Exporting reports and scheduling export

You can export the results of a report to different formats and schedule the report to export on a recurring basis. You can export tabular reports to spreadsheets, IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing, Microsoft Word, PDF, and HTML files. You can also export charts to image files or documents. 

Before you begin

  • To export to a spreadsheet or Microsoft Word document, you must have Microsoft Office version 2013 or later installed. Team members must also have at least version 2013.
  • To export to Engineering Publishing, you must have a licensed copy of Document Studio installed.
  • To generate a document-style report, you must have a licensed copy of IBM IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing, installed.


You can export reports from the list on the Reports tab listing or directly in a report. Follow these steps to export from the list on the Reports tab. 

  1. On the Reports tab, from the list select the reports that you want to export.
    You can export all the reports in a current folder or one or more selected folders, including cases where reports of the same name exist in different folders
  2. Click More actions and then click Export or schedule.
    The Export or schedule dialog box is displayed with three steps to complete.
  3. In Step 1 (Format), select the output type and related settings. You can click Export to immediately export the report and save it locally. Otherwise, click Nextto filter and schedule the report.
    Table 1. Output types and format options for export
    Output types Format
    Microsoft Excel

    You can export static or live data to a spreadsheet.

    Export Static data
    Creates a spreadsheet that contains report data from when the report is exported. This export can be scheduled to run on a recurring basis.
    Note: The number of rows that you can export is limited to 20,000. If your report contains more rows, filter the report to reduce the number or ask your Engineering Lifecycle Managementadministrator to increase the query result limits for spreadsheets.
    Export live data
    Export live report data to a new spreadsheet or an existing spreadsheet that supports live data. This task cannot be scheduled. When you export to an existing spreadsheet, follow the instructions on the last step of the process.
    Note: Creating a spreadsheet with live data is not supported by Microsoft Excel on Mac OS.
    • Export Static data
      This option creates a new spreadsheet that contains report data from when the report is exported. This export can be scheduled to run on a recurring basis.
      Note: The number of rows that you can export is limited to 20,000. If your report contains more rows, reduce the number by filtering, or ask your Engineering Lifecycle Management administrator to raise the query result limits for spreadsheets.
    • Export Static data
      This option creates a new spreadsheet that contains report data from when the report is exported. This export can be scheduled to run on a recurring basis.
      Note: The number of rows that you can export is limited to 20,000. If your report contains more rows, reduce the number by filtering, or ask your Engineering Lifecycle Management administrator to raise the query result limits for spreadsheets.
    >>>>>>> Stashed changes
    Document You can export data to multiple document file formats such as Microsoft Word, PDF, and HTML. Depending on the file format, you can select settings for the following fields:
    • Layout
    • Font size
    • Orientation
    • Paper size
    Refer to the preview image on the dialog box to see how each selection affects the appearance of the exported document. This export can be scheduled to run on a recurring basis. 
    • Some document settings do not apply to all file formats. For example, paper size does not apply to HTML file format. 
    • When Layout is set to List, each artifact is listed in its own paragraph. 
    • If the visualization of the report is set to Graph, the Layout field includes Chart
    • If you are unable to adjust the report to the output that you want, use the Microsoft Word format instead of the PDF file format.
    • When you export the report to Microsoft Word or PDF, table and row background colors do not persist.
    Image If the report has its default visualization set to Graph, you can export the graph as an image in PNG or SVG format. This export can be scheduled to run on a recurring basis.
    Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing You can export to a new or existing Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing document.
    • Create a new document

      When you Create a new document, the report is exported as a new Publishing document. You can select a layout, and if the visualization of the report is set to graph, the Layout field includes Chart. Follow the instructions on the last step of the process to download the necessary files and copy URLs to the report data.

    • Add to an existing document

      Follow the instructions on the last step of the process to copy the necessary URLs to the report data. If the report has a chart, other instructions are provided in the last step.

    For more information about exporting a new IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing document, see Authoring templates with Document Studio .

  4. In Step 2 (Filter), select the contents that you want to export and click Next. Filtering might be optional or required depending on whether the report is type-filtered or if required conditions are set in the report.

    Filters are the same conditions that you added when you created or edited the report. These conditions are reflected on the filter panel with the selected attribute and the available values. The following UI controls are supported:

    Date input
    When the attribute is date, then the date-picker is shown.
    Text input
    When the attribute is number, title, URI.
    When the attribute belongs to enumeration, then the available values are displayed, and you can select multiple options.
    Limit the scope
    This option is always available to limit the scope of the result based on selecting the specific project area.
    If report conditions contain default values, then those values are reflected in the filters.
    • If you select the status approval when you add a condition, then the same option should be selected on the filters.
    • If you remove the selection, the message Default choices are conditions that are specified in the 'Set conditions' section. is displayed.

    By using the filters, you can:

    • Perform a more advanced filter on the report, which might include data that is not shown in the results.
    • Limit the scope of the report results to focus on a specific project or aspect of the data.
    • Understand the options that are available to filter the report.
  5. In Step 3, schedule the export or follow any instructions. Depending on the format that you select in the first step, scheduling might not be supported and instead instructions are provided with links and files that you need to export the data. Alternatively, select when to export the report and where to save the result. Scheduling is supported for static Microsoft Excel, Document, and image output formats. Select from the following options:
    Option Description
    Export immediately and save the results locally Click Export to export the report according to your specifications. Depending on your browser settings, you are asked where to save the file. When the export finishes, a success notification appears that specifies the time that it took to complete the export.
    Schedule the export and save the results on the server To schedule the exports, follow these steps:
    1. Enter a name for the schedule.
    2. Add an optional description to explain the report that is exported and why it is scheduled.
    3. Add tags to organize the schedule and make it convenient to find later.
    4. Add owners who can edit details of the scheduled export.
    5. Select users to notify each time that the report is exported. If you do not see the Notify users section, ask an administrator to enable email notifications. For more information, see enable email notification for the Report Builder server.
    6. Specify the Export recurrence frequency.
    Click Export to save the scheduled export The export runs based on the defined schedule.
  6. If you export live data to Microsoft Excel or to IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing, scheduling is not supported. In these cases, the last step of the process provides instructions that include custom URLs and template files that are required to successfully export data to those formats. After you copy the URLs and download any necessary files, click Close to close the export 208 + process.