Enabling email notification on the Report Builder server

Schedule owners can set email notification on their report schedules. If the Email Notification option does not appear when you are scheduling a report export, an administrator can enable this option.

Before you begin

You must have Jazz administrative privileges.


  1. On your Jazz Reporting Service system, open the JRS_install_dir\server\conf\rs\app.properties file in a text editor.
  2. Find the line export.schedule.email.notification.enabled=false.
  3. Change false to true and save your changes.
  4. Restart the server.

    For more information, watch the following video:

Email notifications and archived users

By default, email notifications are not sent to archived Jazz Team Server users. Restricting email notifications works only for user email addresses on the Jazz Team Server to which Report Builder is registered. You can disable the default setting that restricts email notifications to archived users by changing the JTS_install_dir/server/conf/rs/app.properties/export.schedule.email.notification.remove.archived.jts.users property to false.