What's new in Engineering Publishing 7.1

Learn more about what’s new and changed in Engineering Publishing milestone builds.

Milestone 10

Engineering Publishing honors domain application vertical alignment for table cell

Engineering Publishing now honors vertical alignment of the table cells that are passed by IBM® DOORS® Next or Engineering Test Management. Previously, the template designers were not able to use configured vertical alignment of table cells.

Image displaying a PDF output with vertical alignment:

Milestone 9

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 8

Preserve the original image quality when generating PDF in PUB
In IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing (PUB), you can now preserve the original image quality from the source document when generating a PDF. Previously, you might select from the following image quality in pixel per inch (ppi) for your PDF format report: Low (140 ppi), Medium (220 ppi), and High (300 ppi). However, if the original image quality was higher than the listed image sizes and you zoom the image in the PDF, the image in the PDF gets blurred.
With the Keep as original image quality option, the image quality in the generated PDF report is the same as the source document. On the Resources page in Publishing Document Builder, go to the Reports tab and click Edit Report. In the Report output format section, select PDF and click Update and configure. In the Configure report window, go to Outputs tab, and specify Image Quality (ppi) as Keep as original.
Administrator can manage the schedules that are created by other users in Publishing Document Builder
Administrator can now view, move, delete, copy, and edit the schedules that are created by other users in Publishing Document Builder. Previously, the administrator was not able to view and perform any action on schedules that are created by other users.
Enhanced the user actions against folders
In Publishing Document Builder, you can now rename, move, or delete a folder, only if you are the owner of the folder, its subfolder, and the resources that are stored in it. An administrator can perform any action on the folder, regardless of the ownership of the folder. If you are the owner of a folder, which contains the resources that are owned by another user, you cannot delete or move the folder until the owner of the resource or administrator moves or deletes the resources in that folder.
Previously, any user might delete or move any folder regardless of the ownership of the folder and the resources in it.

Milestone 7

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 6

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 5

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 4

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 3

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

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