What's new in Rhapsody Model Manager 7.1

Learn more about what’s new and changed in Rhapsody® Model Manager milestone builds.

Milestone 10

The Rhapsody Model Manager Explorer page now shows component skew

The component skew occurs when a global configuration hierarchy contains multiple configurations of the same component. Skew can result in different versions of the same model element in the hierarchy, leading to unexpected content in the model element properties page or an unexpected set of OSLC links.

The Rhapsody Model Manager Explorer web-UI page now provides an indication when an SCM component exists in multiple local configurations of the selected global configuration hierarchy.

A tooltip hover on the component node is also available to explain issues that can occur with component skew and lists the individual configurations that contain the SCM component.

An image displaying the new component skew component label decorator and tooltip hover:

Rhapsody Model Manager now shows an appropriate model element icon based on its type

Previously, the file icon was used as a default icon for model elements in various Rhapsody Model Manager web-UI pages. This file icon was misleading and not consistent with what was shown in the Rhapsody client.

Rhapsody Model Manager now uses an appropriate model element icon that is based on the type of the model element. If the model element type is an element from one of the System Profiles or a Rhapsody native UML type, then the respective icon is used. This model element icon can be seen in various places in RMM such as the Explorer view, model element properties page and breadcrumbs, OSLC link labels and compact rendering, quick search, etc.

Image displaying the Explorer view that used file icon for every model element:

Image displaying the Explorer view that uses the appropriate model element icons:

Milestone 9

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 8

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 7

The link validity changes in Rhapsody Model Manager now require role-based permission
In Rhapsody Model Manager, you need role-based permission to change link validity such as setting a link as valid, invalid, or suspect. Previously, you might view OSLC links on model elements and change their link validity status regardless of the role-based permission.

With this new feature, you can now control which users or roles have permission to manage link validity. The role-based permissions can be configured in a Project Area or Team Area. The model elements or the Rhapsody files exist in an SCM component. Hence, the owner of the SCM component determines which Project Area or Team Area needs to be configured with the new link validity role-based permission. For more information, see Viewing and modifying link validity status

Milestone 6

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 5

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 4

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 3

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 2

Rhapsody DiffMerge is available as a selectable external compare tool in the EWM Eclipse client.
Rhapsody DiffMerge is now available as a selectable (that is, pre-configured) external compare tool in the Engineering Workflow Management Eclipse client. You no longer need to add Rhapsody DiffMerge as an external compare tool by selecting the Custom option and manually providing the required fields, for example, path, 2-way or 3-way compare arguments, and so on. Instead, you can find the Rhapsody DiffMerge option in the External Compare tool to Use list.
Image displaying Rhapsody DiffMerge as a selectable external compare tool:

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