Resolved issues

Review the defects that are resolved with the release of version 7.0.3.

APAR ID Defect ID Summary
PH56421 80313 Engineering Publishing templates that are connected to DWA through OSLC-OAUTH does not work with log4j2.
PH55578 80110 Unable to scroll down the list of variables in Publishing Document Builder when you are generating a report.
PH55334 80050 Group by (ungrouped) not working when owner is null.
PH54746 79888 List of table and list of figures did not get generated.
PH54646 79915 In Publishing Document Builder, the admin user cannot edit a template, if removed from the owner's list.
PH52774 79503 Error 400® after you enable adminCenter in Publishing Document Builder.
PH51711 79322 Widow or Orphan control not working in Engineering Publishin. report.
PH50469 79088 Problem of configuration context for image that is downloaded with Engineering Publishing (delivered in 702 interim fix18).
PH49626 78914 Integrate Engineering Publishing and Publishing Document Builder when Publishing Document Builder is configured to use JAS authentication.
PH49576 78890 Engineering Publishing does not generate derived link.
PH49306 78869 Report generation in RPENG is failing if authentication is not set.
PH49255 78865 Table formatting is different in Engineering Publishing 702 interim fix versions. Cell padding is retained to default for table elements.
PH49085 78809 Issues with table and line spacing.
PH48853 78807 The values of enumeration attributes add a line break in DOORS®.
PH48824 78798 Credentials that are provided in connection are not used during document generation.
PH48566 78775 Application leak on api com.aspose.words.zz3C.*
PH48361 78723 rpeWebFilter rpengFilter in web.xml is not allowing the proxies of different hosts to communicate with RPENG | 400 Error.
PH48326 78715 Issue with the output when extra container with query used within the table.
PH47904 76818 Bad picture quality in PDF compared to Microsoft Word.
PH47652 76772 Document output is impacted when 2 queries are used in a template in DOORS.
PH47652 76772 Document output is impacted when 2 queries are used in a template in DOORS.
PH45015 76510 CQPAR00259063: Navigation Issue with Bookmark in Engineering Publishing 702.
PH45015 76510 CQPAR00259063: Navigation Issue with Bookmark in Engineering Publishing 702.
PH44501 76438 CQPAR00258929: Engineering Publishing does not seem to be accepting the Kerberos authentication method.
PH44501 76438 CQPAR00258929: Engineering Publishing does not seem to be accepting the Kerberos authentication method.
PH44476 76424 Extra line breaks are added in Engineering Publishing output.
PH44476 76424 Extra line breaks are added in Engineering Publishing output.
PH44279 76400 CQPAR00258839: Document generation in Publishing Document Builder fails if password contains a special character(%,+).
PH44279 76400 CQPAR00258839: Document generation in Publishing Document Builder fails if password contains special characters (%,+).
PH43882 76362 CQPAR00258751: Style from stylesheet not applied correctly.
PH43882 76362 CQPAR00258751: Style from stylesheet not applied correctly.
PH43881 76355 CQPAR00258750: The cell padding is not as expected in Microsoft Word and PDF outputs.
PH43881 76355 CQPAR00258750: The cell padding is not as expected in Microsoft Word and PDF outputs.
PH43159 76266 Incorrect search result in people picker with hardcode limit.
PH43159 76266 Incorrect search result in people picker with hardcode limit.
PH42639 76270 Spacing that is defined in the style from stylesheet not correctly applied.
PH42639 76270 Spacing that is defined in the style from stylesheet not correctly applied.
PH42102 79378 CQPAR00258194: Auto change of public reports to private.
PH42102 79378 CQPAR00258194: Auto change of public reports to private.
PH41688 76247 CQPAR00258085: Engineering Publishing report generation fails for one specific DOORS module.
PH41688 76247 CQPAR00258085: Engineering Publishing Report generation fails for one specific DOORS module.
PH40580 76060 CQPAR00257740: .doc output not created - More than 63 cells per row is not supported for this file format.
PH40580 76060 CQPAR00257740: .doc output not created - More than 63 cells per row is not supported for this file format.
PH40019 75951 CQPAR00257561: OAuth does not work on enabling Engineering Lifecycle Management for JAS.
PH40019 75951 CQPAR00257561: OAuth does not work on enabling Engineering Lifecycle Management for JAS.
PH39835 75918 Document generation stuck due to the full output buffer.
PH39835 75918 Document generation stuck due to the full output buffer.
PH39125 75785 CQPAR00257237: Incorrect output generated by Engineering Publishing.
PH39125 75785 CQPAR00257237: Incorrect output generated by Engineering Publishing.
PH38090 75621 CQPAR00256882: Saving template to network share is slow.
PH38090 75621 CQPAR00256882: Saving template to network share is slow.
PH37836 75574 CQPAR00256792: Images added through IMGUtility missing in Engineering Publishing output.
PH37836 75574 CQPAR00256792: Images added through IMGUtility missing in Engineering Publishing output.
PH37630 75531 CQPAR00256718: Publishing Document Builder: Log not chronological.
PH37630 75531 CQPAR00256718: Publishing Document Builder: Log not chronological.
PH37604 75518 CQPAR00256706: Error while you are uploading a large asset (into Derby and Db2® database).
PH37604 75518 CQPAR00256706: Error while you are uploading a large asset (into Derby and Db2 database).
PH37322 75478 CQPAR00256620: Document Builder or MS SQL deployment example server.xml incorrect.
PH37322 75478 CQPAR00256620: Document Builder or MS SQL deployment example server.xml incorrect.
PH36370 75299 CQPAR00256301: DOORS module external link that is used by image element is processes twice.
PH36370 75299 CQPAR00256301: DOORS module external link that is used by image element is processes twice.
PH36292 75266 CQPAR00256277: Content right aligned with indent in PDF output.
PH36292 75266 CQPAR00256277: Content right aligned with indent in PDF output.
PH36191 75237 CQPAR00256242: Resource picker or configuration picker cannot be used while you create connection, if context root contains numbers.
PH36191 75237 CQPAR00256242: Resource picker or configuration picker cannot be used while you create connection, if context root contains numbers.
PH35768 75047 CQPAR00256105: Engineering Publishing Java™ API SampleDocGen fails with 500 Internal server error to generate document remotely against Publishing Document Builder.
PH35768 75047 CQPAR00256105: Engineering Publishing Java™ API SampleDocGen fails with 500 Internal server error to generate document remotely against Publishing Document Builder.
PH35151 75039 CQPAR00254579: Engineering Publishing stops working after the Engineering Workflow Management Windows shell is installed.
PH35151 75039 CQPAR00254579: Engineering Publishing stops working after the Engineering Workflow Management Windows shell is installed.
PH34920 74917 CQPAR00254480: Text is expected on the same line but is moved to the next line.
PH34920 74917 CQPAR00254480: Text is expected on the same line but is moved to the next line.
PH34919 74916 CQPAR00254479: Engineering Publishing blank page is not included in template but observed in output.
PH34919 74916 CQPAR00254479: Engineering Publishing banal page is not included in template but observed in output.
PH34211 74740 CQPAR00254160: Publishing Document Builder: Events that are logged in job details are not chronological.
PH34211 74740 CQPAR00254160: Publishing Document Builder: Events that are logged in job details are not chronological.
PH33417 74579 CQPAR00253352: Adding an empty paragraph has no effect.
PH33417 74579 CQPAR00253352: Adding an empty paragraph has no effect.
PH33068 74501 CQPAR00253241: Error CRRPE3186E when you add a Microsoft Word stylesheet file.
PH33068 74535 CQPAR00253241: Error CRRPE3186E when you add a Microsoft Word stylesheet file.
PH33068 74501 CQPAR00253241: Error CRRPE3186E when you add a Microsoft Word stylesheet file.
PH32917 74452 CQPAR00253173: Korean characters are corrupted in PDF output.
PH32917 74452 CQPAR00253173: Korean characters are corrupted in PDF output.
PH32697 74418 CQPAR00253090: Extra license consumption when you run Engineering Publishing from command line.
PH32697 74418 CQPAR00253090: Extra license consumption when you run Engineering Publishing by using command line.
PH32667 74348 CQPAR0025308: OLE from DOORS module are not shown entirely in the generated document.
PH32667 74348 CQPAR0025308: OLE from DOORS module are not shown entirely in the generated document.
PH32505 74351 CQPAR00253030: Engineering Publishing desktop client stops when the auth type is switched several times.
PH32505 74351 CQPAR00253030: Engineering Publishing desktop client stops when the auth type is switched several times.
PH32098 74556 CQPAR00252858: Some characters got garbled when publishing PDF for a module on Linux®.
PH32098 74556 CQPAR00252858: Some characters got garbled when you publish a PDF for a module on Linux.
PH31992 74383 QPAR00252802: Engineering Publishing Administrator page not accessible with Jazz® Admin Role.
PH31992 74194 QPAR00252802: Engineering Publishing administrator page not accessible with Jazz Admins role.
PH31992 74194 QPAR00252802: Engineering Publishing administrator page not accessible with Jazz admin role.
PH31992 74383 QPAR00252802: Engineering Publishing Administrator page not accessible with Jazz Admin Role.
PH27299 73549 CQPAR00251619: Page number inconsistency when you are creating table of content with Engineering Publishing template.
PH27299 73549 CQPAR00251619: Page number inconsistency when you create table of content with Engineering Publishing template.
Internal 75706 Engineering Publishing: Error in the engine cannot access to the OAuthentication URL.
Internal 75075 Publishing Document Builder- The Edit Advanced Configuration is not working. No dialog box is appearing on clicking the icon.
Internal 78757 Add logging to resolve error when you are exporting a report to a document.
Internal 79591 Engineering Publishing side stream builds failing on using IES-4.23 supplier.
Internal 79950 Unable to perform Jazz Team Server authentication post the jena-arq upgrade.
Internal 74956 Publishing Document Builder login page is not shown.
Internal 75384 Certificate authentication is not working in 7.0.3 M6 build.
Internal 78788 Authentication Issue from in RRDG.
Internal 74354 Document generation from QM and CCM is failing for .html and word formats by using 703 RRDG adoption.
Internal 75517 Configure report - Data sources and Variables cannot be configured.
Internal 75169 Publishing Document Builder: In smart people picker, the remove functions not working.
Internal 75115 Publishing Document Builder- RQM_nonPLE Document Generation is giving a blank report when particular user ID is used.
Internal 75078 (People Picker) The added owners are not getting reflected on the Owners & Permissions dialog.
Internal 74564 Getting Installation Failed error.
Internal 74451 Document generation fails with NPE if the condition for the element that contains region element evaluates to false.
Internal 74373 The configuration context value is not getting set for QM application when tried with importing web resources or by using Find feature.
Internal 78695 Style from stylesheet not applied correctly.
Internal 76842 Images that are loaded into the template are missing in the HTML output.
Internal 76745 Corrupted/garbled bullets in PDF output generated in RHEL/SUSE.
Internal 76671 Only BG colour is printed for the DOORS data that has both BG and text color.
Internal 76335 Error 400: Bad request.
Internal 76313 Open social gadget doesn't provide the Generate document button on the project dashboard.
Internal 76287 Variables and attributes that are used in script expression are cleared, resulting in incorrect output.
Internal 76188 Variables that are used in the JavaScript Library function must not be cleared.
Internal 76035 CRRPE1064I Error in the engine is thrown in Engineering Publishing when authenticated with Engineering Lifecycle Management 7.0.3 Sprint 11 build.
Internal 75701 Multi-level lists are not rendered correctly in Microsoft Excel output.
Internal 75678 Variables are not included in email notification after you upgrade to 7.0.3
Internal 75741 Feed empty (remove or add local config to global config fixes issue).
Internal 75697 User picker loading forever if started by JazzGuest
Internal 80172 Publishing Document Builder - Not able to create new folder in add data source connection.
Internal 80175 Configuration to the GC Server is not happening.
Internal 80161 Data is not coming on the Generated Document.
Internal 79930 In Launcher, the OSLC resource picker not loading up.
Internal 79912 (Central Management) Modifying or creating a new template gives error | Saving template also gives error | Change authentication from Jazz Team Server to Container gives error.
Internal 79301 In Studio & Launcher, the application icons are not shown up in the Linux environment
Internal 58108 Extra borders in HTML output.
Internal 74328 Configure the output formats window alignments must be corrected for different formats.
Internal 74325 Stylesheet Selection - Library stylesheets are not filtered by file type.
Internal 74289 Heading level offset - Correction needed in KC.
Internal 74268 A comparison report fails.
Internal 74266 Publishing Document Builder status never updates.
Internal 74211 Incorrect product version is appearing in installation package, Launcher help and startup window.
Internal 74097 On the Add data source window, the Next button not enabled.
Internal 74079 Issue with clearing data filter and condition.
Internal 73970 Unable to search all users in Owners and Permissions.
Internal 73269 Update and Remove Support blog link in the Getting Started page.
Internal 73213 Guided tours get stuck when started from Administer page by pub_admin.
Internal 72907 Usability enhancement: Since only owners and co-owners can change the tags, for others edit tags must be disabled.
Internal 72776 The iteration runs 1500 times on run (incorrect) and 2 times when debug.
Internal 72240 High memory consumption while the doc gen runs by using Publishing Document Builder.
Internal 64017 Performance issues when generating document.
Internal 75480 Translate DOORS Engineering Publishing add-in Publish menu.
Internal 75462 Studio integration with Publishing Document Builder configured with OIDC does not work.
Internal 75452 Configure Microsoft Word Output - the default file type must be changed to docx.
Internal 75353 Reporting on the type of link in DOORS shows DXL error.
Internal 75426 Metadata information of the stylesheet that is shown in the generated document.
Internal 75398 Extra bookmarks must not be added when ensure unique is false.
Internal 75389 HTML reserved characters that are not handled correctly for Output and metadata properties of the report.
Internal 75386 OSLC Resource Selection and document generation are failing for RM application by using certificate authentication.
Internal 75381 Schedule names are not shown under the display message when report deletion fails.
Internal 75369 Make public checkbox alignment gets wrong in Edit report page.
Internal 75367 Fix alignment of download link in job details modal on Admin > Job details.
Internal 75363 Deleting only one schedule from the list makes the message looks weird.
Internal 75359 Message doesn't refresh or change on the Select folder modal after trying to create a duplicate folder name.
Internal 75357 All the icons are active and not greyed out when nothing is selected after the copy or move operation.
Internal 75351 Tags are set in the report modal while the document generation, are not added on the results page.
Internal 75350 Tag suggestions are not fully seen due to modal height and scroll bar.
Internal 75321 Cannot close reporting log.
Internal 75320 Dodgy refresh icon.
Internal 75281 Font size of Runtime Variables settings on Admin page disturbed.
Internal 75260 Template Cell item Cell alignment property not applying vertical alignment to Excel output.
Internal 75238 Public report becomes private after the designer edits advanced configuration.
Internal 75220 Remove white space from text file of job details.
Internal 75203 OSLC Resource selection does not work for certificate authentication.
Internal 75185 Default selection must not be changed for elements with property value already set.
Internal 75148 Include a script - Authentication window that is not shown after the remote URL for the JavaScript file is provided.
Internal 75126 Unable to add a URL with more than 1000 characters in Publishing Document Builder.
Internal 75100 The user is not able to search any names from the selected users.
Internal 75099 The size of people pickers is smaller in Publishing Document Builder as compared to other Engineering Lifecycle Management apps.
Internal 75084 The recently added users or owners name is not displayed on the recent tab of the people picker dialog.
Internal 75082 Publishing Document Builder -Multiple Glitches are occurring, when any template or report is dragged into the folder.
Internal 75069 The links on the Welcome page Engineering Publishing desktop client not redirecting user to the exact details on the IBM® Documentation repository.
Internal 74985 Searching with * in the new user picker does not fetch any users.
Internal 74995 Logging out in Publishing Document Builder doesn't show a separate login window for authentication.
Internal 74993 The search functions on the Selected users is not working on the people picker
Internal 74992 Width and height values are not set accurately in the output.
Internal 74990 Stylesheet does not get listed after sample assets is generated.
Internal 74989 Drop downs are not shown completely in Set Condition modal and Filter Editor.
Internal 74988 Snippets within a folder inside %rpe_home%\snippets will not be shown in Palette view.
Internal 74937 Engineering Publishing must ignore the white spaces between the tags.
Internal 74911 json2Html does not render correctly to handle Engineering Test Management grid sections.
Internal 74067 Uploading a new asset and deleting them makes to view group by folder instead of ungrounded.
Internal 74859 Not able to generate DOORS DWA requirements from Engineering Test Management web UI.
Internal 74721 Update the label Base Configuration context to Base configuration context in Studio and Launcher.
Internal 74702 Text does not render correctly with DOORS text.
Internal 74697 Configuration-Context and Base Configuration-Context properties are not shown in the Publish wizard.
Internal 74696 The IBM logo is not getting printed on HTML output.
Internal 74667 Set Content modal size is not consistent.
Internal 74649 Illegal character in scheme name - when stream name is used in Configuration-Context.
Internal 74638 The designer must be able to provide the macro name while a stylesheet is uploaded.
Internal 74571 Issue with spacing between paragraphs.
Internal 74570 The array becomes empty outside the text element where it is created.
Internal 74534 CQPAR00253090: Extra license consumption on running Engineering Publishing from command line.
Internal 74533 Library stylesheets cannot be used in Launcher.
Internal 74526 Change the message when macro is used with docx extension.
Internal 74490 Unable to determine Engineering Test Management children step index of nested keywords.
Internal 74486 Document the flags to overcome failures while you save docgen output into database Db2 or Derby.
Internal 74480 Incorrect request URL when fields parameter contains unsafe characters.
Internal 74478 Include File - supported file types need to be corrected.
Internal 74465 On the welcome page, when clicked the templates folder - the content inside it is going out of the frame.
Internal 74455 "An error occured generating the report" through Engineering Workflow Management.
Internal 74449 Word output - docm not allowed as word document extension.
Internal 74447 Heading level offset - Correction needed in tooltip.
Internal 74435 Word output - docm not allowed as word document extension.
Internal 74288 CRRPE3614W message shown in the console.
Internal 74412 Incorrect copyright year in the About window in Studio and Launcher.
Internal 74384 The Macro field is missing for Excel output.
Internal 74353 In the Common Configuration screen on the Installation Manager installer, the default location needs to be updated to 7.0.3.
Internal 75528 Schedule email doesn't include variables.
Internal 78701 The OSLC resource selection picker is blocked in the iFrame.
Internal 78941 On the Clearing House > Supported Software page, add a note for DOORS.
Internal 76799 SVG images are not shown in HTML output.
Internal 76785 On the Excel Protected menu in the Launcher, the Protect (read-only) password textbox is enabled even if the protect(read-only) workbook is set to false.
Internal 76779 On the Excel Protected menu in Publishing Document Builder, the Protect (read-only) password textbox is enabled even if the protect(read-only) workbook is set to false.
Internal 76773 On the Excel Protected menu in Publishing Document Builder, the fields for setting up excel passwords are not displayed in the advanced configuration window for reports.
Internal 76763 The NLS_ENCODING tag mismatch the content encoding in lots of properties file.
Internal 76727 (Engineering Publishing in RHEL) Welcome window shows no content.
Internal 76689 The document might not be generated - Error if XSLFO output is added.
Internal 76684 Topic name must not include support topic=support-migrating-data-from-sql-server-oracle
Internal 76677 All the DOORS colors are not rendered in Engineering Publishing.
Internal 76656 The co-owner is unable to edit or delete the public resources.
Internal 76573 Not able to see logs in the console.
Internal 76534 (DOORS data) Object text that has lists are not properly displayed in the Engineering Publishing output.
Internal 76528 Adding owners and permission brings back to the first pagination.
Internal 76523 DM instance must be removed from common providers list from the Publishing Document Builder UI.
Internal 76513 Shared & Sample (AssetClassification) assets are not displayed in group by views.
Internal 76509 Data shown across multiple rows when Data in single cell is true.
Internal 76489 Error while switching to Jazz Team Server authentication.
Internal 76486 Asset table is not updated on uploading or editing an asset.
Internal 76478 Engineering Publishing UI: Text alignment changes.
Internal 76442 Row background color set by using script is displaying the wrong colors.
Internal 76418 Cell alignment center is not applied in the text when the adjacent cell has some different alignment.
Internal 76402 Line formatting in one of the paragraphs is impacting the hyperlink in the other paragraph(only for excel output).
Internal 76397 BG color in table cells is not displayed as expected.
Internal 76395 [Engineering Publishing] Review the Engineering Publishing UI for sentence casing.
Internal 76318 Adding a dynamically referenced template fails when you add it inside a container.
Internal 76317 Referencing a system variable in a referenced template causes an infinite loop.
Internal 76302 People picker not opening from report assets in Publishing Document Builder.
Internal 76273 Word output ignores formatting.
Internal 76073 Some properties that are defined in the style are ignored while importing.
Internal 76272 Engineering Publishing does not Implement Regex correctly.
Internal 76225 Settings and administer discrepancy.
Internal 76001 Text background color is not set as expected in Microsoft Word output.
Internal 75802 Missing line break after the list.
Internal 75778 Links appear twice.
Internal 73680 Document generation fails with Error: Panic - tree losts its integrity.
Internal 75755 Designer can use the template variables without selecting them.
Internal 75746 Reporting on GC Aware RMM data takes too long.
Internal 75705 The sample template section needs to be updated to include information about WorkItemsByCategory.dta template.
Internal 75682 Configure report - placeholder value not refreshed.
Internal 75681 Null Pointer Exception.
Internal 75680 Numbering style property for List is displayed as not supported in the description of the popup that comes on mouse hover.
Internal 75676 Issue with live document preview.
Internal 75674 Preview Document - variables that are not shown in Generate document modal.
Internal 75672 Configure Excel Output - Additional file types are listed.
Internal 75651 Engineering Lifecycle Management apps cannot be connected from Publishing Document Builder Open menu.
Internal 75650 Emails are not sent for nonowners of the report and the co-owners of the jobs, when logged in as jazzadmin user and schedules or generates.
Internal 75636 Welcome page - Incorrect link under Starter templates section.
Internal 75635 Studio - Blank Welcome page is shown.
Internal 75604 Documentation concerns for Publishing Document Builder Instructions for WebSphere® Application Server 9.0.5.x is missing.
Internal 75591 Engineering Publishing launcher and Engineering Publishing Studio missing icons on executable in IES415 stream.
Internal 75533 Email notification content needs to be improvised.
Internal 75529 Failed document generation sends multiple mails to the users.
Internal 78810 Improper UI when more than one connection is added in the list.
Internal 79761 ELM_Traceability_Opt_out_Report generation fails for second user.
Internal 80071 Translation: Report > Configure Report > Output > PDF > Image quality attribute is not translated.
Internal 80228 [Multiple entries in Message.js file.
Internal 80203 The filter isn’t working for available templates in report creation.
Internal 80195 Document Generation failed at Error in engine Auto: connection to RMM artifact step.
Internal 80190 Check PII error for launcher features and studio-feature components.
Internal 80174 RMM diagram is getting cropped on generated document for WORD and PDF files.
Internal 80170 Publishing Document Builder: Not able to upload large asset (Db2 database).
Internal 80160 Publishing Document Builder - False error message is generated in artifact Drag-Drop scenario | Assets | Schedule | Result | Report.
Internal 80158 Studio and Launcher application files are not showing the latest icons.
Internal 80157 The welcome screen is still showing old icons.
Internal 79779 Engineering Publishing Document generation is failing because of the error in engine auto-connection.
Internal 80107 Report > Configure Report > Variables > Data type is not displayed correctly in other languages.
Internal 80101 Application log rotation is in backwards order.
Internal 80073 In Configure report > Outputs > Excel, the Microsoft Excel protected fields and data in a single cell field is not translated.
Internal 80041 The main menu shows undefined instead of Engineering Lifecycle Management applications in Publishing Document Builder server.
Internal 79897 Engineering Publishing Launcher produces errors when generating a report with PNG image artifacts.
Internal 79880 On the Save and configure report page, the scroll bar is not available for variables.
Internal 79815 Plug-in was unable to load class
Internal 79790 Engineering Publishing API broken links.
Internal 79787 When do Engineering Publishing import variables?
Internal 79760 Many instances of user personal dashboards from menu in Publishing Document Builder.
Internal 79730 Documentation defect for chapter Temporary directories for Citrix domains
Internal 74608 Stylesheet and Macro name label must be common between Engineering Publishing thick client and Publishing Document Builder.
Internal 74137 Replace schema - Incorrect description.
Internal 79697 Left Cell Text Padding style not applied correctly.
Internal 79625 Test Case: OOTB_PLE_DB - DOORSNext_Modules (13586) generated unexpected results on a module by using the Module.dta template.
Internal 79624 Adding a tag on the Add data source connection repeats the tag when you press Return after entering a tag.
Internal 79597 Schedules >> Valid error message is not shown while trying to schedule a report having ad hoc connection.
Internal 79573 Engineering Publishing side stream builds failing due to Java-9 compatible code.
Internal 79571 Managing data sources in Publishing Document Builder must more clearly state that local configurations or streams are not allowed for Engineering Test Management.
Internal 79399 A pseudo translation package is not seen post tycho integration builds.
Internal 79314 org.mozilla.javascript(1.7.5.v201504281450) is throwing Rhino-Exception.
Internal 79313 Update the variable name to Constant Variable [Configuration-Context].
Internal 79311 Problem of configuration context for image that is downloaded with Engineering Publishing.
Internal 79300 Unwanted warning in Engineering Publishing console that is related to RRDG.
Internal 79279 Resource selection and data source authentication are failing without a credential.
Internal 79179 SQL to Db2 migration fails report generation.
Internal 78923 Amendments needed in upgrade documentation (for Engineering Publishing IUG).
Internal 78846 After Engineering Publishing export in DOORS, rpe_sample_logs shows errors even though export is successful.
Internal 78841 A paragraph followed by a page break adds an unwanted line break.
Internal 60847 NPE after toggling split editor.
Internal 74008 An empty folder with question mark as the folder name under /launcher directory.
Internal 74368 Messages repeating in the Engineering Publishing console on running the document generation with output format selected as Microsoft Word.
Internal 75388 Convert To option must be available only when right-clicked on a paragraph element.
Internal 75376 Move To and Copy To options will remain enabled after clearing the selections.
Internal 74991 Tooltip needs to be corrected.
Internal 74046 Error in Installation Manager log after console mode installation of Publishing Document Builder.
Internal 75562 Missing variable value in the email.
Internal 78766 The clustering component is present in the default Publishing Document Builder installation.
Internal 76334 Open social gadget shows RPENG instead of Publishing Document Builder.
Internal 75700 Add Tags modal - Main page scrolls up/down on a scrolling mouse wheel.
Internal 75399 The japanese translation for Paragraph restart numbering is misleading.
Internal 75565 Redundant property shown for variable.
Internal 80182 Publishing Document Builder - Edit One Time schedule - End Date must not come.
Internal 80177 Publishing Document Builder - Wrong validation or error message for Generate Schedule.