Running IBM Support Assistant Data Collector

IBM Support Assistant Data Collector is a script-based utility that runs on Windows, Linux, and UNIX systems where Jazz® Team Server is installed.

Before you begin

To capture complete information, run this tool as a user with administrator privileges.

About this task

Note: The IBM Support Assistant Data Collector utility is not officially supported.


  1. Navigate to the jazz-team-server-install-directory/support/isadc directory and start the Support Assistant Data Collector utility:
    • On Windows systems, run the isadc.bat script. Example:
      If you are not logged in as the Administrator role, but you have administrator privileges, right-click isadc.bat, and click Run as administrator.
    • On Linux or UNIX systems, run the script. Example:
  2. The first time that you run the utility, you are presented with the license agreement. If you agree to its terms, click Accept.
  3. A console window opens and prompts you to specify the name of an archive file in which to store the information that the utility collects. If you do not specify a directory, the utility stores the archive file in the jazz-team-server-install-directory/support/isadc directory. After you enter a name, you are prompted to confirm your selection. To do so, enter 1.
    In the following example, is specified as the archive file.
    Screen capture of the console window, which shows that the user has entered and then 1 to confirm the choice.
  4. Select which collector to use. Enter 1 for Jazz Based Server General Collector.
    Screen capture of the console window, which shows that the user has entered 1 for Jazz Based Server General Collector.
  5. You are asked whether you want to send a previous archive file from the tool to IBM Support. To include an existing archive file, enter the path and name of that file and press Enter. When prompted, enter 1 for Process input and continue collection. Otherwise, press Enter, and then enter 2 for Skip and press Enter.
    Screen capture of the console window, which shows that user has chosen not to include a previous archive file.
  6. Select the path to the application server that your Jazz Team Server uses. Enter the number that corresponds to your application server. If your application server is not listed, enter the number for OTHERS (Specify below).
    In the following example, the user has entered 1, which identifies the IBM WebSphere Application Server, Liberty Profile.
    Screen capture of the console window, which shows two choices. The user has entered 1 to select the first choice, which is the path to their IBM WebSphere Application Server, Liberty Profile.
    Note: If you run the tool on the z/OS platform, you are presented with the following two additional prompts:
    • Provide the location of the IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) Liberty server directory: The ELM Liberty server directory contains the files associated with starting the ELM server in Liberty, such as server.xml.
    • Provide the location of the ELM configuration directory: The ELM configuration directory contains the configuration files for the ELM applications such as /jts/
  7. Before the tool begins to collect data, you can change your selections. Enter 1 for Process input and continue collection or 2 for Go back and change input.
    Screen capture that shows user has entered 1 to start the data collection.
  8. When the utility finishes collecting data, it prompts you to choose whether you want to send the archive file to IBM Support. Enter 4 (end the collection without sending) and then click Enter. To send the archive file to IBM Support, use the Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep).
    • [1] send using secure transfer to IBM Support (HTTPS). Do not use this option.
    • [2] send using FTP to IBM Support (unencrypted). Do not use this option.
    • [3] send using FTP to another location (unencrypted). Do not use this option.
    • [4] end the collection without sending.


After the Support Assistant Data Collector utility finishes collecting data, it stores the data in a .zip archive file in the directory that you specified in step 3. The archive file contains these directories:
  • autopdzip: Contains execution log files, settings information, and inventory data.
  • network_info: Contains basic network information (on Windows).
  • system_info: Contains basic system information (on Windows).
  • IM: Contains information related to IBM Installation Manager.
  • jazz-directory: Contains directories and files that are located in the jazz-team-server-install-directory/server directory.
    Note: If the jazz-team-server-install-directory/server directory contains any archive files that were created with a tool other than the Support Assistant Data Collector, those archive files might become corrupted when they are included in the archive file that the Support Assistant Data Collector creates.

If your application server is IBM WebSphere Application Server, Liberty Profile, the archive file also contains the LIBERTY_COLLECTION directory.

If your application server is IBM WebSphere Application Server, the archive file also contains these directories:
Directory Contents
IHS_COLLECTION Information related to IBM HTTP (IHS). The utility tries to detect the IHS installation location based on known installation files.
WAS_COLLECTION Information about the application server such as configuration data, version, and fix pack.
WAS_COLLECTION/profiles Information about the profiles configuration and log files that are defined for the application server. To determine the profile location, the utility uses the
%WAS_HOME%/bin/ –profileName profile –getPath
WAS_COLLECTION/Plugins If available, configuration files and log files that are related to the Plugins directory that is a peer of the AppServer directory.