What's new in Rhapsody Model Manager

Learn more about what’s new and changed in Rhapsody® Model Manager 7.0.3.

For more information about features in IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management, see What's new in IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management 7.0.3.

Note: Rhapsody Model Manager(RMM) version 7.0.3 is compatible with IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody version 9.0.2. For more information, see IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody version 9.0.2.

Redesigned Engineering Lifecycle Management product documentation

The hosting of Engineering Lifecycle Management documentation is redesigned in IBM Documentation. The following changes are made to the hosting of Engineering Lifecycle Management product documentation.


JRS Reporting
You can now use JRS reporting with RMM 7.0.3. For more information, see Reporting with Jazz Reporting Service.

System profiles

Rhapsody system profiles are supported in Rhapsody Model Manager.

Support for Rhapsody System Profiles is added in the Rhapsody Model Manager web client. Rhapsody Model Manager now displays the default tags and values that are defined by system profiles stereotypes. PUB reports also displays the default tags and values.

Support to manually redeploy system profiles.

You can manually deploy a newer version of system profiles. Using the manual deployment capability, you can update the pre-deployed system profiles on the Rhapsody Model Manager server with system profiles changes that will be developed in future Rhapsody releases. As a result, customers who plan to deploy Rhapsody Model Manager 7.0.3 are able to update the system profiles information with future Rhapsody releases, without being forced to upgrade the server in parallel. For more information, see Deploying system profiles with Repository tools.

Server configuration

Rhapsody version 10.0 and onwards has TLS 1.3 as a default TLS version

Rhapsody version 10.0 adopted Java version 17 in which the SSL protocols TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 are disabled by default. If your Rhapsody Model Manager server is configured with TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1, it must be updated to use TLS version 1.3 so that the Rhapsody client can connect to it. If you are using TLSv1.2 on server, setup your Rhapsody client to use TLS1.2. For more information about TLS 1.2 configuration, see Configuring Rhapsody to use the TLS v1.2 protocol.

Rhapsody version 9.0.2 uses TLS 1.2 as a default TLS version

Rhapsody version 9.0.2 adopted Java version in which the SSL protocols TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 are disabled by default. If your Rhapsody Model Manager server is configured with TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1, it must be updated to use TLS version 1.2 so that the Rhapsody client can connect to it. For more information about TLS 1.2 configuration, see Support for NIST SP 800-131.

Web UI

Quick search
  • Quick search for model elements by a partial or full name.
  • Display architecture elements search result by exact matches or all possible matches.
  • Filter architecture elements search results by type in the Quick Search bar from anywhere in the RMM web client.
  • View quick search results in a table view on the main page.

For more information, see Searching for model elements

Enhanced the sorting order of the elements in RMM web UI

RMM now lists the elements on the RMM web UI in the same order as on the Rhapsody client, instead of modifying the list in alphabetical or any other order. The consistency in the order of the element on both the Rhapsody client and the RMM web UI removes the confusion for the users.

Display history of model elements

The Show History icon is added for all architecture elements. Now, you can click the Show History icon on the Properties editor to see all changes that are made to any model element.

Copy artifacts link
You can copy links to artifacts across applications. You can copy the artifact URL as:
  • Versioned URL,
  • Concept URL or
  • With configuration context