Linking between project areas

Use the Jazz project administration interface to add services for linking to project areas in Jazz technology platform products. This association of project areas enables team members to create links from artifacts, such as test cases, requirements, and work items, in one project area to artifacts in another project area.

You must establish cross-server communication and approve OAuth access requests before performing this procedure. Ensure that your Web browser preferences are not set to block pop-ups. You must be assigned to a role that has permission to modify project area properties, or you must have JazzAdmins repository group permissions.
When adding associated project areas to the current project, the selected application provides services, such as requirements, change requests, defects, or quality tasks, for the current project. The current project also uses its own services, such as requirements management (when working in an RM project), to support activities in the associated project area. The Service and Association fields, described below, provide options for selecting a link type for artifacts in associated project areas that provide the listed services.
  1. Log in to the Jazz server.

  2. On the Server Administration home page, click Project Areas for one of the applications in the Application Administration section.
  3. Select a project area from the Active Project Areas list and scroll to the Associations section.
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Add Association window in the Application drop-down list, select a target Jazz application that you identified when establishing cross-server communication using Friends (Outbound).
  6. If you are prompted to do so, log in to the target server.
    Entries for the target server project areas are displayed in the Artifact Containers field. The artifact container corresponds to a project area on the selected server.
  7. In the Association field, select the association for the type of artifacts for which you want to establish links; for example in CCM projects:
    • For associations with RM projects, select Implementation Requests or Requirements Change Requests.
    • For associations with QM projects, select Quality Management Tasks or Defects.
  8. Select an artifact container entry.
    As you select options in the fields in this window, the selected link relationship is described in the Preview section at the bottom of the window, as shown in the following image. In this example, the administrator is adding an association (linked project area) in the JKE Banking Change Management project. That project will provide defect management to support testing activities in the JKE Banking Quality Management project.
    The image shows the Preview description at the bottom of the Add Association window. The Preview contains the following text: JKE Banking Change Management provides Defects to JKE Banking Quality Management.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Repeat this procedure for project areas that you want to link on each of the application servers.
Users can now create links from artifacts in the local project area to artifacts in the project area on the target server.