Resolved issues

Review the defects that are resolved with the release of version 7.0.3.

APAR ID ID Description
PH15628 505647 DaisyDiff: When you compare, a white-space is missing in the Compare window
PH16605 549942 Java workaround is no longer needed for: Java defect - compress can hang with CPU 100 when you send data from the server back to the client. (485398)
PH17187 512498 ClusterDiagnostic of the clustered environment must somehow factor in when the slowness was observed and gradually phase the ERROR/WARNING statuses
PH21669 498590 Server rename includes the context root for application results in an incorrect link
PH22955 500595 Moving a widget between the mini dashboard and dashboard causes an IllegalArgumentException
PH26386 530948 7.0.2 iFix001m Upgrade causes constraint violation reported addTables log
PH26990 492716 Shared personal dashboard does not appear in the All Personal dashboard list when other user logs in
PH27801 512638 Error message from addTables script refers wrongly to the Interactive Upgrade Guide for details.
PH27819 511963 [IUG] Interactive installation guide does not contain the MS SQL Server driver steps
PH28178 513322 Remove Database table space Folder from documentation.
PH30148 516403 Query does not used? style parameters
PH30711 518697 Recently Viewed widget links are broken when Project Area is renamed
PH31009 519350 Poor performance when process area users modified many times
PH31785 521399 SCIM client does not try to reauthenticate after failed authentication
PH31975 521684 Address concurrency issues with Jena TypeMapper
PH32035 521998 "Boolean value for using Guava Cache In Jena" is not visible in the UI or in the file
PH32059 521901 Session delta calculation might miss conflicts in some Changeset -> Stream scenarios.
PH32061 468734 RootServicesUtil slow if a friend application is offline
PH32216 520509 Upgrade failed in addTables when Validating version tables for identical timestamp issue
PH32788 519600 Unrecoverable error when you create Lucene Indexes
PH32811 523931 Problems when you create a user called unassigned
PH33183 524859 [Migration] RejectedExecutionException encountered on exportConcurrent
PH33700 525879 DeliveryService.getSessionDeliverableChangeSets hanging for hours
PH33832 526029 Unused tags in GC are not removed after they are deleted
PH34038 519949 Data issues in the DeliveredChange table cause DNG Migration to fail
PH34606 528112 ConceptToConfigurationVersionCache can return incorrect results
PH34813 526065 Slow SQL in VersionTable.getChangesInChangeSets
PH34819, 528755 Issue in adding members into a project area
PH34905 528999 Functional users (lqe_user and jrs_user) are wrongly created when the registerApp repotools command is used.
PH35115 529486 Getting message: The maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 running addTables in an upgrade from to 7.0.1
PH35377 530247 GC SDK GlobalConfigurationService.getPersonalGcForSharedGc logs errors when no personal GC is available and create=false
PH35568 517263 Slow stream loading in "Manage components and configurations"
PH36274 531703 LQE validation can timeout when the normal feed works
PH36321 530803 Running fails in line 45 when the file contains comments
PH36600 530535 The data warehouse server rename repotools command must rename without matching reporoot ID
PH37023 523929 Production jazzdev's jts.log reports Parse exception occurred at line='1', column='0'. Might not find ':' following attribute name on JSON object.
PH37127 534676 Performance issue with query in ConceptToConfigurationVersionCache.updateCacheWithPreviousVersionInfo
PH37478 535218 [DB Migration] exportConcurrent fails with Invalid usage of the option next in the FETCH statement.
PH37557 535617 RebuildTextIndices with cjk.analyzer enable fail
PH39047 526553 Raw Item state service has incompatible SQL syntax for different versions of SQL
PH40293 541607 Unable to fetch the Artifact's history information due to NULLA marker values in Repository.Version -> prev_config_id
PH40523 523642 Detect duplicate collection entry from blob in repairQueryableTables
PH40997 543610 Issue in upgrade scripts on AIX platform
PH41138 464640 Scrolling does not work in the Mini Dashboard
PH41139 496487 Handle change-set deletion more gracefully when the change set is the source of an active deliver session
PH41835 543908 [DB Migration] Server rename hash value columns are not correctly identified in some export and compare environments
PH42675 539752 Exact match search is inconsistent when special characters are used
PH42821 547041 Db2: VersionTable.shouldPreserveQueryableRow performance degrades as configuration table size grows
PH42884 547105 Interactive upgrade guide links to test server for "Import release links"
PH43160 547514 Configuration tree fails to load if remote server login is canceled (703)
PH43560 547626 Documentation has an invalid location to enable beans
PH43630 547624 6.0.6 AND supported database versions need to be updated in System Requirements documentation
PH43630 554356 6.0.6 AND supported database version Db2 11.5 missing in System Requirements documentation
PH43880 548347 Address slow SPARQL query in RM->CCM links
PH44530 548118 Story Points Progress widget can display different results when Current Iteration checkbox is selected and when the current iteration is manually selected
PH44923 549670 Iterations in the Planned For menu are improperly indented/nested when iteration/timeline contains forward slash characters
PH44989 549821 Disable local version DeliveryServiceActivationAsyncTask in 7x (and later)
PH45118 550185 StrictSecurity property that is misspelled as StrictSecurty in documentation
PH45178 550279 7.0.2 system requirements are missing supported Liberty versions
PH45243 546963 People picker: A recent list continues to show users whose project area access is revoked
PH45511 550755 Oracle Indexes and PRIMARY KEY constraints must not be created in the USERS table space
PH45574 550957 ConfigurationManagementImportService.internalFinalizeImport() does not wait for completion of validateDeliveredChangeMigratedData
PH45899 551473 Stack Overflow When Importing Contributors
PH45905 551573 ORA-04021 is not recognized as retryable
PH46121 551217 changeSetHandles are missing dependency
PH46521 546899 Omit Oracle hint in getSqlGetChangesInConfiguration for scope==states in nonbaselines without includePrevious
PH46677 552904 Bad message when you use a stale change set as context
PH48247 554963 Index missing error message incorrectly states running -rebuildIndices fixes the problem
PH48293 555337 You must user the property when you use the strict mode with Java 8.0.7 and later
PH48397 555501 License Denial MBean value does not reset to 0, if no denials are available in the MBean publish interval
PH48917 556164 The Default Port for Db2 is 25000 when you use Db2 v11.5.6 or newer
PH49078 556175 Using a RollingFileAppender for repotools log in 7.0.2 SR1 causes a ClassCastException
PH49600 553847 RepairQueryableTables encounters NPE
PH49669 557072

Web Help URI setting from ccm/admin is not persisting in Help contents

PH50365 558277 Reportable REST must adopt a new Float extension type
PH50994 548849 The system runs many queries under no load
PH51188 559477 LDAP nightly sync can create too many changing events
PH51400 559808 Loading a timeline view with many sibling iterations is slow
PH51422 559945 ProcessService does not check that development lines are over 2048
PH51516 560191 Registering Engineering Lifecycle Management works through server.sserver.startup -registerWinService, but the registered server can't be started. This issue doesn't happen in all cases.
PH52452 561815 Team Timesheet report shows archived timesheets if the Show Archived option is selected
PH52979 562234 Db2: Excessive database load from version table lookups
PH53104 562526 Unable to create a new stream if a sibling stream is not available
PH53196 563346 GC stream name is shown like wrapped text and the name column cannot be expanded
PH53216 561522 ItemCleanupService places unnecessary load on the database server
PH53231 563190 Old Project Baseline Administrator instead of current Configuration Lead role in documentation
PH53296 567990 Reptools addTables command fail to drop index for primary key
PH53415 563343 Db2: Poor performance in VersionTable.getRowDataForItemStates for larger configurations
PH53422 563266 NullPointerException in DeliveryService
PH53643 563942 No error when you remove change set from personal stream
PH53727 520508 Improve performance of ItemCleanupService.completePartialItemDeletions
PH53732 563928 Oracle: Slow query performance when you create linked resource predicate for the where clause of a query
PH53738 563999 Push index to get added during addTables before other upgrade activity
PH53791 563920 Work Items REST API might cause the system to not respond when an improper URL is used
PH53951 564209 Spurious message in repotools log files.
PH54058 563760 Db2: High database load from VersionTable.getRowDataForItemStateInBaseline(esp. for large configurations)
PH54251 565266 IDbProvider.collectStatistics(ISchema schema, Connection connection) must commit after each table
PH54608 564335 Database statistics are not updated as frequently as intended during upgrade
PH54759 559032 NPE in Validity TRS Feed
PH54815 565740 QueryStats can get spontaneously disabled
PH55022 566082 [Fix attached] After you upgrade from 6.0.6 to 7.0.2 ifix22| Work Item Query previously selected values are not retaining
PH55481 566748 NPE when you use ProjectDashboards
PH56432 566556 Spurious messages that are written to logs because of old md5 licenses
PH56480 564489 Db2 Upgrade is slow during ConfigurationManagementImportService.copyPrimalsToChildStreams
PH56728 552007 Indexing of link validity resources is slow
Internal 525913 [Silent Upgrade 702GA-703 M3] wsadmin.bat script Failed with exception - WASX7444E: Invalid parameter value "" for parameter "parent config ID" on command "create"
Internal 530726 Selfhost JazzDev LQE long-running Jazzdev04 data source update doesn't complete
Internal 522517 [Pipeline]: The DNG component never finishes loading on the added configurations dialog.
Internal 527748 RM Addtables fails in Build to build migration
Internal 533600 [Pipeline]: The project never finishes loading.
Internal 533594 Unable to load Streams in CCM due to "a syntax error or missing dependency."
Internal 527227 fetchStates encounters NPE because the context does not have a configuration set
Internal 545024 Error 500 is received while RM finalize application during custom setup.
Internal 521452 All jaf.703.all.development builds are failing
Internal 528913 Embedded IE 11 choking on the React bundle in the 7.0.3 S4 builds
Internal 543270 GC migration from 6x fails: Failed with GcInternalErrorException: CRJGC0500E An internal error occurred: null cause=java.lang.NullPointerException
Internal 548628 BVT is failing on 7.0.3 due to an EWM error encountered from GC SDK (TeamRepositoryException: Referenced content does not exist)
Internal 549416 ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Internal 552093 SelfHost SoulDev importURLMappings operation during server rename fails with Java runtime exception.
Internal 554274 CRJAZ1791E The migration was completed with errors. The imported database is unstable and must be used after further analysis.
Internal 553962 BVT failed Engineering Lifecycle Management 7.0.3 Sprint 21: Cannot create lifecycle project
Internal 554583 Engineering Lifecycle Management installation fails with the error package cannot be found.
Internal 555354 Server Diagnostics are failing for all the Engineering Lifecycle Management Applications in SVT HC Launchpad (6061)
Internal 556532 Server Diagnostics are failing for JTS and CCM
Internal 558004 Db2 z/OS - addTables (or createTables) fails with EWM-PACKAGING-I20221011-1543 with SQLCODE=-614, SQLSTATE=54008
Internal 558078 Error when you create System GC sample Project during "Creating sample artifacts in /ccm for configuration #1"
Internal 558046 CSPF scenarios are failing when you create Project in CCM, QM, and GC as the Process Template are not displaying
Internal 559946 GC Project page that is stuck at loading on opening project area
Internal 559937 Exception from JazzReactBridge
Internal 562787 The interactive Upgrade Guide is keeps on loading and not showing any details (when you select Separately installed IBM WebSphere® Liberty profile)
Internal 567249 TLS Strict 1.3 doesn't support in SVT environment
Internal 567239 Environment becomes inaccessible after Implementing Strict TLSv1.3
Internal 565534 Issue on previews - Error 400: CRJZS5245E If-Modified-Since () contained an invalid date value.
Internal 555620 Missing CKEditor dependency:
Internal 561958 JTS CPU usage increases 200% when the connection cleanup fix is used from Task 560694 / Defect 560559
Internal 564478 Db2 z/OS - addTables and createTables fails with EWM-PACKAGING-I20230419-1451 with SQLCODE=-614, SQLSTATE=54008
Internal 559728 Validation of TRS Feed: TRS 2.0 is Failed to validate for DOORS NEXT Resources when used with Cache Data (from previous validation) at Db2 location
Internal 568017 RM Upgrade is failing with error: "upgrade/rm/ line 624: [: 7.0.2: integer expression expectedMissing administrative user ID parameter -adminUserId." using Silent Upgrade script
Internal 569304 Self-Host BluesDev 7.0.3 RC2 Engineering Lifecycle Management Upgrade failed
Internal 529932 SqlSyntaxErrorException when try to migrate the data from Derby to Db2
Internal 532081 When WS Logging Exceptions are true, exception data is not returned to the client
Internal 530027 IRepositoryDataMediator.getItemHistory() returns ADMIN user for every resource that was migrated
Internal 529911 ClassCastException in JenaMetricsUpdateTask
Internal 532636 rm/web does not load Error in log: OracleDatabaseException: ORA-01795: The maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 (svt dedicated FYRE environ)
Internal 548766 Linking between artifacts not working among RM, QM and CCM application
Internal 551990 GC build fails due to Findbugs errors for unused object
Internal 558067 Immediately following a new server deploy/setup, Async Tasks in CCM are randomly not being scheduled
Internal 558163 Problem with build EWM-TEST-I20221018-0253
Internal 560559 Bluesdev and SoulDev EWM reporting Java heap java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Internal 566250 After Java 11 adoption EDG reports no longer work in ETM
Internal 550286 Daily ELM 703 Scheduled builds are stuck because the JAF server builds are failing
Internal 565346 [BluesDev, 7.0.2 S33] Upgrade of ELM from 7.0.3 M32 to 7.0.3 S33 build failed
Internal 563233 JAF-Server builds failed with new third-party changes for Apache Jena core changes
Internal 567732 About the server or application not being displayed after Upgrade to Milestone build of Sprint 35
Internal 568203 [zos] addTables fails with EWM-PACKAGING-I20230815-1455 with SQLCODE=-624, SQLSTATE=42889
Internal 558054 addTables fails on DB IBM i: CRJAZ2474E An error occurred when you drop index "CMPTBLTPCK" from table "CMPTBLTPCK"
Internal 560485 Validation of JTS resources on SVT federated environment is showing extra artifacts in the feed.
Internal 565032 Excessive database load from
Internal 561214 [Bug bash] the log files of jts and ewm applications are empty.
Internal 522527 Starting EWM Eclipse client doesn't prompt for selecting a workspace directory path. It opens directly in the default workspace directory path
Internal 528861 The JTS dashboard page is displayed whenever a report is added as a widget
Internal 530669 The data warehouse addtables command gives an error against Oracle when you are doing an upgrade.
Internal 533402 Self-host server rename process takes longer with 7.0.3 M5 bits, especially for ETM/QM
Internal 534199 [Self-host] Db2 to Db2 importConcurrent fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Internal 534719 [DB Migration] String data with "##R" is imported with unexpected carriage returns
Internal 523154 Step to import release links is missing from interactive upgrade guide
Internal 533404 [MQTT mode] Contribution tree cache out of sync with actual GC tree (might affect correctness of component skew detection)
Internal 520014 Can't link EWM source files to artifacts in a GC because the Select Configuration dialog shows an error from EWM Eclipse client
Internal 528119 The people picker search box unexpectedly blurs, preventing the user from completing their search string
Internal 526180 EWM server encounters an error when you run the repotools-ccm -verify command
Internal 523854 Compile problems in
Internal 528579 401 Unauthorized error when you run the repotools-jts -onlineVerify command
Internal 531448 EWM and QM servers produce null error when you run the repotools- [qm][ccm] -verify command
Internal 533300 Unmatched '{' in "<REOPT VALUE="ONCE"/>"
Internal 534803 [DB Migration] Constraint violation when you insert SCM content
Internal 528615 Repotools RM onlineVerify on BluesDev reports the error PermissionDeniedException: CRJAZ1316E The user "null" does not have permission
Internal 533329 repotools_dbmigration_7x_beta: compare command fails with SQLServerException: Invalid object name 'DISTRIBUTEDMAPS.DISTRIBUTED_MAP_ENTRIES'
Internal 527038 Repair tool for fixing contributor ID issues that fail on self-host
Internal 534717 [DB Migration] BIGINT longs (SQL Server) are not always converted to equivalent DATE objects (Db2 / Oracle)
Internal 521466 Error showing history for global Streams with % character in title
Internal 533718 [DB Migration] importConcurrent replaces empty strings with nulls in column
Internal 523380 Make the change set commit code insert the correct contributor_id value
Internal 533277 DNG Migration failed due to the changes for 517912
Internal 530424 ConfigurationManagementImportService does not preserve ChangeSet.modifiedBy when you update or re-creating change sets
Internal 528923 flickering OAuth login window is constantly re-created when you log in to an existing session, which is left idle - intermittent
Internal 520217 The performance of delivering a change set in express mode has degraded in 701 GA compared to 701 M1
Internal 543296 [703] -addTables fails on DB IBM i: [SQL0204] DBCFG in SYSIBMADM type *FILE not found
Internal 530443 [UXMod stream] Navigation pane stays open and has display problems
Internal 527079 The humberger menu not pushes the main page to the right
Internal 533650 Intermittent Installation Manager errors when you install offerings break builds: "Exception while activating instance"
Internal 522351 IUG: Need information added to the upgrade guide for the users who are upgrading their data warehouse on Oracle 12c R2 or later
Internal 531663 Repository Query api give wrong results for queries that involve a timestamp around 3 - 4 AM on the daylight savings kick-in day (14 march 2021)
Internal 549516 Banner menu items are missing on Safari or Mac
Internal 549674 Importing releases might see truncated query results from any EWM in a clustered environment, and might also encounter the EWM query expired errors
Internal 549704 JTS setup fails intermittently through operator on ELM On Red Hat Red Hat OpenShift
Internal 553049 Unable to rename a server in Departmental Topology
Internal 551532 SelfHost JazzDev CRJAZ1992E The "" stopped due to SqlTimeoutException
Internal 555254 Createtables fails for Db2 z/OS - SqlSyntaxErrorException on RUNSTATS
Internal 556107 [GP Migration] (RJF) Duplicated key in the PII file
Internal 555828 IUG 703: Commands to stop the servers are not displayed for LINUX OS and Multiple-server topology
Internal 557341 EWM Dojo based unit test that is broken because of the changes in work item 542619
Internal 557898 TRS Validation: Exception in TrsSelectionsCacheService.cacheSelections
Internal 558351 Compilation errors in GCM JUnit ConfigurationServiceTests
Internal 559093 TRS Change log validation assumes that patches only contain select statements
Internal 556885 Validation is failing for Process Resources in RM TRS Feed Diagnostics with RDF parsing error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in the prolog.
Internal 557089 Intermittent issue or error is coming in custom setup (CSPF scenarios are failing multiple times due to it)
Internal 535939 FullTextIndex is not persisting the last processed timestamp
Internal 556178 SqlSyntaxErrorException on addTables with Db2 z/OS
Internal 562411 Performance issue with System.getProperty() introduced by the fix for defect 560559
Internal 562805 Adopt Apache XALAN 2.7.2
Internal 562896 TRS validation: Validation shows success while it isn't
Internal 560479 TRS Validation fails during validation of Selections if non-Selections TRS resources contain eTags
Internal 551761 IUG: Upgrade commands are incomplete. Missing user entered information for installation directories
Internal 554947 RM repotools addTables command stops logging to addTables log file during execution
Internal 552880 IUG: Was custom properties for log4j2.xml not updated in 703 IUD
Internal 564784 Test failing in EWM build due to exceptions in repository
Internal 565324 [Java 11 Merge] Update the
Internal 563831 Db2: Hint applied incorrectly in getDB2getChangesInChangeSetsHint for doGetChangesInChangeSets
Internal 550632 IUG: Incorrect upgrade instruction for JAS
Internal 564713 Unable to logout
Internal 566296 Build failed with NullPointerException on Derby test jaf.703.all.development JAFALL703-20230612-2100
Internal 564687 Sample creation and process template deployment fail due to failed license check on functional user
Internal 539725 [Repotools Compare] Compare fails in renamed server: SHUTDOWN is in progress.
Internal 564878 IBM i client on JDK11 causes javacore memory dump in JSSE when it connects to JTS
Internal 563179 Default Resource-Intensive scenario MBeans does not End
Internal 567343 [Self-Host] BluesDev - CRJZS6078E The text history index for private applications might be corrupted
Internal 568317 DCC Upgrade failed during the upgrade from 703 M36 build ELM703-I20230810-0104 to 703 M36 build ELM703-I20230820-1651
Internal 568782 Validate a newly signed license .jar files with 4096public key
Internal 566158 ELM upgrading topic lacks content or pointers and is self-referential
Internal 559226 The missing step in the Upgrade Guide that mentions about copying the certificates (keystore) during the upgrade process
Internal 524110 IUG: What is the path to upgrade CLM 6.0.X to the ELM 7.0.2 with MS SQL?
Internal 566095

Same-Site properties are not getting reflected even after they are set up manually.

Internal 568773 Need Support on - [Cloud-Trial] After you upgrade to the Staging Cloud Trial Latest Milestone Environment to ELM 7.0.3 M33 build is not working
Internal 566626 Upgrade Third-Party org.apache.log4j from 2.17.1 to 2.20.0
Internal 568067 Update the documentation for running reindex all command.
Internal 533736 Restriction in configuring browser to support TLS1.2 is out of date
Internal 532284 IUG: [Documentation] The interactive upgrade guide contains invalid step
Internal 534284 Missing important information about Jazz Authorization server
Internal 528237 Missing documentation on the supported DB vendors for Jazz Authorization server run on production
Internal 521663 Unexpected name in license "Premium Content Management" (expected: "IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Automotive Compliance")
Internal 522437 Error in the Installation Manager log during console installation and changing the WAR directory location
Internal 521673 Licensing error messages refer to "premium" but should refer to "Industry"
Internal 520864 License agreements show different versions of Installation Manager and License Key Server
Internal 520967 Cancel or OK buttons are not presented with carbon full-bleed specifications on the Select the component context window
Internal 524778 Improve logic to confirm Db2 is installed on Windows system
Internal 524065 Task uninstallELMOffering: remove long path has error for WebSphere Application Server configuration
Internal 523689 For WebSphere Application Server, IHS configuration without JAS, logout is not smooth for ELM apps and gives error CRJZS0427W for IHS URLs
Internal 524451 DB2INSTANCE issue on windows fyer computer for Db2 deployment
Internal 524951 TASK [createWASProfile: deploy CLM with WebSphere Application Server] java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: cp65001.
Internal 525100 db2start error on
Internal 525496 WinRMError The pipe has ended. on elm-da-win021
Internal 526494 Remove unwanted folder uninstallJASOffering from uninstallWAS role
Internal 523159 IUG: Need a header for an interim fix Application before the repotools addTables command is run.
Internal 526765 Timeout when starting the JAS Server on Windows
Internal 527011 Db2 V11.5 Uninstallation is not working on Linux
Internal 524297 [Documentation] In the IUG, the iFix related information is incorrect
Internal 528094 Fix findbugs failures in continuous.repository.703
Internal 528200 ELM deployment failed to run repotools -createWarehouse for DW
Internal 506104 [Wiki page] Document::- Connecting Liberty JMX Jconsole
Internal 510665 [IUG] Interactive Install Guide: Checkbox for JAS must be automatically checked and made read only when Clustering is selected
Internal 526479 Oracle databases are inconsistent with ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
Internal 529406 Issue of merged plug-in file detection in WebSphere Application Server directory
Internal 526775 Double down arrows on Items per page from Baselines tab on GCM when used on the Firefox browser.
Internal 529604 remove redundant WebSphere Application Server Python script readme.txt
Internal 521401

Configurations and global configurations overview

In help center shows dead links to youtube movies

Internal 518261 [Documentation] User must be able to jump to a specific part of a page from a Content section.
Internal 520549 The interactive removal guide does not generate any instructions.
Internal 488734 [Silent Upgrade 6061GA-iFix003-70M5] CustomRegistryException seen in WebSphere Application Server configuration log
Internal 532757 [DB Migration] Disable the concurrent sql migration junits due to the build issues
Internal 531459 [Migration] RuntimeStatistics sometimes reports negative sample sizes for CPU usage
Internal 530974 [Migration] MemoryUtils has an incorrect calculation for getUsedMemory
Internal 529458 ConcurrentMigrationTests is introducing special characters in jazz schema tables in Oracle
Internal 528706 After migration to Oracle, some BLOB values are [NULL] instead of [BLOB]
Internal 526295 [Migration] NegativeArraySizeException on exportConcurrent
Internal 523280 Test Failure (RJF-Repository-Services-T20201210-0103):
Internal 522582 [Migration] Error message for attempted -importConcurrent on Derby does not display
Internal 520973 [Migration] Honor noPrompt flag in -importConcurrent
Internal 530450 Test Failure (RJF-Repository-Services-C20210313-2115):
Internal 520280 [DB Migration] Need to run resetRepoLockId explicitly for all apps after running importConcurrent
Internal 532207 [Repotools Compare] DB rows are not matched in some tables with Timestamp primary keys
Internal 533184 The new LQE TRS schema in the Data warehosue gets dropped and re-created on every upgrade
Internal 526549 Db2 uninstall issue with db2inst1
Internal 478642 The script must set the 'default.client.encoding' property
Internal 529432 Getting error for RDM on linux071 during undeployment in TASK [uninstallWAS: Run Installation Manager to uninstall WebSphere Application Server Offering]
Internal 533542 Sprint 6 A2 Windows failed - ELM Server service didn't start
Internal 533655 Sprint 6 A1 Linux test failed - missing ccm1 in the parameterFile.txt
Internal 533523 [Repotools Compare] False positives that are presented by matching wrong column data
Internal 533762 Sprint 6 A13 linux test failed - configIHSServerWithLiberty: synchronize plug in-cfg that failed
Internal 533539 Sprint 6 A1 Linux test failed - repotools hang
Internal 524210 [Documentation] In the IUG, RMM online migration section is not there when you upgrade from Version is 7.x but 7.0.2 Upgrade Notes do not talk about it
Internal 520183 SGC sample creation code in GCM does not log the originating exception details
Internal 520752 GCM SGC sample code creation can log error on detecting an exception but not report an error to the user through sample create status or link status
Internal 520742 GcApiService.CannotGetConfigurationForPossibleChangeSet must be commented out in
Internal 527951 Running application-side validation for GC shows 2 extra artifacts on the TRS feed
Internal 528440 Missing translatable names for new system defined types in RDF
Internal 528310 GCM handling of Oslc-Core-Version headers in requests and responses is not OSLC specification compliant
Internal 529122 The title and data type for committer is incorrect in GCM system-defined types.
Internal 521755 GC configuration picker can infinitely hang
Internal 526548 HTML in conflict tooltip that is rendered as text not HTML
Internal 527094 Baselines table gets stuck in loading state if authentication fails
Internal 530762 Move Up or Move Down buttons still visible in Browse Configurations or Components
Internal 533771 [Repotools Compare] Compare reports Date column discrepancies between target and source dbs after migration
Internal 526157 ConfigurationService.getConfiguration has an incorrect test for RDF types
Internal 530000 Keyboard focus ring doesn't always show at the right time on DNG's Browse Components page
Internal 528793 CCBB is not disabled when the current configuration context is deleted in ETM
Internal 530088 [Documentation] "Associating releases with global configurations" link redirected to "Client access license management" contents
Internal 525633 Create Baseline fails with Project area not associated error (separate JTS)
Internal 533561 GCM failing JUnits
Internal 534706 repotools_dbmigration_7x_beta: compare command fails with There is insufficient system memory in the resource pool 'default' to run this query.
Internal 529055 repotools_dbmigration_7x_beta: import fails with Db2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-952, SQLSTATE=57014,
Internal 524277 Permissions that are related with Export to PDF and Export to CSV are not mentioned in QM documentation
Internal 533334 [DB Migration] Export estimate sizes are reported too large
Internal 518786 IInternalRepositoryItemService.updateState() doesn't work on an interim state (a state in a changeset other than the latest state)
Internal 529095 doesn't handle changsets properly - issue with ConfigurationManagementService.isInConfigurations()
Internal 525870 Dependencies on Apache HTTP libraries were removed from the com.github.jsonldjava plug-in
Internal 533552 The "My Stuff" banner header is not in IBM flex font
Internal 528953 UX preview for Access Control page disappearing on context switch
Internal 523888 Tooltip for add (-->) reappears after adding the user on the select users dialog.
Internal 399668 Test Failure (RJF-Derby-T20160826-2131):
Internal 504691 Write config is not required on update
Internal 444963 Test Failure (RJF-Oracle-I20171016-2221):
Internal 395930 BackupJFSIndexesCommand uses timeout mechanism that no longer exists.
Internal 535511 Change in parameter file for derby database
Internal 527397 Add members after LPA creation is enabled for the members already added.
Internal 525823 When running the repotools-rm.bat -verify if it encounters a "CRJAZ1150E The repository was not verified: Duplicate permissions operation ID specified" error the Verify does not detail the affected project area and stops instead of proceeding with the rest of the verify.
Internal 525855 Missing handling of CancellationException in AbstractTableValidator
Internal 523742 Cluster builds failures due to incorrect insecure-registries in docker daemon
Internal 523852 UnreferencedVersionsVerifier default level configured incorrectly
Internal 533085 [DB Migration] Export estimate times are reporting negative values
Internal 531489 Online verification that is started from web page has Unknown User
Internal 528331 When online and offline verifiers are run on BluesDev JTS, the verifier is reporting the same (similar?) issues as a WARNING or ERROR
Internal 525832 The -onlineVerify repotool command gives an error when repodebug is not enabled
Internal 530962 Online verifier not recording all error entries in repotools-jts_onlineVerify.log whereas offline verifier records all failure entries in its log file
Internal 520505 update reference in the CML_footer.html for v7.0 and v7.0.1
Internal 523679 Read Access Control: A user can see and access configurations to which they are not granted the read access
Internal 514343 [Dojo] Unable to configure the configuration settings of a dashboard viewlet
Internal 520974 Mini-dashboard is getting auto-closed during configuration
Internal 522939 Username input changes size on blur or focus
Internal 507391 MenuPopup does not declare MegaMenu dependency
Internal 480936 Getting error 400 when user try to save changes to review widget
Internal 531257 Remove unnecessary disjunction from composite query clause
Internal 520546 [Rename Documentation] Document the behavior of links_am data-sources in LDX after Server Rename
Internal 505841 Add Friend wizard - Labels and fields are not vertically aligned
Internal 528788 AbstractOslcService.getPublicRepositoryURL() returns server IP
Internal 525647 [ELM 703S3, samesite cookies] Unable to add a Change Request to a work item.
Internal 524159 No registered apps error message displayed while deploying MTM though all apps are present
Internal 530612 Test Failure (RJF-Oracle-19.3.0-T20210316-1253):
Internal 524842 [Documentation] Make correction in the repairVersionsWithIdenticalTimestamp repotools command document if it is not only RM specific
Internal 527063 [Documentation] -newJTSHome parameter is missing from the LinkValidityData Migration command
Internal 530077 [Documentation] "- "sign is missing for noPrompt Parameter from LinkValidityData Migration command
Internal 530044 Test Failure (RJF-Repository-T20210309-2346):
Internal 525887 Premium content licensing generates incorrect warning
Internal 532007 Widget "Quality Manager Library on QM Dashboard shows error
Internal 519363 [DB Migration] importConcurrent for repotools-dcc fails with "" feature might not start.
Internal 525700 ConfigurationData configId is not set to the baseline config when fetched in a baseline
Internal 521789 Write configuration is not preserved when multiple items are in a transaction with different write configs
Internal 461007 502 to 606RC1 CCM upgrade create table issue, "CRJAZ0577E The following SQL query did not run properly on the server: CREATE TABLE MODEL0.FMID_ITEM_DEFINITION(STATE_ID CHAR(23) ...
Internal 526205 ConfigurationData configId is not set to the baseline config when fetched in a baseline
Internal 526456 [Fyre] cluster setup scripts that are used in the pipeline need updated to run on Fyre servers
Internal 520047 ConfigurationManagementService.copyItemState encounters the wrong exception for simple item if source state is not the current state in the source configuration
Internal 536672 [DB Migration] Excessive number of write calls during exportConcurrent
Internal 527589 Ugly space in the Select the Component Context dialog (when opened from DNG)
Internal 476287 Process TRS uses incorrect RDF data type for trs: order and is not conformant with the OSLC TRS specification
Internal 487695 Getting started with DOORS Next page has a link to IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) which does not exist in online help
Internal 527104 LV change-set dependency calculation fails, if there were direct changes to the parent stream
Internal 535706 Cluster builds are failing for the Recent 702Plus ELM builds
Internal 535387 getEarliestPendingChangeSetCommitTime must send a timestamp LESS than the inFlight changeset commit timestamp
Internal 537493 Syntax error in undeployMessageSight
Internal 536922 Test Failure (RJF-Repository-Services-C20210613-2123):
Internal 537248 Ansible hostvars[undefined] variable error occurring for RM,QM,CCM single instance deployment with derby, if anyone of the application is not involved in deployment.
Internal 521751 IUG: Need to add a post-upgrade step to import existing release links from EWM to GCM
Internal 537118 [Repotools Compare] Compare should correctly determine whether an SQL Server URI hash is equal to other vendor URIs in Server Renamed dbs
Internal 523084 The performance of create stream regressed as a result of fix delivered for defect 520217
Internal 532253 Use Literals instead of bind variables for DBIDs in the composite query pattern.
Internal 539739 getDeploymentLogs.yml gives an error when creating IHS log compressed file on Linux
Internal 539758 website: user B job got a block if there is a pending job from user A.
Internal 533541 Sprint 6 D6/B5 linux failed - Due to WebSphere Application Server stopped slow
Internal 524703 Address the performance concern due to an extra SQL call while detecting conflicts for Changesets.
Internal 495598 ResourceLinkAggregator does not reset the "_requestPending" flag while handling errors
Internal 539918 Error of Synchronizing Users for ccm cluster topology when all components are on separate machines
Internal 540274 [Repotools Compare] Dates compared incorrectly with source sqlserver and target oracle
Internal 538345 [DB Migration] Missing indexes after db migration
Internal 526440 Add new Index for SQL coming out from api DeliveryServiceDAO.getChangeSetsDelta()
Internal 523089 Using a Subquery in a Query is not showing expected results
Internal 525720 The current configuration name is hard to read (barely visible) for disabled configuration in the UI banner
Internal 518541 The action buttons on the dialog to add process roles from LPA page are not aligned properly.
Internal 518582 Not able to delete more than 20 users of the project area from LPA page
Internal 518623 The mouse cursor does not turn to a Not Allowed Cursor on the disabled button on the LPA page
Internal 521313 Confusing messages when running repotools -verify - "The repository was not verified: Verification successful"
Internal 529389 The CCM dashboard for Work Item changes viewlet shows " The requested resource is not available on the approved list of external resources."
Internal 532048 No option to save the changes made for my projects widget on the dashboard tab for release plan.
Internal 541082 Changes in JSON parameter for Message Hub EndPoint
Internal 541030 [Repotools compare] Error in compare result filtering code
Internal 538632 [intermittent] Single machine 16G ram, Win, WebSphere Application Server+Derby with all apps failed running repotools setup
Internal 540587 Repotools setup failed: CRJAZ2570E The rootservices document at the url
Internal 519099 Update the information message code (I) to error code (E) for AbstractRow.expectedOneRow
Internal 540188

[DB Migration] QM importConcurrent fails with error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid year value

Internal 541885 might incorrectly clean up recent query results from cache
Internal 540955 A11 test failed - CRJAZ2247E There was an error running setup for the application
Internal 541579 [DB Migration] Repotools importConcurrent fails on CCM with "An unexpected null was found while reading the export file"
Internal 541936 [Repotools Compare] Db2 to SQL Server compare shows false positives with server rename hash values
Internal 538856 [Repotools Compare] Tables in the package are unable to compare due to NullPointerException
Internal 540748 DeliveryService - getSessionDeltas - inconsistent results of API on duplicated target Streams
Internal 542687 Test Failure (RJF-Derby-T20210915-1114):
Internal 542708 Repotools retry failed with IHS on Windows
Internal 542786 "" permission is to be enabled for "config_lead" role
Internal 543009 nullpointer exception when using mxbeandatacollection with asyncTask.cfg on linux
Internal 542641 [DB Migration] Compare tool issues that are related to Marker, component and configuration tables
Internal 543355 [DB Migration] Compare unable to match all rows in RM DBEVENT, ITEM_CURRENTS, ITEM_STATES, ITEM_TYPES tables
Internal 525763 CRJAZ0265E The database resource or the virtual storage is not available
Internal 519823 Receive error: Item Handle must not be null " attempting to open a project that uses URL -- lack of proper error handling
Internal 540888 [Repotools Compare] ERM v701: Falling with the error the database query might not run on the server.
Internal 543587 Team Repository Exception when trying to deliver a change set
Internal 533610 Resource shape for global configurations missing OSLC properties for committed and committer
Internal 529120 RDF of global baseline uses wrong predicate for committed by
Internal 542754 [Documentation] Links from Contents section does not redirect the user to that section
Internal 539449 [Documentation - IUG] No sample path provided for previous installation directory
Internal 539445 [Documentation - IUG] RS context root is missing in the URL present in the Import the ready to use reports section
Internal 543485 [DB Migration] Unexpected compare differences for Marker table in RM application for Server Rename Environment
Internal 531364 Query runs for hours and multiple days:
Internal 544910 [Repotools Compare] False positives on null entries
Internal 545446 configCluster fails as files and JASConfig.params are not found on the JAS/DCM server
Internal 545202 rtc.cluster.setup & rqm.cluster.setup builds failing while installing IBM MessageSight
Internal 546241 plugin-cfg.xml is not updated with all lines that are provided in task configCluster: Update plugin-cfg.xml with DCM properties
Internal 546174 startIHS and stopIHS should use windows service on windows
Internal 546271 Fix up properties
Internal 545125 [Repotools Compare] Blobs are written to the results directory even the if result is as the expected diff
Internal 514976 ELM702: English strings that are displayed and the header conversion is displayed in the server locale
Internal 547709 rtc.cluster.setup & rqm.cluster.setup build issues
Internal 545130 check os offering bundle missing check for Windows 10
Internal 527684 Dialog not being disabled properly
Internal 546813 foundation offering bundles have the wrong IBM Documentation URLs (http instead of https)
Internal 546837 IBM Documentation URLs have changed the URL naming pattern (both prefix and topic)
Internal 543608 Auth Proxy allowlist - description should not say that it applies to OpenSocial gadgets.
Internal 536155 jts-patch.log does not have an entry for the applied 702+ patch
Internal 530129 Selected Users search not working in people picker
Internal 528143 Selection didn't maintain after sorting the table column
Internal 528145 Dependency analysis tool for React bridge bundle isn't producing output on Windows
Internal 531708 Text in inline notification samples didn't align in the UX preview page when launch from jts/admin#action=ux.preview
Internal 532811 GCM's favorites are not shown in the side panel of the JTS
Internal 530463 [UXMod stream] Dependency error shown when trying to load the UX preview page on the side stream
Internal 526070 [HomeMenu][Banner] Fix Favorites Panel component console warning.
Internal 528936 Extra "IBM" prefix on product name in React Banner
Internal 531497 Manage Favorites: Clearing or deleting a search term doesn't update the search results
Internal 530268 Manage Favorites: Unnecessary truncation of labels
Internal 530224 Banner menus don't show enough items
Internal 529633 Pinned sidebar covers dialogs
Internal 527965 Restore missing MessageProvider.ts
Internal 526661 [CommonTable] Columns resize when loading state is shown
Internal 529638 Sidebar doesn't remember pinned, expanded states
Internal 527673 Configuration menu switch button dropdown usability issue
Internal 528151 Display issues with CommonTable after PAL upgrade
Internal 548225 Sidenav panels lose their state when hidden, may mount too early
Internal 529632 can ignore applicationUri
Internal 548034 Favorite categories lose the open/close state on reload
Internal 530442 [UXMod stream] Unnecessary vertical scrolling on the Status Summary page and elsewhere introduced by banner work
Internal 533002 Manage Favorites: Gray border padding issue
Internal 530042 [UXMod stream] Carbon CSS flags are not working, causing various style problems
Internal 547947 [UXM] New banner requests favorite 5 or more times during startup
Internal 526141 BannerSystemAlerts component causes excessive CPU usage
Internal 535000 Recently used archived user can be added to the artifact.
Internal 548533 Dark dot for currently viewed item in the banner
Internal 542699 Wrong localized string returned for Release link label
Internal 548960 TrsModeContributionTreeCacheService.saveContributionTree may throw ItemNotFoundException if repo item is deleted between query and fetch
Internal 518880 Oslc dialog is half invisible when the people picker is started from it
Internal 549153 React banner alerts aren't activated with keyboard
Internal 520507 Use GcServiceExceptionFactory to create GcServiceException from TeamRepositoryException and other exceptions
Internal 531501 Some banner menu items are dark text on a dark background
Internal 549254 Wrong configuration view size after dragging to close
Internal 548703 Recent global configuration not showing up in the menu
Internal 543432 The search results menu on the welcome page doesn't always close when navigating away
Internal 531500 Favorites panel that is not updated for renamed or archived items
Internal 548795 Wrong search results open mixing mouse and keyboard
Internal 549213 NPE can occur in ClusterMemberService if shutdown event is stuck
Internal 549825 Update Juno code to handle the exception if it occurs while building the error response on receiving a non-HTTP 200 (OK) status in RestCall.connect()
Internal 547620 Test Failure (RJF-SqlServer-2016-I20220112-2126):
Internal 548802 VersionTable.getCommittedChangesInChangeSets will not return properly ordered changes if >1000 change set handles are passed in
Internal 550087 Test Failure (RJF-Oracle-12.2.0-I20220321-2346):
Internal 549207 Clearing search terms doesn't update the search results on a common table
Internal 550328 User Picker content area missing left and bottom margin/padding
Internal 550752 Unable to run importURLMappings on ROCR staging server
Internal 550253 continuous.webui.react.703 build failed due to PAL upgrade
Internal 550063 Resolve common-Table issues (side effects of PAL upgrade)
Internal 540252 "is not any of" query condition operator doesn't behave as expected on multi-valued attributes
Internal 538788 Select the Configuration Context: Sorting doesn't work on "Configurations that you switched to"
Internal 550086 Test Failure (RJF-Oracle-12.2.0-I20220321-2346):
Internal 550864 Warning messages in the console.log when updating the logging level from repodebug post log4j V2 upgrade
Internal 550450 Online fulltext reindexing logging is not being output with log4j V2
Internal 550453 Modifying parent logger levels in repo debug or loggers does not affect child loggers after log4j2
Internal 541269 DeliverSessionImpl.getSessionState throwing IllegalStateException - "unsupported state: resolving"
Internal 542039 [People Picker] Search box tooltip discrepancy.
Internal 524978 The search tooltip on people picker doesn't disappear after the user is the searched wild characters.
Internal 530219 The side panel flyout stays open after clicking the icon
Internal 551285 Incorrect styling of Toast notification used from the Favourites Manager
Internal 551269 Dependency on org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.gui in unresolved
Internal 550906 Update Log4jv2 configuration
Internal 552066 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.stringtemplate.v4.ST thrown by
Internal 549916 Import release links dialog should sort the releases for a GC by release name
Internal 550950 "Add Configuration" dialog displays recently used configuration from different project area which user doesn't have access to
Internal 552370 Logging in Eclipse-based clients via java.util.logging appears to no longer work
Internal 552566 Validation of GC resources on SVT federated environment is showing 18 Extra artifacts in the feed.
Internal 550429 Handle warnings of common table component (PAL upgrade)
Internal 548137 Migration from DNG 6.0.6 to DN 7.0.2 NullPointer in ChangeSet
Internal 553028 Test Failure (RJF-SqlServer-2017-I20220524-2342):
Internal 518260 [Documentation] hardcoded version information value should also change according to the previous version we select.
Internal 553531 Extra hex characters in log4j2.xml in jts and rm cause problems on z/OS
Internal 523128 NullPointer in repairQueryableTables
Internal 553163 [Tycho] Full text search tests related to attachment access context fail consistently in continuous.tap.tycho builds
Internal 553471 Test Failure (RJF-Repository-Services-C20220602-2123):
Internal 554015 repodebug queryStats Db2 command to get explain information should be in double quotation marks
Internal 515116 When GC is archived can't open RM configuration in a local context
Internal 554457 Exceptions from application migrationHandlers are not getting logged in addTables log during upgrade
Internal 534224 IBM i LICPGM builds are failing due to an unexpected increase in IBM i workbench zip file
Internal 555342 Search (filter) on the the GCM Advanced Properties page no longer works
Internal 555250 NPE calling gc.webui.getConfigurations
Internal 521529 Fix the overview section in the interactive backup guide
Internal 556669 Colors are lost when pasting from MS Word into CKEditor 4.19
Internal 556762 Incorrect filter syntax for CompositeAccessUpdaterTask and CompositeScrubberTask
Internal 556077 Upgrade FROM 7.0.1 SR1 TO 7.0.3 Fails: The old application version might not be determined
Internal 550905 `Queries regarding releases is not working as expected in GCM
Internal 557436 VersionTable.getDB2getChangesInChangeSetsHint is omitting quotations for INDEX in the 3 IXSCAN opt guidelines
Internal 556998 Test Failure (RJF-SqlServer-2017-I20220918-0025):
Internal 520601 Saved repository connections are not loaded soon enough for some team dashboard configurations
Internal 557103 The component title in the view component page is displayed with html tags in it
Internal 538850 Incomplete guidance on ELM application upgrade orders and dependencies
Internal 547430 Illegal reflective access operation in EWM Eclipse Client (P2)
Internal 497713 Deadlocks can occur when many services are being activated or deactivated concurrently
Internal 558481 Inappropriate AssertionError in DeliveryServiceTests.testCompareGreaterThanMaxAllowedChangeSets when assertions enabled
Internal 558014 [Eclipse 4.23] Exception logged when dragging and dropping in the team Dashboard view
Internal 556935 Long configuration names push out the edit button in the view configuration page
Internal 558744 GCM component skew page does not show custom label for CCM alone
Internal 549405 ELM documentation update/ correction required: permissions
Internal 550878 Numerous instances of logged when repodebug pages are visited
Internal 539457 [Documentation] Remote file system should be replaced by Local file system in the generated interactive guide.
Internal 539432 [Documentation - IUG] Upgrade script name for RS application is incorrect
Internal 538517 [Documentation] Remove converter.war from verify application server list
Internal 538402 IUG: Unnecessary steps present in multiple versions of the IUG.
Internal 522719 The issue is resolvedIUG: Incorrect value being used for LQE New Installation Path resulting in a bad example command
Internal 558246 Some places Configuration ID isn't displayed and search that uses ID isn't working properly
Internal 534388 [Documentation] There is a large gap between the two applications
Internal 556867 DNG Validation displays "Error code 0" during large data processing (on Chrome)
Internal 556158 TrsSelectionsCacheService.generateFileName() might return a non-unique file name
Internal 559636 [Eclipse 4.23 Edge] Images not shown in work item attachment (or other) hovers
Internal 558015 [Eclipse 4.23 Edge] Team Dashboard hovers are empty
Internal 533148 [IUG] Derby database content is displayed when Db2 is selected
Internal 546235 Test Failure (RJF-Derby-I20211105-0006):
Internal 560020 OIDC authentication will not work in a newly installed server until it is restarted
Internal 554487 Baselines table gets stuck in loading state if authentication fails
Internal 561790 Validate All Configurations option allows for specific configurations to be selected
Internal 558886 Technical debt from 557262: [GCM] Display GC configuration IDs in GCM Application - Phase 2
Internal 560612 Javadoc issues for
Internal 536284 ICompositeManagementService.getComposite may create multiple identical composites
Internal 562454 LQE fails to run metrics against RS hosted on Oracle
Internal 562010 CCM Snapshots are called 'Baseline' in the configuration tooltip
Internal 504410 The Link To Rhapsody Model Manager Product Documentation On IBM Documentation Is Broken for 7.0.1
Internal 562688 [Eclipse 4.27] SWTObservables has been removed
Internal 561778 There is no way (no Horizontal scroll or Resizing the column width) to see all the columns while running queries in GCM
Internal 562007 String assertion failure that is related to dynamic file path with Java 11 supplier
Internal 561986 jaf.702.all_IES4.15 JAFALL702_IES415-20230209-0730 build failing in Side stream with Java 11 supplier
Internal 562214 Test Failure with Java 11 (RJF-Derby-T20230214-1009):
Internal 563223 With Java 11 supplier Test Failure (RJF-Derby-I20230314-0802):
Internal 550108 Javadoc for ITransactionService.executeTaskAfterCurrentOutermostTransaction is incorrect
Internal 562515 With Java 11 test case failure
Internal 510207 Our 7.x documentation regarding the SqlServer driver needs to be updated.
Internal 558293 [IGNORE][IGNORE] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 558292 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 558270 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 558205 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 558170 [DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 557963 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 546325 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 546319 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 546315 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 546306 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 545968 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 545935 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 545942 [IGNORE][DEMO] Diagnostics of JSF Storage in JTS shows an error PropertyConstraintException
Internal 557838 Distinction by method: isRichClient is not accurate in ServletUtil
Internal 563402 With Java 11 Test Failure (RJF-Derby-T20230316-0312):
Internal 563571 TRS Validation results is sometimes confusing
Internal 536123 New model indexes for LINKS.AUDITABLE_LINK
Internal 561641 [Eclipse 4.23 Edge] Broken image in user hover of work item
Internal 559739 Test Failure (RTC-Derby-I20221205-0431):
Internal 562116 TRS Validation: Significant disk space that is allocated for TRS feed read when resetting incremental data
Internal 562330 TRS Validation: When validating Selections, the validator may excessively reread the TRS feed to no purpose
Internal 562414 TRS Validation: incorrect validation store cleanup
Internal 563299 TRS Validation: Improper validation of archived configurations
Internal 556638 TRS Validate: Validating with Reset incremental data encounters java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
Internal 558800 Test Failure (RJF-Db2-I20221107-0850):
Internal 556644 TRS Validation UI and service require at least one option to be selected
Internal 556961 TRS Validate: Validation fails with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
Internal 559572 Validation of TRS Feed: Status of TRS validation results does not remain on portal for 7 Days after final results are displayed.
Internal 563841 With Java11 supplier Test Failure (RJF-Repository-C20230403-0835):
Internal 564068 Update the name of IBM JRE 11 as 'IBM Semeru Runtime 11'
Internal 564265 Fix DW upgrade issue on Oracle.
Internal 563843 With Java11 supplier Test Failure (RJF-Repository-C20230403-0835):
Internal 563845 With Java11 supplier Test Failure (RJF-Repository-C20230403-0835):
Internal 563834 With Java 11 as supplier continuous.foundationservices.703_IES4.15 RJF-JFS-C20230330-0631 build is failing
Internal 561755 Test Failure (RJF-JAF-SDK-C20230203-2115):
Internal 563896 Missing linux example in "Configuring Engineering Lifecycle Management on a stand-alone WebSphere® Liberty server"
Internal 539434 [Documentation - IUG] Note stating that only one QM node need to be upgraded for cluster is missing
Internal 547420 Db2 Exception "unable to build temp table" in clustered environment
Internal 528383 [Documentation] 7.0.3 Upgrade Guide, server path is missing in the upgrade command
Internal 538403 IUG: The help page hangs inbetween while user is trying to switch between the selection or while loading the page
Internal 538405 IUG: Some times while using the page many times with different combinations, Context root option selection is missing
Internal 538406 70 IUG: One of the OS options is blank initially
Internal 538464 IUG: The option for Enabling ETM Table Partitioning is disabled some times
Internal 563844 Test Failure (RJF-Repository-C20230403-0835):
Internal 563846 Db2: High rows read in VersionTable.getChangeSetPreviousStatesForDependencyCalculation_Batch
Internal 563731 Db2: High database load from VersionTable.getItemHistory (esp. for large configurations)
Internal 563730 Db2: High database load from VersionTable.getRowDataForCurrentItemInStreamOrChangeSetExplicit (esp. for large configurations)
Internal 561507 LiveIndexAgent.getLatestChangeEventTime places unnecessary load on the database server
Internal 533294 Discarding a changeset does not delete entries from the deliver_session table
Internal 559576

Missing configuration steps for linux like operating systems.

Internal 564236 Interactive Upgrade Guide Doesn't have any commands for copying/removing LDX configuration and index files (when selecting "Separately installed IBM WebSphere® Liberty profile")
Internal 539441 [Documentation - IUG] RM context root is missing in the URL present in the Disable the CleanupunusedIndexesVersionsTask section
Internal 538401 703 IUG: Back to Top and Index Contents do not exactly navigate to mentioned spot, but either few inches down
Internal 563395 TRS Validation: LargeDataStore backing files may be deleted in the middle of usage
Internal 564920 JUnit Tests for FullText Service are failing
Internal 560527 ELM Application registration fails when installed with stand-alone Liberty Profile due to missing war files
Internal 548860 Help suggests that you can change the timeout for all JAF-based applications from JTS
Internal 564039 Performance of SessionCache.invalidateExpiredSessions()
Internal 565621 703 orchestrator build got failed due to yesterday's changes into JAF integration stream, RJF-Server builds are failing
Internal 564456 warning in Eclipse due to deprecated IOUtils.closeQuietly
Internal 565272 illegal reflective access is logged to the JTS console
Internal 564836

[IUG] Outdated reference to Collaborative Lifecycle Management in Interactive upgrade guide

Internal 560034 [PVT][TRS] 7.0.2 - Create Word From Module functions is not working in TRS 2.0 environment.
Internal 562006 [Temporary] Temporary change Java 11 supplier and runtime property to enable disabled Algorithm in java 11 fix License-related test cases failure.
Internal 564420 Remove DCC reregistration step from rename documentation
Internal 552096 Test Failure (RJF-Db2-I20220503-2343):
Internal 566069 Many test errors when running "[JFS] All tests" on "[JFS] Jetty Jazz Server + JFS tests" started from dev env due to NoClassDefFoundError and similar
Internal 557303 -exportConcurrent command in iFix25 for db vendor migration (from mysql to oracle) gives wrong estimation for total time that is required to export ccm application
Internal 564454 GCM is using deprecated the dataBaseQueryProvider and should adopt the newer databaseQueryProvider2
Internal 555443 undefined componentName can cause an exception
Internal 566591 Gateway Client Tests (remote) launch configuration is broken
Internal 520232 Personal Dashboard restoring content is not supported, wiki needs to be modified.
Internal 564877 ITrsSelectionsValidation#getSelectionsMembers should include the eTag as a parameter
Internal 564876 ITrsSelectionsValidation#getSelectionsContainerUris appear to be assuming that there is a 1 to 1 relationship between configurations and selection containers
Internal 566683 GCM Application log rotation is in backwards order
Internal 565400 Application log rotation is in backwards order
Internal 565671 Changes to XML processing for Java 11 has changed handling of newlines causing product regressions
Internal 538466 Misleading warning message from the repotools -partitioning command
Internal 567835 Test Failure (RJF-Derby-I20230802-0036):
Internal 567224 DB2z - CleanupItemCurrentsAfterConfigAwareMigrationTask - SQL Error: SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, SQLERRMC=,36;AT YEAR YEARS MONTH MONTHS DAY DAYS HOUR HOURS MINUTE MINUTES, DRIVER=4.31.25
Internal 543458 The runOfflineOnly attribute is not correctly handled for verifiers
Internal 541943 Message IDs are not being replaced for some messages in the Reports component
Internal 566981 Complex GCM: Results columns names are not being displayed in SORT BY drop down
Internal 567663 Complex exception when sort by 'Release' is selected in drop down
Internal 567594 Add index to the VVCMODEL CONFIGURATION table
Internal 568162 TRS Validation should notify the application when the validation is cancelled because of too many errors
Internal 564865 Advanced property is missing text for
Internal 567655 About application is not loading for ENI and JTS
Internal 564688 Not Showing Proper "Error" and "Description" Message while Archiving Stream in an open Changeset
Internal 551201 Repodebug queryStats incorrectly lists SQL statements that begin with a comment under "other"
Internal 566228 Memory consumption percentage and value don't match on widget
Internal 499269 Update the CLM diagram to reflect the ELM applications.
Internal 561269 ELM setup for datawarehouse on Oracle fails if the Oracle password contains the period '.' characters
Internal 511871 Derby query results not sorting strings properly when using IQuery.orderByAscUsingLocale(...)
Internal 568267 HTML entities show in the footer of the ELM installation page
Internal 522166 ELM UA: Update the ELM KC to include details about how to create the initial widgetCatalog.xml
Internal 566940 Complex GCM - Sorting is not working properly in the Project area column in query results
Internal 568132 [Fix Attached] [EWM 703 M36] Project area properties page results into NullPointerException
Internal 568134 [Fix attached] [EWM 703 M36] Checking of properties of feeds results into NoSuchMethodError
Internal 568409 Export Process Description fails
Internal 563789 Db2: Poor index selection in ConfigurationAwareMediatorService.queryForCurrentStateIdInBaseline
Internal 563781 Db2: Poor index selection in VersionTable.getItemHistory
Internal 568247 Remove old default Java 8 arguments from liberty "server.startup"
Internal 568605

KC topic refers to "Collaborative Lifecycle Management"

Internal 568288 Upgrading WebSphere Liberty topic points to wrong link and needs to distinguish upgrading embedded vs stand-alone liberty for ELM 703
Internal 568173 generateUrlMappings command ignores adminUserId and adminPassword parameters if a credentials file is present
Internal 567478

IBM Upgrade Advisor recommendation causes Warning during upgrade

Internal 567242 The interactive installation guide for 7.0.2 still mentions installing MessageSight instead of Eclipse Amlen
Internal 566680 JAS documentation needs to mention that the choice to use JAS for User Registry
Internal 566627 Update Cluster setup instruction with 702 content
Internal 565251 [CD][IUG] Eclipse Amlen statement is not accurate
Internal 564835

[IUG] Lingering references to MS SQL Server in Interactive upgrade guide

Internal 564769 Add the information about configuring JAS to Support for National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-131
Internal 564701 auth-loop-avoidance param is wrong in the Sametime confirguration
Internal 564105

[CD] Interactive guide refers to invalid topologies, and topology descriptions need updating

Internal 563898 IUG missing command to shutdown server during Step 11 of IUG
Internal 563755 Interactive installation guide shows wrong steps regarding configuration LDAP when you use JAS
Internal 563411 inaccurate reference to 32bit servers in 703 doc topic "management-upgrading-from-version-5-current-version"
Internal 562988 Configuring Engineering Workflow Management clients and build engines to support TLS 1.2 for NIST SP 800-131
Internal 562807 Incorrect references to IBM WebSphere Liberty in ELM 703 docs and interactive guides
Internal 562516 default.client.encoding configuration is missing in the 7.x documentation.
Internal 559629 IUG still showing Rational Rhapsody Design Manager option - should it be removed?
Internal 559558 Missing important ldap information when running jts setup from the command line
Internal 558373 Changes to
Internal 557571 Missing information on TLSv1.2 for SMTP in JTS
Internal 555829 IUG 703: Previous and New Installation paths are not proper when switched from Single Server to Multiple Server topology
Internal 554956 Update documentation for clustering for supported ELM versions
Internal 554354 IUG: Add GCM to documentation
Internal 554353 IUG: Instructions Improvements
Internal 554335 IUG: Reword instructions for clarity
Internal 554329 IUG: Old content reference
Internal 554324 IUG: Reword content in important notes section
Internal 554311 IUG: Missing installation paths in the instructions page
Internal 553935 WebSphere Application Server log4j2 topic provides confusing steps about adding then removing log4j2.configurationFile custom property
Internal 553782 Update the content according to TS009560496
Internal 552930 Interactive uninstall guide redirects to backup guide.
Internal 551833 Clicking interactive guides from main help page does not redirect to interactive guides page
Internal 550569 Incorrect steps of setting up SSO on WebSphere Application Server traditional profile
Internal 549029 703 IUG: Previous and New Installation Paths are blank in generated steps and command line examples
Internal 546933 [Documentation] IUG QM Partitioning note is missing "Db2"
Internal 542715 TOC header for a common plug-in topic displays the old product name for ETM
Internal 539456 [Documentation] RM upgrade command is not mentioned in the interactive upgrade guide.
Internal 539437 [Documentation - IUG] ETM repotools script name is missing custom context root in database tale partitioning command
Internal 539433 [Documentation - IUG] LQE context root is missing in the URL present in the Migrating LQE Application section
Internal 539290 "Running ELM applications as Windows Services" missing step
Internal 538407 703 IUG: we no more show the option for "Online Migration" for CCM and other apps
Internal 538404 IUG: One of the cmd is repeated under the steps for Db2 configuration
Internal 536997 Documentation for upgrading IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway shall be included as part of the EWM cluster interactive upgrade guide
Internal 534549 Missing Documentation on repotools-jts -listFriends
Internal 534454 Missing Documentation on repotools-jts -synchFriend
Internal 534343 [Documentation] Additional box is displayed after each hyperlink
Internal 533469 documentation of deleteJFSResources defunct for doors next v7.x
Internal 532840 v702 Configuring Jazz Authorization Server with SAML documentation has incorrect information
Internal 530081 [Documentation] am.war is missing from the list of "Clean up the WebSphere Application Server temp directories" section.
Internal 529549 Documentation for Jazz Authorization Server makes no reference to requiring "parameters" as part of repotools commands
Internal 528805 Cannot select Jazz Authorization Server in Interactive Installation Guide version 7.0.2+
Internal 522584 Migration Documentation does not include instructions for Report Server
Internal 522392 JazzProjectAdmins role is not sufficient to view LPAs
Internal 521896 [Rel Notes] Repotools documentation needs to be updated with changes to command options
Internal 520492 IUG: LDX selection does not list in the previous and new installation directory section.
Internal 509949 Impact of server rename on ELM missing JAS
Internal 506428 QM repotool partitioning command has an ambiguous DB support statement
Internal 503108 IUG wording might be clearer at step "Run the upgrade script" for RM in enterprise deployment when upgrading link validity data
Internal 487465 Open Help from within the application and the tab that opens is labeled "Help - IBM Rational Software
Internal 548736 Missing instruction on how to enable TLS 1.2 nonstrict mode
Internal 520496 IUG: RELM application is missing from new installation directory section.
Internal 568812 Interactive Upgrade Guide for MANUAL upgrade Missing multiple select applications in output
Internal 555956 Interactive upgrade guide does not include LQE/LDX versionTdb when copying the indexes.
Internal 568688 More edits that are needed to ELM 703 what's new topic
Internal 567614 The text and link to Rational Developer for i KC is outdated
Internal 567321 Link Owner table missing from 7.0.2/7.0.3 "Links across project areas after enabling configuration management" documentation
Internal 565684 Information on licenses needed for EWM Git integration is incomplete
Internal 565276 Missing JTS version from Migrating data from SQL Server to Oracle instruction
Internal 564614 Unclear information in topic "Names and locations of applications that are included in this release"
Internal 562124 Instruction on how to install the "Intranet version" of Offline help is not available when you are not logged in
Internal 561192 [UA] Replace "allowlist" to "allowlist" in the application UI and documentation
Internal 560752 [Install and Upgrade Notes] Move the Adding release links in global configurations section to 7.0.3 Upgrade notes section
Internal 558892

Broken link in 7.0.2's "

Migrating data from SQL Server to Db2" doc

Internal 558081 Display Report permission is available in Team Areas, but doesn't have any effect
Internal 553738 Validating TRS Feed document should also include LDX
Internal 550870 Static Rich Text hyperlink screenshots in documentation show a target property that doesn't exist in the product.
Internal 550680 Documentation for jazz audit service is missing from ELM IBM Documentation
Internal 548643 Remove references to "Design Management" in documentation that are related to JKE MoneyThatMatters built-in sample
Internal 542550 [UA] In DOORS Next, user role permissions do not take effect in 7.0.2 when using a process template from
Internal 534018 [Documentation] Path that is provided for CSV import is incorrect
Internal 534007 [Documentation] MAPPING and IMPORT tabs are given in Caps instead of camel case
Internal 533874 Doc Defect: Documentation on process inheritance, the use of the 'Final' flag, delta-config, and limitations and best practices
Internal 530825 Correction to IBM Documentation Page
Internal 529100 Update security considerations documentation to cover checking or hardening Basic user Registry Liberty Console access
Internal 528938 Client/server compatibility table indicates that 7.0.3 client is compatible with 7.0.2 server
Internal 528624 Interactive upgrade guide to 7.0.3 contains instructions to deploy converter.war, despite it is not included in 7.0.x
Internal 527050 [Documentation] Repository tools command to import the Requirements Management application link validity data during migration document need correction
Internal 525920 ELM 7.0.2 documentation needs correction regarding support a new feature of the Liberty OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider (OP), called application passwords
Internal 525305 v702 IUG Suggestion to avoid simultaneously upgrading needs to be reviewed or revised
Internal 524485 702 interactive installation guide suggests MessageSight v2 to be installed instead of v5
Internal 569741 Server starts with an error "opt/IBM/Websphere/Liberty/user/clmServerTemplate/*: No such fie or directory" when configured to run with external Liberty on Linux environments
Internal 550381 IIG/IUG: JAS Db2 setup step has datasource that is mentioned twice in the Interactive Installation Guide
Internal 557355 Repotools -exportUsers command does not provide proper description for the Kerberos parameter
Internal 554300 missing documentation on unarchiveUser repotools command
Internal 538789 Server rename topic provides incorrect information
Internal 566554 MacOS: server.startup still points to Java 1.8 (needs to change to 11)
Internal 500965 Preview of image attachments not working in Chrome (or Edge Chromium / Blink)
Internal 571093 [DB Migration] importConcurrent for repotools-ccm fails with Import Exception on table "DEPENDENCYBOARD_DEPENDENCY_BRD"."ITEM_ID"
Internal 549783 Need more information in the SAML configuration documentation.
Internal 529870 IUG: Need to add an optional step to copy the Report Builder ExportResults folder
Internal 555802 IUG 703: Upgrade command for DCC in custom context root and LINUX OS is not proper
Internal 566701 Interactive Upgrade Guide - corrections required
Internal 568327 Interactive Upgrade Guide showing Incorrect steps/paths for Linux os
Internal 518044 Tab focus can escape UserPicker modal
Internal 531646 repotools_dbmigration_7x_beta: exportConcurrent do not delete existing files with overwrite=yes
Internal 509332 Some system-defined properties are missing from Manage Type Definitions
Internal 522075 Wrong bold text in message CRJGC3111E
Internal 533297 Icons for associations in project area rich hover butt up against each other
Internal 530072 Process Roles dialog On Lifecycle Project Members Page Does Not Have a Header.
Internal 524581 In OnlineVerifyService for stopping, the online verifier use HTTP PUT method instead of the HTTP GET method
Internal 519769 Extra space in step 2 of "Setup User Registry"
Internal 518763 Fix incorrect condition in test method QueryWithReadPermissionsTest.test_010_basicProtectedQuery()
Internal 524299 No warning message in the UI when trying to associate the same application project area twice
Internal 522726 FindBugs error, default encoding in YarnBuildWatcher
Internal 533078 Rich hover for users still that use Arial font (should use IBM Plex Sans)
Internal 518042 Table element used for UserPicker layout
Internal 530220 Inconsistent casing in side panel labels
Internal 530291 Banner: Mouse cursor incorrectly shows no entry sign (🚫) when hovering over product name
Internal 530446 [UXMod stream] Project area in the banner appears interactive but isn't
Internal 530226 Quick search scope selector dropdown briefly flashes vertical scrollbar
Internal 529237 gcm_feature.js (OpenSocial API) not updated for Carbon buttons
Internal 529635 jafFavoritesService allows multiple parallel inits
Internal 533734 Various React stylesheet warnings are logged upon loading a page with the people picker
Internal 551476 Intermittent 'InstanceAlreadyExistsException' error from log4j2
Internal 520516 People picker focus rings don't all match Carbon style
Internal 533953 Opening Create Stream dialog in hierarchy with SCM contributions produces JavaScript errors on the console
Internal 551781 Eclipse warnings in FavoritesServiceTests
Internal 554235 [GP Migration] (JAF) The NLS_ENCODING tag mismatch the content encoding in lots of properties file
Internal 554655 [GP Migration] (RFJ) The concatenation sign (+) should be written in the previous line end, not the head of the line
Internal 555153 [GP Migration] (JAF) Some of the notes/default value in txt/sh/bat converted files will be restored to English.
Internal 555241 Component Skew page isn't reflecting Custom Domain Label
Internal 533695 Lines in history view don't touch boxes with plex font
Internal 564882 Toolbar icons jiggle on hover when Windows scale is 150%
Internal 567036 HTML elements appearing as plain text in the /jts/customSetup#/steps/6 page
Internal 430528 Test Failure (RJF-SqlServer-I20170713-2223):
Internal 423823 Test Failure (RJF-I20170530-2323):
Internal 430521 Test Failure (RJF-Derby-I20170713-2353):
Internal 548083 JAS Server Documentation has configuration Error in IBM Documentation
Internal 497551 Assign a role which cardinality is "single" to more than one person in a team should not be possible
Internal 432961 Test Failure (RJF-Derby-I20170729-0001):
N/A 508805 Error in logs on startup - com/ibm/ccl/ut/help/productprovider/DynamicHelpProduct.
N/A 510202 7.0.1 upgrade: Change set initialization take 40+ hours