Modifying permissions

Permissions are assigned to individual roles at the project level or the team level in a project area, team area, or process template. You can also customize permissions for specific timelines, iterations, and iteration types.

Before you begin

You must be a member of either the JazzProjectAdmins group or the JazzAdmins group, or be assigned to a role that has permission to change permissions in the project area or team area.

About this task

To modify the permissions in the process configuration interface:


  1. Open a project area, team area, or process template:
    • Right-click a project area in the Team Artifacts view.
    • Right-click a team area in the Team Organization view.
    • Right-click a template in the Process Templates view.
  2. Click Open. The project area, team area, or process template opens in the editor view.
  3. Do one of the following actions:
    • In a project area or process template, click the Process Configuration tab.
    • In a team area, click the Process Customization tab.
  4. Do one of the following options:
    • In the Project Area or Process Template editor, expand the Project Configuration or Team Configuration section. You can specify permissions at different levels of the hierarchy, as described in Table 1. Click Permissions at the level where you want to modify permissions.
      Table 1. Role-based permissions in the project area hierarchy
      Location of permission setting Description
      Project Configuration Permissions at this level apply to the global project context. They apply regardless of the current iteration or timeline, and they cannot be customized in specific team areas.
      Team Configuration Permissions at this level apply to all of the teams that belong to the project area. However, each team area can customize the permissions.
      Iteration Types Permissions at this level apply to all iterations of the iteration type. Each team area can customize the permissions for iteration types.
      Timelines Permissions at this level apply to all team areas in the timeline.
      Iterations Permissions at this level apply to all team areas in the iteration's timeline when the iteration is the current iteration
    • In the Team Area editor, expand Team Configuration. You can specify permissions at the team area level or for specific iteration types or iterations. Click Permissions at the level where you want to modify permissions.
  5. In the Permissions editor, select one of the following options:
    • Click Show actions by role to sort the list by roles. Select each role to display the available actions for that role.
    • Click Show all actions and roles to sort the list by all available actions and display all roles in tabular form.
  6. Assign permissions for actions by role.
  7. Click Save.

What to do next

To modify roles, see Modifying roles.