering adds comma to web ID
Internal 190986 [Chrome & Edge] Unnecessary horizontal scroll bar is displayed in "Select a Test Environment for the Test Cell" dialog while creating "Test Cell"
Internal 190985 "Remove Row" button image & confirmation title needs to be changed under Lab Resources Section for "Test Cell"
Internal 190984 Cancel dialog doesn't have title while cancelling the "Test Cell" changes
Internal 190983 Error message thrown while trying add Validated By link from RMM to "Approved Test Case" is not user friendly
Internal 190958 Upgrade: Open trash gives error The column display settings cannot be saved.
Internal 190950 The Suspect Result is not listed under "Additional Icons" field
Internal 190946 Shared query cannot be fetched from the Test Artifact and "Execution Status By Number of Steps" Viewlet correctly
Internal 190942 Deferred Test case column data missing in PDF and Deferred Test case column is missing in CSV spreadsheet for TSER and TSR
Internal 190936 Error shown on TestCase/TestPlan Import "Server response was not properly formatted"
Internal 190935 History does not show entries for all test plan schedule fields
Internal 190933 Description column shows Test Env Summary Field value instead of Description Field value under "Select a Test Environment for a Test Cell" dialog while creating Test Cell
Internal 190929 Quality objectives table is truncated/ lines not displayed properly.
Internal 190927 Archive an approval/review should disable all the contents of it.
Internal 190926 Required sections can be deleted from the UI
Internal 190925 "Move Up" & "Move Down" options should not be displayed if there is only one categories listed under "Categories" section in "Artifact Categories".
Internal 190924 Alert message shown while trying to drop section from the UI need to be reworked
Internal 190922 Test Automation Script Type dialog is misaligned in project area administration.
Internal 190917 ETM Server Proxy Framework is not working
Internal 190916 ETM API Utility is not working
Internal 190915 ETM OSLC Cleaner Utility is not working
Internal 190912 Manage Skipped Resources Page: Ignore skipped resources action is not showing the expected results if there are 250+ resources
Internal 190910 Manage Skipped Resources Page: Ignore/Retry skipped resources action not working with 500+ resources
Internal 190907 Pressing almost any key on the keyboard brings up the Manage enumeration values dialog
Internal 190905 [Usability] Add Enumeration value button (+) in Manage enumeration value dialog does not have a tool tip
Internal 190904 DnD: Drop box window flicker while performing drag n drop
Internal 190903 ETM Word Excel Importer : Failed to connect with SSL/Certificate server
Internal 190902 Compilation error on buildintegration component
Internal 190901 Error message saving test data shows the label key
Internal 190900 Integration JUnits (Planning) are failing
Internal 190897 ETM URL Utility is not working
Internal 190896 Readme file of ETM URL Utility mentions about Running ETM Copy Utility
Internal 190890 Breadcrumb from Keywords editor is missing
Internal 190888 The email title from change notification is an undefined message id
Internal 190887 ETM Copy Project Properties Utility is not working
Internal 190886 Execution Schedule of Single Script Test Suite does not changes after first execution
Internal 190884 ETM Word Excel Importer : No clarity for requirement linking precedence while using UI and non-UI mode together
Internal 190882 Couple of options are active on the Export to ETM window before User validates the credentials on the Repository
Internal 190881 Word-wrap is not enabled for pre/post condition section, test description and expected result section of a scriptless test case
Internal 190879 Test Plan selection box vanishes while selecting a test plan on the "Browse : Shared test resources" window
Internal 190878 Suspect Result column can not be added to TCER Table view
Internal 190876 Test Activity and Trigger fields do not contain colons
Internal 190875 Manage Test Case Categories dialog has minor layout issue
Internal 190869 Execution Variable values are not updated in test case result or test suite result for offline execution
Internal 190867 Column ID sorting (Ascending order) is not working for TSER and TCER results
Internal 190865 Action Button are enabled while "Saving" changes on Risk Profile when done by JazzAdmins
Internal 190864 Clear Configuration and Clear Component options not working on Project and Personal Dashboard
Internal 190858 The error message popup is displayed for when validating the credentials in first attempt with dotnet45 build
Internal 190854 Failures in SnapshotUtil_UT are causing the builds to fail
Internal 190847 Tooltip missing for an icon in Add Test Cases window
Internal 190845 Snapshot artifact Test Plan:-Generated pdf shows original script not the snapshot version Test Script
Internal 190839 Filtered data is lost on the TCR table view when columns are sorted on the filtered data
Internal 190838 QMI : OSLC API Failure :
Internal 190835 ETM Copy Utility is not working
Internal 190834 Need more clarity on the help page titled "Adding existing test cases to test suites"
Internal 190824 When test artifact doesn't exist in current GC, unresolved link's OSLC preview 404 message is not formatted like an OSLC preview
Internal 190818 Multiple 'Create Link' dialogs are opened after click 'Clear Associated Link' in Link customer attribute of Manual Steps
Internal 190810 Intermittent : QMI : REST API Failure : AssertionFailedError: Unexpected status code (expected 200 but was 412).
Internal 190806 Drag and Drop : Selecting type link as "Defect" on Test Case Result step creates a link of type "Test Items"
Internal 190801 Update the REST API wiki that the DB cannot handle the external ID with more than 250 characters
Internal 190791 EWM WI when is added to Test Case Result step, do not get removed on clicking "Cancel" button from result editor.
Internal 190788 Cannot remove attachments from the Attachments section when contained in rich text sections
Internal 190766 Update the wording of the note in Test Case section of the Test Suite editor
Internal 190753 EWM WI can be seen in defect section after it was removed from TCR step
Internal 190743 Unable to select a Test Plan Filter in the Test Plans Traceability Links widget in EWM or DNG - Please wait. Switching project context...
Internal 190738 Unable to add Child Test Plan using Drag and Drop
Internal 190736 Unnecessary horizontal Scroll bar is displayed on the "Manage Components and Configurations" page
Internal 190724 "Execution and defects by owner" dashboard widget generating NULL error
Internal 190723 Actual result not opening, where the hover pop-up says "Click to Open" in Step result of Execution Schedule
Internal 190717 Test Cases Deferred column not shown in TSER table view
Internal 190710 Error creating Test Suite Snapshots
Internal 190704 'OK' button is enabled after clear filter selection in 'Add Configurations' dialog
Internal 190686 Unable to lock TSR
Internal 190683 The requirement to script step added through OSLC API even when the project property to do so is not enabled
Internal 190673 [Offline Test] Offline update of scriptless test case fails
Internal 190642 Save operation should throw error if we try to save with just empty space in "Risks" under "Manage Project Properties" page
Internal 190639 Approval does not get saved in test result compare view
Internal 190638 [Usability] The tool tip for incorrect TCER attribute value is vague
Internal 190626 "OK" button is always enabled on Manage Blocking Defects dialog.
Internal 190624 In the Test Case Design editor, the tool boxes gets detached when scrolled.
Internal 190619 We should remove extension point for
Internal 190612 ExcelImporterUtility "Import for Offline" creates link to "Images" sheet for some images of a Test
Internal 190608 ImporterUtility gives generic "invalid user name, or password" message for invalid ETM Server and servers with TLS 1.2 enabled
Internal 190599 Unable to create the TCER from the test plan using the search field to select the test case - Getting the Alert "Please select at least one Test Case."
Internal 190591 Refreshing the browser lands the user on Components Tab/Section by default while operating on baselines/streams
Internal 190589 'Create step results' checkbox is enabled automatically when mouse hover on it
Internal 190588 REST API for a Feed not properly returning Japanese/Chinese characters consistently
Internal 190571 When evaluating the Quality Objective for "Number of open severity 1 defects" in a Test Plan , the actual result is incorrect.
Internal 190570 Quality Objective for BLOCKED TER default text does not correlate and may confuse users
Internal 190550 Filter dialog closes when paging
Internal 190548 All project members are listed after changing the Team area and owner in the owner drop down list
Internal 190541 Save button gets enabled for approved Test script
Internal 190512 Unnecessary extra scrollbar appears when navigating the link in a viewlet and then pressing the back button
Internal 190507 UI : Select Test Plan pencil icon is misplaced on create New Test Case dialog
Internal 190505 [702Plus] - Multiple 'Available Test data' dialogs are opened after click 'Clear Associated Test Data'
Internal 190504 The data from Result Details section of Test Suite Result never load in NOCM project
Internal 190492 [702Plus] - Save button is not enabled when try to create the folder in reverse order
Internal 190491 The states are displayed as label names in TSR editor view
Internal 190489 [702Plus] - Text Alignment is not correct in Move/Copy Report Dialog
Internal 190488 Bulk update hangs changing the Owner column of some list views
Internal 190486 [self host] QM My Tasks viewlet : Artifact container field gets duplicated using maximize
Internal 190481 Link validity actions are disabled but clickable.
Internal 190473 Test Failure (ETM_Stable_Test7.0.2_plus-I20210607_0840):
Internal 190455 Error messages do not show for pasting links from EWM workitem (Ctrl +Shift + V) to Test Case, Scripts and TCR when project areas are not connected.
Internal 190450 Update/Improve the topic "Tracking test execution status by using the Execution Console"
Internal 190449 TSER icon is not cropped properly
Internal 190438 Cannot add test case execution records widget to dashboard when QM project has multiple components
Internal 190430 Skipped slider not working in TCER Weight Distribution
Internal 190422 702Plus - "Copy link for this page" hover popup is displaying after navigate to different page
Internal 190416 Add new Priority value allowed to create value with only special characters / space in the Name field
Internal 190414 Edit Icon feature is not working as expected for Priority values
Internal 190413 If cleared icon for any workflow state, a blank icon does not get displayed under the dropdown for the state
Internal 190412 Unable to upload new icon file
Internal 190410 A Undesired Behavior Seen While Making A Bulk Update To Test Scripts
Internal 190395 Sorting by Date in the "Plan Details" grid (Test Plan -> Test Schedule) does not order correctly
Internal 190386 Unexpected error message when assigning a disabled execution state to test case result using REST API
Internal 190383 Update IBM Support Documentation reference to missing article for Migration Support Tool for HPQC
Internal 190379 Deleting baseline on "Show All" option shows paged display on Baseline Table.
Internal 190378 [Pipeline]: Test case opens in local configuration from CCM page.
Internal 190376 "All" checkbox does not get updated/deselected on deselecting few of Enum filter values and does not get selected on selecting all enum values individually
Internal 190373 Can not set the validity of the test cases in the list view
Internal 190372 Incorrect warning message thrown while trying to link approved test case
Internal 190370 TCER section of test plan snapshot shows wrong name on the Rich Hover of TCER and Test Case names
Internal 190369 New Categories can be added to TCR via TCR Editor when Edit is not permitted.
Internal 190367 Calendar filter is not aligned.
Internal 190364 Run Test Case offline with no permission to execute shows wrong dialog type.
Internal 190363 Test Plan, Case do not get created when permission to edit is revoked.
Internal 190362 Save button is not enabled after deselecting the "Allow linking between test items and manual step results" test result preference
Internal 190359 The Create Keyword option is available on the script step when the create keyword is not permitted.
Internal 190357 The latest word/excel builds still not updated and show older dates for the installers
Internal 190356 keyword search hint box not aligned in the bottom of the test script step
Internal 190351

Change "Duplicate Found" error message when trying to create a category with the same name as one in the trash

Internal 190350 Documentation on "Import Word and Excel test artifacts into Quality Management" is mislabeled, and has no information on importing
Internal 190349 [Pipeline] [702Plus - Intermittent] TCER page does not display defect link when backtracked from EWM page
Internal 190322 Extra TSERs are displayed after Bulk update
Internal 190301 Self Host (production) the The item selection dialog used when changing an environments does not display full environment name- the name is cut off , tool tip works intermittently
Internal 190262 Trash View table should preserve user preferences on View As mode changes
Internal 190222 Broken links and old references in ETM documentation regarding ETM integrations.
Internal 190218 BluesDev 7.0.2+: QM clustered node [Configuration update signal watching thread] WARN nternal.members.DistributedConfigPropertiesService raised java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Internal 190198 Unable to Bulk update Test Cases with requirements; the save never completes if one of the test case is in "Approved" State : Follow up from Defect 188904
Internal 190195 Patch information missing for the 7.0.2 plus stream
Internal 190190 Snapshot artifact: Test Execution Record show Last Result: (Deleted) Status
Internal 190188 ETM CLA connects to wrong project if project was renamed and another project with the original name is created
Internal 190181 Compile issues due to non used imports,.
Internal 190158 Copy / paste color or highlighted text in editor does not retain color or hightlighting when pasting into another TC Edge , Chrome
Internal 190155 Documentation Change regarding Manual and Automated Test Scripts
Internal 190154 TMWENet45 702 Plus builds failing
Internal 190136 Edited Name of the Test Case Category does not get reflected immediately under 'Manage Test Case Categories' dialog
Internal 190135 Space gets appended for every edit operation b/w the options under Test Case Categories
Internal 190133 'OK' button is enabled when provided incorrect 'External URI:' value under Edit Test Case Categories dialog
Internal 190131 Duplicating Master Test Plan duplicates attached child Test plans also
Internal 190126 Double Scroll bars appear in Select Test Case window from a story on EWM
Internal 190118

Documentation on Formal Review for Test Artifacts is lacking

Internal 190116 Glitches is observed on drop-down list when the page is scrolled.
Internal 190099 There is no documentation for Manage Skipped resources in TRS Feed diagnostics section
Internal 190077 Production Server - Duplicating a Test Plan does not display completing ...Continues to show "Duplicating..."
Internal 190066 Multiple issues found with Total Points column in TCR, TCER, TSR, TSER table view
Internal 190053 Validity Summary icons are called "image" instead of status suspect, invalid or valid
Internal 190048 Inadequate logging for issues related to archived default configurations
Internal 190039 Discrepancy in the oslc migration status when ETM server is restarted
Internal 190021 Execution Schedule Result editor for Command Line Scripts do not show Results on Project Area with baseline
Internal 189990 Update the message added in Task-Development 187736 to indicate clearly that it pertains to legacy work items
Internal 189936 Test suite result steps are not snapshots
Internal 189935 "Percent Complete" column doesn't work for children/related jobs in Manage Export Queue
Internal 189811 Points and Attempts column is not showing correct values in TestSuite table summary PDF
Internal 189521 asq-common failing on 702 maintenance build
Internal 189182 Required custom attribute and category are not working for running the test case execution
Internal 189166 Can't link DOORS requirements to Test script steps from DOORS Rich Client
Internal 188540 Unable to connect the shared location in all test servers (SAML, OIDC, SVT Shared)
Internal 188521 ETM Stable build is failing on the commandline-selenium-adapter-native
Internal 188505 604M - QMI CM and QMI NO CM scenario's failed on build calm.604.maintenance CALM604M-I20201102-1422 for 55 tests with 55 failures.
Internal 188499 ETM Help > About in 7.0.2 RC2 build is showing version 7.0.2 RC1
Internal 188488 ETM Process Resources data source sometimes fails in LDX with error "CRLQE0489E Rollback detected. Data source may have been rolled back.Encountered an entry older than the last processed."
Internal 188471 Unable to connect the shared location in SAML environment
Internal 188440 CnP/DnD : Cannot drag and drop/copy and paste links from a requirement to a test case when QM project is configured in baseline only mode
Internal 188416 DnD : Pagination is activated on Create link footer when user drag RM artifacts and drop on QM, it is not consistent with RM/CCM
Internal 188414 CnP : Paste button is disabled the very first time we create a test case and save it : Sporadic behavior
Internal 188412 User with restricted permissions is not able to create links when drag RM artifact and drop on QM test case
Internal 188410 DnD : Requirement can be dropped a test script step even the requirement's stream is not part of same GC of test script
Internal 188404 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (CM) : Failing with NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/team/foundation/common/text/XMLString
Internal 188402 DnD : Dropping work item into test case result editor shows "Test Item" link type as "Quality Task"
Internal 188401 DnD : Mouse hover on gear icon is showing different image (hand mouse) for ETM from EWM & DNG (cross mouse icon)
Internal 188393 [Safari] Unable to edit result script steps with custom attribute fields
Internal 188386 DnD : When dragging test cases from the Test Cases section of a test plan, the parent test plan's page drop zone would intermittently shown
Internal 188383 CnP/DnD : Dragged or Copied ETM Artifact does not display Test Case ID in Title of Artifacts
Internal 188378 DnD : Warning dialog is shown when user attempts drag-n-drop linking from a Defect to a TCER Result page
Internal 188377 DnD : User can link work item to non executed steps
Internal 188373 Unable to link defect to step result using selection dialog
Internal 188372 CnP : Copy the Test Case by Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut and paste onto the Test Plan using Ctrl + Shift + V to create link does not work
Internal 188370 DnD : Cannot create link from dropping a work item into a keyword result step
Internal 188368 Finish button is not appropriately handled on 'Reconcile Requirements' window on QM side
Internal 188365 CnP : In ETM, button (icon) 'Paste Artifact Link" does not paste copied requirement into test case
Internal 188360 Unable to sort on Component column for TSER, Test Data and Keywords list view
Internal 188353 CnP/DnD : Create Link Dialog: Does not show artifact count, and can delete all artifacts
Internal 188352 Removing work item links from Test Case Editor do use caution style
Internal 188350 User is able to enable 'Configuration Management 'WITHOUT Entering a Licence Key to enable configuration management by editing the DOM
Internal 188349 RMM-> More Link is not functional in Owner field while creating a test case from RMM properties page and Rhapsody Client
Internal 188344 CnP : Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C to copy DNG artifact and paste using Ctrl + Shift + V to create link in test artifact does not work
Internal 188340 DnD : Dropping a requirement onto TCER Result Details page displays wrong message
Internal 188339 DnD : Dropping a defect onto the TCER should not show 'Create Links' dialog in execution view.
Internal 188334 DnD : Drag n Drop linking not working when dropped ETM test case to Test Plan
Internal 188327 DnD : Dropping of Requirement links on TCR page do not show information message "The resource type of the artifacts is not compatible with the test case result."
Internal 188326 CnP : Multiple Paste Icons displayed on the TCR page
Internal 188324 DnD : null displayed while dragging TCERs into EWM WI
Internal 188321 CnP : CTRL + C not working as expected on test artifact editors
Internal 188314 DnD : Dropping Multiple EWM work items to particular section of the Test case editor does not create a single link also as displayed to the user
Internal 188310 Two scroll bars appearing on the Test Case Picker dialog in EWM and for same picker there is single scroll bar in DNG.
Internal 188304 The 'TestPlan with TestCases 001 linked to requirement 001' Excel Importer samples need to use the div modifier
Internal 188302 Healing events for configurations are not being published in TRS Validator.
Internal 188301 [People Picker] Ok button is not working on people picker when changing owner for TCER
Internal 188297 Incorrect behavior found when clicked search icon twice on the Run Test Case dialog
Internal 188296 DnD : TCER dialog shows drag and drop option for test case
Internal 188294 DnD : Table View Space is way too big after we drop EWM WIs into Test cases "Development Items" link section
Internal 188293 DnD : While trying to drop the artifacts from DNG and EWM outside the drop box Create Link dialog starts flickering
Internal 188288 CnP : Paste artifact link action is not available for test script step and result step
Internal 188287 DnD : TCER editor allows user to drop EWM work item, but editor doesn't support it currently
Internal 188286 CnP : Copy and paste artifact link action is not available for test script
Internal 188285 Offline execution which include Custom Attributes result in missing script steps in the corresponding .xls file
Internal 188284 CnP : Unable to paste copied ETM artifacts in EWM and DNG
Internal 188277 More link is not functional in owner field when creating QM test case from RM artifact
Internal 188274 Test Data page sections layout is different in Firefox and Edge browsers
Internal 188273 Extra OK & Cancel buttons are present on edit column dialog
Internal 188270 User should not be allowed to create new Keyword/Tasks from deleted test script page
Internal 188265 [Chrome] No blue focus outline in UserPicker search inputs
Internal 188261 DnD : Unable to drop and link EWM work item
Internal 188253 "Unable to restore Quality Objectives. Getting error: "Access violation in component item service.
Internal 188236 DnD : Back links are not getting created in ETM artifacts
Internal 188222 CnP/DnD : Unable to create/open artifacts after creating new DB
Internal 188221 DnD : Copy and paste only works internally in ETM not with EWM and DN
Internal 188218 DnD : Drag ETM test suite to ETM test plan get project area not associated error message
Internal 188217 CSPF : Link Indicators not displayed on Test cases table view
Internal 188215 DnD : AVT : Table has no headers identified on DnD dialog
Internal 188214 DnD : AVT : Interactive component does not have a programmatically associated name and one more violation detected on DnD dialog
Internal 188204 Component Icon tooltip displays when not needed
Internal 188203 ELM702: The home page of QM displayed in English in FRA locale
Internal 188202 Error message is not displayed on export progress UI if it fails with invalid project alias error
Internal 188201 DnD : Self link to QM test case is offering drop target, weird message 'msgNotElmArtifacts' appears when dropped
Internal 188194 Making changes in a Test Artifact (i.e Test Plan, testcase) of the formal review section and not saving when closing does not ask the user if they want to close without saving
Internal 188190 Auto populate is not working for PLE projects on Export to Repository dialog
Internal 188184 ETM uses defaultConfigId to populate selection content but the user's last used GC for resource resolution
Internal 188181 QM TRS validation shows 3 artifacts missing from the feed and 226 extra artifacts on the feed
Internal 188180 ETM API Utility double encodes the project area alias while trying to use the tool
Internal 188170 Unable to edit large custom step attribute during merge
Internal 188164 CnP : The messageReceiver is not defined in the correct namespace in the provider services.xml
Internal 188163 Creating Test Suite Results from Test Suite Execution Record Browse View does not display the right icon as the last Result
Internal 188158 Test plan snapshot does not contain test case/suite results where test suite has selenium script to be executed
Internal 188157 Not able to switch component in ETM
Internal 188153 DnD : DNG does not accept drag and drop links from ETM side.
Internal 188152 An unwanted vertical scroll appears in the Last Result column of the TCER on hovering over the result
Internal 188149 Incorrect label for copied from : copy links across projects - links on info panel
Internal 188146 DnD : Dropping Rm Collection Link or Invalid Artifacts on Test Script Step does not show proper message dialog.
Internal 188140 DnD : Removing one link from Create Link Dialog does not create links.
Internal 188139 DnD : Not able to create links from DNG to ETM test plan via DnD
Internal 188138 DnD : The Create Link Drop Box flashes and hides the message alert when an invalid EWM type is dropped.
Internal 188136 Integration test (Planning) JUnit failing
Internal 188134 CnP : Main content "Paste Artifact Link" action is still showing when the artifact editor is displaying alternate content and the action is always enabled
Internal 188131 Test Scripts and Detailed Description section names are missing from keyword PDF
Internal 188123 [Dojo 1.16] User cannot select the test script radio button from EWM client while linking to ETM test scripts
Internal 188122 Data missing in error messages when exporting script less testcase result
Internal 188117 Traceability view : Validate requirements column is not listed by default
Internal 188116 ETM Word Importer: Sample file 'Self Ref test' is failing when exporting to server
Internal 188114 DnD : Link type in the Create Links dialog from DnD is showing not user friendly label
Internal 188113 DnD : Cannot drag work item from EWM to create defect link in TCR.
Internal 188112 CnP/DnD : DnD & copy/paste should be disabled in read-only scenario
Internal 188107 ETM URL Utility version number is not correct.
Internal 188102 We should lazy load the new React User Picker to avoid initially loading .5MB of javascript bundle.
Internal 188096 Hovering over defects that are attached to Test Case Execution Records removes strikethrough formatting until refreshing
Internal 188083 RQM-CD-OSLC-API-JUnits (CM) failing with : expected:<junit [ test script ] step> but was:<junit [<div> test script </div>] step>
Internal 188080 AVT : High Contrast: Close button not visible for "List of Configurations" dialog
Internal 188075 AVT : JAWS : Execution States checkbox and the whole table data is not read by JAWS
Internal 188072 When adding an Attachment to a Test Plan, TestCase etc, the attachment path say "FakePath" before saving
Internal 188068 Two Vertical Scroll bars displayed on Trash View Page
Internal 188067 Creating a configuration for a component using the configuration OSLC creation factory creates it for a different component
Internal 188065 AVT : Interactive component does not have a programmatically associated name violation detected for Stream Tree View node icon
Internal 188062 AVT : Form control with "checkbox" role has no associated label violation for Execution States checkbox
Internal 188038 [Pipeline] (Intermittent) Observed Jazz Server error during sample project creation
Internal 188033 Radio buttons remain disabled even after the checkbox "Use the same display settings for all list views" in the Preferences view is selected
Internal 188032 Restoring defaults preferences in the list view selects all the radio buttons
Internal 188026 Artifacts can be merged successfully from baseline into stream though "Restore Artifact" permission is not available to the user
Internal 188017 [Offline Test] The Test Environment cell is frozen and bottom aligned which makes it difficult for a user to view and add test results
Internal 188012 Can not add CM enabled Project Area from ETM development server to GC
Internal 187996 [Side Stream]: Unable to add QM configuration to GC.
Internal 187990 Multi-Component: Configuration name is shown instead of component name
Internal 187987 Create new reservation from the calendar UI via double click in test cell editor never finishes
Internal 187978 Confirmation pop up not shown while deleting development items and Test Script while pop up shows for other actions like deleting TCER's, requirement links and RMM artifact
Internal 187976 Remove Button background color is blue on confirmation pop up appears while removing RMM Link and Requirement link
Internal 187955 Save button is not enabled when removing required checkbox for any custom attribute
Internal 187936 HTML tags displayed for quick tips on test script page
Internal 187935 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (CM) and RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (NO CM) failing with Unexpected status code (expected 500 but was 200).
Internal 187931 Test case conflict save shows an unclear error instead of an informative message
Internal 187930 Integration Coverage Summary table is illegible after Exporting Details to a PDF file
Internal 187926 Images are not preserved when user does copy and paste from a Word document
Internal 187923 Unable to navigate to ETM artifacts from EWM work items
Internal 187917 Tool tip text needs to be updated in "Test Data" page
Internal 187914 Upon clicking Insert User Link option while creating a Quality Task, focus of Quality Task dialog header is not losing
Internal 187907 Unable to edit 'Suspect Contributor' through edit icon when not performed any action on another linked requirement edit functionality
Internal 187905 CSPF automated test is failing with Jazz Server Error for Project area created with QualityManagementLegacyProcess template
Internal 187895 PDF print never finishes and stays at 0% for TCER History when selected "Yesterday" as an option
Internal 187894 Extra colon displayed while adding Precondition of Execute Test case
Internal 187881 Doc Topic "Deleting and restoring test artifacts" needs some clarification
Internal 187878 Update the ETM Execution Tool readme
Internal 187876 CLA : Non member of project area can run adapter which was registered earlier by another valid user.
Internal 187872 No progress cursor is displayed during export of requirements to the repository using Excel Client
Internal 187867 [Performance] Configuration and Component pickers API ( globalConfigurationContents ) is nonperformant for large scale
Internal 187866 Script step Custom Attribute shows unnecessary Horizontal and vertical scroll bar
Internal 187864 [Performance] Configuration and Component pickers API ( fGComponents ) is nonperformant for large scale
Internal 187863 [Performance] Configuration and Component pickers API ( globalToLocalConfiguration ) is nonperformant for large scale
Internal 187862 Test Case picker opens blank page from hover link
Internal 187850 Timestamp used as literal instead of bind parameter for SQL selects against EVENT_EVENT_DATA
Internal 187848 [Offline Execution] Test Environment cell text overflows in the Test Suite overall result sheet
Internal 187847 Test Suite Overall End time is an editable field with is irrelevant field
Internal 187846 Overall Test Suite Result does not get modified after the result is exported for the first time.
Internal 187822 TRSTest JUnits are failing
Internal 187821 CLA : TCR result custom attributes of Link type is not updated to the result
Internal 187820 LQE based report shows a column named "Category" for test script but the test script does not have any category
Internal 187818 SELF HOST : warning message not shown correctly with sticky header ON
Internal 187817 Testplan Snapshot view : allows to compare and merge testsuites. testcases, allows to run TCER and allows to copy snapshot
Internal 187810 Rich hover title missing : copy links across projects - links on table views Execution
Internal 187805 LQE shows 56 skipped resources for QM but qm/admin shows none in SVT's Federated Environment (PLN)
Internal 187803 CLA : Fails to download remote script file from shared location, returns 404
Internal 187802 ETM Backlink Error needs cleanup
Internal 187799 Potentially we may lost creating some skipped resources
Internal 187798 Run Test Suite Dialog: Message key is shown instead of actual message
Internal 187795 Should not allow to add attachment with 0KB file size to test case attachment section
Internal 187792 Save never completes on saving merged conflict changes for QM artifacts
Internal 187789 Jumbled text is displayed when Test Plan merge changes are saved
Internal 187785 "Run this Suite in Parallel" option is gone under test case section of test suite
Internal 187783 The context help icon on the artifact title can wrap
Internal 187780 [Pipeline]: Getting hidden "TypeError" alert while running test case with test script.
Internal 187775 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (NOCM) and RQM-CD-REST API CM : Failing with errors
Internal 187771 PDF export is not working in local configuration if project area is enabled for Multi-Component
Internal 187764 Edge: Spellcheck keyboard shortcut does not work as documented in Help
Internal 187750 Queries use literals instead of bind variables for project area id
Internal 187741 Bulk update feature is not working for the test cases in the Test Plan
Internal 187739 Stream deletion message stays on the WEB UI forever unless user closes it.
Internal 187738 Stream Tree view doesn’t show the count correctly of all streams like List view
Internal 187732 GC Component can be created without any text on it
Internal 187728 List view's in-line column filters are not properly aligned
Internal 187706 Test Plans Traceability Links widget works in the dashboard in QM but not in the dashboard of other apps
Internal 187704 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (CM) : Failing with TestFixtureExistedInConfig1byConfigHeader() java.lang.NullPointerException
Internal 187686 Test error in build ETM7.0.2-I20200821_1112
Internal 187678 "java.lang.IllegalAccessException" messages observed in the qm.log file when executing the ETM and ETM-CM Performance BVTs
Internal 187677 Text of a requirement linked to a test step is not being displayed in the compare window
Internal 187669 ELM702: English string found in oslcMigrationManager panel
Internal 187655 Repair back link icon is displayed for Validates Architecture Links column of Test Case Table view from Non Ple ETM project
Internal 187654 Minor changes needed for the save message under Project Properties page when we enable "Enable support for multiple components."
Internal 187653 Test script and TCER deletion confirmation dialog is hanging
Internal 187645 TRS Validation failed on bluesdev ETM due to OutOfMemory error
Internal 187616 CLA : Incorrect message on console when logged in user is not member of the project
Internal 187615 Numerous project area alias errors after upgrading to 7.0.2 M2
Internal 187601 Expands the error message box in an Execution Schedule page has layout issue
Internal 187599 Skipped resources stop showing up once the numbers become large
Internal 187591 Execution schedule is not able to create execution request for both tcer and tser
Internal 187577 If an image is added to the Excel under step description or expected result, drop-down validation cannot be added
Internal 187573 Custom Attribute Save button for Manual Step Attributes does not get enabled in a particular case
Internal 187570 Old steps for manual execution script are not deleted
Internal 187566 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (NOCM) and CM : Failing with TestResultTest:testUpdateConflict()
Internal 187565 Integration test (Planning) are failing
Internal 187558 Rerun test suite dialog - Change machine action title string does not have a space
Internal 187552 PDF export for TSER table fails if it 1 of the TSER is not run
Internal 187551 TSER not displaying customized execution state in PDF exported file
Internal 187549 Execution script with test data - the test data preview section's 'Start' action color is not correct
Internal 187543 Execution variable : Allowing execution variable to be insert at manual step custom attribute of type Rich Text
Internal 187541 ETM Excel Importer : Offline execution incorrect owner assigned in generated Excel file with scriptless testcase execution
Internal 187539 Junk characters displayed when tried to delete build records synchronized from RTC
Internal 187535 ETM Word/Excel Importer : Background not set to gray (possibly exception) for step description, while importing rqms file to add-in
Internal 187533 ETM Word/Excel Importer : Unable to display multi-line execution variable value in generated Excel
Internal 187532 OK button is not enabled in the Ignore Skipped Resource dialog
Internal 187529 Exception when closing a completed test case execution from a test suite execution
Internal 187514 Changed order of test cases in the Test Cases section of a test plan is not saved
Internal 187512 Ctrl+S does not save the artifact in the editor
Internal 187509 The result attachment .out file is not generated after running a command line test
Internal 187507 OSLC Migration : Once the migration is complete : Progress column shows "No data"
Internal 187505 Manage Skipped Resources: ETM Artifact Resources UI not displaying rich hover text for renamed test cases, requires refresh
Internal 187500 ETM Word/Excel Importer : Unable to clear authentication while selecting the config URI against OIDC enabled server
Internal 187488 Test Artifact View let is not working as expected on project dashboard and not working at all on Personal Dashboard
Internal 187471 Category selection UI on table view is broken
Internal 187465 ETM Command Line Adapter - need update in readme.txt to indicate existing resources matching to all arguments would be connected to adapter.
Internal 187452 ETM CS Help for Execution Preferences is not updated will all the properties
Internal 187449 Test Suite Results for offline execution shows incorrect Total Run Time
Internal 187447 Offline Test Steps do not have uniform font size
Internal 187441 Start time and End Time combo boxes don't drop down for test case results
Internal 187440 Test environment and Test phase cells overflow in the generated spreadsheet of offline test RQMS file
Internal 187427 Errors observed in ETM Medium Scale Testing while generating 2M artifacts data using data gen tool.
Internal 187421 HTML tags displayed for a warning message under "Test Result" preferences section
Internal 187413 Unable to configure the Test Plans Traceability Links widget in dashboard of other applications after upgrade. "Unable to load the content. Attempt to fetch config aware type with no configuration set"
Internal 187409 ETM Word Importer : Import fails for one of the sample files while exporting to repository
Internal 187407 failed test in ETM_Test7.0.2-I20200730_0840
Internal 187404 Cannot create OSLC link to QM artifacts while working in IE11 or embedded IE
Internal 187400 SELF HOST : Test Case Result cannot be saved on for some users
Internal 187380 Compilation errors in build ETM_Test7.0.2-I20200725_0830
Internal 187370 OSLC migration log polluted with "The OSLC migration is ending because no updates are needed." message.
Internal 187369 Quick search by ID listed duplicated TCER
Internal 187363 ETM Word/Excel Importer : Exception trace is displayed in progress UI
Internal 187359 Fix encoding issues related to calls to ProjectAliasService
Internal 187355 Sub Category values are not loading using the 'More' option
Internal 187354 Page trsConsole not found
Internal 187352 Project Area REST API is returning feed instead of resource
Internal 187335 Self Host : TCR steps and other details are shown out of proportion and UI looks messy
Internal 187326 The content inside create project execution variable dialog is not aligned properly
Internal 187322 'Name Uniqueness' configuration page should warn users that it only works within the same Stream, in configuration enabled projects
Internal 187319 "Create a result without executing" is not working on the TCER table view
Internal 187316 The artifacts are not selected by default when the Enforce name uniqueness for artifacts checkbox is selected first time
Internal 187314 BVT: Error while creating a link from collection.
Internal 187305 Fix exception handling for ProjectGetHandler.getItem
Internal 187299 QMI NO CM : RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits test are not getting executed via QMI pipeline test.
Internal 187298 [dojo 1.16] Parent iterations are masked if first iteration is expanded.
Internal 187288 Unable to associate multiple defects when running a TER with a TestScript
Internal 187287 Documentation does not clarify that 'Name Uniqueness' only works within the same Stream
Internal 187284 Run with Options dialog box for test case execution records has Modify execution variable values checkbox is selected even though property is disabled
Internal 187274 ETM does not throw error if wrong execution state is provided for step result using reportable rest api POST / PUT operation
Internal 187271 PUB docgen URL for QM test plan data source returns with Error 400: invalid project alias : Project_Name
Internal 187268 When creating a new artifact via OSLC with the Eclipse client, the dialog is too small for the content
Internal 187255 Last Rolled Up Result Column has a non indented Icon displayed on the TSER table
Internal 187254 Adapter Library allows creating manual test scripts with empty steps.
Internal 187251 Selenium Adapter is shown as Command line adapter
Internal 187244 The Permanent Delete option for "Lab Resource and Channel Properties" table does not match with actual action name "Delete".
Internal 187240 Update the product document for adapter and lab resource related permissions
Internal 187239 [dojo 1.16] Checkbox cannot be selected for Show hidden lab resource attributes and types on Manage Project Properties page
Internal 187221 Test Suite Execution Record editor - the History tab has extra action shown
Internal 187215 Test Environments links on Manage Skipped Resources table do not open valid page.
Internal 187212 LQE based report is showing worng value for "Total Points" column for "Test Result"
Internal 187211 Resize of Excel Add-in dialogs creates unutilized extra space
Internal 187210 Disabled execution states are displayed when rqms file is imported in overall result dropdown
Internal 187205 Test Suite Results page do not show rich hover dialog for builds
Internal 187198 Owner of the related job is set to Unassigned
Internal 187197 TSER is not listed in exported PDF for test plan summary, comprehensive and details export
Internal 187181 No email notification sent when "Suspect Result" status changed in TCER
Internal 187179 ETM Word/Excel Importer : changing the PLE project selection should clear the previously selected configuration URI
Internal 187178 Few Column values like "Total Test Cases", "Passed Test Cases", Failed Test cases show blank on TSER Table view
Internal 187174 In TCER table view, Last Result filer shows "Skipped" state which is part of step result not execution result
Internal 187172 "Create a result without executing" from TCER editor is not working
Internal 187171 UX Issue : While selecting the user filter UI from 'more filters' option
Internal 187166 "Suspect Result" icon not shown in the summary PDF export of TCER editor which has "Suspect Result" status to "Suspect"
Internal 187164 In the exported PDF of TCER table, "Suspect Result" is showing all TCER as non suspect
Internal 187162 [dojo 1.16] Getting Started Widget on the project dashboard is throwing Error : "TypeError: Cannot set property 'href' of null"
Internal 187155 Integration test (planning) failing with Null pointer exception
Internal 187149 Test Matrix viewlet shows execution state id instead of name for last roll up result (existing)
Internal 187147 Apply All : Options displayed while executing are sliced for the Verdict Drop down list and are not fully displayed
Internal 187122 Export to server from ETM word/excel client fails with error "invalid project alias : pa2%2b%2528Quality%2bManagement%2529"
Internal 187109 Self Host : ETM test plan showing some extra options on the UI under the Test cases section
Internal 187098 ETM log entry "invalid project alias : Quality Manager" during PDF export of commandline test script
Internal 187094 ETM 7.0.1 root services document contains a 7.0.0 version
Internal 187093 Updates to locked resources return inconsistent error response status codes with no meaningful error messages.
Internal 187088 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits CM and NO CM : Failing with multiple errors : TestPlanTest:testTestPlanCreate() : Content is not allowed in prolog.]
Internal 187086 RQM_LITs suite failed in ETM7.0.2-I20200703_1103
Internal 187074 [dojo 1.16] Verdict icons are not available in the manual execution page
Internal 187072 Can not add "Team Execution Status for TestCases" and "Team Execution Status for TestSuites" in ELM dash board
Internal 187070 [dojo 1.16] Not able to display the Weight Distribution section of a test suite result
Internal 187067 [dojo 1.16] exception when closing execution view and tabs
Internal 187062 addTables doesn't report errors
Internal 187053 Could not acquire ActivationStateReadLock to activate service
Internal 187027 RQM-CD-REST-API-JUnits (NOCM) : Failing with multiple errors
Internal 187025 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (NOCM) : Failing with multiple errors
Internal 187021 Master plans cannot be created with a child plan
Internal 187008 Type error in the browser console when comparing artifacts
Internal 186999 OSLC migrator lost capability to create creation/deletion events for migrated artifacts
Internal 186995 Cannot delete dead links
Internal 186993 Sticky header is not in the proper position in a list view
Internal 186955 OSLC dialogs Ok/Cancel buttons can become inaccessible
Internal 186954 OSLC dialogs should not have a resize handle
Internal 186933 MTM Sample Failing in 7.0.2 Build
Internal 186930 The project property Select Modify execution variable values checkbox by default in Run Test Case and Run Test Suite dialog boxes needs to be renamed
Internal 186921 PDF report and CSV export contain undefined for link labels of associated requirements without a name/title.
Internal 186889 RQM Reportable REST API Smoke JUnits failure - testResourceRoundTrip
Internal 186887 PDF print of test case result and test suite result print the same defect multiple time if TCR and TSR is associated with more than 1 defect
Internal 186863 Failing ETM_Test7.0.2-I20200612_1236 unit tests
Internal 186861 Documentation about how the External URIs work in ETM is not clear.
Internal 186825 Certificate of IBM Engineering Test Management Mobile Application expired
Internal 186822 Header status message is not preserved for read-only artifacts
Internal 186820 Receive error opening some TCERs on self host as well as Test Server: Unable to retrieve the specified A test phase for this iteration &amp; plan already exists.
Internal 186779 Comparing link section that are stored in another application between two configurations does not show any differences
Internal 186756 Operation completed message not shown correctly with Sticky header ON
Internal 186720 History page is blank when running a TER initially (during the actual execution of the TER)
Internal 186704 OSLCCleanerUtility updateForwardLinkLabels command doesn't correct the link label for a requirement with no title
Internal 186700 The re-login function in the "not authorized" dialog does not work when QM is configured for OIDC authentication
Internal 186699 The password field is too small on the re-login dialog
Internal 186697 Improve TCER/TSER history entry when archiving Current TCR/TSR
Internal 186675 ExcelImporter : Import for offline UI is distorted
Internal 186672 Intermittent -- Test Development Plan list not updated after a SAVE of the Test Plan on MS Edge and Chrome
Internal 186671 Test suite execution record email - body detail has missing content
Internal 186635 Some Integration Test ( Async Migration ) JUnits are failing
Internal 186632 ETM Word/Excel Importer : over sized delegated UI for configuration picker
Internal 186631 TRS Test Junits : junit.framework.AssertionFailedError at
Internal 186630 Cancel confirmation dialog is not shown with the 'danger' action color for the YES/OK action for cancel duplicate test artifacts
Internal 186627 Cancel confirmation dialog is not shown with the 'danger' action color for the YES/OK action for scheduled jobs
Internal 186626 RQM-CD-OSLC-JUnits (NOCM) failed with java.lang.AssertionError: TRS validation failed for lm Assert Configuration
Internal 186604 Lab resource admin editor panels is not taking up the edit area given height
Internal 186589 TRSValidator shows discrepancies during next execution after stopping
Internal 186584 Associate with existing parent artifact dialog content needs right margin
Internal 186580 UX: Remove (instead of disable) Create Snapshot button in CM-enabled projects
Internal 186579 Save Button always enabled while creating RPE reports from ETM
Internal 186557 Improving the tempFile.deleteOnExit() function for better efficiency and customer experience
Internal 186537 Current version of source artifact used while comparing artifacts in snapshot view
Internal 186330 Running a TestSuite Execution Record, an error of "TypeError: this.headerRenderer is null" is displayed
Internal 186298 Buttons on Build Records dialog are presented partially out of view
Internal 186226 Error in TRS validation
Internal 186164 Scroll on rich text editor does not keep the toolbar
Internal 185817 White space or unused space for TER on Microsoft Chrome based, Edge Browser
Internal 184201 Getting Dancing Dialog on Execution Page.
Internal 183901 Comparing 2 TCERs - The "Blocking Defects" section isn't highlighted to show differences (PLE Enabled Project Only in the same configuration)
Internal 182547 TRS Base Lifetime Advanced Property is not set to 10080 (7 days) in upgraded 6.0.6* environments
Internal 182126 Create new reservation in test cell editor takes forever
Internal 80754 Messaging for restricting Save is not consistent across artifacts for Contributor role