What's New in Engineering Insights 7.1

Learn more about what’s new and changed in Engineering Insights milestone builds.

Milestone 10

LQE relational store (LQE rs) adoption for System Artifacts Elements in ENI
LQE rs option can be enabled in the Engineering Insights application using the Admin portal by setting the property value Enable LQE rs solution to True. For more information, see Enable the LQE relational store feature.
Creation of View using the SQL query language
A new view can be created using SQL as the new query language. The default query is set to SQL. For more information, see Create a view by using LQE rs (SQL query).

Milestone 9

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 8

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 7

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 6

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 5

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 4

This milestone contains only quality improvements.

Milestone 3

Improved querying for string properties
Querying of string properties is improved in Engineering Insights, which now uses improvements introduced in Report Builder 7.0.3. This change provides a consistent and documented design for querying string properties in both applications.

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