Log file locations

If you encounter errors or exceptions, you can use the log files and application logging to research the issues and find resolutions. The log file names are qm.log, ccm.log, rm.log, jts.log, dcc.log, gc.log,ldx.log, lqe.log, and rs.log.

Log files

If you are using IBM® WebSphere® Application Server, the default xxx.log file location is WebSphere Install Dir/profiles/AppSrv01/logs.

The location of a log file is determined by the log4j2.xml file in the server_install_path/server/conf/application_name directory. The default location for the xxx.log file is logs/xxx.log. For example, the default setting for the jts.log file is logs/jts.log.

If you are using a Jazz Authorization Server for Jazz Security Architecture single sign-on, there are additional log files in JazzAuthServer_Install_Dir/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/logs. If there are errors in the log files, you can copy the error code, for example, CWIML4537E and search the following documentation to get explanation about the error and actions you can take to resolve the problem: Abend reason codes.